CNO Adm. Gilday says the Navy is deploying 2200 medical personnel on the USNS Comfort and Mercy combined, and another 1,000 are on standby to support
the COVID-19 response. These numbers rivals the number of personnel deployed during Desert Storm, he says.
Makes me wonder how far they are going to push this crisis, regardless if real or not. 179 countries now reporting corona cases.
When was the last time an 'event' affected/infected the whole world in some capacity and the US shifted to a War economy? WWII?
Is the Pandemic hype machine showing fracture signs... Gates getting nervous. Seems like Gates has been vested in the long term lockdown scenario
where according to him we’d need a special 'invisible' tattoo to inform health officials we’ve taken the COVID-19 vaccine vs Trump who now wants
the country out of lockdown on April 12... 19 days, tick tock.
Bill Gates: "Trump is asking Americans to ignore ‘pile of bodies’ by sending them back to work."
Watch, next, they'll use the same online corona crisis actors to show they got there invisible tattoo and millions will line up for the mark of the
beast. Why not, we're living in crazy times that is changing practically by the hour. By summer most of this will be memory-holed, big arrests
forgotten, and we'll all be discussing election campaign as the new normal sets in. Maybe not, just a thought.
YouTube Reduces Default Streaming Quality Globally In
Light Of Congestion Concerns
Next, could be shutdown while they deploy new censor algorithms disguised under making bandwidth adjustments. Netflix, Amazon, etc. It's almost like a
test to see how far they can take it before people really go nuts. On the flip side it could work in our favor where the msm can no longer control
their narrative.
Nothing can stop what is coming... it's a flood of things & changes.
If anyone out there is capable of keeping track of it all, will be interesting to see which one's get pulled back and which one's the gov't end up
leaving in place for the so-called greater good of us citizens. Testing the waters to see how much push back they get on various changes, laws, etc.