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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -7W3N7Y sIx-

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posted on May, 7 2020 @ 02:21 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: carewemust

care, did you catch my decode of the 2 vids? I think that was why it was posted twice... 2xBOOMs in the clip... 1 for week of May 5th, one for week of May 11th.

Holy smokes! That's what Q has been saying. This week and next week...BOOM + BOOM!! Who needs Q when your predictions are accurate and even more detailed than his, lol.

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 02:39 AM
Rut Roh?????

With masks soon to be mandatory, even outside in a public space, Providence Mayor Jorge Elorza is encouraging people to speak up if they see others going against safety protocols.

“If you’re out there and you see someone not abiding by the rules, you should socially shame them so they do fall in line,” Mayor Elorza said Tuesday morning while speaking with NBC 10’s Gene Valicenti on WPRO radio.

Elorza said there aren't enough police to monitor if people are masked up, and requesting residents speak up and be "part of the solution"

I do not think this was Q's intention with not being able to show your face

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 06:33 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Just a thought.

What better way to avoid facial recognition technology and allow spies and bad actors criminals lowlifes and all sorts of dregs to run around unmonitored by the No Such agency and others.?

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 06:34 AM

originally posted by: Sabrechucker
a reply to: Quadrivium

Your post is essentially my echo at the moment.. Did ALICE have an AI nervous breakdown?. Or has the flurry of "Q" drops in a nonsensical pattern revealed Q drops have been compromised.

We've done our part IMO..

We Woke up..We dug..We Found..We Exposed!.

I blew (with the help of others) NXIVM and the Bromfman's outta the water almost 2 years ago.

The info we dug on NXIVM.. predated that cute little half ass mini-series by 6 months.

Is "Q" actually asking us for more?????

If They are..we have a dilemma.

A. They didn't have # to start with and anons did their dirty work for them.

B. Q was never about results, it was about understanding the human algorithm.

C. This has been a way to identify the resistance. I will meet you in the Gulag.

I had to add to your list Sabre.

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 06:38 AM

originally posted by: PHX1515

originally posted by: SKEPTEK
New Q.


Please drop the hammer on Schiff Q!

We have been waiting for 3 years!

I totally agree. Adam has been a leaker to the media and who knows who else!

I especially love the irony of Schiff's office (he's too weak to respond personally) of them bemoning Grennel for "leaking" his letter to Schiff saying all 53 interviews are ready to be made public and he will do it if Schiff doesn't.

A leak is something you do in secret with no source credited. Grennel did it out in the open so everyone can see the ending of Schiff's career.

Boss move.

Today, Thursday , is supposed to be a big day according to Hannity and Q is setting high expectations.

Let's hope it happens.

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 06:43 AM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: Sabrechucker
a reply to: Quadrivium

Your post is essentially my echo at the moment.. Did ALICE have an AI nervous breakdown?. Or has the flurry of "Q" drops in a nonsensical pattern revealed Q drops have been compromised.

We've done our part IMO..

We Woke up..We dug..We Found..We Exposed!.

I blew (with the help of others) NXIVM and the Bromfman's outta the water almost 2 years ago.

The info we dug on NXIVM.. predated that cute little half ass mini-series by 6 months.

Is "Q" actually asking us for more?????

If They are..we have a dilemma.

A. They didn't have # to start with and anons did their dirty work for them.

B. Q was never about results, it was about understanding the human algorithm.

Here's one Sab, what if Q goes on forever, as a tool for even the most dead asleep?

Consider we're on a merry-go-round. Everyone is on it, round and round we go never realizing we are on it. Q is the voice yelling at folks to get off. Slowly folks wake up, get off, and reflect back to those who are still on. Once off, folks get frustrated a bit as they have to both still "hear" Q and help others get off.

Those off are excited, they're off, but they are still part of the Unity format, so they must, by design, and choice, support those still going round. Frustrating, but also important.

Q process isn't the beginning or the end, just the middle of a much bigger, much more complex system, but for many it is the introduction to the merry-go-round.

It feels like the "Hotel California" where "you check in but you never check out".

We stab it with our steely knives but we just can't kill the beast.

It feels like that but we can change this one. Satan apparently runs them both and we are not volunteering to accept Evil are we?

We are on the side of good and will die that way.

