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Corona Virus Updates Part 3

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posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 07:16 PM
Not to frighten you people but:

1. Know what country your chickens are coming from (keep in mind all the stuff made from chickens)
2. The bird flu
3. I have never seen chickens priced at 39 yen per hundred grams in the last 3 decades here
4. Something quiet is happening in the chicken industry, what, I don't know yet

So now we have the corona virus and we have to worry about the bird flu Avian Influenza in Poultry (Domesticated Birds)

OK, I mention earlier what I call "street talk". Personally most of it is like "wow" pure BS, but so far what I've posted has came true, from seeing people now using gloves to pump their gasolene to people in their cars wearing masks.

1. Japan may see an "almost" shut down in what used to be a normal functioning society .
2. University students that have moved to their university towns now creating havoc ( infections spreading)
3. Real estate agents that handled the apartment rental for the university students coming down infected
4. People are now too afraid to use the subways
5. People coughing on the trains will cause someone to push the emergency button (trains are delayed)
6. More people will be buying fishing gear (run on bait and other stuff), and see many more people fishing
7. Those that have boats will try to escape the landscape (temporary) As warm weather comes, this is a real possibility
8. Gas stations closed (due to sickness of their workers)
9. Out patient service at hospitals will be limited to those that have an account already at the hospitals
10. A great increase of people seeking psychiatric help ( new patients being turned away )
11. Quarantine of people of non- Japanese (remember America, ww11 Japanese )
12. Japan like Korea and Taiwan and China will be no fly zones, possible Italy too
13. All ferries to and from South Korea banned
14. I've stated this before (North Koreans defecting and heading toward Japan) this might happen when the weather warms up. Reason, shortage of food in North Korea (remember the military gets fed first )

Lots more events to happen here. The what's if now is big on the shows here.

Until a drug is available, no sight is in the end for stopping it spreading.
edit on 0200000023172020-02-23T19:17:23-06:00172302pm7 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 07:24 PM

URGENT) S. Korea reports 161 more cases of new coronavirus, total now at 763


posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 07:26 PM

originally posted by: kwakakev
China announced that they found a cure.

The drug Chloroquine has been shown to be effective in 100 clinical trials. This drug has been on the market for 70 years and used in the treatment of malaria. In one patient it took about a week for a recovery to occur. More standardized testing is required. Is looking good.

Well, how else are they going to get the people to go back to work unless they can dangle this carrot under their noses so they think they are safe from the virus? IMHO.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 07:26 PM
Pardon me, but I'm just saying....What IF
Cause we really know nothing right now.
Chickens? You realize any blame you place now gets things killed?
I just asked a supposed "doc" a question per his previous posts about cykotine storm in immunological responses, and resultant possible sepsis, and then read his response, that we are all, possibly, at risk for sepsis.

But....we aren't. A LOT has to happen for you to suffer sepsis. And sepsis, in this case, suffering a flu like cold, is a stretch anyway.

Now, we're talking about friggin chickens......

They're killing dogs and cats in the street.....when we know NOTHING really. It starts with blaming the animals and killing them. What I am raising here, when we know so little, and haste to attribute blame, is where does the blame END, and the KILLING end, when sickness is attributed to anything, because there's a mass LACK of info...


posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 07:35 PM
a reply to: tetra50

They’re freaking out and killing animals to stop the spread, it’s also a different culture. Most of our humane concerns and regulatory issues are caused by students and PhDs from China. They view animals differently than other cultures.

This virus is from the same family as SARS and these coronaviruses have been proven to pass between humans and animals, like cats and ferrets, even mice. They have similar ACE2 receptors to ours and can act as vectors or reservoirs of the disease, especially in areas with a high population density. This combined with respiratory and fomite spread makes it pretty much uncontrollable with a very high chance of remaining in circulation in the human and animal population indefinitely.

I don’t agree with it, it’s terrible but motives change when faced with a crisis.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 07:42 PM

originally posted by: GlobalGold

The authorities in Wuhan on Saturday introduced 14 days’ mandatory quarantine for recovered coronavirus patients, after some discharged patients again tested positive.

From Saturday, all patients who had recovered and been discharged had to be sent to designated places for two weeks of quarantine and medical observation, the city’s coronavirus treatment and control command centre said on Weibo...

What is really going to be a biatch is if (when?) they discover that recovered patients are never going to be free from shedding this virus intermittently. Once bitten, always carrying the bite.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 07:42 PM

originally posted by: tetra50
Pardon me, but I'm just saying....What IF
Cause we really know nothing right now.
Chickens? You realize any blame you place now gets things killed?
I just asked a supposed "doc" a question per his previous posts about cykotine storm in immunological responses, and resultant possible sepsis, and then read his response, that we are all, possibly, at risk for sepsis.

