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Actual BREAKING news: China Admits to Hiding Real Covid-19 Infection Numbers from the World!!

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posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 05:17 AM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: Snarl

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: Snarl
Dropping a nuke on Wuhan would not be unwarranted.

Would send a clear message that biological warfare will be met with unrepentant death and destruction.

Let's see if the President and his staff have the cajones. More Americans will die from this than 9-11.

Yeah, let's kill millions of innocent men, women and children! Does that turn you on!?

That's what happens in war. They started it. Look at what they've done.

Wait'll it starts getting reported on your island.

It's already in the UK! Do your answer is to kill millions of innocent men, women and children!?

Funny thst the people who say such things will never actually fight in a war! Stick to playing COD on your console!

Face it that what Americans are bred for, they are the hammer , all those recruitment movies like platoon , Vietnam, predator , American sniper, thats not entertainment it's advertising, that's why the air of excitement, just like in aliens, the first movie remember

Normally the ones who brag about nuking another country, or going to war are the cowards who would actually crap themselves if they were pit in a situation like that. It's easy to say this stuff behind a computer!

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 06:12 AM
a reply to: Jay-morris

That's why I made a reference to the first alien movie, it was all macho hero till ground zero hit them in the face.

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 06:25 AM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: Jay-morris

That's why I made a reference to the first alien movie, it was all macho hero till ground zero hit them in the face.

Yeah I know. Too many keyboard warriors who have not even been close to a conflict. It's pretty sad thst they look and say things like "nuke another country" because they cannot distinguish from real life, and a video game!

With their stupid logic, then it would be okay for psople in tbe middle east to want to nuke America and the UK for the thousands of deaths caused by ilegal invasions in the middle East!

But no! That's bad!

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 07:00 AM

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: ThouArtGod
a reply to: Jay-morris

This is my last attempt at this.

They are NOT reporting POSITIVE TESTS, if the people who TEST POSITIVE are not presenting symptoms. This is HUGE, HUGE, HUGE.

I have explained why. If you refuse to read what I am writing, it is either willful ignorance, or you are trolling me for fun.

If this is the case, , then why are we seeing a reduce in China regarding the virus? If what you are saying it true, then that would sweep across China very quickly.

So, why are will seeing cases fall dramatically in china?

Because the Chinese govt are dirt bag Communists and lie about their numbers.

China needs to be sanctioned. All companies should pull out and we should leave that entire country on their own.

Firstly, you have no evidence that are Lying. Secondly, what do you think would happen if all companies pulled out of China? You think China would be the only country to suffer?

How many countries around the world rely on China for their goods? Watch companies go out of business if this happens! You really have not thought this through have you

They are communists - that's enough evidence they are lying.
You act as if only China can manufacture things.
Here's something for you - they are CR*P at manufacturing. They make cheap sh*te.
That is the key - cheap.
So we make things ourselves and profits are squeezed. So?
Some companies who have got fat on making cr*p products in slave labour, communist China will go bust. Good.
Other companies will spring up and the market will level set.

Cut the communists off. Maybe their people will grow some balls like they used to have when they see their country melting down.

The globalists regionalised expertise model has failed.
We're going to need to reset and yes, we'll have to make do with less for a while - like 1 car instead of 2 and maybe we won't be having a crappy new iphone every year.
Ultimately we'll be better of. The entire country will benefit in the long un, with manufacturing creating millions of jobs up and down the length of the UK.
edit on 28/3/2020 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 07:17 AM
a reply to: UKTruth
I agree, this is actually an ideal time to revitalise UK manufacturing and create jobs again. Make Made in Great Britain worth something once more.

Trouble is people have become accustomed to the throw away society. But a t shirt from Primark wear it a couple of times then chuck it in the bin. Look at just how much Chinese made rubbish has now infiltrated Ebay Amazon and other huge companies all of it garbage, and as I'm sure we all know, you actually expect it to be rubbish and its a surprise when something actually works!

A Malaysian friend of mine who utterly hates the Chinese which apparently the majority of Mayalsians do, said once "The chinese invent nothing they steal ideas and make them cheaper because they aren't allowed to think creatively coz that's dangerous"
I agree

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 07:38 AM
Hopefully the US and the rest of the world learned a lesson from this and bring manufacturing back home.

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 07:54 AM
Most of the rest of the world isn't even testing asymptomatics, so I'm not entirely sure how China is that much worse for not reporting them?

In fact, at least in the UK, the great majority of people with symptoms aren't tested - we are just told to self isolate for 14 days and that's it: you don't end up in any statistics.

