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"The Secrets of Skinwalker Ranch" new series on History.

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posted on May, 15 2020 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: CIAGypsy

Yeah man, you hit the nail on the head!

They are so desperate for some action they created this alpaca incident for effect. Indeed, animal cruelty.

I am now likely only going to watch this clown just to laugh like it's on the comedy channel.

posted on May, 15 2020 @ 12:19 PM
FWIW, Here's Fugal's response to the Alpaca debacle:

"I have attempted to respond and explain in another thread. Nobody purposely “left the weeds high” or had any idea they would be attacked. Quite the opposite. The caretakers actually named the animals and fell in love with them immediately. The accusation that the team would stage or plan anything like what happened to the alpaca is inappropriate, especially when you see the very sincere and unscripted reactions. These are real people, just trying to do their best to navigate a series of experiences and circumstances in a unique location.

Nothing was “blurred”, it was simply the only camera view that could be had, given the main camera surveillance of that area had ceased working shortly before the incident (which is so typical on that property). It’s not fake and I am frankly disappointed at how quick people are to criticize and judge.
Forgive me if I seem exercised, but I do take this personally and these types of accusations seriously. I am not meaning to add contention or be insensitive to your concerns...quite the opposite. I hear you, and I respectfully disagree. Thank you for allowing me to comment on this forum.
Kandus & Tom (the caretakers) were new to the ranch & have always wanted alpacas. I granted their request, & genuinely thought they could be unique biosensors, similar to the dogs. They are loved & well cared for. Nothing was staged for tv. We are simply showing actual events & the realities of what happens on the/a ranch. This is a working ranch, not to mention all the surrounding properties w/many different animals - pets & livestock. The caretakers love & care for those animals. We were all devastated by what happened, immediately called in the vet to help remedy the situation, and immediately moved them to a more secure location. We all love animals.
Also - it is important to note that there has not been a cattle mutilation report on the ranch for a very long time...
I am sorry that this event upset and disturbed some viewers. We take this very seriously, and the entire team was shaken by this and other events...
Please understand that for several years we have had approximately 150 cows on the property, and had not one incident of attack or mutilation that I am aware of. Not one. And this is a large 512 acre ranch, in a relatively remote location, with a diversity of wildlife.

The pen or corral that the alpacas were placed in immediately upon their arrival has housed animals for decades, and happened to be situated closest to the ranch house.
The security camera that was positioned to monitor that area did mysteriously cease working, shortly before the incident. Equipment failures (especially involving cameras and recording equipment) happen quite often on the property, and sometimes involve mysterious circumstances. This has been evidenced not only during my stewardship of the property, but also going back to the 1990s during the previous owner’s investigation.

Over the years we have observed that animals sometimes react to unseen forces on the ranch, alerting the team to various events or raising awareness. The dogs will perk up and focus their attention on “something”, followed by equipment reacting strangely. Same with the cows, and even birds. Animals are often able to hear frequencies beyond human hearing, and alpacas are especially alert and sensitive. Furthermore, while they might not look like the toughest of animals, alpacas are actually pretty tough, especially when compared with sheep they are often enlisted to protect. Their territorial nature and fighting instincts are great deterrents for predators. We would have never anticipated an attack, especially so soon.

I am surprised at how many people have attacked me online, as if we were somehow responsible for an animal attack on a remote ranch. Nobody acted inappropriately or cavalier in their attitudes or care toward the animals, and to allow the events to be shown as they unfolded was not inappropriate. It was part of the very real day to day activities in process on the ranch, and concerned the team. Nobody was more horrified than us, and to be so quick to criticize and judge everyone is not fair.

I have grown up my whole life with animals, and there have been a number of occasions over the years where those pets have been viciously attacked by other animals. Did that make me an irresponsible pet owner?
I have had people accusing me tonight of animal cruelty, which is outrageous and totally unfair. I am frankly shocked at how critical, judgmental and mean-spirited people are. Do you know what is really shocking? How downright cruel people are to each other.
edit on 5/15/2020 by vlawde because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2020 @ 02:38 PM

I have had people accusing me tonight of animal cruelty, which is outrageous and totally unfair. I am frankly shocked at how critical, judgmental and mean-spirited people are. Do you know what is really shocking? How downright cruel people are to each other.