But....we aren't. A LOT has to happen for you to suffer sepsis. And sepsis, in this case, suffering a flu like cold, is a stretch anyway.

Now, we're talking about friggin chickens......

They're killing dogs and cats in the street.....when we know NOTHING really. It starts with blaming the animals and killing them. What I am raising here, when we know so little, and haste to attribute blame, is where does the blame END, and the KILLING end, when sickness is attributed to anything, because there's a mass LACK of info...


Not sure if you knew about this, but last time we had the bird flu spread, a Japanese farmer was selling infected chickens. He later committed suicide. I think most of us here still remember the the chicken scare.
Here in Asia, its more real then I think for most people realize.
We know for a fact it can go from human to human.

Thank you for enjoying my post. Sometimes they not say what I'm trying to print. So the post can come out a bit too harsh, which I've tried to stay away from. Rather see a lot of humor in them actually.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 07:43 PM

A new report from a WHO infectious disease modeling team based at Imperial College London is estimating about two-thirds of Covid-19 cases worldwide have gone undetected. The analysis suggests the global spread of the novel coronavirus is significantly greater than the current volume of confirmed cases. “We are starting to see more cases reported from countries and regions outside mainland China with no known travel history or link to Wuhan City,” explains Natsuko Imai, one of the authors on the new report. “Our analysis, which extends and confirms previously released analysis by other groups using flight volumes from Wuhan City and the reported number of COVID-19 cases, demonstrates the importance of surveillance and case detection if countries are to successfully contain the epidemic.” As of February 23, 2020, there are over 78,000 confirmed cases of Covid-19, the vast majority of which are concentrated in China. Prior studies have suggested most cases present with mild symptoms. Only a small minority of confirmed cases seem to progress into serious pneumonia-like disease, leading some researchers to suggest the virus may have spread wider than current numbers indicate. This new report set out to explore how accurate current country-based surveillance of the disease may be, in relation to the average volume of travelers flying out of the epidemic epicenter in Wuhan, China.

Report claims two-thirds of global coronavirus cases have gone undetected

I don’t think it will be much longer before, this becomes a pandemic announcement, and it will become consciously accepted, by those still in denial.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 07:45 PM

originally posted by: Rich Z

originally posted by: GlobalGold

The authorities in Wuhan on Saturday introduced 14 days’ mandatory quarantine for recovered coronavirus patients, after some discharged patients again tested positive.

From Saturday, all patients who had recovered and been discharged had to be sent to designated places for two weeks of quarantine and medical observation, the city’s coronavirus treatment and control command centre said on Weibo...

What is really going to be a biatch is if (when?) they discover that recovered patients are never going to be free from shedding this virus intermittently. Once bitten, always carrying the bite.

Its now being opinioned that until a drug can be developed, the spread on the virus is non stop. That is scary.
edit on 0200000012462020-02-23T19:46:12-06:00461202pm7 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 07:46 PM

originally posted by: TheAMEDDDoc
a reply to: tetra50

They’re freaking out and killing animals to stop the spread, it’s also a different culture. Most of our humane concerns and regulatory issues are caused by students and PhDs from China. They view animals differently than other cultures.

This virus is from the same family as SARS and these coronaviruses have been proven to pass between humans and animals, like cats and ferrets, even mice. They have similar ACE2 receptors to ours and can act as vectors or reservoirs of the disease, especially in areas with a high population density. This combined with respiratory and fomite spread makes it pretty much uncontrollable with a very high chance of remaining in circulation in the human and animal population indefinitely.

I don’t agree with it, it’s terrible but motives change when faced with a crisis.

What I am saying here, Doc, is we have some obviously conflicting information. So....everytime someone gives a nonsensical answer that configures BLAME, it's fairly destructive and non forward moving.

From what I have read, there is no evidence that this an animal to human transmission. No one really knows that, yet. Hey, but let's kill all the animals. You do realize, I think, that you kill the animals on planet earth, there is an ecosystem dependent upon them and OUR inhabitation, and that will disrupt absolutely everything in that ecosystem.

Just saying. It becomes obvious. Kill off the animals, kill off whatever ethnicities you believe inherently cause and spread, and where do we go from there? I am increasingly alarmed at the tangent this is taking..... If you are really a scientist and a doctor, I would expect you to be, too, and spreading the reality that we know very little right now, so folks aren't moved to go out and KILL whatever thinking that's the cause of spread.....

regards and stay safe,

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 07:54 PM

originally posted by: 38181
a reply to: cirrus12
That’s too bad TD isn’t posting, thanks to the a-holes who ran him/her off. Times like this we need info from people in the know on ground zero.

