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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -XXV-

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posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 10:53 PM
a reply to: RadioRobert

Doubtful they'll comment on it I suppose. Eh, that's ok. I mean, they probably did what they're supposed to do there. Can't fault the mods. They do a good job in this thread, imo.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 10:55 PM

Hitting them hard.

Go Chanel, the only light in that Den of Demons.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 10:56 PM

originally posted by: CoramDeo

originally posted by: OveRcuRrEnteD
a reply to: carewemust

I thought Q told us to "think for ourselves". To me, part of that advice means letting each person think what they want to think. About Q, God, Trump, baby-Q, whatever...

I couldn't agree with this statement more. I don't need someone repeating the same opinions over and over. I need data points like justoneman. When someone tells me not to look, you better believe I'm gonna look and I'm gonna look closer than if I wasn't told.

Yellow Brick Road , Yellow Brick Road To follow it was what I was told So I do as I'm told ... But I still don't know


Failed Escape - Epiphany

Ready to compare notes?

My screen cap is a little different than the one you have linked at 5:55

Do you see it?

It wasn't an active .gif when I was looking at it, so maybe I caught a different frame.

What I find interesting is the difference between the world revealed by the shortcut in the .gif vs what is presented in the animated film.

Here at 1:02-1:04

I also have another screencap that is different so, yea, we probably just caught different frames.
The link to the gif in my previous post was the only place on the web I could find that exact one. That is also where the quote is from which was directly under it. It may be something...but probably not. I stopped digging down that hole already
edit on 4/6/2020 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: stupid formatting lol

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 10:58 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

She can have Seth Rich killed but, can't wash her hair..strange times!

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 11:09 PM
a reply to: SouthernGift

5G I don't really think about. Tbh, it bores me. Is it harmful? I don't know and I don't care. Just like the virus --is it harmful..don't know, don't care. I might sound apathetic saying that. Imo, no virus is more dangerous or more powerful than fear and fear is a virus. It's a program which means it can be de-programmed a little at a time.

When you start losing the impulse to be scared of many things they want us to be scared of, you start to realize all these things are simply aspects of this very redundant game. The scary stuff becomes dull, boring and overplayed.

When these things stop mattering in our minds then they stop mattering in our experience

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 11:14 PM
a reply to: CoramDeo

So a city once shadowed by twin towers has been replaced with a fantasy land created by illusions? The green path as now been replaced by the Golden BRIC Road? Am ... I ... missing ... something

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 11:19 PM
Try the book it's a quick read "4 past Midnight" by Stephen King a reply to: cherokeetroy

edit on 6-4-2020 by CrazyFox because: grammar

edit on 6-4-2020 by CrazyFox because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 11:30 PM

originally posted by: CrazyFox
Try the book it's a quick read "4 past Midnight" by Stephen King a reply to: cherokeetroy

Hopefully I can find a copy online

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 11:36 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Look at that bunch of globalist commies.

The lady in red, Irene Diamond, had a friend named Alice Hunter, who was married to Ian McLellan Hunter, a screenwriter that fronted for blacklisted screenwriters, then later, he, too, was blacklisted.

These people go all the way back to the McCarthy era and the blacklisting of certain Hollywood people for being members of the Communist Party.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 11:37 PM
But still you provide nothing to show his negative other than you don't like him.
He got it right even it was a trick from your point of view. He was right she left.

So 30 days prediction ends before here 80th Birthday of April 16. Clearly, he got the 30 days right any way we look at that part. Was it what some of you expected? I didn't know what to expect but I was holding the line that something had better happen and damn it, it certainly did.

originally posted by: More1ThanAny1
a reply to: Justoneman

Feb 14, 2020: Media reports the Queen planned to retire on her 80th birthday. Her birthday is April 16.

Mar 6, 2020: The fraud Austin Steinbart says the Queen of Denmark has two options. 1: Sell Denmark or 2: JSOC will come off her. 30 days to decide.

April 6, 2020: It's been 31 days since the fraud's video. 10 days before the Queen's birthday and planned retirement. Denmark has not been sold. The Queen is still alive. In this coronavirus pandemic the Queen at 79 years of age and smoker needs to stay safe and self quarantine. Which means the next in line to the throne should start to take more responsibility, and that is what is happening.

Why is anyone giving Austin credit for this? He missed the deadline by 1 day. Denmark has not been sold. She is still alive. She has not fully stepped down, and if she did it still belongs to the same Royalty.

The gig is up Austin.


originally posted by: Justoneman
Well now, the rumors came true and Austin did say within 30 days she would step down or else. Or else seems more likely in line with the Pedo rings being arrested now. Her and Queen E have knowledge of these evil things I would wager my life on it.

Wrong, he said she needs to sell Denmark or else. Denmark is not for sale, and has not been sold. Also, its been 31 days. Try again, but don't move the goal posts.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 11:44 PM
a reply to: RadioRobert

I have a hard time believing Guy Lafleur is Q but..who Knows

RR..should have guessed Rocket Richard..
edit on 6-4-2020 by Sabrechucker because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 11:44 PM
Maeve Kennedy Townsend McKean's body found by divers

Members of a dive and rescue team found the body in 25 feet of water, about 2.5 miles from her mother's residence, around 5:31 p.m. Monday, the Maryland Natural Resources Police said in a statement.

McKean, 41, and her 8-year-old son, Gideon, were last seen Thursday evening. Police will continue searching for the son Tuesday, police said.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 11:45 PM
(1 was late to update to archive)

Q V17.25 20200406 to 3908 incl. DECODE tools

One oddity today is that POTUS retweeted his own tweet from only 06:45:02 earlier:

Congratulations to State Representative Karen Whitsett of Michigan. So glad you are getting better!

original : Apr 06 2020 16:03:59
Retweet: Apr 06 2020 22:49:01

edit on 6-4-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-4-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 11:52 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Am ... I ... missing ... something

It's hard to miss when it's open to interpretation, I suppose.

