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The Markle Debacle

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posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 10:47 AM

originally posted by: eletheia

originally posted by: Sheye
Ok.. so the fact of the matter is some folks have decided they don’t like Meghan and she is the reason for all the decisions being made by Harry and herself.

I really think 99% of people were prepared/wanted to and did like her, I was

one of them! but like fools gold the shine began to wear off and the true worth

began to show.

I think it’s really demeaning to Prince Harry that people would think he is so stupid as to get manipulated by a woman. It’s not like this is his first rodeo in a relationship and he must have asked to marry her for a reason.

You know what they say about a man in love, he doesn't think in his head

he gets led................

I just think it’s sad.. all the judgements they have to endure.. all the money in the world can’t make that easy.

Sadly ALL the money in the world wont buy what Harry needs.

His gold star is crumbling to ashes.

All just opinions... we all have em... and they are worth even less than fools gold.

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 10:54 AM

originally posted by: Sheye

originally posted by: alphacenturi
a reply to: Sheye

only 5% of their funding comes from parliament (taxpayers money) the rest is funded by the royal family.

Its basically like telling your boss that your only going to come to work a couple of days a year but still want your annual salary.

and yes they did work for the monarchy. That was their job

no job, no pay, that's the way it works for the rest of us.

Read the damn articles ! It’s a process to unentangle yourself from Royal funds.. and they both say they are working towards independence.

Geeez... another hater

no hate here. born in england and live in canada.
i did read the articles and yes it is all fine to work towards independence but dont expect others to fund you while you are getting there.

maybe they should have starting working on it 2 years ago.

the canadian tax payers have already funded the security they needed on their 6 week vacation as is our duty to the monarchy when they visit.

in the meantime while they are still visiting, as technically they are not citizens yet, we are still funding them.

chill out.

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: alphacenturi

in the meantime while they are still visiting, as technically they are not citizens yet, we are still funding them. chill out.

Well we would be funding them anyway.. ( it’s a lot more expensive to fund a planned Royal visit promoting games,etc.)... like it was stated it will take time and they may not be 100% financially independent for awhile.

Why didn’t they start the process a few years ago ? They didn’t have a family then and probably were at a different stage of their journey.

I am chill .. it’s not me that has an issue with Prince Harry and Meghan cutting out from being senior officials of the Monarchy. 🤷🏻‍♀️

edit on 15-1-2020 by Sheye because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: RAY1990

Not really, there's reputable news sources out there that are not constantly at dispute with the Royal family. One's not owned by that Australian cretin.

Be that as it may, it's never a good idea to get all one's information in the same place... nor is it a good idea to get all one's information from either friends nor enemies. The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth is usually found from multiple sources.

And court documents and hand-written letters from the sources themselves are usually the best source.

When? Unfortunately they're people of fame and one way or another they'll need protecting. As far as I know nothing has been released on how they'll actually leave the Royal family. I'd assume they'd be giving up their titles too.

Harry and Meghan have details of their plan/hopes/wishes at their website. I won't be giving them any clicks though. There is some speculation that they have already lost their titles, but I don't believe that choice is up to them. I believe that the Queen can rescind their titles, and that Parliament could do the same.

You do not know their personal wealth. You know of their entitlement due to their position. Technically no different than the expenses an MP, Prime Minister, diplomat or President would be entitled to.

Fair enough. I know what they receive as working members of the royal family and the handouts from his father. I do not know what wealth they have accumulated. However, having acknowledged such, if they are independently wealthy while still expecting handouts from the taxpayers via Dad and Grandma, all the more despicable and pathetic. And do note that your examples are working people doing a job... not the unemployed.

So instead of wild speculation why not look up what precedence has been set by past events?

For what exactly? I know abdicating -- or "stepping back" -- has been done before. Nothing to speculate about. Why do I need to look it up?

I'm not seeing it. Can you provide links that is difficult to take out of context? Can you provide personal statements of Harry and Meghan?

The only personal statement from Harry and Meghan is at their website, and if you want to read their own words, I'm sure you can find it easy enough. I won't be promoting it.

On the other hand, independent sources for the same information:
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle To Still Take 95 Percent of Their Income From Royal Family

Harry and Meghan Are Leaving the Job but Keeping the Salary

Things like witness protection, rehoming of convicts, bodyguards for ex leaders of importance etc etc.

I definitely agree. I don't have a problem protecting those who need protection, especially those who are or have served their nation in some capacity, including Presidents and Princes. And it seems security is a contentious issue in this matter, with the costs increasing exponentially if they are living in another country, and traveling overseas that much more frequently. And the costs would be imposed as well on the nation where they are residing/being protected. I would think especially because royal protection in Britain is already part of the system. Anywhere and everywhere else, it would have to be created and incorporated into their system.

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: eletheia

Getting your money's worth how?????

They are celebrities who are famous for royal blood. Ricky Gervais brings 100x more to the table than any Royal and he pays taxes....

Royal celebrity gossip does nothing but create more attention to something that isn't important.

If they cost you then vote to stop paying for them if that's true. They are all very wealthy individuals. It's total nonsense that any country has to pay for their visits.

This worship of monarchy is crazy and how the crown still has so much influence.
edit on 15-1-2020 by blueman12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 11:34 AM

originally posted by: Sheye
a reply to: alphacenturi

in the meantime while they are still visiting, as technically they are not citizens yet, we are still funding them. chill out.

Well we would be funding them anyway.. ( it’s a lot more expensive to fund a planned Royal visit promoting games,etc.)... like it was stated it will take time and they may not be 100% financially independent for awhile.

Why didn’t they start the process a few years ago ? They didn’t have a family then and probably were at a different stage of their journey.

