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COVID-19: "Everybody Here's Been Vaccinated Anyway"- Hot Mic, WH media

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posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: American-philosopher

Why are you careful with rusty nails if you've had a tetanus booster?

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 01:26 PM
But this might also explain why Fauci and Brix are not wearing a mask.

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: RadioRobert

I dont know why? you could reinfected??

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 01:30 PM
a reply to: American-philosopher

It's an experimental vaccine. He's no spring chicken. Maybe he felt better safe than sorry.

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 02:16 PM
So i showed a friend of mine this clip and he points me to an article where Roberts is now saying it was just a joke. sorry that conversation sounds no way like ajoke to me." target="_blank" class="postlink"> tion-coronavirus-joke-no-vaccine/
edit on 22-4-2020 by American-philosopher because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 02:34 PM
As I’ve said I’m not convinced this is anything but bad banter. However, if true, then the masks would likely be for the cameras; it is a press conference, right?

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: McGinty

Yeah thats what I am thinking. that the mask are for the cameras. would explain why all the rest of them are not wearing mask.

If you look at it. there is no way I can believe that he is joking. He cites stats, then someone else off camera asked him about the stats. and he expands on the stats. He even then says at the end says its not a hoax.

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: OsirianObsidian
The WH official doesn’t even blink either - he doesn’t say “Who told you that?” or even acknowledge what he said. He just ignores it.

Don’t people think that CNN or any of the other reporters in the room would have pounced on a reporter stating that the president or members of his staff have been vaccinated against COVID-19? Why didn’t they ask the question in the press conference?

Two things, people need to stop calling this guy a "White House official". He's clearly just a jabronie AV guy or something like that.

But regarding the second part, they dont seem all that interested in asking why they dont social distance in the press conferences. They're out there shoulder to shoulder right next to each other. I live in Maryland, and when the governor has a press conference, there's usually only 2 people in the frame (him and the sign language guy) because the rest are distancing themselves. Cuomo in NY does the same thing. None of that goes on in the WH briefings.

Now, maybe this has come up and it got answered once and the press left it alone after that. But it's still a curious look regardless.
edit on 22-4-2020 by jordan77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 05:12 PM

originally posted by: RadioRobert
a reply to: vonclod

EHh, they get told secrets "off the record" all the time. Their whole ethos is built around not burning sources or printing "secrets". An NDA would just weaponize it.

I just don't think, it could be resisted, to leak or disclose that info.

I agree it was weird, it was a very dry joke..if it was.

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 05:23 PM

originally posted by: drussell41
a reply to: RadioRobert

Okay. Now my first reaction is over..... is there anyway to store this offsite of youtube before it disappears?

I'm sure there's a better way, but taking a video recording of the screen would be a viable way that would also be more immune to future batch purging of the file from networks (as it would be a completely different file from the original video.)

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 07:25 PM
a reply to: RadioRobert

I'm talking about a reporter saying they have taken it or ' a highly place source' in the Administration saw Jared get his shot...

I wasn't trying to say there are no vaccinations or trials. I am just trying to say there is no reason for this banter except to make it look like there is conspiracy which I do not think there is.
edit on Aprpm30pmf0000002020-04-22T19:25:59-05:000759 by matafuchs because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 07:41 PM
a reply to: matafuchs

Or it's just face value, and they got an experimental vax and there's an NDA preventing them from talking about it It'd be pretty easy to turn a Jared report right back on them by releasing the info that journos also got access to an early vaccine. There are probably lots of scared people who want a vaccine and wouldn't love the optics of either the media or staff getting to the front of the line while the general public has to wait months for clinicals to finish.

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 08:43 PM

originally posted by: matafuchs
a reply to: RadioRobert

I'm talking about a reporter saying they have taken it or ' a highly place source' in the Administration saw Jared get his shot...

I wasn't trying to say there are no vaccinations or trials. I am just trying to say there is no reason for this banter except to make it look like there is conspiracy which I do not think there is.

Admittedly, the tone of speech referencing vaccinations seemed to be joking. Thus why the guy did not remove his mask. The other repertoire tone was sounding more nervous frustration /confusion at the news from California and Stanford. They were uncomfortable and trying to lighten the mood with joking.

I watched it numerous times to try and understand a possible conspiracy relayed in that clip, yet it was a normal banter not conspiracy unfolding.

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 09:22 PM
I don't know that I believe in the whole hot mic thing all over lately. You had ABC with the hot mic saying the royal family had threatened them in every way possible if they interviewed the Randy Andy rape victim girl. The racist slurs by multiple celebs. Now a, "past, isn't this secret vaccine already developed neato!?"

Television stations, even ones filming live broadcasting live are always broadcasting with five to ten seconds delay in the footage which allows for any bleeping or silencing or cutting away from the current image. And a while room of control people are monitoring and in half a second can hit a button to mute a hot mic. I think especially for something of this magnitude, a White House briefing by special crews, you're not gonna screw that up so someone was interested in someone hearing what was said and thus thr person talking likely is part of it as well.

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 06:33 AM

originally posted by: AlexandrosTheGreat
You had ABC with the hot mic saying the royal family had threatened them in every way possible if they interviewed the Randy Andy rape victim girl.

If you’re told you’ll be sued if you say something on air, yet really want to do the story... An ‘accidentally’ live mic may well give you sufficient plausible deniability in court.

They’re still responsible for the technical balls up, though, but not editorially responsible. Don’t know how much that indemnified them.

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: RadioRobert

My mom only watches Asian news (Korean) She told me in March she saw on Korean news
China had a "cure" but the US didn't want it

I also watched a video clip (US) that was interviewing newly released Wuhan residents.
They asked a lady if she felt safe going out, she said they had all were "treated" so she feels safe.

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 01:12 PM

I watched it numerous times to try and understand a possible conspiracy relayed in that clip, yet it was a normal banter not conspiracy unfolding.
a reply to: CynConcepts

Yeah I watched it a couple times as well. the banter about the stats and the study with USC. that banter doesn;t seem like a joke. and if you look it up it is an actual study. I didnt hear a joke in that part of the banter. another person interjects and asked about the study. it would have been a perfect time to say "no I am just joking around" when the other person asked about the stats.

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: jordan77
Two things, people need to stop calling this guy a "White House official". He's clearly just a jabronie AV guy or something like that.

Yeah, I watch part of a clip with him just standing at the podium apparently talking to people. No audio but I don't think he's anyone important beyond running cables and testing stuff.

A subordinate told to wear a mask who won't question that because he needs the job.

Maybe we won't see him again eh?

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 01:53 PM
WHat I am thinking it it . is just John Roberts personal beliefs or feelings about the virus. Where he says its one tenth of the kill rate or some thing like that the other guy ask it puts it on par with the flu. I think he responds with pretty much.

Maybe it's not conspiracy but just true feelings coming out, and then him not trying to get in trouble with the network saying I was just joking around.

posted on Apr, 23 2020 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: American-philosopher

Well, he was citing the LA release I included in the OP which occurred that day. Which everyone with two spare brain cells to rub together can recognize drops the mortality rate in LA significantly.

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