Maybe the the illusion is that there is a shortcut, and that the Cheshire cat is just going to gift us an easy road.

There is no such thing as an easy road. Well, not one that doesn't ultimately lead to someplace bad, or is regrettable later on.

The originl movie sort of shows that hard road, but what you can see beyond the shortcut does not appear to be a happy place.

The .gif, on the other hand, shows the happy illusion that many who are in-tune to Q believe is the rainbow and lolipop land that awaits, and Q is the shortcut that will get us there.

Again, an illusion.

There may be better paths, there may be paths with guidrails, and there may be lighted paths, but there are no shortcuts.

The best you are going to get is a better path froward.

The shortcut is an illusion, don't fall for it.

edit on 6-4-2020 by CoramDeo because: TTT

posted on Apr, 7 2020 @ 12:02 AM
PFS. I hope we can keep that Senators name out there because she was working on the same stuff Warrior seems to be working on and she is murdered. This is gotten out of hand with the people close to the situation, revealing evidence, or supporting someone claiming to have evidence getting murdered. I think this is racketeering that one day will see justice carried out for the injustice cries to the high heavens. The evil is so severe I recall reading books like Lord of the Rings that described a 'foul bane upon the land'. That is what this feels like, a foul bane is upon our land.

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
a reply to: cherokeetroy

Troy, in regards to the missing kids being abducted by CPS, I wouldn't doubt it.

Awhile back we had a former State Senator here in Arkansas murdered. Her name was Linda Collins Smith, if you remember this story.

Anyways, at the time I was a little reluctant to talk too much about it because this story hits close to home for me literally. I know some folks who know her/ knew her. Not saying I'm some sort of big shot or anything, just that it's small town stuff sorta. Well, the background on her story is horrific. She was alleging just that. That kids were being abducted by CPS and trafficked through the courts. Her ex husband was a judge and she had made the claim that she actually found child porn on his computer that appeared to have been produced inside his judicial chambers.

Who knows what the truth is in all of that. I only post it because there has been a LOT of smoke around this idea that CPS is responsible for a lot of the sex trafficked children.

These people are evil. Those pictures and their implications are currently breaking my heart. If this all turns out to be true, and it's looking more and more like it is, it's going to be hard to quell the righteous anger that will stem from all of this. I'm glad the punishment for these people will be left to people who are better prepared to deal with it than I would be. I would hate to have murder on my karmic balance.

posted on Apr, 7 2020 @ 12:03 AM
a reply to: queenofswords

Hmm, I did not know that. Funny you mentioned McCarthy era.
You know who else came from that era? Trump's former buddy Roy Cohn. He was one of the original real "Deep State" actors that played in the dirt and had a ton of dirt on various people including within DoD circles. He knew alot in the art of Blackmail and the child trafficking networks way back. I suspect DJT learned quite alot from Roy before he died.

posted on Apr, 7 2020 @ 12:05 AM
a reply to: CoramDeo

I took it to mean that the short cut only leads to an illusion. In fact given that the cat gives us three choices, I find it strange that only two are looked at?
option 1 (the unseen option): We can stay where we are and be confused but complacent with it
option 2: We can take the short cut and go merrily on our way following the dream set up by BRIC nations
option 3: We can continue down the path we started and even though it will lead to sadness and despair, it will as so lead to freedom and truth

I would almost say that _GHOST_ is either a student of Comte 'De St.-Germain's "The Most Holy Trinosophia" (ISNB: 0-89314-417-7 in case anyone was wondering), or is the famous man himself. This option of "3" with only two options being presented is very odd. It reminds me of the Mathematicians lament; "There are an even number of odd and even numbers, but there will always be twice as many even numbers as odd" Even in math we are only told about two of the choices it seems, but I guess that's the point of a 3-D world?

posted on Apr, 7 2020 @ 12:17 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

McCarthy turned out to be right, even though he was accused of going too far. But, as it turns out, there were Communist infiltrators in government and in Hollywood.

Now look at H-wood...full of the rot. Q3903

26 Mar 2020 - 12:30:51 PM

[infiltration instead of invasion]

The Silent War continues.

posted on Apr, 7 2020 @ 12:30 AM
a reply to: Aallanon

Whilst I hesitate to commit to what will actually happen Aallanon, here is my assessment of where we're at with the US part of the plan (Asia/EU/rest to follow):

a) Nights[1 to 4] of White hat operations from April 5th to 8th are focussed on rescuing children from tunnels and taking out lower level black hat operatives in these areas - removing the DUMBs = the DEEP part of deepstate,

b) These rescues become public daytime of Thursday April 9th on? Which is when we face greatest risk... if deep state has a remaining nuke they would use this to change the narrative at this point?

c) 3 key posts identify April 10th, Good Friday, as when operations to take back the country from entrenched deep state operatives occur and when we are most likely to get the Q55 My Fellow Americans tweet; Q35 POTUS will be abroad..., Q40 Timestamp encodes 4/10-PAIN, Q500:

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: f946c4 No.20735 📁
Jan 7 2018 22:18:45 (EST)
(9) states of CLAS-ready go-live.
(34) commands LIVE.
[1] OWL [1]

d) Night [5] of white hat operations on Easter Sunday night, April 12th (according to Q1134) will likely be taking out/arresting MSM deep state and politicians - having allowed a few days from thursday for the links between the children and MSM/politicians complicity become public?

posted on Apr, 7 2020 @ 12:51 AM
Some closure on the RFK story...

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