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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -24-

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posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 02:03 AM

..........drumroll please..............

U.S. Attorney John Durham announced Monday that he charged a man with threatening to kill House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff.

Durham, the U.S. attorney for Connecticut who is leading the Justice Department’s review of the Russia investigators, sent out a press release noting he charged Robert Phelps of Torrington, Connecticut, “with threatening to assault and murder a U.S. official, which carries a maximum term of imprisonment of 10 years, and with making interstate threats, which carries a maximum term of imprisonment of five years.”

Phelps, 62, was arrested on March 13 after allegedly sending Schiff a vulgar and violent email on Nov. 12 telling the Democrat, “I want to kill you” and “smash your … face in,” according to court documents and statements made in court. Investigators interviewed Phelps at his Torrington residence and allegedly confirmed that Phelps sent the threatening communication.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 03:27 AM
I didn't know this

The great-granddaughter of the 34th president of The United States [Laura Eisenhower] is one of many QAnon supporters.


posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 03:35 AM

I suspect that grocery clerks don’t often get thanked for their service, but I heard multiple people in line today thanking their cashier.


(post by JohnnyJetson removed for a manners violation)

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 06:02 AM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

She is out there

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 06:19 AM
Physic class!

Awesome to see this.

I studied Chem and Biology not much Physics but if I had to do it all over I would have studied Physics because of the fascinating discoveries and the Mathematics have always proven a wonderful challenge to my mind.

Plus my two most fav Scientist are Einstein and Feynman. I still love the long dead Jacques Cousteau for his opening the ocean up for man to explore with his inventions and opening up the world to the pollution just under the surface in some places.

originally posted by: JohnnyJetson

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
a reply to: cherokeetroy

Austin Steinbart has deleted all his YouTube content.

Now, considering the crux of his "argument" hinged on him being able to keep his videos up despite violating the T&C, can we please drop this Pied Piper LARP talk from this thread? He has nothing to do with Q.

that's fascinating . . . I doubt it's the last we see of Austin, well at least I hope so. I also pray he's ok, dogs and all

I think Austin was forced "out of the woodwork" by his 'handlers', as he says, quite possibly to make Clear about a few things ... Maybe just as much fo 'D6" as anyone else

BTW he posted 20 vids related to Quantum Physics made Simple 5 days ago, here

Sit back and enjoy the show. and I'd like to know WTF's happenning witth those 130k sealed briefs? they've had for some time now . . . as now, in CoVideo land, with everyone 'forced indoors', it will be Much Easier catching those TRYING TO flee, no?

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 07:37 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Q's most dramatic predictions, the ones most of us Q-followers are waiting for, are running at 0% fulfillment too...just to be fair.

Care, IF 'we' are aware of 10% of Q's "operations" I'd be surprised. Maybe later we'll be told more, BUT for Now, you must realize it's "Spy Vs Spy" . . . if it was 'worth it' Q would be an overt operation, BUT it Cant be due to the "nature of the beast" and the battle currently going on.

Harry and Meghan bailing from the Royal family was both unexpected BUT not surprising. I get the feeling we're only going to hear "generalized ideas" about what's really going down, like the article I've posted below

Q has TOLD us there will be DIS-information, it's necessary'. Why doesn't ANYONE even consider that Austin's videos were to serve a purpose -- and maybe the "message" wasn't to us but the House of Wettin/D6?

Anything and Everything IS possible with some things being more likely than others.

Looks that it could be way to me. Austin DID say that he was "horrified when asked to do "The Last Thing he thought he'd be asked to do" ... but "the DIA made him" kinda, ... anyway, what 'spook' does know what their bosses have coming next for them?

As he said, he had a 'personal agenda' in this charade, No Name, for a few reasons.

The footage he posted of him being in those "secure areas" was surreal.

WHO CAN DO that? It's a shame many people here didn't get to see the vids . . . I've copied a few of them but IDK how to upload them anywhere 'safe' to do so

Shoots going down ALL Over the world re: arrests of "bad guys" involved in Making Money .. like REALLY BAD guys. e.g. did you know about these busts?

