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The Markle Debacle

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posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 05:37 AM
I am incensed ..... I have just seen a picture of Megan Markle in Canada, all broad

smiles and happy face, outside the £10 million villa she is currently residing in

probably rent free.

Thats a sharp contrast from the recent tearful face we all saw while on the recent

tour of Africa. The tears, (among these really dirt poor African people) were

because no one had asked the *privileged,* *petulant,* *entitled,* *woman of

colour,* "How she was."

How sensitive and entitled is that

When she arrived back in the UK after the tour, private? or first class? Her

chauffeur driven transport should have taken her home via a food bank

where she could see how grateful some people were simply to receive the basics

for survival.

Harry has my sympathy .......from a happy outgoing chap, he now appears to be

run ragged trying to keep his high maintenence *gold star* bride happy, because...

one day he is going to wake up and find his *gold star* is simply ashes in his hands.

It is now very clear why Megan doesn't like the press/media...... they are only

doing their jobs photographing and reporting, simply what they get paid for.

As well as we all know *A picture paints a thousand words* and these

pictures show up that she is no mother Theresa as she likes to paint herself.

edit on 15-1-2020 by eletheia because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-1-2020 by eletheia because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-1-2020 by eletheia because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 05:47 AM
a reply to: eletheia

That is one hell of a hit piece!

I prefer to wait until we know more before jumping to conclusions.

All the media are hitting this hard. I would not be surprised to find the truth is opposite to these hit pieces. Could almost be Camilla writing the articles.


posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 05:54 AM

originally posted by: pheonix358
a reply to: eletheia

That is one hell of a hit piece!

I prefer to wait until we know more before jumping to conclusions.

All the media are hitting this hard. I would not be surprised to find the truth is opposite to these hit pieces. Could almost be Camilla writing the articles.


Props to Camilla she earned respect ....... she kept her head up and worked

through the flack she received.

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 06:06 AM
Don't get drawn in by what the media want you to think.

Those pictures look the way they do for a reason.

H & M have a lot of information relating to Prince Andrew and others, ergo the media is doing its greatest to discredit them now, before they attempt to spill any beans... Which they won't because they'd be dead in five minutes.

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 06:10 AM
a reply to: eletheia

Can you provide a link for this please

The tears, (among these really dirt poor African people) were because no one had asked the *privileged,* *petulant,* *entitled,* *woman of colour,* "How she was."

Thanks in advance

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 06:10 AM
a reply to: eletheia
I feel like you are trying to say something but for the life of me I have no idea wtf you are on about...

ETA: With each edit the picture becomes a little more focused, fine job, keep it up.
Not sure why you care TBH.

edit on 1 15 2020 by stosh64 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 06:17 AM
Another hate thread on Meghan ?

I can’t believe how some people actually think royals owe some sort of lifetime duty to the people. If they choose to cut themselves off from state money and live an independent life, I really don’t see where people get off saying it’s all Meghan’s fault and they should continue duties full time.

Anyhow, I’ve stated my feelings before.. just shocked to see yet another ‘let’s hate on Meghan’ thread.🙄

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 06:25 AM
a reply to: and14263

those pictures look like that because of her narcissistic personality disorder.
its one of the traits.

im sure there will be more to come

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 06:27 AM
a reply to: eletheia

I've been catching up this morning over at the Daily Mail... and this morning they are FULL of articles about the lawsuit the Markle filed against them. It ain't looking good for the Markle. She made some powerful enemies in the media.

In a nutshell, the Markle filed a lawsuit against the Daily Mail for publishing a private letter she wrote to her father, which he provided to the Daily Mail after the Markle told her friends about the letter and her friends spoke to the media about the letter -- and lied about its contents. Mr. Markle turned the actual letter over to the Daily Mail to correct the record, and will now be a witness for the defense (the Daily Mail). The headlines tell the tale:

Markle vs Markle: Meghan's father is set to be star witness against her in High Court showdown as devastating texts expose their bitter war of words over her wedding

Revealed: The handwritten letter showing true tragedy of Meghan's rift with father she says has 'broken her heart into a million pieces' - and why he feels forced to make the 'devastating' missive public

Thomas Markle 'gave Meghan's letter to the Mail on Sunday after she let friends make false claims about their relationship to US magazine'

Meghan's wedding week war with her father: Court papers reveal bitter messages that destroyed their relationship

How Meghan Markle 'enlisted her friend Jessica Mulroney to influence media coverage' and 'gave a magazine details of private letter to her father'

Meghan Markle's closest confidante Jessica Mulroney 'tried to fix a press article' for the Duchess

(Note: Jessica Mulroney is the daughter-in-law of former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney)

This is the People mag article in which the Markle's friends lie about the letter:

Meghan Markle's Best Friends Break Their Silence: 'We Want to Speak the Truth'

Any sympathy I might have found for the Markle was killed after reading this. Her father has a heart attack and all she can do is moan about herself. Not once did she even inquire about his health... not once did she ask if he was doing okay... And the entire letter is written as if to vindicate herself as she throws her ailing father under a moving bus.

