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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -7W3N7Y S3V3N-

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posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 03:49 PM
Did we ever get explanation on how these “teens” were free to travel to Ep’s island?

Were they runaways? Kidnapped?


posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 03:52 PM
Kosovo's Thaci Questioned By War-Crimes Prosecutors At The Hague

Kosovar President Hashim Thaci has faced questioning by international war-crimes prosecutors at The Hague.

The Kosovo Specialist Chambers (SPO) announced on June 24 that Thaci and other prominent Kosovars were the subject of an indictment on suspicion of serious crimes including "nearly 100 murders," enforced disappearances, and torture.

Thaci was a top commander of the Kosovo Liberation Army (UCK), which fought a guerrilla war for independence from Serbia in the 1990s.

Thaci was quizzed for around six hours at the SPO on July 13. As he left the SPO building, he said he would also be questioned on July 14.


Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) connection to Dyncorp:

Key U.S. Ally Indicted for Organ Trade Murder Scheme

When President Clinton dropped 23,000 bombs on what was left of Yugoslavia in 1999 and NATO invaded and occupied the Yugoslav province of Kosovo, U.S. officials presented the war to the American public as a “humanitarian intervention” to protect Kosovo’s majority ethnic Albanian population from genocide at the hands of Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic. That narrative has been unraveling piece by piece ever since.

Holbrooke persuaded the chair of the OSCE, Polish foreign minister Bronislaw Geremek, to appoint William Walker, the former U.S. Ambassador to El Salvador during its civil war, to lead the Kosovo Verification Mission (KVM).The U.S. quickly hired 150 Dyncorp mercenaries to form the nucleus of Walker’s team, whose 1,380 members used GPS equipment to map Yugoslav military and civilian infrastructure for the planned NATO bombing campaign.


In the same year that Clinton bombed Yugoslavia, Dyncorp was trafficking children in Bosnia:

US: DynCorp Disgrace

Middle-aged men having sex with 12- to 15-year-olds was too much for Ben Johnston, a hulking 6-foot-5-inch Texan, and more than a year ago he blew the whistle on his employer, DynCorp, a U.S. contracting company doing business in Bosnia.

"in the latter part of 1999 Johnston learned that employees and supervisors from DynCorpwere engaging in perverse, illegal and inhumane behavior [and] were purchasing illegal weapons, women, forged passports and [participating in other immoral acts.


It’s Déjà Vu for DynCorp All Over Again

Put bluntly, DynCorp was involved in a sex slavery scandal in Bosnia in 1999, with its employees accused of rape and the buying and selling of girls as young as 12. Dyncorp, hired to perform police duties for the UN and aircraft maintenance for the US Army, were implicated in prostituting the children, whereas the company’s Bosnia site supervisor filmed himself raping two women. A number of employees were transferred out of the country, but with no legal consequences for them.


More info about Dyncorp organ harvest

Within the same approx timeframe that the KLA & Dyncorp were harvesting and trafficking in Kosovo and Bosnia, Jeffrey Epstein was using a Dyncorp jet to traffick children out of Serbia:

Jeffrey Epstein Victimized Serbian Children – Shared A Plane With Dyncorp, State Department, And CIA

Voat user Freed0mFighter uncovered a special report on Occurrences: Foreign and Domestic (archived)(original PDF)identifying the fact that one of Jeffrey Epstein’s suspected trafficking aircraft shared the same tail number as a State department Bronco used under contract by DynCorp. The use of the tail number can be corroborated by official government records.[9]This would mean that Jeffrey Epstein trafficked underage girls using aircraft of the same tail number and during the same time period as DynCorp when they trafficked minors in Bosnia and other parts of the Balkan states. If issued by some sort of accident or if one of the two planes was decommissioned, the statistical odds of just two planes sharing the same number would still be over 1 in over 900,000.[10] .