But, that said, I've known of the 'Ndragheta' or the Mafia of the Mafia for a long time;

They are a group that make La Cosa Nostra aka the mafia look like "slightly aggro kindergarden kids" BUT this mob, who I've never heard about is apparently their partners (or possibly the Ubr Bosses) in the drugs and human trafficking game! Ever heard them mentioned of by the MSM? Na!

Who knew about these people.??? Over 250 people were arrested, NOT ONE name! Were these part of the "sealed warrants" that were a Big Deal 2 yrs ago BUT it seems like everyone's Forgotten about them! huh? Who knew about these people.??? Over 250 people were arrested, NOT ONE name! Were these part of the "sealed warrants" that were a Big Deal 2 yrs ago BUT it seems like everyone's Forgotten about them! huh?

When I first learned about the British Opium wars with the Chinese in the 1800's and the East India Company (a British drug supply company) -- have you seen the East India companies flag?" target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">Check this out, look familiar?

This stuff NEVER stopped,it just 'changed it's appearance' - - many times over the past centuries

March 11 (UPI) -- Federal authorities said Wednesday a large-scale operation targeting a Mexican drug cartel the Justice Department says is one of the most dangerous transnational criminal organizations in the world has resulted in hundreds of arrests and the confiscation of millions of dollars and tons of drugs.

The Justice Department announced on Wednesday the results of the first phase of Project Python -- a multilateral interagency operation targeting Mexico's Jalisco New Generation Cartel, or CJNG.

Launched Sept. 1, the first phase of Project Python culminated Wednesday morning when federal agents conducted more than 100 search warrants, resulting in the arrests of more than 250 people associated with the gang and the seizure of 600 kilograms of drugs and more than $1.7 million in money and assets,

Mexico's Jalisco New Generation Cartel, or CJNG. Never heard of them myself until now, are they 'new'?

And one thing's for sure, "recreational drugs" were made illegal for a variety of purposes, but mainly to make money, as it's almost Human Nature to want to get "out of it" from time to time.

Wild Bill ran a fast and loose drug smuggling ring out of Little Rock Airport AND was (kinda) caught BUT he got away with it All, by throwing a guy named Ollie North under the bus - - who remembers the Iran Contra Affair from the 1980's? Or the "fast and Furious" stuffup from recently? Ever heard of Air America?

Drug money has funded more fubar things than most people can imagine. In fact, the average person with no interest in such things wouldn't believe you IF you try to bring them up to speed.

Even Crooked Hitlary's weakest supporters would NEVER believe ANY of the fubar things the CF got involved in.

A very simple question is "how do so many of these people have Far More money than they've earned?"

It's not rocket surgery, it's common greed stemming from deep insecurities - makes me wonder how many of the power pedos were once abused kids themselves?

I've known far too many women who have been sexually abused as children, some if affected badly, others were able to 'shrug it off' and move on. One of my GF's had DID, she had Five personalities ... until I met her and later, 'them" I honestly didn't believe it was a Real condition! What caused it?

She was sexually abused BUT that's not what 'fractured her' . . . it was the fact she couldn't even trust her own father that brought her 'unstuck' - - her mother just DID NOT believe her, which didn't help.

Just think about the quantities of drugs used recreationally and by the end of the 1970's, the "corridors were well established, the prices increased by up tp 1000% or 10x that of a few years earlier.

Prior to which the wholesale supplies were erratic UNTIL 1985/6 and the advent of hydroponic growing techniques and potent strains, since then, in my city of 4+million people let's say 5% (1 in 20) smoke 1gm of weed a week -- that's 200,000 grams a week, OR 200kgs a week, Every week. 10 tonnes a year, JUST for my city!

Except that it's more like 15-20% of people, 5% smoking a gram a day - do the math and you're looking at a tonne of WEED alone in just my city, Every Week!
You'd be surprised how quickly a few tons are sold in kilos!

It blows my mind to KNOW for a Fact that McCarthy, America's famous "anti-communist" WAS a heroin addict who had a DEA 'license' to 'legally' have it and he was supplied by a small pharmacy in New York!