It's mainly people with severe symptoms, front line health staff and patients already in hospitals that are getting tested, heavily skewing the figures.

So China's figures are dodgy, but so are the ones from USA, UK, Spain etc, just for different reasons. You can only really looks at the death rates to get an idea of spread (and even then Russia was pretending they were pneumonia for a while).

Many countries will start rolling out mass anti-body testing - the UK is about to anyway - only then will be start getting a true idea of how many people have had covid-19.

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 08:00 AM

originally posted by: Bluntone22

a reply to: ThouArtGod

Your ex has skeletons in her closet.
China has thousands of skeletons piled up somewhere for disposal....

Uighars are the most recent skeletons

We had a ugihar foreign exchange student a few years ago. Until then I didn't know they existed. She was the sweetest and nicest person ever. Absolutely not a radical Islamist. As a matter of fact ugihar women in her region weren't even allowed to go to mosque at all except for special holidays. She knew less of her religion than we did. All she knew was she should not eat pork and how to make the holiday meals.

The Chinese are persecuting them and killing the ones over on their side of the border. This is a small ethnic group and China is doing all it can to be rid of them.

Worst of all, the women and young children are innocents while the men, yes, some are Islamic radicals. But not all the men. Our exchange students family males, sat on the couch drinking every night expecting to be waited on hand and foot by the females - often they had multiple wives. Our student's father had 2 families as did her Uncle who lived in the same house with her. The men were lazy bums, who went to work, came home to be sexually fawned over by multiple wives and then treated like kings who could do what they will to their slaves (the females in the home).

We awakened the heck out of our foreign exchange student. She is our second Islamic one, both who have vowed never to marry an Islamic man when they get back home. She is making so much money teaching English, her Dad dare not stop the gravy train to the family by forcing her to marry someone.

Point is, the Chinese don't care that the Uighar are individuals, they don't see people as individuals. Hard left socialists and communists see people as a part of their collective.

Uighar have some terroristic males, so China must kill the collective through slow starvation and other insidious methods of eliminating them in reeducation camps. While they lie to the world and just say they are re-educating them.

You can not trust a collectivist society, a far left socialist/communist society to EVER tell the truth to the world. They must protect their collective at all cost. In China there are no individuals as far as the state is concerned and in their culture to lose face is the worst crime. Therefore, the collective must never be wrong, must never make mistakes, must always be right and "good" and the facts must be twisted and twisted until the collective is right and good, even it at the end of the twist it is a bald faced lie.

edit on 3/28/20 by The2Billies because: grammar

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 08:14 AM
Watch what they do, not what they say. This is really a straightforward decision for people. You can side with the CCP and believe their nonsense self-serving propaganda and coverup, or you can not believe them, understand they have gotten away with and continue to get away with the exact same thing with their own common people, uigurs, falun gong, tibetans, Christians etc by just putting them away in forced labor camps and working them until they die or need their organs for a high-paying customer.

You can wish, because of whatever strange worship you have for them, that they have turned over a leaf and somehow are now telling the truth, but nobody will be standing with you and the regret you will have will fall on deaf ears, because like Charlie Brown kicking the football, it will turn out just the way everyone said it would.

They still deny Tiananmen square happened...

Sometimes choices are simple. This one is binary -- no grey area. Pro-CCP, or anti-CCP. Choose as if your life depended on it.

Just one more example.

China Orders Re-Closing Of All Cinemas Nationwide
edit on 28-3-2020 by Halfswede because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 08:17 AM

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: ThouArtGod
a reply to: Jay-morris

This is my last attempt at this.

They are NOT reporting POSITIVE TESTS, if the people who TEST POSITIVE are not presenting symptoms. This is HUGE, HUGE, HUGE.

I have explained why. If you refuse to read what I am writing, it is either willful ignorance, or you are trolling me for fun.

If this is the case, , then why are we seeing a reduce in China regarding the virus? If what you are saying it true, then that would sweep across China very quickly.

So, why are will seeing cases fall dramatically in china?

We’re talking about a government that secretly placed a million Uighurs in re-education camps. Is it hard to believe it wouldn’t lie about data that could result in foreign firms moving production from China and indefinite disruption to international trade? China has a trade-to-GDP ratio of 40 percent. Its economic well-being depends on foreign trade. If unemployment becomes widespread in China, the CCP itself could become endangered. Hungry peasants are dangerous. China’s dream of global dominance is looking like a pipe dream at this moment.