The congruence of Epstein’s Bell N474AW and Dyncorp’s Bronco N474AW is noteworthy. In 2002, the year Epstein’s aircraft fleet stands accused of flying underage teen girls, some between the ages of 12 and 15, coincides with Dyncorp’s trafficking in underage females between the ages of 12 and 15 from Kosovo and Bosnia in the Balkans.

source[/ url]

Clinton Foundation Ties to Albanian Organ and Drug Trafficker Exposed in State Dept. Emails – U.S. backed Albanian P.M. of Kosovo Hashim Thaci

“Vice News reported in 2014 that an American diplomat who was appointed in 2011 by the European Union to investigate the claims, found that the KLA murdered 10 Serbian and Albanian prisoners and sold their kidneys and livers on the black market.

Vice also reported that Thaci was known in his KLA days as “The Snake.” Despite awareness of the gruesome allegations against Thaci, the Clinton State Department appears to have approved him to attend the 2011 CGI conclave. He also attended in 2012 and 2013.”

Thaci and his government have another Clinton connection. In 2012, the Republic of Kosovo signed a $50,000-a-month lobbying contract with The Podesta Group, a lobbying firm co-founded by brothers John and Tony Podesta.”

[url= vo-hashim-thaci/]source

Another Dyncorp connection in recent news:

Retired two-star Army general pleads guilty to sexually abusing his daughter

Retired Army Maj. Gen. James Grazioplene on Wednesday admitted to sexually abusing his then-teenage daughter in the 1980s, in exchange for a suspension of his sentence.


Daughter of retired general speaks out about years of alleged abuse

Grazioplene, 69, is among the few generals in modern history that the Army has attempted to court-martial. He retired in 2005 after a career that included stints as a commander within the 82nd Airborne Division andsenior staff positions at the Pentagon. After retiring,he became a vice president at the contractor DynCorp International but is no longer with the company.

edit on 13-7-2020 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 04:01 PM
ANTIFA/CHAZ FF plans unwound in the courtroom.

Open carry explosive weapons dressed as Muslims, blackface, etc.

I'm sure they are nice guys irl.

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 04:03 PM
a reply to: steaming

Couldn't help noticing in your Navy link...

Bon Homme Richard (CV 31), the second ship to bear the name after John Paul Jones’s Revolutionary War Frigate was launched on April 29, 1944 by the New York Navy Yard. She was sponsored by Mrs. J. S. McCain, wife of Vice Adm. McCain.
NoName's parents.

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 04:04 PM
Just stop.

Squirrel tests positive for plague in Colorado

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 04:24 PM
Nascar Driver Deletes Social Media Over Questions About Wife’s Ties To Jeffrey Epstein

Jeffrey Epstein’s “suicide” and the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell are sending shockwaves through powerful circles across the world. Nascar driver Brian Vickers appears to have deleted his Twitter account after reporters starting asking about his wife’s connection to the notorious Epstein pedophile ring.

Sarah Kellen Vickers has been accused in civil litigation of personally delivering underage girls to Epstein’s bedroom. As reporters started asking questions her husband, Brian Vickers, went underground.


posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 04:26 PM

Tom Hanks turned off his comments on Instagram after over 30k people were calling him pedophile


posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 04:29 PM
Build Back Better is hiring!

Job posting on a H'wood job list site.

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 04:36 PM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
Did we ever get explanation on how these “teens” were free to travel to Ep’s island?

Were they runaways? Kidnapped?


PSM, I think the implication is that they flew private jets out of private airports. No checking on anything in that arena. Or boats from private docks etc. Maybe even the sub.

Either way, not commercial anything, no record in the normal channels.

Oddly, the Island is in the US "Virgin" Islands.

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 04:46 PM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
Just stop.

Squirrel tests positive for plague in Colorado

In other news, armadillos are spreading leprosy in southern US

and dogs and cats are having sex with each other, head for zee hills!!!!!!

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 04:53 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
Did we ever get explanation on how these “teens” were free to travel to Ep’s island?

Were they runaways? Kidnapped?


PSM, I think the implication is that they flew private jets out of private airports. No checking on anything in that arena. Or boats from private docks etc. Maybe even the sub.

Either way, not commercial anything, no record in the normal channels.

Oddly, the Island is in the US "Virgin" Islands.

Right, but my point is if they weren’t runaways or kidnapped (police report?) how did their parents/families just let them go?

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 04:54 PM
a reply to: panoz77

Ok, that’s it. I’m all for the comet annihilation.

