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Corona Virus Updates Part 5

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posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 09:50 AM

originally posted by: Toinski
Update from the Netherlands 22/03/2020 14:22 (GMT +1):

Active cases 4204 (+573 since yesterday)

179 people dead (+43 since yesterday)

Age group 57 - 97

In the beginning they also reported how many healthcare workers had been infected, they stopped doing that. Wonder why? But most of us know the answer by now.

They added a disclaimer that more people are infected but not tested, basically they are walking time bombs. But hey they want us all infected, so no worries. Government says is fine. People are crumbling, getting lonelly, left all alone. The deaths will spike but not only from this Corona virus.



You know what is even more surprising....75% of those that died have not seen the inside of an IC unit.

Why you ask?

Because given their age and condition it is more often decided that dying at home in peace is more preferable.


In a country where we have the highest palliative care this shouldn't be surprising.


posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 09:52 AM

originally posted by: MrRCflying
In the early days of this (not so many weeks ago), we were seeing supposed videos from China showing people dropping like flies, and lying in the streets.

Have these all now been debunked? I have not seen any such videos coming out of western countries.

Right all those videos with no context or info which CT's latched on to , see past threads here, as being proof of something. For example the clip of the woman vomiting what looked to be some black substance as proof of CV only to find out the video was made years before all of this.

Common sense would state the reason why you dont see videos like that coming out of Western Countries is because they had or have nothing to do with what's going on right now.

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 10:08 AM
No f***ing s**t Sherlock!
Locals were complaining about this before the event and wanted it cancelled.
I was told LAST week of 3 people who were tested positive for it at the flippin' event because they fell ill during it!

Race goers testing positive

This is my idiotic Council for you!

Angry, stormy Rainbows
edit on am310America/ChicagoSunday2020-03-22T10:09:26-05:0010America/Chicago03000000 by angelchemuel because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: opethPA

You are absolutely correct.

At this point I'm even wondering why people would be comparing numbers between countries anyway? We are constantly comparing to China or Italy but we have a completely different demographic and culture.

My country doesn't have a drugstore on every street corner. We don't take antibiotics for every ailment. We are pretty reserved when it come to contact with others, travel a lot, have a different climate etc...

Our immune system is completely different...


posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 10:10 AM
Canada is trying the stern warning approach for people are supposed to be self-isolating, stating that continued failure to do so could "put our civil liberties in jeopardy."

Our Health Minister warned:

"It makes governments have to look at more and more stringent measures to actually contain people in their own homes," Hajdu said during a news conference attended by other cabinet ministers. "Our freedoms around the measures that we're taking right now depend on people taking them seriously."

In Quebec, a woman was arrested for going on a walk when she was supposed to be self-isolating.

Also, 13 cases of COVID-19 linked to a curling bonspiel that 50-60 doctors attended on the day a pandemic was declared...

Meanwhile, we are reading news articles of Canadians stuck abroad pleading with the government to get them home, criticizing the government for not doing so, or not doing so fast enough. People who went on trips in the middle of this.

I have been seriously shaking my head lately at how oblivious the average person is.

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 10:14 AM
Just to expand on my earlier comments as to what is happening outside the window...

Brits urged to avoid tourist hotspots after huge crowds at beaches and holiday destinations across country

This seems to be the bigger public response to what is happening. I'd like to see some reporters out there asking what is going through their minds. I can only guess at the psychology of it, but from an infection point of view it is insanity.

Maybe the virus does affect the brain and rational thought? Maybe a stress response? Something. It all makes sense of the traffic though. I heard it happened in Italy too, so interested if this is common in all places, or more a western thing.

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 10:15 AM
Greetings from the Palmetto State. Long time lurker.

I live approximately 30 miles from Camden, SC. Camden is the largest city in Kershaw County . Kershaw County is the epicenter of the virus outbreak in SC. It comprises 43 of 173 confirmed cases in SC. (25%) A 7 month old is the youngest confirmed case. He was tested at Prisma Health and sent home. The family is under legal contract from the Department of Health and Environmental Control not to leave their home. Not sure why such a rural county is getting hit the hardest. Common sense would assume Columbia, Greenville, Charleston, or Myrtle Beach - why Camden?

I spoke with a gun shop owner friend and he said business has been crazy. Sold 15 in one day, which is unbelievable, taking into account the size of his store and where its located. The NICS is delaying approval of weapon purchases. What normally would go through in 10 minutes is taking days. Ammo is gone as soon as it gets in. Can't keep 9mm, 22, 223 and 556 on the shelf.