Pretty much says it all as far as I am concerned.

posted on May, 15 2020 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: vlawde

Clearly a defensive reply to the tsunami of anger he has received... How I wish I'd had the opportunity to respond to him.

This was NOT a case of someone's hapless pets who were living a normal life on a ranch and were summarily attacked by some predator. No....they never said on the show that Kandus and Dan "wanted some pet alpacas and Brandon Fugal agreed to allow it." They specifically stated that they brought those alpacas to the property to see if "stirred up some action." I believe something along the lines of "we want to see how the ranch reacts" was mentioned.

So either they lied on the show or they purposely used these animals as bait for SOMETHING. For the record, I still think it was their own dog. Watch the video closely and tell me if you don't agree.... Naturally they can't go showing the audience that their own dog attacked these poor animals, but they can use some blurry skewed footage to make it seem like they were attacked by something else.

And again, I go back to the question about WHY they don't have alarm criteria set up on their surveillance system to notify them when cameras go offline or go down? This is pretty standard procedure in the surveillance world.

I personally never commented on how the people on the show reacted to the alpacas getting injured. I suspect they truly WERE upset.... I don't doubt the truth of that, but if they truly believe in some supernatural creature or paranormal events taking place....then WHY ON EARTH would you put the animals at risk to begin with? I would imagine in hindsight, people feel very guilty for their stupid plan. Perhaps people are "CRITICIZING" Mr. Fugal for the way the show scripted the use of these animals who ultimately ended up being hurt.

I did find this comment interesting -

Please understand that for several years we have had approximately 150 cows on the property, and had not one incident of attack or mutilation that I am aware of. Not one. And this is a large 512 acre ranch, in a relatively remote location, with a diversity of wildlife.

So no cattle mutilations or other attacks, despite the whole beginning premise of this season starting with a dead cow. A cow who must have died from natural causes, I suppose.

posted on May, 15 2020 @ 05:04 PM
next weeks episode concerns another mutilated cow with a ufo cloud sighting as well.

posted on May, 15 2020 @ 09:24 PM
a reply to: CIAGypsy

I hear you, bro, I heard the exact same thing clearly!

And um saying, what did he say? And then they bring out these skinny little frightened to death cute little alpacas.

These little cute harmless Alpacas, with their little squashed in heads, were so cute and these amateurs, whatever they are, ghost hunters, alien hunters or whatever the hell, said they wanted to stir some stuff up, and they did out of the hind part of one of those poor creatures.

It's pretty clear and I didn't realize he got such backlash but IMHO he deserved it.

Maybe next time they'll bring in fuzzy little rabbits and see how fast they get eaten alive and really put on a big show.

Now I don't want to sound too harsh on the guy but it looked really bad. Please don't sacrifice poor defenseless animals in the future to prove how sinister this place is. Let it speak for itself.

edit on 15-5-2020 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2020 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: CIAGypsy

The best part is that the guy said "he threw a stick at it." It being whatever was attacking the alpaca. And yet they have no description at all to offer?

Neither the cows or the alpacas were able to choose to visit this clustereff-fest of a ranch.

What a bunch of self-serving a-holes, especially the two animal "caretakers." "Yeah, we want to, you know, experience something." They willingly and knowingly endangered animals. I'm not about it.

posted on May, 20 2020 @ 12:07 PM
the biggest take way from the latest episode had to be the shot of the ufo over the cow that died from stress. Pretty clear shot of the ufo. The focus now almost seems to be more on the ufo sightings, as there have been quite a few seen over several episodes.

posted on May, 20 2020 @ 02:02 PM
I didn't see it this week, did I miss something?

posted on May, 20 2020 @ 02:21 PM
I didn't watch it.... I was watching something on Netflix. When I shut off Netflix, my tv flipped over to History Channel because that is the cable channel it was on earlier. They were showing the very end of the episode. I only saw maybe the last 5 minutes.... What I thought was funny was that they were making a big deal about tying this cow's death to a black blob on the screen. They were showing frame by frame in slow motion to show the cow starting to get up. Part of the way through the motion of standing, they flip the focus from the cow to the blob.... Now, MAYBE somewhere in the show that I didn't watch, they show the full video....but from what I saw, they showed you absolutely nothing.... Did they see the cow die on the screen? What happened? Did it stand? Or just tumble over dead?

