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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -23-

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posted on Feb, 4 2020 @ 03:47 AM
a reply to: KnightErrant

Good find, KnightErrant.


posted on Feb, 4 2020 @ 04:04 AM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Date is 12/03/2019 and it doesn't mention Podesta. Don't think it is the dam burst you were hoping for.

The Lev Parnas indictment didn't mention Giuliani either. But the MSM dug up the connection and ran with it, ad-nauseum.

Due to only 10% of media being conservative, it will take direct indictments of top people, like Schiff himself, to be broadcast/printed by 100% of outlets.

posted on Feb, 4 2020 @ 05:24 AM

It’s ok.

Q isn’t the action team. Q reports on what may be coming.

- Trump got a LOT done in first term.
- Trump did so while under 24/7/365 attack.
- Trump survived every single attack.
- Trump likely to win 2020.
- 1 more (maybe 2) SCOTUS picks for Trump.
- all of the Fed judge appointments.
- Barr/Durham are on the hunt for the coup conspirators. (TBD on value)
- Dems are eating their own, again.
- Left controlled MSM has lost its grip on the “narrative”. Nobody’s listening.

There is SO much to be happy about. Even for the normal liberal. I’m looking forward to 4 more years of MAGA.

Q says POTUS is protected. It sure looks like it.

What’s funny is the anti-Trumpers keep telling us what Q hasn’t done and what hasn’t happened to the coup conspirators. NOT telling us what Trump has accomplished for us.

Bless their hearts.

posted on Feb, 4 2020 @ 05:37 AM
This Dem Iowa mess should be setting off alarm bells within the Bernie camp.

From wiki.

“ The 2016 Iowa caucuses took place on Monday, February 1. The counting started at 7 p.m. CST and lasted one hour, after the caucus discussions.[30] For the first time, results were electronically sent to both Democratic and Republican headquarters.”

Why did the DNC implement an app? The brand new electronic process used in 2016 provided results in one hour. Why change a perfected process? Who designed the app? What does the app do that the new electronic process in 2016 couldn’t do?

Anons want some digging? Dig into that app.

posted on Feb, 4 2020 @ 06:01 AM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Justoneman
Maybe they should have reported what it led to because if it leads to nothing, as it has so far, what are you celebrating?

Yet, CLEARLY the fecal matter hit the spinning blades on the unsealed indictment. One thing don't lead to another, you can tell me I told you so.
8 people being indicted for bribes of current Anti Trump Democrats is going to be big, This would be big any year the criminal D's don't have all three branches of the gov locked up like the did a few years back.

posted on Feb, 4 2020 @ 06:08 AM
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

The “App”

Iowa caucus results delayed by apparent app issue

- company called Shadow
- based in DC and self identifies as ‘progressive’
- app cost $125k
- Iowa DNC has not publicly ID’d app creator
- Cyber security pros were concerned
- not only is the app failing, the telephone backup plan failed too.
- Iowa DNC refused to allow app to be open tested for cyber security
- Dept Homeland Security cyber branch offered to test the app; Iowa DNC refused.
- key senior staff at Shadow worked on HRC campaign.

Yeah, nothing to see here. Bernie and others are so screwed. The DNC isn’t waiting or risking momentum by Bernie. They plan to sink this boat early so they can pull off the ‘long con’.

Bloomberg + Hillary or a Kerry.

- Bloom has the $$ the DNC can use their $ on House/Senate races.

- DNC can avoid a Socialist ticket.

Oh yeah, the fix is in. The current Dems just haven’t realized it yet.
edit on 4-2-2020 by PilSungMtnMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2020 @ 08:05 AM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: pteridine

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
Still no Iowa Caucus results. May be delayed for hours due to 'technology' issues. Go figure.

While the Dems are practiced at changing votes and finding ballots, it still takes time to change all those votes for Sanders to Biden.

To what end exactly? Bern's been running for what, eight years? Does he even show up to work at all? Biden's porn collection about to be exposed?

To keep the traditional Dem party from becoming the National Socialist Party.
Bernie is not a Dem, he's an Independent and has been using the D party as a handy vehicle to extort money from the Dems by running in their primaries. I believe that he doesn't want the work [something he is averse to] of being the President and has no real hope of that happening anyway. By being in the race, he tends to split the party and when he is paid off, his supporters either don't vote or spite vote. He may have inadvertently saved us from Hillary while on his path of greed. I consider another Dacha and $80k sports car payment in full.
Now that Bloomberg has bought his way in and has deep pockets, see how much happier he gets after he drops out.

posted on Feb, 4 2020 @ 08:15 AM
a reply to: pteridine

I’m thinking it may be turnout numbers the Dems are hiding not the results.

posted on Feb, 4 2020 @ 09:13 AM

originally posted by: Trillium
Ok this is the third time I hear something like this

Something BIG Happen today

What went down was that the speeches started, then suddenly all the Senators trickled off the floor over a period of about 10 minutes. Then the speeches stopped 5 minutes later, all with no explanation.

Then McConnell came to the floor, visibly shaken, made some announcements for the SOTU and Senate business the next day and that only 2 more Senators would give speeches to end today. Then he left, quickly. 5 minutes later Murkowski gave a speech and nobody else did.

Something happened big today and it stopped the Senate in it's tracks.

Eye On

I've been looking on YouTube for clips of this but haven't found any. Anyone got a link?

posted on Feb, 4 2020 @ 09:15 AM
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

Quick. Somebody have Don Lemon say something empty-headed to distract the viewing audience ...


posted on Feb, 4 2020 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: carewemust
What are you talking about?