Do you have ANY idea how many 'famous people' were "closet drug addicts"?

Which puzzles and amazes me as the price of black market drugs here hasn't really increased in 40 Years! Go figure?

What I find equally surprising is that "legal weed" in the US is roughly the same price as the illegal stuff still is here!

IME The corruption in the US and most of the Western world is highly organized and runs far deeper than most third world countries! So long as the average person isn't asking questions, it's NBD

The TP wars have shown what True Fools many people are, selfish, mindless, JUST like they've been Taught to be!
edit on 17-3-2020 by JohnnyJetson because: %$@$@*^&+(()

edit on Tue Mar 17 2020 by DontTreadOnMe because: added SOURCE IMPORTANT: Using Content From Other Websites on ATS

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 08:40 AM
I wonder how long Qanon will continue the larp before people realize it's BS.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Think I was the only person in line that paid in cash.

... then the cashier stared with shock at your bills, and said ...

Sir, these bills are from a future timeline ... you must be one of the Q Team!


posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 08:54 AM
a reply to: blueman12
I wonder how long shills will take to realize they don’t do any difference in posting “q is a larp”

The proof is now irrefutable, and you’re not following along... if you honestly can’t see this is 100% REAL

The storm is here

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 09:03 AM

originally posted by: blueman12
I wonder how long Qanon will continue the larp before people realize it's BS.

Just like the media, no one takes YOU seriously anymore!

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 09:05 AM

originally posted by: Creep Thumper

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: crankyoldman

cranky, I keep getting the vibe that POTUS is implying we can just wash this virus out like a tummy bug... by drinking lot's of water?

Nay nay.

T E A !

Well make mine a Long Island Tea, i haven't had one of those in 30 years because the last one was sooo good I about needed to quit forever.

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 09:09 AM
Well, if I could hop a flight and visit I would help you sample some of those.
I am thinking I need to be drinking something now.... I have some Jim Beam and haven't cracked it open yet. I just don't drink much anymore due to lack of interest and now I good slug of Bourbon might make life seem rosier for a few minutes. That is the problem for many those few minutes drag out for decades. I remember the bad times of one too many in my youth to do that ever again. That I would not forget helped me to not repeat.

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: Creep Thumper

Tea, or... Prosecco!!!

ETA - I've bought some nice wines... if I isolate I won't have to share them...

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 09:09 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox


Yeah, real here too. Borders closed, places of public gathering closed for at least two weeks. Kind of surreal.

One store had shortages, but they were disorganized even in normal times. Other stores don't look bad, spot shortages here and there.

People are civil but restrained. I've started to wave to people in the 'hood as I walk around to keep some social connection intact.

The neighborhood pharmacy has gone into no-contact mode. Pharmacist behind glass, customers outside the building.

Cue the Twilight Zone theme.

Upshot is I'm taking care of things around the house and yard. Weather is fine and the plants are growing again.


posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Hi Pioneer and Carewemust,

@Bruno062418 lists a few new abbreviations to re-consider along with pics & posts here:

SA = Synthetic Adrenochrome (not always Saudi Arabia)
WH = Wuhan (not always White House)
LEXINGTON = Harvard or MIT (Epstein and China research funding)

Yesterday, Cranky’s linked us to Executive Order 13887 signed on September 19, 2019. So for over 6 months, POTUS has had a hand-picked crisis response team modernizing a plan to handle pandemics just like this. 

The team includes senior leaders from key areas that would be impacted, including: Department of Defense (DoD), Security of Health and Human Services, Departments of Justice, Agriculture, Veterans Affairs (VA), Homeland Security, FDA, CDC, National Institutes of Health, Biomedical Advanced Research and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid.

Could events over the past few years, like the CALI blackouts & earthquakes, LB port raids, children being freed, border tunnels, and military exercises in major cities, been peeks at a systematic take down of the Adrenocrome supply chains?

If the real stuff gone, then nothing returns to normal for THEM until POTUS is gone (the rushed impeachment and media hate is making more sense). Patriots are then able to track, compromise, and taint the remaining SA supply channel (FISA works both ways).