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 04:55 PM
Ugh. I just can't. This guy is an absolute idiot and puppet of the People's Republic of California.

Califo rnia Gov. Newsom Just Closed Indoor Dining and Bars Across the Entire State

California governor Gavin Newsom has announced an immediate shutdown of indoor dining rooms and all tasting rooms, breweries, and bars across the entire state. Previously, Newsom had called for those closures only for counties that fell onto the state’s watch list of areas with an increasing rate of spread of the novel coronavirus.

Does this include Nancy and Gavin's wineries?

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 05:37 PM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
Did we ever get explanation on how these “teens” were free to travel to Ep’s island?

Were they runaways? Kidnapped?


PSM, I think the implication is that they flew private jets out of private airports. No checking on anything in that arena. Or boats from private docks etc. Maybe even the sub.

Either way, not commercial anything, no record in the normal channels.

Oddly, the Island is in the US "Virgin" Islands.

Right, but my point is if they weren’t runaways or kidnapped (police report?) how did their parents/families just let them go?

At the outset here we ran through various numbers, "officially" 400k and up in the US go missing each year. Hard to say at what point names are removed from the list - if the Maxwell twins literally wrote the code, seems reasonable names just left the database as needed. So x was in, then he/she just vanished from the system.

The next thing we dug into was the influence of all manner of mind control - pre and post abduction on kids parents and the rest. So not unreasonable a visit from the Men In Black Flash unit fixed certain problematic aspects.

The next thing we dug into was the targeting, through schools, online, networks of places that "help kids" etc. So girls and boys were selected by details that fit certain profiles including from homes that might not care at all. Or even, kids encouraged to "run away" with the sole purpose to be brought in. So parents think their kid has run off.

The next thing we dug into was the networks, WW. So absent a system that actually wants to protect kids, the networks keep tabs on who calls in what. So, if X's mom calls the FBI, the calls are routed to handlers or folks who bury the information. Same for parents - a discourager is summoned. Makes defund the police take on a new meaning.

Lastly, tragically, the next thing we dug into was folks selling their kids - at all ages. R.Kelly bought young girls, from their MOTHERS!!!

And there are the adopted and other abandoned CPS style system kids.

My take after all that digging - it's a mash up, a system so big and unwieldy that there is no one fix but folks being aware, as the system created to do it has a myriad of protections. Trafficked woman calls the hotline for help, the call is rerouted to her handler and he picks her up.

I will say though, the Waif-fare affair this week teaches us Anons are force. All of the above placed in the collective of sincere folks wanting to help likely exposed the hidden in place sight in hours. So fast that ultra high speed refutation was in order.

Q, Can Warrior Confirm the waif-fare affair in whole or in part please?

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to: LightsShimmer

Maybe I should apply, then nose-dive the campaign into a mountainside, like it belongs.

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 05:47 PM
DECODEs of POTUS 2x Self-retweets this morning:

Self-retweet #1 at 06:35:25; Delta from original 00 23:04:49:

No, Radical Left anarchists, agitators, looters or protesters will not be knocking down or harming the Washington Monument, the Lincoln or Jefferson Memorials, or just about any other Federal Monumrnt or Statue. If they even try, an automatic 10 years in prison. Sorry!

Timestamp = 06:35:25:
Q6 POTUS is 100% insulated - any discussion suggesting he’s even a target is false. Follow Huma tomorrow. POTUS will not be addressing nation on any of these issues as people begin to be indicted and must remain neutral for pure optical reasons. Focus on Military Intelligence/ State Secrets and why might that be used vs any three letter agency What SC decision opened the door for a sitting President to activate - what must be showed?
Q635 John Perry Barlow Marker: Mourn. Murder. Heart attack. Coincidence?
Q3525 Was the corn ripe for harvesting? It is now. [ 93 dk]
Q25 Return to comments re: Pelosi and John M - Proof to begin 11.3

Delta = 23:04:49
Q23 Note MI has the same SAPs as NSA, CIA etc as designated post 9-11. Why is this relevant? Who can be held hostage and controlled? CIA thinks its foreign offshore assets are strong enough to defend against the US executive (not accounting for military use on domestic soil).
Q2304 Not Normal: 14 Accidents & 3 Fatalities Since Q Posted
Q449 #2 Marker (Andrew McCabe): Who posted first? [#2].
Q49 Follow Sen Grassley. What is different effective this week? What do you notice? Why does Sen Grassley (one example) have a higher than normal amount of security detail? Why is Grassley and others held in a secure location? When did this start? What has been different this week? U1 FBI informant. Have secret sessions been underway? How could this be discovered? What must be reported even if filed under 'State Secrets'? It's a name recognized around the world. Alice & Wonderland.

