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Corona Virus Updates Part 3

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posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:18 PM
Maybe I missed it but this is interesting. So this Cruise passenger is tested positive and taken to a Japanese hospital.

Rebecca Frazier from Oregon.

Check out these two separate youtube videos. Two different perspectives. One has comments turned off the other has comments that seem to lean towards this being propaganda.

So her husband is the boat still and she has a deadly virus but she is super happy looking. Smells funny.

I tried to recall when the first passengers where taken of the boat but I couldnt find definitive dates.

Video 1

and video 2 different new org and different perspective and seems like same clothing.

video 2

and all videos and her name is spelled differently in some.

All videos under google for her name

Just weird.

When was first passenger taken of boat again?

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:18 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: pasiphae

I get that ...

But people die every year from the flu. Sometimes lots of people. Maybe more than you like to think about.

My point is that if the deaths from corona virus are indistinguishable from the normal background "noise" of people dying like they would from regular pneumonia caused by other viral or bacterial factors (like the flu). Then how scary is this pandemic, anyhow?

I think it more likely that the flu is the flu in almost every instance right now.

The US has 327M people. If 20% of them get sick that's 65,400,000 and if 3% of them die that's 1,962,000. It's a little worse than the flu. That's why cities are shutting down.

Is my math wrong? It very well could be. I'm super tired right now.... and not great at math in the first place (though I used to be in my younger years!! haha)

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:19 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Between the environmental damage caused by the craptastic air quality in China, etc., that may explain the situation we see there to some degree and why it doesn't seem to be as bad elsewhere.

I'm not saying what you're suggesting is impossible, but there is a truly colossal outlier with that theory.

Still ZERO cases reported in Indonesia

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:20 PM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

Bob? As in Baghdad Bob, the Iraqi gentleman who said no US troops were in Iraq as American tanks rolled through Baghdad in the camera frame behind him?

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:20 PM
a reply to: pasiphae

That would be worse, but if people are dying at a rate that is indistinguishable from the regular background noise of the normal seasonal crap as you posit, then that disease scenario is a much different one.

Which disease are you afraid of?

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:20 PM

originally posted by: BPilgrim
a reply to: IAMTAT

Let's hear it.

It's entirely possible that in some countries...some of these recorded CV deaths may be 'cover' for politically-motivated assassinations.

No better way to hide an unnatural death...than within a natural epidemic.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:21 PM
a reply to: Phoenix

" So if 80% US population gets it "

So. WHAT IF .............

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:24 PM
a reply to: myselfaswell

It hasn't gotten into South America very easily either as far as we can tell. It also doesn't seem to be having much luck with Australia either.

It may be a season thing. Something to do with heat/humidity - tropical. Indonesia is getting more tropical.

When I talk about China, I talk about lung changes with ACE2 caused by the air pollution and smoking, but again, we'll see how it treats South Korea and Japan.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:24 PM

originally posted by: pasiphae

originally posted by: carewemust
Just reported, so far this season 16,000 people in America have died from the FLU! That's the damn pandemic.

The US has 327M people. If 20% of them get sick that's 65,400,000 and if 3% of them die that's 1,962,000. It's a little worse than the flu. That's why cities are shutting down.

Edit to add my math could be wrong because I'm very very tired.

Yes - and multiple of 4 for answer to math question a few posts above - just round it to 8,000,000 for simplicity - thats far north of the flu's 16,000 and why I disagree with apples and oranges comparisons.

Nightmare it ever hit anything like those numbers - heck even 25% of that is huge disaster.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:28 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

Excuse me for asking this, but (Americans) how are you guys "really" taking this virus situation at the present times. Has the info finally caught on that its here to stay until a drug is found to treat it (hopefully to kill it completely) and how are people thinking about their job situation there. 

I'm gonna be completely honest and say that nobody is really concerned at all.

I did stop by Sam's club to pick up a few more things and the cashier did have on gloves. But nobody was buying anything in super bulk to stock up. Or so it appeared that way.

I am concerned about my employment opportunities in the near future. I am a union construction worker that works for various contractors when they need workers to do a job. I feel that I might be on a long lay off this year.