I teach, and our school busted our collective butts on Monday getting together packets to send home to our students. We had drive-thru pickup Tuesday and Wednesday, and delievered to those who were unable to get it or didn't have internet access. I stay in contact with my students via email, Google Classroom, Remind 101, and text. The packets included enough material for 10 school days. We are unsure what will happen after those 10 days are up. (Friday, March 27)

Stores have plenty of non-perishables, but there are limits on bread, meat and toilet paper. My community is very rural, with a lot of "hands in the dirt" types of jobs.

I worry about the economic situation. What are people going to do when money runs out?

More to come from me in God's Country as the situation progresses.

Stay safe and vigilant.


posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 10:19 AM
I listened to the Corona Virus Task force yesterday. Did anyone else notice the comment made by Trump. It has already been mentioned that student loan interest and payments will be suspended for a period of time. He mentioned that something bigger would be coming soon.
I am going to do my oracle thing. Student loans will be forgiven, wiped out. With so many young now unable to pay their student loan it is dangerous not to forgive it. The good will of the survivors is going to be really necessary moving forward. As a society we cannot afford to have an entire generation enslaved financially.
The whole economy is finished anyway.It is time for a complete reset.
I told my daughter that the student loan payments and interest were being suspended. She called this morning upset. Her student loan payment was taken as usual.

That really undermines the message.

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 10:46 AM

originally posted by: FinallyAwake

originally posted by: all2human
What has not been mentioned that hopefully carries weight for those still out and about
No coughing necessary

Most are of the understanding that coughs are required
for transfer.

if one must be out
absolutely without question wear a mask,and gloves
could save a life.

Can you provide a link please???

You cannot just post potentially life saving information with no source, this is ATS!

Here is a link that talks about the US study that says it lasts in the air for 3 hours. It is also well known that people can spread it when they have no symptoms. You can spread it by breathing..... you can have it and not know it. This is why China sprayed the EMPTY streets every night. Stay inside.

edit on 22-3-2020 by pasiphae because: messed up quote

edit on 22-3-2020 by pasiphae because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 10:59 AM
Telluride in the county of San Miguel, Colorado residents are being told they must shelter in place for two weeks. If they do not they will face fines of $5000 and jail time of up to 18 months.
Although there is only one positive case recognized in reality it is widespread throughout the community people familiar with details have reported. An interesting point in the article is that nursing staff are being told to consider themselves positive and refrain from hugging family members and practice social distancing.
The ski communities are going to be hard hit since this is a favorite destination for world travelers.

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: DavidAllenWoe
I’m close to Camden as well and can’t get any information on why Kershaw has as many cases as they do. Do you know?

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

I think this will happen too which really sucks (for me) because I paid mine off just last year in a giant lump sum I could really use right now. Oh well.
edit on 22-3-2020 by ValentineWiggin because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 11:06 AM
I just received an e-mail from Best Buy which shows just how serious this is. They will no longer allow customers into their stores. Anything that a customer orders will have to be picked up curbside.
No more home deliveries including large items such as fridges ect.
All staff are volunteers and will be receiving an extra $2 an hour.
No more in home installation will be performed.
I was thinking about this aspect of home servicing and repairs the other day. Who would willingly enter someones home to do any type of repair work? So now we enter the breakdown of modern appliances that we have considered as essential.
Can you imagine no washing machine? No dryer okay but back to hand washing all clothes?
No dishwasher okay we can do hand washing with lots of battles of whose turn it is.
But what about a broken hot water tank?
Then it gets harder and you have to heat the water on the stove.
A broken stove?

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 11:06 AM
I'm in the UK and I'm now really frightened for how things are going to turn out here, I think it's going to be significantly worse than Italy or anywhere else.

When the Chinese started shutting down cities etc I knew it was bad so I bought in about 6 weeks of food for me and son thinking that would be enough was responsible and wasn't going crazy.

I did this because I knew as soon as the herd (as our govt lovingly put it) realised how bad it as they'd go nuts and start panic buying.

What I didn't imagine was the scale and length of that reaction. They are going through supermarkets like a plague of locusts and stripping them bare, day after day after day.

At first I thought that they were dong it because they were frightened about the virus, being locked down, and not having enoguh food, but now I think the truth is far more scary than that.

If you were worried about the virus and what it might do to you and your loved ones - well you might think it's a risk worth taking to go to a supermarket to buy enough food to isolate, even though you know you're with hundreds or other people, en-masse, in a place where thousands of people per day are coming through them.