I second that.

I think I'm gonna PM TD and let him know I appreciated his insight. I think we all should.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 08:02 PM
a reply to: tetra50

They don’t know the original source, two popular theories are laboratory acquired or animal crossover event. Coronavirus has been proven in peer reviewed studies to pass back and forth between humans and domestic animals like pets that live in the same home or environment. In these countries they almost always have a drastic culling event of animal populations when faced with an epidemic. I’ve even seen this when on medical support missions in third world nations, it’s a significant cultural difference than what we are used to and it is disturbing, it could potentially save lives and most of these animal populations are bred solely for our use and are not natural.

We are starting to learn quite a bit about this disease, we have it’s genetic makeup, binding mechanisms and are now developing vaccine, monoclonal antibody and drug targets to prevent severe infections or immunize the host against infection. We’re actually starting a study with Wuhan, SARS, MERS and some lab developed strains in one of our BSL3 labs.

The only thing we don’t know is the actual number of infected or dead but the ratios and data we do have fits this type of virus, even it’s mutation rate is natural. It will change into a seasonal disease that hopefully doesn’t mutate into a nasty strain.

I really hope some nations do not start culling human populations, unfortunately there are nations capable of performing those acts.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 08:03 PM
Stock markets a little wobbly today

I guess China pumping in nearly half a Trillion $ over the last month cant last for ever..

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 08:17 PM
a reply to: tetra50

If you have a public health crisis and you are trying like mad to contain a disease and stop its spread, you can get desperate enough to remove all possible vectors, and that can include the animals that you think may be harboring the disease.

It's an ugly reality of this kind of thing.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: tetra50

In addition to the Bird Flu, it appears China is dealing with a possible locust swarm of serious magnitude in the West.

I do believe there is culling occurring for fowl and poultry atm. Anyone confirm?

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: slatesteam

I do believe there is culling occurring for fowl and poultry atm. Anyone confirm?

Been going on for about a week now.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 08:26 PM

originally posted by: Agit8dChop
Stock markets a little wobbly today

I guess China pumping in nearly half a Trillion $ over the last month cant last for ever..

For foreigners living in a different country, exchange rates are important also.
Here is ours. Was around 109 last Friday, but today its:
So basically I'll see an increase in Yen amount next month from the Govt.
I do think it will go as high at to 132, but not until Trump comes back from Israel .
Let's stay tune on the foreign exchange rates. The new trade agreements might be affected quite a bit.

Personally, I can't see why anyone would want to buy stocks at the moment at any price. I don't think the market will rebound until a drug is found to fight the corona virus. but I'll follow your post. do share your thoughts other then figures, please.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 08:27 PM
a reply to: Rich Z

While they are STIs, HIV and Herpes do the same. But.
Unless I missed something, all viruses once contracted never leave the body, you just have to mitigate transmission and proceed cautiously with damage control.
Only bacterial and fungal infections may be cured and completely rid. I’m no Dr. but I suspect that depending on the virus, what it bodily systemsfunctions they attack, and how/where it lies dormant is something to be considered.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 08:41 PM

originally posted by: musicismagic

originally posted by: JoeRivers

originally posted by: Beltalowda
It may have nothing to do with the coronavirus but a friend of mine from the Quad cities in Illinois posted a video to their Snapchat yesterday. They were at a stop light and large military convoy was going passed them. Serval trucks and more Humvees than I could count. There could be several reasons for this. Just thought it might be worth mentioning.

Well...i'm in davenport(one of the quad cities), and i hate to say this...but Moline has an international airport... I'm guessing since it was snapchat no one has the footage?

Hey Joe
Any news happening in the quad cities? Got family there but no one is talking about the corona virus. I don't understand it.

I'm looked at like i'm stupid. Even can't get it through to my roommates. No one will believe till it's too late. Several local friends on fb with a really bad flu...who knows?

I talked to a customer in japan, originally from denmark...been in japan for 20 years. He echoes everything MIM says about it in japan...he's old and just is in a 'whatever happens, happens' mode. I won't lie, I'm a bit afraid my curiousity with customers over the coronavirus will get me fired.

posted on Feb, 23 2020 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: Agit8dChop

Fear is setting in silver on Kitco started at over 24 dollars and was bashed back to 18 dollars fifty cents. Dunno what was going on their but this virus will disrupt an already shaky system.

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