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 06:46 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: Sabrechucker
a reply to: Quadrivium

Your post is essentially my echo at the moment.. Did ALICE have an AI nervous breakdown?. Or has the flurry of "Q" drops in a nonsensical pattern revealed Q drops have been compromised.

We've done our part IMO..

We Woke up..We dug..We Found..We Exposed!.

I blew (with the help of others) NXIVM and the Bromfman's outta the water almost 2 years ago.

The info we dug on NXIVM.. predated that cute little half ass mini-series by 6 months.

Is "Q" actually asking us for more?????

If They are..we have a dilemma.

A. They didn't have # to start with and anons did their dirty work for them.

B. Q was never about results, it was about understanding the human algorithm.

Here's one Sab, what if Q goes on forever, as a tool for even the most dead asleep?

Consider we're on a merry-go-round. Everyone is on it, round and round we go never realizing we are on it. Q is the voice yelling at folks to get off. Slowly folks wake up, get off, and reflect back to those who are still on. Once off, folks get frustrated a bit as they have to both still "hear" Q and help others get off.

Those off are excited, they're off, but they are still part of the Unity format, so they must, by design, and choice, support those still going round. Frustrating, but also important.

Q process isn't the beginning or the end, just the middle of a much bigger, much more complex system, but for many it is the introduction to the merry-go-round.

We are on the side of good and will die LIVE that way.

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 06:48 AM
a reply to: Trillium

Found this in the feed of that twitter post. Supposedly to person from Flynn:


edit on 7-5-2020 by pavil because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 06:54 AM
Well, we are not the ones to act with violence. We ARE the ones to enlighten and have corroborating evidence so those that do have the ability are awakened in time to save us.

If it is up to this board we would lose.

Sun Tzu teaches
Each of us have to know ourselves before we can know our enemy

I think we know ourselves and are participating in the awakening as best we can at home and are learning here where to obtain the corroboration needed. That some people died is part of the problem. POTUS is dealing with a crowd looking to pull his plug and has to fight battles they aren't able to defend so the Cabal gets more exposure. If the gov doesn't self correct this mess the people will revolt. We don't want that but it will happen if someone with enough Judicial power doesn't get one of the big fish. The citizens can only take a boot on their throat so long before they throw it off.

originally posted by: Quadrivium
a reply to: OsirianObsidian

It's because there is nothing to be gained from continuing to push hydroxychloroquine and other treatments after that rubbish study that was promoted.

I disagree. Human lives are to be gained.
If you honestly know that HCQ works but back down due to a fake study, you have just as much blood on your hands as those who published the study. You know the same facts they do but you choose not to "rock the boat" and allow people to die.
We were meant to act. We have been called to action many times.
We were waiting on "them" to act.
Them = Us.

edit on 7-5-2020 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 06:56 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Rel, as you know I lurk here ALOT, but I have to say, the decoding you do of the Q posts and your spreadsheet is nothing short of genius.

If you currently don't work for some PSYOP or UK equivalent, I believe you'll be snapped up soon enough.

Stay Safe.

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 07:13 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
Barack Obama up to his same old tired tricks. I hope John Durham can circumvent this latest Obama order to the National Archives

"Scandal free Administration" my Ass.....

Waits till March 2020 to try and hide Joe's problem child.

Sorry Mr. Former President, it doesn't work that way.

Best for you to go back to your private Life. You really don't want to draw too much attention to your actions towards the end of your Administration.

Too bad your Ego won't let you stop......

Not going to end well for you, I'm afraid.

Tarnishing your supposed "legacy".

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 07:35 AM
I'm just going to drop this here. I think every once in awhile we really need to listen to this great speech and others like it. Lets hope we got some booms this and next week. Here's hoping friends.

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 07:56 AM
It’s been mentioned by several how some folks have woken up to the Wu-Tang virus being a Plandemic after watching the series. This to me is the start of a major boom when folks realize this was an planned attack on our persons/freedoms. Combine that with the damning transcripts Schiff has been sitting on and some minds are about to be blown.

Soon POTUS will be back on Rally tours filling major arenas/stadiums etc while Biden can’t fill an elementary school lunch room.

POTUS bring Flynn with you to the rallies you guys need all the good vibes and energy the folks would love to see/hear from him!