Since Warrior is now confirming the plan worked, anyone that took SA now has tainted blood, can never be cured and will die. As ETMN mentions, CV Testing may also be set up to reveal anyone with tainted blood.

Those with tainted blood are facing 3 choices:

- ACCIDENTAL DEATH (give up, spill the beans and receive a staged accidental death, suicide)

- PAINFUL DEATH (hiding only prolongs the suffering - there is no cure)


Some of the Sealed Cases could link to non-tainted people that knowingly supported this global network? These cases may also be tied to Quarantine Camps, Military Courts (building a new WH Tennis Court) and Guantanamo. The MI question and the extreme nastiness at Kavanaugh’s hearings now make sense, as his appointment shifted the balance of power on the Supreme Court.

BO and HRC’s have been sending lots of strange tweets: African sunset (Times running out), Christmas gift ideas - (Act Now), Times Up. Patriots control these accounts to offer some a way out (accept a plea bargain)?

After THEY released CV, Patriots are BOOMERANGING this crisis:

- an effective, less-violent way to identify and round up bad guys

- no public events (less opportunities for mass casualty FF events)

- people realizing the press is promoting fear and division

- 136 new powers unleashed for the President (ones we can’t even imagine)

- weakening the FED (interest rates drop to COOL ZERO, pumping $1.5 Trillion+ into REPO)

- IRS / payroll tax / Student loan holiday

- A step closer to bringing us together (GREAT AWAKENING)

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 09:18 AM
DECODE ID 24RSH200317001D

Re Tic Tac Toe in Q3019 The Monthly NSA Puzzle from May of 2018 Was Based on the Film "War Games" - minor epiphany...

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: e86c0f No.5616382 📁
Mar 10 2019 22:09:20 (EST)📁
Shall We Play A Game?
How many Tweets has POTUS 'forwarded' in the past 12-hours?
Primary topic(s)?
March Madness.
Do you have your [TOE TACTIC] filled in?

I've filled in the kill box with "TOE tactic"... fits perfectly and makes sense in flow of the post!

1) Reverse Tic Tac and you get TACTIC!

2) Reverse Tic Tac Toe and you get TOE TACTIC
a) Film The Toe Tactic:

Mona is nearly overwhelmed by grief and depression. After her father's death, she's cut herself off: leaving teaching - she now temps as an office assistant, ignoring her mother's calls, talking to herself in mirrors, and rejecting any offered intimacy. She's watched over by comic extraterrestrial beings whom we see as cartoon squiggles. They ensure that random acts bring her connections - with a neighbor boy, his mother, and his surreptitious piano teacher (the lad wants to surprise his mom). She also meets an elevator operator in the building where she temps for Ms. Hadaway, a widow with perfect diction. Can Mona take a few steps on the road to expressing emotion?

b) Elevator = Level Up... does giving our emotions freedom allow us to level up?

3) TOE acronyms:
Theory of Everything
Theory of Evolution
Termination of Employment
Transfer of Equity
Target of Evaluation

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 09:34 AM
I need to disappear for a few hours to support my uncle - he's worried about pub's being locked down so have to deliver him a crate of beer!

Partial DECODE ID 24RSH200317002D

POTUS tweet with TYPO today, at 08:27:18:

Failing Michigan Governor must work harder and be much more proactive. We are pushing her to get the job done. I stand with Michigan!

1) Extra SPACE between Failing and Michigan!

2) Space bounded by g and M:
Ghislane Maxwell?
General Motors?

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 09:36 AM


posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 09:39 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

A notable on /qresearch said that GREEN TEA taken at same time as zinc supplement helps fight coronavirus...

Apparently the Green Tea has IONOPORES that allows the zinc to gain access to cells. The zinc affects RNA in the cell which stops the virus.

Not a biology/chemistry expert but thought I'd pass it on.
edit on 17-3-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2020 @ 09:55 AM
A thought on the global lockdowns...

Are they an enforced DETOX?

Whilst people may be hoard-buying foodstuffs and toilet paper, will we reduce our intake of chemicals from shampoos, make up, etc. Over a lockdown month?

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