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: UKTruth

They are communists - that's enough evidence they are lying.

Oh really? And non communist countries do not lie? Do not get involved in pointless invasions, never lie to their people, and really care for their people?

Please! Wake up!

You act as if only China can manufacture things.
Here's something for you - they are CR*P at manufacturing. They make cheap sh*te.
That is the key - cheap.

Oh another lie! This gets better and better. Yes, Chinese make crap for western companies who want cheap crap! But oh, that's not the fault of western companies! It's the nasty communists!

Also, the phone you use, the tv you watch, the console you play on was most prob made in China! So if companies want their products to be made well, China does that too. Or are you saying it's all cheap crap!?

So we make things ourselves and profits are squeezed. So?

Why do western companies get their stuff made in China? Because it's cheap! You really think for example in the uK, people would work for pennies to make these products, working 7 days a week? Of course they would not. So that lovrly 4k tv you have, or that lovely mobile phone you have will rocket in price when it comes to big companies like Apple, Samsung and Sony. Small companies will go under because they cannot afford to buy the products to sell becsuse that eould mean putting the prices up on said products.

You have not really thought this through have you?

Some companies who have got fat on making cr*p products in slave labour, communist China will go bust. Good.
Other companies will spring up and the market will level set.

Some? lol Now you are showing how clueless you are!

The globalists regionalised expertise model has failed.
We're going to need to reset and yes, we'll have to make do with less for a while - like 1 car instead of 2 and maybe we won't be having a crappy new iphone every year.
Ultimately we'll be better of. The entire country will benefit in the long un, with manufacturing creating millions of jobs up and down the length of the UK.

You seriously do not know how this works don't you?

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 08:22 AM

originally posted by: Scapegrace

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: ThouArtGod
a reply to: Jay-morris

This is my last attempt at this.

They are NOT reporting POSITIVE TESTS, if the people who TEST POSITIVE are not presenting symptoms. This is HUGE, HUGE, HUGE.

I have explained why. If you refuse to read what I am writing, it is either willful ignorance, or you are trolling me for fun.

If this is the case, , then why are we seeing a reduce in China regarding the virus? If what you are saying it true, then that would sweep across China very quickly.

So, why are will seeing cases fall dramatically in china?

We’re talking about a government that secretly placed a million Uighurs in re-education camps. Is it hard to believe it wouldn’t lie about data that could result in foreign firms moving production from China and indefinite disruption to international trade? China has a trade-to-GDP ratio of 40 percent. Its economic well-being depends on foreign trade. If unemployment becomes widespread in China, the CCP itself could become endangered. Hungry peasants are dangerous. China’s dream of global dominance is looking like a pipe dream at this moment.

This is the thing isn't it! People are always looking at the bad things another government does, while completly ignoring the horrors that other governments do.

We see this all the time, no matter what country you are from. If China invaded the middle East that led to the deaths of thousands of people, then we would be calling them monsters. The west does it, and most people in the West do not even care.

Why is that?

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 08:26 AM

originally posted by: Bluntone22
a reply to: Jay-morris

No, my government is not squeaky clean.

But I don’t recall our government selling your people radioactive drywall or poisoned dog food.
You can trust Winnie the Pooh if you want too but I prefer reality when dealing with the Chinese government.

I don't always agree with your political views but you just hit the nail on the head right here.
The Chinese government will do anything it wants to make itself appear honest and open to the rest of the world.

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: Jay-morris

Using the argument that other governments must be perfect before they judge another is flawed CCP logic right out of their playbook. I really can't fathom what you have to gain by supporting them in any way and this should be the easiest stance you've ever taken, but I will only say this once more.

Choose wisely. By the time you regret, it will literally be too late. This isn't as simple as it appears on the surface.

Another way to look at this is: Why defend them? What is it that makes you feel that need? Some deep reason has you putting your own reputation on the line. I think in reality, you owe them nothing. Walk away.

edit on 28-3-2020 by Halfswede because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 09:39 AM
a reply to: Jay-morris

China makes cheap cr*p. Period.
Every single product ever bought from there, whether chep Amazon rubbish from China or what was upposed to be more expensive electronics is sub par cr*p.
Some of it is so bad as to last barely enough time to take it out of the box.
Throw in the knock off market they so excel in and NOTHING good comes of Cina.
We simply don;t need them other than to greedy corporations needing them to lower sosts and make more profit.
The move to China has been great for them but sh*te for the consumer.

We've got used to a diet of cr*p from China
Has to end.