Other usual decodes link to:
Q4, Q10, Q11, Q13, Q80, Q81, Q181, Q182, Q269, Q1135, Q1835, Q2335, Q2910

Self-retweet #2 at 06:36:03, Delta from original 00 23:43:17:

We have now built 240 Miles of new Border Wall on our Southern Border. We will have over 450 Miles built by the end of the year. Have established some of the best Border Numbers ever. The Radical Left Democrats want Open Borders for anyone, including many criminals, to come in!

Timestamp 06:36:03:
Q6 See above
Q636 Maxine Waters Controlled Mouthpiece
Q3603 Glenn Beck Audio from Ukraine Repudiates Impeachment Narrative: Phones were present. FISA goes both ways. Information warfare.
Q3 Open your eyes. It finally came out that Rod/Bob were key players in the Uranium scandal. Don’t you think POTUS would be tweeting about removal given clear conflict. Why did POTUS meet Bob under the cover of FBI Dir interview?

Delta = 23:43:17:
Q23 Note MI has the same SAPs as NSA, CIA etc as designated post 9-11. Why is this relevant? Who can be held hostage and controlled? CIA thinks its foreign offshore assets are strong enough to defend against the US executive (not accounting for military use on domestic soil).
Q2343 Anons Ready? Memes Ready?
Q4317 How the Democratic Party, DNC and MSM Con the People
Q17 Focus on the power of POTUS as it relates to the Marines. How can MI be applied to prosecute bad actors and avoid corrupt agencies and judges? Biggest drop on Pol. Above is reason why the shills are sliding. In case you didn’t know, shills log and send new info back to ASF for instruction. They use a 5 prong pre packaged injection (one post auto generates four more at random designated times). Common drive of posts they all tap into. Since they misjudged the influence of the MSM they are aggressively looking to censor throughout major platforms in exchange for CIA slush funds and WW access for expansion of said networks. Everything they do has been forecasted and prepared for.

Other usual decodes link to:
Q30, Q38, Q69, Q96, Q110, Q125, Q213, Q228, Q240, Q278, Q450, Q1136, Q1836, Q2336, Q3033

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 05:47 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: LightsShimmer

Maybe I should apply, then nose-dive the campaign into a mountainside, like it belongs.

You come across as a pretty smart person, so I would think you're too qualified for the position. Now me on the other hand, I have a sock puppet that just might be what their looking for.

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 05:51 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
"Prisoner 0bama"...?

OK, he did say those words in order followed by ... global warming is our biggest concern

As if Prisoner Obama said that global warming is our biggest concern.

That could be spliced but let's assume for this discussion it isn't.

If so then the whole ball of wax can't be presented until after the election. The riots will prevent the election. The Marxists need a good excuse to riot now or they go to prison. Not just "jail". They would go to prison. If there was an Obama arrest the leftist would go Antifa/BLM-ing the cities again. This time there will be guns drawn and used on the leftist side that will bring them something they think they want. I have my reasons to think they are biting off way more than even we knew we could stomp out for good. It could get ugly if they do not capitulate because the freedom lovers in all of us has had enough. There are those who are getting an itchy trigger finger.
The Marxist are begging for a revolution and they look to be going forward with it too.

"You say you want a revolution, yeah. You know we all want to change the world. ... You better free your mind instead... If you go carrying Pictures of Chairman Mao, you ain't gonna make it with anyone anyhow......"

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 05:53 PM

No Description. Wait for it...

posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: SouthernGift

The thing to remember about JFK Jr "disappearing himself" is that his mom, who he adored, previously did a similar thing, for a similar reason.

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