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 08:20 AM
a reply to: LurkNoMore

All it takes are some emails to leak out (Wikileaks or whistleblowers) that the DS did just that.

edit on 7-5-2020 by PilSungMtnMan because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 08:29 AM
LA city council votes to name hotels that refuse to house homeless, may 'commandeer' them

These blue states are losing their minds.

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 08:36 AM
Recently it seems, with every passing day, another piece of the puzzle is revealed setting up the big reveal.
We are reaching critical mass in regards to the truth being explained, not just being reported. The truth as to what took place is being such a way as to reach the most people possible while at the same time allowing the flock to consider/realize that they have been lied to and used like pawns, this is being done softly, subtly and at a greater rate of occurrence, not to be shoved down their throats but allowing them/us to digest the information gradually and have their/our own come to Jesus moment.
I am seeing a precise announcement, a way to make public the magnitude of criminality that was perpetrated on Trump, his team and the American people- to ready all of us for what is even bigger reveal.
Facebook, Google and the MSM are loosing the censorship battle and people are beginning to see and question, a little more everyday so when the storm arrives it will be understood much better than ever thought possible 12, 18 months ago.
So many of us, myself have wanted action long ago however we may find this was the only way to bring these atrocities to light...spying, looting, pedophilia, human trafficking and so much more is a bit much for anyone to take and then you add the scope and the players involved and it is simply overwhelming and hard to believe if you have not done your homework over a considerable amount of time. If what we have been discussing and seeing here is going to be brought to light then this is going to change the world in unimaginable ways, a storm of this magnitude will have unintended consequences but it is what we need as a people for our world...It is still hard to believe this is happening, this is truly the most unique time in our known history .....if true.

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Additional PROOF that the Trump campaign did not collude in any way with Russia in 2016. And ADAM SCHIFF knowingly LIED when he said secret transcripts demonstrated beyond a doubt, the Trump campaign DID collude with Russia.

EXCLUSIVE: Transcripts of House Intelligence Committee interviews that have been cleared for release show top law enforcement and intelligence officials affirming they had no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 election, senior administration and intelligence community officials told Fox News on Wednesday.

This would align with the results of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation — which found no evidence of illegal or criminal coordination between President Trump, the Trump campaign and Russia in 2016 — but the numerous transcribed interviews could raise further questions about committee Chairman Adam Schiff’s past statements saying that there was “direct evidence” of collusion.

Schiff is in panic mode,” a senior administration official told Fox News.
More at:

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 09:19 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman
Well, we are not the ones to act with violence. We ARE the ones to enlighten and have corroborating evidence so those that do have the ability are awakened in time to save us.

If it is up to this board we would lose.

Sun Tzu teaches
Each of us have to know ourselves before we can know our enemy

I think we know ourselves and are participating in the awakening as best we can at home and are learning here where to obtain the corroboration needed. That some people died is part of the problem. POTUS is dealing with a crowd looking to pull his plug and has to fight battles they aren't able to defend so the Cabal gets more exposure. If the gov doesn't self correct this mess the people will revolt. We don't want that but it will happen if someone with enough Judicial power doesn't get one of the big fish. The citizens can only take a boot on their throat so long before they throw it off.

originally posted by: Quadrivium
a reply to: OsirianObsidian

It's because there is nothing to be gained from continuing to push hydroxychloroquine and other treatments after that rubbish study that was promoted.

I disagree. Human lives are to be gained.
If you honestly know that HCQ works but back down due to a fake study, you have just as much blood on your hands as those who published the study. You know the same facts they do but you choose not to "rock the boat" and allow people to die.
We were meant to act. We have been called to action many times.
We were waiting on "them" to act.
Them = Us.

Perhaps that came across wrong, for that I apologize.
I never said anything about violence.
Only truth. Each of us here probably try to Red pill those in our immediate circles.
What I was talking about last night was widening our circles. Social media, YouTube, fliers, billboards what ever you can do to reach MORE people with the truth. Now is the perfect time. People are bored and hungry for something.
They are "bored in the house,in the house bored, BORED" (tik tok reference).
edit on 7-5-2020 by Quadrivium because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 09:20 AM
Good morning.
I have to say it was pretty depressing catching up on my reading from page 128 to see all the negativity and doubts again. I would think this group out of many would be past that by now. Past the "Nothing is Happening" song. Just the other day we had the Gov of Maine Janet Mills served with papers from Barr. I guess thats just a yawner eh?