I have taken a few steps to make sure that my family if 5 can be on a house lockdown for a month or two. I am taking this more serious than about 98% of the American public.

I hope that this all blows over soon

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:30 PM

originally posted by: TheAMEDDDoc
a reply to: tennisdawg

If that were the case it would be weapons grade or synthetic and we’re getting Wuhan in our BSL3 labs for some research studies at a research university. They wouldn’t clear it for that type of work if it were BSL4 or worse, this virus has been mapped so often already it’s just not possible to move through hosts like that unless it underwent significant mutation or recombination.

TheAMEDDDoc, Hi. I was wondering about something, it's just a curiosity. Maybe you can answer it. I posted this question at thread Part 2. Didn't see a reply. I think the answer is NO, but have my doubts anyways. Could you answer it please? If you can.

I also have a serious question, by serious I mean it's not to make anyone feel bad or anything, I really want to know: Could a virus be engineered to look like it was natural, no matter what way someone studies it? And I mean really engineered, not a lab mutated virus in an artificial medium to make it mutate faster.

Thanks for your posts by the way.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:30 PM

originally posted by: all2human
Sux this is going to have to hit people in the jaw to realize whats going on
i'm guessing they wont be happy..

It will kill their globalist agenda ...

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:33 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: pasiphae

That would be worse, but if people are dying at a rate that is indistinguishable from the regular background noise of the normal seasonal crap as you posit, then that disease scenario is a much different one.

Which disease are you afraid of?

I'm sorry, forgive me but I really don't understand what you're asking me? I'm not afraid of the regular flu but am concerned about this. I've been following this discussion since page one for a reason. Since you are not adding the quote in your comment I really don't know what part of my comments you are referring to (thread moves too fast). I've really liked all your comments from the beginning but I'm getting a tad confused here in reply to me........ but again I'm tired and maybe am just missing the obvious.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:39 PM

Just throwing this out.

If the CDC plans not to test anyone. They got this huge database on past flu seasons. As long all health related activities - doctor visits, hospitalizations, deaths - due to this virus are reported to the CDC as flu related they can statistically parse out the virus given some standard error. If the plan is not to quarantine people does it make any difference between the virus or the flu for the CDC. If death certificates are coded as flu they've got that information. Based on the overdose opioid crisis many death certificates for overdose were not coded properly and may not in this case. Other option if they have the flu like symptoms but do not test positive for the flu then assume is the virus. Maybe the CDC plans to estimate the virus on the back end of this and doesn't need to know it was the virus on the front end. Doesn't help put the public at ease. Just putting this out there.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:44 PM
a reply to: pasiphae

A disease that sickens and kills that many wouldn't be able to hide in the background noise.

But you're claiming that corona virus is hiding in the background noise.

Which version are you afraid of? The one with the numbers you gave or the one that is so mild it's producing the equivalent of a severe flu season?

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:47 PM

originally posted by: liejunkie01
a reply to: musicismagic

Excuse me for asking this, but (Americans) how are you guys "really" taking this virus situation at the present times. Has the info finally caught on that its here to stay until a drug is found to treat it (hopefully to kill it completely) and how are people thinking about their job situation there. 

I'm gonna be completely honest and say that nobody is really concerned at all.

I did stop by Sam's club to pick up a few more things and the cashier did have on gloves. But nobody was buying anything in super bulk to stock up. Or so it appeared that way.

I am concerned about my employment opportunities in the near future. I am a union construction worker that works for various contractors when they need workers to do a job. I feel that I might be on a long lay off this year.

I have taken a few steps to make sure that my family if 5 can be on a house lockdown for a month or two. I am taking this more serious than about 98% of the American public.

