posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 05:02 PM
I think one thing has been learned and it’s that most humans have a hard time with boundaries.
During only three few weeks, I’ve watched as tempers rose because someone has exerted their boundaries. First, it was people being mocked for
wearing masks and gloves- at this point, I wasn’t wearing them either.
Then it was to adhere to social distancing. People arguing when someone asked to observe their space.
Humans like this are selfish and operating as children in adult bodies. They have no self-control and idea of “we” or “you.” It’s simply
“I” and “me.” This does extend to their family, but just a further extension of the latter.
This leaks into the idea of people clamoring to open up to soon or still refusing to take it seriously. By not taking it seriously, you do impact
those around you who do. But the immature cannot and will not see this.
They’ll cry, kick, and whine because it’s all they know and once things return to a semblance of what they were, they sill take that ideology
back to regular life and be jerks in everyday life. Rarely are these kind, empathic folks. They operate with a severe deficiency and project their
lack on others.