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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -24-

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posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 09:17 AM

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 09:17 AM
a reply to: brewtiger

Now, why are all those Vietnamese fleeing the socialist wonderland run by Hanoi?


posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Like Q said... 
"What is right? 
What is wrong? 
Up is down. 
Left is right. 
Left is LEFT." 

Clear reference, IMO, not to Alice in Wonderland, but Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There. In this novel, Alice finds herself in another world not by falling down a rabbit hole, but by walking through a mirror into a world where up is down, down is up, right is left, and left is right. In order to move away from someone quickly, you move toward them slowly.

"Think Mirror."

I don't know how to make sense of all these strange coincidences. Earlier I was looking back over the Ingersoll Lockwood Baron Trump novels information and that one is interesting too. There is a wiki page on those books. On the Wiki page they ALSO reference Alice in Wonderland...

Lockwood published the first novel, Travels and adventures of Little Baron Trump and his wonderful dog Bulger, in 1889, and its sequel, Baron Trump's Marvelous Underground Journey, in 1893. The novels recount the adventures of the German boy Wilhelm Heinrich Sebastian Von Troomp, who goes by "Baron Trump", as he discovers weird underground civilizations, offends the natives, flees from his entanglements with local women, and repeats this pattern until arriving back home at Castle Trump.[1]

The novels were part of a trend in American children's literature that responded to the demand for fantastic adventure stories triggered by Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland (1865).

It occurs to me having read a link dropped in here the other day about a theoretical physicist who believes time flows forward and backwards at the quantum level that some of these things may be explained naturally, without the use of a time machine.

If it's possible for time to flow backwards, would it not stand to reason that if there happens to be a profound event that takes place in the future, that we may see a causal chain of events to ripple into the past?

All kinds of problems posting this morning. Lol
edit on 4-3-2020 by PioneerFigureSkating because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 09:32 AM
Buh-Bye, Little Mike!! Bloomberg OUT of the Dem race.

Another Biden Endorsement


Donald J. Trump
Mini Mike Bloomberg just “quit” the race for President. I could have told him long ago that he didn’t have what it takes, and he would have saved himself a billion dollars, the real cost. Now he will pour money into Sleepy Joe’s campaign, hoping to save face. It won’t work!

Notice "he would have saved" can also be written "he could have saved". w=c ... ring any bells, Rel?

edit on 4-3-2020 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-3-2020 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-3-2020 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 09:59 AM

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 10:01 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
Buh-Bye, Little Mike!! Bloomberg OUT of the Dem race.

Another Biden Endorsement


Amazing that a person with predatorial proclivities, who is mean and nasty, and who can't get the words right in every sentence he speaks is the "favorite" on the Dem side.

It ain't Denmark that's rotten.

Biden and Sanders, the two most revolting candidates, are leading.

W T F . . .

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: Creep Thumper

Commissar Bernie is definitely all about revolting!


posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2"

Cavv, how about the Witten Council we were discussing a few weeks ago? I may have got the "Witten" bit wrong?

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 11:05 AM
Looks like the FBI needs a "do over".

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 11:36 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
Looks like the FBI needs a "do over".

Monumental incompetence.

The Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, said the FBI was incompetent when interviewed about his crimes.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 11:45 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2"

Cavv, how about the Witten Council we were discussing a few weeks ago? I may have got the "Witten" bit wrong?

Witan, also called Witenagemot, the council of the Anglo-Saxon kings in and of England; its essential duty was to advise the king on all matters on which he chose to ask its opinion. It attested his grants of land to churches or laymen, consented to his issue of new laws or new statements of ancient custom, and helped him deal with rebels and persons suspected of disaffection. Its composition and time of meeting were determined by the king’s pleasure.


Persons suspected of disaffection ... hmm.

By the way, the German town of Witten also has a council ... 😋

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 11:47 AM

originally posted by: Creep Thumper

originally posted by: carewemust
Looks like the FBI needs a "do over".

Monumental incompetence.

The Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, said the FBI was incompetent when interviewed about his crimes.

Was COMEY in charge then?

BTW..President Trump will be LIVE with Hannity tonight, and in a FoxNews town hall tomorrow (Thursday) night.
edit on 3/4/2020 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: SuperStudChuck
a reply to: cherokeetroy

SNL is so much funnier when they make fun of everyone instead of running with a single bias. Good to see they are coming back that way a bit.

I've always really liked SNL...even though they're Cabal

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: carewemust

I kinda suspect the FBI has happily tolerated a parade of bureaucratic nincompoops in the top position rather than risk another J. Edgar Hoover.


posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Cavv, I was thinking more of the "World Governing Witten Council" (?) that had somebody "Somerset", Duchess of Banbury, as head. We spent a dozen pages arguing if they were genuine or not.

I'd look but I've just found something that may be key and it's time intensive.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: carewemust

No, ma'am.

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 12:12 PM

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Rel, don't let me distract you. I will say, though, I prefer the Witan Council notion over that other Witten Council


posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 12:17 PM
Contaminated cash may spread coronavirus, World Health Organization warns

The World Health Organization (WHO) has advised people to wash their hands and stop using cash if possible as the paper bills may help spread coronavirus.


Maybe related?


The US Federal Reserve (Fed) is the latest major central bank to consider issuing its own digital currency. Last month, its European, British, and Japanese counterparts formed a group to study the benefits of the so-called central bank digital currency (CBDC).

Interestingly, the Federal Reserve said in 2018 that there was no point in issuing its own digital currency.

Now the Fed is in a rush to adopt the concept, especially after People’s Bank of China (PBOC) announced similar intentions.

edit on 4-3-2020 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2020 @ 12:32 PM

originally posted by: imthegoat

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

I don't know what's going on with all that stuff, man. Those are next level coincidences.

Remember, it was William Barr's father who hired Jeffrey Epstein to be a school teacher. And Barr's father happened to write that bizarre story about a guy being abducted and sold off planet as a sex slave.

The Epstein-Barr virus is also known more commonly as "mono." The "kissing disease."

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome? Never heard of that either.

Giant red flags.

What is AWS?
Alice in Wonderland syndrome (AWS) is a rare conditionTrusted Source that causes temporary episodes of distorted perception and disorientation. You may feel larger or smaller than you actually are. You may also find that the room you’re in — or the surrounding furniture — seems to shift and feel further away or closer than it really is.

These episodes aren’t the result of a problem with your eyes or a hallucination. They’re caused by changes in how your brain perceives the environment you’re in and how your body looks.

This syndrome can affect multiple senses, including vision, touch, and hearing. You may also lose a sense of time. Time may seem to pass faster or slower than you think.

What is AWS?

Now I'm curious if this is connected to the Epstein style stuff. Could "they" have figure out a way to cause AWS via an injection, pill, powder, etc? Could it easily be passed as being a hallucinogenic drug? Were Epsteins victims drugged? Prince Andrews? 🤷‍♂️

I would say this this theory is very plausible and 'activated' via a specific frequency.

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