I hope that this all blows over soon

You know I've been posting like current events mostly in Japan since its my backyard . But as of today, it becomes more real to the fact (my wife is in the education part of the industry) and I know this week is the turning point for her last income. Its a fact. All the facts that I've been posting with a few "on the street talks" (which by the way are very important and usually pans out within a period of time to be spot on) have a growth pattern to the events. Starting recently now that the ship news has simmered off , the other current events here are important for those that have an open mind to such as (wow, this can happen in my country/area/town also) are showing their kindness of thanking for my updates. I think and you included have been watching my updates very closely to see the little gems that are not really being put into writing, but the writing is on the wall.
You mention you hope it blows over soon, so do I. Life is already changing for thousands of Japanese here, from the salary man to the student to the social workers and others.
Yes, I agree with you, 30 days to 90 days prep is a wise thing to do. Please try to continue to do it. You guys are lucky since you can buy them big home type freezers, we just don't have room in the way our homes are designed here.
good luck and keep posting

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:51 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

I’m afraid of what is killing people in Wuhan. Which as we theorized in thread 1 may not be the same virus. Tennisdawg has “confirmed” this. One can chose to believe this or not.

Based on what I see and read I am choosing to believe it. I have been thinking of this angle for a long while.

The classified briefing to Senators definitely raises my eyebrows. There’s more to that than just military involvement. DHS knows something that we don’t beyond the current US preparedness stance.

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:51 PM
Wuhan coronavirus patient cremated alive?China Covid19武漢新冠狀病毒病人被活著火化?

This video is of a conservations that takes place in a taxi. It describes a scene where someone has been bagged up ready for the crematorium, but still moving before being thrown in.

With the medical system inadequate for the scale of the disaster, a lack of medical skills is to be expected. Could the man just of been in a deep sleep when getting wrapped up, starting to wake up later? For something like this to occur is does paint a situation where 100's - 1000's of people are dying each day. The resources and standards for a reasonable quality of health care is just not there.

With the such tight censorship going on it also makes me wonder why this video slipped through the net. Is it a psyop? Is it a warning? Is it just what it is as people are trying to come to terms with the situation?

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:53 PM

originally posted by: liejunkie01
a reply to: musicismagic

Excuse me for asking this, but (Americans) how are you guys "really" taking this virus situation at the present times. Has the info finally caught on that its here to stay until a drug is found to treat it (hopefully to kill it completely) and how are people thinking about their job situation there. 

I'm gonna be completely honest and say that nobody is really concerned at all.

I did stop by Sam's club to pick up a few more things and the cashier did have on gloves. But nobody was buying anything in super bulk to stock up. Or so it appeared that way.

I am concerned about my employment opportunities in the near future. I am a union construction worker that works for various contractors when they need workers to do a job. I feel that I might be on a long lay off this year.

I have taken a few steps to make sure that my family if 5 can be on a house lockdown for a month or two. I am taking this more serious than about 98% of the American public.

I hope that this all blows over soon

I think we all hope it blows over soon.

A couple of months worth of stuff is good, but you need more. Sorry to say, and not criticizing. You do what you can do.

I have been preaching preparedness since it all started. I started out at the beginning with about 2-3 months worth of food and supplies for my family of 5. I now believe we can hold out for 6 months easy. If things start looking bad in the next couple of weeks, I plan to double that. I want to get to the point of holding out for a year if at all possible, but still eat and live comfortably. The only thing that worries me is gasoline for the generator if power goes out, and propane for heat next winter, but I can cut wood if needed.

Prepare, not panic...

posted on Feb, 24 2020 @ 09:53 PM

originally posted by: Cmajlz

Just throwing this out.

If the CDC plans not to test anyone. They got this huge database on past flu seasons. As long all health related activities - doctor visits, hospitalizations, deaths - due to this virus are reported to the CDC as flu related they can statistically parse out the virus given some standard error. If the plan is not to quarantine people does it make any difference between the virus or the flu for the CDC. If death certificates are coded as flu they've got that information. Based on the overdose opioid crisis many death certificates for overdose were not coded properly and may not in this case. Other option if they have the flu like symptoms but do not test positive for the flu then assume is the virus. Maybe the CDC plans to estimate the virus on the back end of this and doesn't need to know it was the virus on the front end. Doesn't help put the public at ease. Just putting this out there.

This is a likely hypothesis/theory. it has crossed my mind.

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