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 06:33 AM

originally posted by: alphacenturi
a reply to: and14263

those pictures look like that because of her narcissistic personality disorder.
its one of the traits.

im sure there will be more to come

You are entitled to your opinion. I do not suggest she is a saint, but things are not as black and white as the media make you think.

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 06:33 AM
a reply to: eletheia

Although I don't particularly get all warm and fuzzy feelings inside when i look in markles eyes as i know trouble when i see it, i must say i like the "institution" (Royal Family) even less.

Harry is the only one i ever looked into his eyes and did not sense evil, so is it any wonder he feels cornered now that he has a child with this woman. He also has my sympathy, he has certainly fell for the wrong woman in the long run. Harry is so innerly enraged by what they did to his mother he'll do just about anything to brake free somehow whilst not fully exposing and thus bringing down his families indiscretions.
After all as a god respecting man he must honor thy father, unescapable. Rock and a hard place.

But -

Labelling her a " woman of colour" instead of just a privileged women is borderline racist in the context of how you expressed it. Unnecessary.

This is all gods masterplan for harry to get him out in the eyes of the masses before the whole satanic nature of the "institution" is fully exposed and they become nothing but another page in future generations history books.

They will all face the wrath of exposure but harry will survive intact if not prosper, albeit after a very bumpy ride and most likely custody issues intoe.

Markle is indeed probably the dark sides last ditch attempt to tip him over the edge and take his soul - they will fail.

Harry may very well end up in the not to distant future the first president of the newly razed but rebuilding british republic. Whilst markle will take her seat at the devils side.

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 06:36 AM

originally posted by: Sheye
Another hate thread on Meghan ?

I can’t believe how some people actually think royals owe some sort of lifetime duty to the people. If they choose to cut themselves off from state money and live an independent life, I really don’t see where people get off saying it’s all Meghan’s fault and they should continue duties full time.

Anyhow, I’ve stated my feelings before.. just shocked to see yet another ‘let’s hate on Meghan’ thread.🙄

Shocked? I don't believe that for a minute. Because no one is saying that -- AND YOU KNOW IT!!! We've already had this conversation...

It has been said again and again that of course Meghan and Harry can forsake royal duties and be private citizens. But that's not what they want. They want to shun the duties BUT keep the money and the perks.

Seems you and Markle have much in common. Just make hateful crap up to obfuscate the truth and then call others the haters...

Gotcha. Loud and clear.

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 06:36 AM
a reply to: CthruU

😂😂😂.. good grief... can you stretch the imagination any further ?

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 06:38 AM
Ah, the new target du jour. Greta should send Megs a fruit basket.

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 06:38 AM

originally posted by: SecretKnowledge
a reply to: eletheia

Can you provide a link for this please

The tears, (among these really dirt poor African people) were because no one had asked the *privileged,* *petulant,* *entitled,* *woman of colour,* "How she was."

Thanks in advance

Tom Bradbury on BBC was on their tour of Africa so it should be easy to find.

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 06:45 AM

originally posted by: and14263

H & M have a lot of information relating to Prince Andrew and others...

There was a time -- and not so long ago -- that I would have entertained such an idea. Today I'm not so sure. In fact, more and more I'm of the opinion that if anyone really had anything on Prince Andrew, we'd know it by now. Someone would have leaked something...

IF there is any such evidence, it is in the hands of a government's intelligence agency -- NOT Harry/Meghan -- and is being used for blackmail.

I'm far more inclined to believe that there is ALSO incriminating evidence against Harry himself from his own randy days... And quite likely Meghan herself.

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 06:46 AM
a reply to: eletheia

Lazy op

Provide a link for your claims, the onus is on you to provide proof in your op

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 06:47 AM

originally posted by: Sheye
a reply to: CthruU

😂😂😂.. good grief... can you stretch the imagination any further ?

Well, time will tell - won't it?
It's all skittles and ice cream for you is it.
What part is the massssssive stretch for you?

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 06:48 AM
a reply to: CthruU

Harry may very well end up in the not to distant future the first president of the newly razed but rebuilding british republic. Whilst markle will take her seat at the devils side.

That's a bit out there, even for ATS.

posted on Jan, 15 2020 @ 06:50 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea

originally posted by: and14263

H & M have a lot of information relating to Prince Andrew and others...

There was a time -- and not so long ago -- that I would have entertained such an idea. Today I'm not so sure. In fact, more and more I'm of the opinion that if anyone really had anything on Prince Andrew, we'd know it by now. Someone would have leaked something...

IF there is any such evidence, it is in the hands of a government's intelligence agency -- NOT Harry/Meghan -- and is being used for blackmail.

I'm far more inclined to believe that there is ALSO incriminating evidence against Harry himself from his own randy days... And quite likely Meghan herself.

Hmmmm, is that maybe why Epsteins dead/in hiding claimed to be dead?

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