I am chill .. it’s not me that has an issue with Prince Harry and Meghan cutting out from being senior officials of the Monarchy. 🤷🏻‍♀️

They are not here on a royal visit. They were/are still here on their VACATION. They do not have private security detail they are protected by the RCMP, our official police force who have better things to do with their time than protecting some women who is not even Canadian or British and by her account not a royal anymore, unless of course your only a royal when you need a trademark.

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: eletheia

The royal family gave up there power a long time ago. Stop paying them. They ain't no different then any other person in this world. Royal blood is bogus anyways.

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 12:25 PM

originally posted by: eletheia

As well as we all know *A picture paints a thousand words*

So for all that is good in the world, why have you not provided one?

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 12:26 PM

originally posted by: RAY1990
a reply to: Sheye

Look at all the hype, they could do exclusive interviews and be made for life if they wanted to. Then the books, the reality TV shows, the movies.

Once separated from the Royal family they'll be minted.

There is all sorts of opportunity for them. The tax payers should be rejoicing that they want to break free.🤷🏻‍♀️

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Those article titles are very misleading. I read them and they imply that it is a complicated lengthy process to detangle yourself from Royal money... but Harry and Meghan seemed determined to make it happen.

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 12:52 PM

originally posted by: Sheye
a reply to: Boadicea

Those article titles are very misleading. I read them and they imply that it is a complicated lengthy process to detangle yourself from Royal money... but Harry and Meghan seemed determined to make it happen.

As I understand it, no, actually, it's not. Harry has the right to abdicate from any and all royal obligations with no strings attached. The Queen can request his service, but cannot command his service. The royal protection may be mandated by law as an International Protected Person (I believe that's the proper term), and therefore not Harry's choice, but Harry can refuse all further royal duties... and all further royal payments. No one is going to force money on Harry or any non-working royal. Harry has that power.

It is only because Harry wants continued funding and perks (like Frogmore Cottage) during his transition, and not continuing to work or even live in the UK, that it has become complicated. And even then, Harry (and Meghan) serve at the Queen's discretion. She can cut them off completely on a whim. The Queen has that power. So it is only complicated because the Queen is trying to find a way to make it work -- for Harry AND the country.

ETA: I meant to also say that the vast majority of their income comes from his father and his estates/duchy (if I remember correctly). But that's still part of the royal package. It's not exactly Charles' personal property. There is a Constitutional duty and expectation that the estate's bounty will be directed in a way that benefits the people, while providing a living for those royals serving the people... it is not meant for a self-entitled unemployed prince.
edit on 15-1-2020 by Boadicea because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 12:52 PM
I am another person that thinks MM has NPD. In the beginning I followed the story of her engagement and eventual marriage. As the details of the increasing isolation and secrecy of the birth came forth I had an uneasy feeling. I know all too well what a narcissist partner is capable of and I agree with you that if you haven’t lived through the torment and manipulation of being involved with a personality like that it is hard to spot. I feel terrible for Harry and his family.
This marriage WILL end in divorce, and it will take Harry years to recover.
a reply to: alphacenturi

edit on 15-1-2020 by Bmused7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

What about everything Princess Dianna left him ? He has legitimately inherited financial gain.
Don’t think they are quite the free loading ogres you make them out to be.

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 01:18 PM

originally posted by: Sheye
a reply to: Boadicea

What about everything Princess Dianna left him ? He has legitimately inherited financial gain.
Don’t think they are quite the free loading ogres you make them out to be.

Well... um... okay. For the sake of this discussion, I will assume they are very well of financially and don't need anyone's money to live their best independent life.

And if they are independently wealthy and are wanting to walk away from royal duties while still mooching off Grandma and Dad and the UK, then that would just make them even bigger freeloading ogres.

It is what it is. Whether they are fabulously wealthy or piss poor, they want to continue receiving royal money but not perform royal duties.

It's kinda like the woman who said she'd sleep with a man for a million bucks, but when he tried to barter her down to $10 she cried, "What kind of a woman do you think I am?" And he replied, "We already know that... we're just dithering over your price."

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 01:50 PM
This thread has many tones of a b*tch fest. People should think about how the media have made them think. Meghan=bad Kate=good.

The level of outrage the MSM try to invoke is what makes many people unwittingly legitimise the whole concept of a monarchy.

You're being played.
edit on 15/1/2020 by daftpink because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 01:52 PM
a reply to: daftpink

Meghan did that to herself before she ever got involved with Harry.

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: Sheye

Harry has very little liquid assets to his name. Some even say the Royals are broke and being kept afloat.
Meghan NEVER made the money she said she did on tv.

A lot of people think the things mentioned are rumor but just wait.

No one cares if they want to leave. Its everything they are DEMANDING in order to leave.

There are multiple agendas at play Meghan's sometimes alters from her backers.

I'm not going to argue and quote sources because someone will always discount them.

Besides I think they will be divorcing by the time the election is over. Maybe a few months later depending.

Either way hearing Meghan Won't be stepping back in the UK anytime soon unless it's for court.

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: misfit312

Rumor is that she'll get dual citizenship for Archie and take Harry to the cleaners under US divorce law.

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: daftpink

So are you if you think this is just Kate vs Meg.

Never let an opportunity go to waste. So yes I'm sure they are using Meghan's horrible PR to their advantage.

But Meghan shouldn't have lied and leaked the things she did. Not to mention it's out there Meghan herself Paid for at least 3 positive PR stories A DAY to be printed. It's also out there her and Harry were leaking negative stories to the press about Kate and William.

Harry probably learned from Charles who is known to throw both his kids under the bus to the press.

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

I have heard that too.

edit on 15-1-2020 by misfit312 because: (no reason given)

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