Im not going to waste time going into all that HAS happened. IF you cant see that big picture by now I really dont know what to say to you, except that you are missing a LOT.

As far as this lock down goes, I cant help but think this. We were told for a long time to prepare for something coming that may last for a possible few months. To have extra supplies, food, and cash on hand. While I think people were expecting something a little more "Explosive," I think the virus was actually the "Thing" we were suppose to be expecting. The virus itself wasnt that big of a bang, but the fallout sure went world wide.

One thing is for sure. People have been forced to see just how bad the medical and health industry is. Easy to ignore when its someone else's problem, but when it falls on ones self, the tune changes very quickly. Imagine if people had lost their internet and TV how bad it would have been. They didnt though, and this has forced them to witness how this whole thing has unraveled. They are finally seeing for once the cracks in the dam.

Yes the MSM has gone out of its way to try and hide the truths, but we keyboard warriors have still been putting the truth right under their noses. We know they have been padding the virus deaths with deaths from other things. Most likely the regular flu for the most part.
Speaking of the Flu, that has been around a long time killing people. Where has the outrage about that been all this time? The only real little squabble about it is usually from the vaxers, and anti vaxers. Nobody Marching on Washington about the thousands and thousand that die from it ever year. Where is that cure and Im not talking about your posion vaccines either. We have basically just excepted it as a thing that happens, a way of life.

Yes, people have died from this flu, but think about this. How many are actually alive right now because they have had to stay home. People that would have died in car accidents or from robberies, or drive by shootings or any number of things that happen on a daily bases. I bet the number of lives that missed those deaths are way higher than those that have died from the virus. An ironic positive.

I read people questioning POTUS and his actions as of late. Appearing to be, lets call it wish washy. How many times have we seen him do this in the last 3 years only to find out later down the road there was a means to his madness all along. More rats exposed, just one example. He has done this enough times to establish a pattern by now. He is called genius, plays 4 d chess, when we finally see what he did. Why would these round be any different?

The complaint, people are dying. You seem to have forgotten this is War. Q has mentioned that on more than one occasion. People die in war. There are casualties in war. It is a sad reality. It has also been said that we are doing our best to keep these casualties to a as bare a minimum as possible.

I get the fact that one may feel Q wants us to stand on our own feet, but going out and Marching on Washington right now is the last thing we need to do. The DS would love nothing more for us to do that. Forget we would be doing it to save the foundations of our country. Oh no... we would be those crazy Q people and look what they are doing now. You really think no deaths would occur in that kind of action? Soros sends in his newly named Antifa types to battle the crazy Q people. It would be a blood bath. Talk about unnecessary death...

Like I said its the last thing that should happen. For now, The "Pen is Mightier than the Sword."

I know many of us do that all day long. I go on FB and drop crumbs all the time and its not an easy thing to do. All my old friends have severe TDS, and they show it all the time. You know what though? They arent as aggressive as they were in the beginning. Now Im actually starting to get "Likes." Some are even asking me questions privately. It is working. Yes it is a slow process, but again, It's WORKING.

Rel? As always you have again knocked it out of the park through the night and early morning. Cranky? You made some great points. To bad more people don't realize they manifest their own realities. The world would probably be much different.
To the one that mentioned there is really only one in the room, but didnt want to open that can of worms (sorry I forget who mentioned it) I agree with you. We are all one just viewing these lifetimes from different perspectives.

The one thing I did get out of the Hannity show besides the obvious was that today may be a very big day. So Im looking forward to seeing how it plays out by the end of the day!

to you all

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 09:32 AM
a reply to: Parksy1981

Cheers Parksy, I did do a round 1 interview for a director position in IT at MoD but found they were offering 25% less than I was on... just as well because reporting to Whitehall once a week would have stressed me out!

ETA - There is one decode I deliberately DID NOT post yesterday due to OPSEC.
edit on 7-5-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2020 @ 09:53 AM

originally posted by: dashen
a reply to: CrazyFox

Just a thought.

What better way to avoid facial recognition technology and allow spies and bad actors criminals lowlifes and all sorts of dregs to run around unmonitored by the No Such agency and others.?

Yep....easy way for nefarious actors to make their way around without being noticed.

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