I have never owned cows, but I know plenty of people who do. Did they get an autopsy by a professional on the cow? How do they know it didn't die from illness or natural causes? They are speculating to say that it died from "stress relating to the blob...." If this were a criminal court, they'd be laughed out of the courtroom for making such a correlation....

And as for the blob itself, maybe they should do a little research on surveillance cameras and lenses. That very easily could have been a bug or even particulate matter (i.e. dust). What was their frame rate set to? Is there any compression on the video?

Again, they don't seem interested in SCIENCE but in using pseudoscience to tell "sell" their speculation and pump up drama for their (Alternate) History Channel entertainment.

posted on May, 21 2020 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: CIAGypsy

According to the vet, the cow died from pneumonia, it had pus in it's lungs. He said that something caused great stress in the cow which triggered the lungs/pus. Supposedly this happened very quickly. They speculate it had to do with the intense readings on their meters when they found the cow (and Tom's phone going nuts). They discovered the blob later. I'm on the fence regarding the blob, it could be many things aside from a bonafide UFO

posted on May, 21 2020 @ 12:08 PM
you could see in the video of the cow when alive, it seemed to respond or move as the ufo flew overhead above the trees.

posted on May, 24 2020 @ 09:28 AM
im curious (no, not really) why they didn't show the footage of the object and the cow full screen moving in real time and only showed us stills. reminds me of the ufos that turned out to be stills of birds with wings tucked closed to their body.

posted on May, 24 2020 @ 09:40 AM
I gave it a try even though I knew better. They lost me when the guy they brought in to investigate the ranch was told he couldn't dig because it would stir up activity that he was there to investigate in the first place . . . really? Pretty silly logic!

posted on May, 24 2020 @ 02:10 PM
I don't think anyone with the show expected those precious alpacas to get hurt, which is VERY alarming because when I saw them unload those animals, I said to myself "what a bunch of stupid mf'ers" to be that Naive! After the history of this place with documented animal deaths and injuries corroborated by respected journalist George Knapp, and other sources.

The place is dangerous and it is well known by many, otherwise why would the government waste time there in the first place, (in the past). Not to mention testimony from prior investigations under Bob Bigelow and NIDS or other well known scientists who witnessed messed up and impossible things, (that happen there anyways).

Bringing the animals there only exposes that these people didn't believe a single thing that has ever happened there.

And like naive children, had to actually put others or themselves in harms way, and experience a horrifying reality to finally believe something hundreds have already sworn was highly anomalous and definitely dangerous, hazardous.

No need to defend that you never thought or intended any of this to happen, what you should be saying is WHAT YOU THINK OF THE PLACE NOW??? There are dark places where dark things come from, and they don't care about human science telling everyone that it can't exist.

posted on Jun, 2 2020 @ 11:35 PM
a reply to: data5091

Just finishing up the season finale and I'm going to set the dvr to not record this any more. It's just too stupid. It can't be taken seriously. If the Fed's were inquiring about what's going on there why did they not contact the guy who owns the place? But no, they went to Travis?

That's just one thing and I won't go on but I'm done with this one.

posted on Jun, 3 2020 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: TheSpanishArcher

I haven't seen the show yet. Maybe they went to Travis because he is an Astrophysicist. Have seen him on programs on the Science Channel too.

posted on Jun, 3 2020 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: data5091

You'll have to watch it and make your own opinion, obviously. I had too many problems with the show over the season that it's just not worth it to me to watch anymore.

posted on Jun, 3 2020 @ 12:14 PM
It's just funny that with all the cutting edge surveillance tech we have developed, we still have no actual footage of these skinwalker creatures and have no physical evidence of their activities aside from dead animals and weird lights/sounds that no one was able to record on a decent camera. It's also really funny that every time someone wants to do an honest investigation they have to make a TV production out of it and let's be honest, those two concepts DO NOT play well together.

posted on Jun, 3 2020 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

Well in the episode where the Llamas got attacked they did get a video of one of the creatures. It looked like some kind of cat, but the people that saw it in person claimed it was a dog like creature. So that was something.

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