There is a link to the DOJ and it has the names of those that were indicted. What does MSM bias have to do with that?

Besides, here is a link to the story by CNN on 12/04/19.

posted on Feb, 4 2020 @ 09:37 AM
Haha the media is writhing with pure rage and frustration today at Boris Johnson and his idea to not invite certain journos to his briefings lol. Saying he's 'restricting information' lol the absolute nerve of it.

They're just fuming they don't get to edit and twist his message/statement before the public gets to see/hear it lol.

I've never in my entire life felt the need to vote Tory and never would I ever trust one syllable a Tory MP uttered. Never have I known such a bunch of self-serving poor-hating out-of-touch in-humans ever to infect our country. I thought it was a joke when Boris was chosen as leader and PM, I thought good grief we've got Tweedle-dee for PM. Then the Tories got elected again after already a decade of Tory misery. Any hope that things would ever change, disappeared.

But something is different with this posh Tory boy named Boris. His energy is totally different to the others. He reminds me of President Trump when he speaks. His words turns the tiny flicker of hope into a flame, and he brings positivity not negativity, and people are drawn to it and want to hear more of it. I am quite sensitive to spiritual energies and Boris's words are lighting fireworks inside people just like President Trump does. I can see it and I can feel it. I swear I even heard Boris mention God in one of his statements yesterday.

My thoughts: Boris knows the Light is here. He knows. And he knows nothing can stop it. He knows the world is about to change, and he's on board with it. He has to get on board with it, or go down because of it.
Has he been told about the Light? Or has he been shown something? Who told/shown him? Was it Trump? What was he told/shown? Does he know about Q?

Gosh so many questions in my head, I could burst.

Q, if you're reading this . .. has Boris been Q'd?
Is he with us?
And did you see all the 'Q' banners paraded alongside the Union Flag in Parliament Square during Brexit celebrations last Friday night? There were Qs everywhere lol. This time last year Q was almost unheard of here, but this year on Brexit night London streets were full of Qs lol.

The entire world was looking. So many more people will now ask 'who is Q?'.

Thank you Q, for bringing the Light. You got here just in time. We owe you so much. God bless.

posted on Feb, 4 2020 @ 09:42 AM

posted on Feb, 4 2020 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD

I think this is it:

(McConnell comes in around the 3:07:26 mark)

McConnell asks the President of the Committee to appoint a committee of behalf of the Senate and the House of Representatives to escort the President of the United States into the House Chamber for the Joint Session to be held on Tuesday, 9pm Feb 4, 2020.

Related to the SOTU Address?

McConnell did mention there were only be 2 more speeches to conclude that day's business (Murkowski and Cortez?) too.

Senators debate articles of impeachment on the Senate floor
edit on 4-2-2020 by brewtiger because: fix link


2:40:17 May be tied to the Senator from NY “suggest the absence of a quorum.”?

Under the Senate's standing rules, if no other Senator has the floor, any Senator (including a Senator who is presiding) may “suggest the absence of a quorum.” The presiding officer may not respond to this statement by counting the number of Senators actually present, unless the Senate is operating under cloture.

What does absence of a quorum mean?

If any senator "suggests the absence of a quorum," the presiding officer must direct the roll to be called. Often, a quorum call is terminated by unanimous consent before completion, which permits the Senate to use the quorum call to obtain a brief delay to work out some difficulty or await a senator's arrival.
edit on 4-2-2020 by brewtiger because: Added more details about Quorum

posted on Feb, 4 2020 @ 09:58 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi


2020 Election Date . November 3 2020,


Arrows in / on Front of Eco mag ?

posted on Feb, 4 2020 @ 10:11 AM
a reply to: liveandlearn

Further support for that Video,
Compliments of Leak Project ;

Bioweapon? Ph.D. Explains Coronavirus & It's Genome Sequence, Dr Paul Cottrell

posted on Feb, 4 2020 @ 10:22 AM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
a reply to: pteridine

I’m thinking it may be turnout numbers the Dems are hiding not the results.

170,000 vs. 240,000 in '08
edit on 4-2-2020 by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2020 @ 10:31 AM
a reply to: daskakik
If I turn on CNN, or watch the nightly Network TV news, and the arrest isn't talked about, as far as most Americans are concerned, it didn't happen.

posted on Feb, 4 2020 @ 10:31 AM
a reply to: doobydoll

doobydoll, concur on the power of the positive messages.

I shake my head that it took 30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall for national leaders with positive outlooks to show up in the USA and UK. Both of our countries could have done so much more had we not gone down the dead end road of globalism.

Yeah, I guess the party lines in your country are even harder than those in the USA -- lots of class identification there. That you speak well of Boris ... speaks volumes. Thanks for your insights.

edit on 4-2-2020 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-2-2020 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2020 @ 10:58 AM
Good morning, folks.

Someone a few posts up was asking about an absence of a quorum. I was reading about this just the other day. The way I understand it is they're suggesting to the Senate (whoever is making the call) that there may not be enough members present to conduct business. So a roll is taken and then they break to confer among themselves about something or other.

They do this often. When they call that vote it means they want to talk outside the chamber.

What I don't get is allegedly (I haven't seen it) McConnell came back in and said they only have time for two more speeches, but then only one more was made. They suddenly felt the need to get out of there is how it appears. I still haven't heard what caused it all. They were supposed to go for 5 or 6 hours yesterday but apparently only went for an hour. Something came up.
edit on 4-2-2020 by PioneerFigureSkating because: (no reason given)

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