Really these places are going to be hotspots of cross infection.

But to then see (according to one Police Commissioner) Hundreds of THOUSANDS of people getting in their cars to go to the seaside, to beaches, to parks, beauty spots, etc, etc, etc so they can intermingle ith thousands more people from all over the country.

Well, they can't actually be very worried about the virus at all.

I think the reason they've been hording to the supermarkets is FOMO - the Fear Of Missing Out.

What happens if all of these people buy all the food? What if they get MY food? I know, I'll go do the same thing - go to a supermarket and load up so I've got something for my dinner.

Then, once they've done that - I know, let's go to the coast for the day.

In the UK the people are acting so incredibly, so unbelievably selfishly that this thing is going to be everywhere and we are now in MASSIVE trouble.

I predict that within 2 weeks we'll have 3000 to 5000 dead, and within a month we'll be well over 10,000 and the line will be almost vertical.

I'm gobsmacked and ashamed and frightened and basically find it incedible at the irresponsible way my fellow Brits can behave at a time like this.

I honestly think that by the end of this, the UK will have been the hardest hit of anywhere, and all because people are too selfish to think about anyone other than themselves.

Take care all of you wherever you are, God Bless us all, and please do all you can to protect yourselves and your loved ones - and everyone else.

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: DankyDSmythe

I agree with pretty much everything you said there. In his last press conference, Boris said he was so pleased that everyone was following the instructions given out... I actually laughed out loud at that.

Midlands nurse, 36, fighting for life in intensive care after being diagnosed with Covid-19

This lady is described as being 'fit and healthy' with no underlying health conditions.

On the personal front, I called my mum earlier to wish her a happy mother's day, only to be told off for not taking her a card/ordering one online. Apparently all my brothers and sisters either turned up today with flowers and a card or mailed one to her.
My mum has many serious health conditions, my daughter (asthmatic) and I are still sick, and surfaces can be contaminated (online order/mail delivery) and i KNOW my parents aren't using gloves/disinfectant on anything coming into the house.
So now, my name is # within the family.

I'm so so sick of being ridiculed and made to feel stupid for wanting to keep my daughter safe, and for not wanting to get other people infected and/or killed.

edit on 22-3-2020 by BlueSwan because: spelling

edit on 22-3-2020 by BlueSwan because: reply to DankyDSmythe

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 11:09 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

I’d be real surprised If they wrote off everyone’s student debt, I’m leaning towards reduced interest, or no interest at all. That would increase the principal towards payment. Or maybe He’s talking something with mortgage loans. Remember, there was that type of talk way back in 2008 or so even mortgage forgiveness, yeah right.

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 11:09 AM
a reply to: trollslayer

The old folks embarrassed to be at the drug house might have been selling meds (not the time to be low on meds you need though) but the very sad real possibility is they may have been looking for something to take to go out the easy way instead of dying from the virus... which from what we know doesn't look like a fun way to die. Ever seen the movie 28 days later?

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 11:11 AM
Just for some levity.

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 11:12 AM
Netherlands: Policesecurity at COVID-19 medicine manufacturor 'Ace Pharmaceuticals'.

The police are guarding drug manufacturer Ace Pharmaceuticals in Zeewolde. The company makes chloroquine, which is used in the treatment of corona patients.

According to the police, there is a "suspicious situation". A spokesman does not want to say more. The company has a recognizable armored police car. There are also three civilian cars with agents, Omroep Flevoland writes.

Chloroquine is a malaria medicine that is used in the fight against corona. The drug can suppress the symptoms of the virus, but RIVM is still embraced.

The police say that the property is under surveillance because of a suspicious situation that has arisen. The police do not want to say exactly what that means. The Ministry of Security and Justice does not want to say anything about the police deployment for the time being. A spokesman for the municipality of Zeewolde says he does not know why there is a police force with the company.

posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: ValentineWiggin
My daughter has almost paid off her student loan but knows many friends that owe more then $75,000 in student loan debt. I know that it sucks when you did the right thing and paid yours off. We saved for our children to be able to go without huge student loans. We did the right thing too. However everything has changed now.
It isn't about what is best individually it is about how we keep moving forward as a society.
The young survivors are going to be doing the heavy lifting in the future to produce the basics for life such as agriculture for the rest of society.
My daughter had a wonderful job opportunity which is now gone. She has no money and no permanent place to live. We are giving her sanctuary which is what families do. We help each other.

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