posted on Mar, 10 2020 @ 04:11 PM
On Feb 26th, I went to a clinic having a sore throat, constant pain/burning in one side of my chest for the past three days (not heartburn, more of a
pinching that wouldn't go away), trouble taking deep breaths, and watery, scratchy eyes. No real coughing, just a mild, dry cough if anything.
After explaining my symptoms, the doctors masked and gloved up and told me they'd do both a rapid flu and strep test. Both came back negative. I was
told that I had a "mystery virus" and to go home, rest, and call a hospital if symptoms worsen. They didn't want to do any further tests.
The exact diagnosis I was handed on a sheet was acute bronchitis, respiratory infection and that "these are caused typically by viruses, therefore
antibiotics will not work". I've never had bronchitis or pnuemonia before in my life.
Of note, I am also immunosuppressed, so get very nervous when I get seriously ill, as sometimes it's two whole weeks in bed. However, this was
knocked out in about two days after the doctor visit naturally, so about five days from start to finish. I'd compare it to a mild to moderate cold,
not nearly as bad as flu, with the worst symptom being the pinching in the chest that never goes away and makes it very hard to sleep comfortably, as
you shift constantly from your back to your side, to your other side.
While I never got the test, therefore don't know what virus it was, I am in an area with confirmed cases and the symptoms match. So, if this was it,
people should really calm down, unless you are a very, very ill or high-risk person. (This is coming from someone immunosuppressed who knocked this
out relatively easily all things considered).