That you seem to support lifting up their economy so we can go cheap and take advantage of slave labour is odd.
Are you not willing to pay a bit more and keep the product you buy for a bit longer in order to avoid some Chinese woman, who was perfectly happy until the west rolled in, working in a sweat shop for crappy wages?

Heard from China apologists for years.
Tired of hearing it.
Everything about their sh*thole country is bad - oddly except for the average Joe and Jane and the landscape. Both those positives are getting screwed over with cheap labour and mass production.
Ruined by gloablists and their communist regime - which are actually bedfellows.
edit on 28/3/2020 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 09:43 AM
a reply to: ThouArtGod

The article clearly states ( and NPR is a pretty solid source ) that China does not count its asymptomatic carriers. This number may not matter internally if your plan is to weld people shut in buildings. But it does matter, (quite a lot, actually) if you don’t share these numbers with other epidemiologists, or DEM personnel. These are the experts who create solutions, treatment plans, etc., and having X% if people carrying (and possibly spreading) this illness worldwide, all without numbers, puts a big ink blot on the treasure map. It’s really stupid, really selfish, and casts doubt on everything they’ve shared so far.

Like I said, I have no knowledge about them not reporting the asymptomatic cases... but I see no reason for them not to report them either - it would actually lessen the mortality rate and boost the perception of Chinese medical prowess. The Chinese do care about their mortality rates. But this is one area that I simply don't know much about. Can neither confirm nor deny (it would surprise me though if this turns out to be true)

On a different but related note: Shortly after Wuhan was closed off, the Chinese developed an app which indicated the homes (not exact location but general area) of the infected (in cities other than Hubei) as to warn citizens to stay clear of those areas. The government was pedantic in their quest to limit infections, so I'd assume asymptomatic cases would also have been documented on the app. My point being that the new cases that was found and added to the app would to a certain extent have become public knowledge that would have made it possible for the public to get a feel of the real extent of the outbreak - and what I've heard from my Chinese friends is that no obvious discrepancies were found between official numbers and what they saw on the app. (this is not real proof of anything, but in a society where everything is cloak and dagger at least its something)

(post by Rave3n removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: Halfswede

Using the argument that other governments must be perfect before they judge another is flawed CCP logic right out of their playbook.

How is it flawed logic? It's the truth! How many people who live in the West are still condeming what our governments done in the middle East? Yet, if a country/government thst the West does not like, then they are evil and should be stopped!

I really can't fathom what you have to gain by supporting them in any way and this should be the easiest stance you've ever taken, but I will only say this once more.

Who said I am supporting them? They have gained control of the virus, and considering they were the first country to have, and was pretty much blind at the begining, they have completly turned it around. If other countries done the same thing, instead of doing it too late, then the problem would not be as bad.

Choose wisely. By the time you regret, it will literally be too late. This isn't as simple as it appears on the surface.

What the hell are you talking about "choose wisely" this is not a movie or a videogame! What the hell do I have to choose?

Another way to look at this is: Why defend them? What is it that makes you feel that need? Some deep reason has you putting your own reputation on the line. I think in reality, you owe them nothing. Walk away.

The fact that I have lived and travelled china. The fact that my wife is chinese, and my daughter half chinese, give me a better perspective than you!

Walk away from what? Seriously! Stop now!

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 09:55 AM
a reply to: Jay-morris

The whataboutism is strong in this one obi-wan!

They were the first country to "get control" of the virus because the virus ORIGINATED there! goes without saying but as we are now hearing they haven't really got control of it at all, it was all bluster
Why are you so vehemently defending China? I'm really interested
Lying to the rest of the world is part of the communist is expected they will lie just Russia do/did]
When you have their citizens spitting and coughing on food and people as evidenced by various videos, what kind of reaction do you really expect?
When you have 2 Companies ordering their employees to gather ventilators sanitiser and other medical supplies, for immediate shipment to China leaving Australia with shortages, again what kind of reaction would be correct in your blinkered view?

edit on 28-3-2020 by PhyllidaDavenport because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 09:58 AM

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: ThouArtGod
a reply to: Bluntone22

China is a lot like an ex-girlfriend of mine- I don't trust her, I know that she is secretly working to destroy me, she hates religious people, and nothing she could ever do would shock me at this point.

Oh, and if someone told me that she had created a unique virus in order to kill her grandparents, I would believe them.

So this is basically an anti China thread, mixed in with BS fake news. Well done!

Right on!

I'll bet you still think that the USSR was completely above the board about Chernobyl too.

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