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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -23-

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posted on Jan, 22 2020 @ 06:46 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

DECODE ID 23RSH200122002D

Q posts linked by Deltas of 50 POTUS tweets since midnight:
(Read from bottom up. Also bear in mind when reading next decode of the tweet times rather than deltas)

04:34:38 AM Delta = 01:50 Q150 Warning to Lynn de Rothschild
04:32:48 AM Delta = 02:44:17
Q244 Less than 10 can Confirm Q
Q17 Why Does Obama Trail POTUS?
01:48:31 AM Delta = 07:15 Q715 Marker [3]. GlobalLeaks Clown Operation
01:41:16 AM Delta = 12:49 Q1249 Red Cross Smuggling What? (Marker)
01:28:27 AM Delta = 17:03
Q1703 Marker [RR] Congressman Files Resolution for Rod Rosenstein Impeachment
01:11:24 AM Delta = 00:02 Q2 Hillary Clinton Detained, Not Arrested (Yet)
01:11:22 AM Delta = 01:07 Q107 Obama Tweet and Go Order
01:10:15 AM Delta = 00:26 Q26 The Only Way is Military
01:09:49 AM Delta = 33:29
Q3329 Leak investigations go both ways [R + D]. Adam Schiff Glenn Simpson
12:36:20 AM Delta = 00:12
Q12 MI ref above biggest inside drop. Antifa plays right into plan?
12:36:08 AM Delta = 00:50 Q50 How did NK and Iran Get Uranium
12:35:18 AM Delta = 00:10 Q10 Clinton Foundation Investigation
12:35:08 AM Delta = 00:36
Q36 How many MI generals in/out of WH in past 30 days? Focus on Flynn.
12:34:32 AM Delta = 00:12
Q12 MI ref above biggest inside drop. Antifa plays right into plan?
12:34:20 AM Delta = 00:09 Q9 Dem's Control Black Population
12:34:11 AM Delta = 00:10 Q10 Clinton Foundation Investigation
12:34:01 AM Delta = 00:21 Q21 Q on start of Intense Shilling
12:33:40 AM Delta = 00:10 Q10 Clinton Foundation Investigation
12:33:30 AM Delta = 02:48 Q248 #FLYROTHSFLY#
12:30:42 AM Delta = 00:43 Q43 Crumbs Not Meant to Scare
12:29:59 AM Delta = 00:21 Q21 Q on start of Intense Shilling
12:29:38 AM Delta = 00:22
Q22 Why was the NG recently activated in select cities within the US?
12:29:16 AM Delta = 01:54 Q154 Who Financed 9-11
12:27:22 AM Delta = 00:13 Q13 Think about timing of POTUS travel to China/SK
12:27:09 AM Delta = 00:55
Q55 Look to Twitter: Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us......."
12:26:14 AM Delta = 00:26 Q26 The Only Way is Military
12:25:48 AM Delta = 00:20 Q20 POTUS Meeting with MI generals at WH
12:25:28 AM Delta = 00:23 Q23 MI has same SAPs as NSA, CIA as designated post 9-11
12:25:05 AM Delta = 00:47
Q47 Paint the picture. Be vigilant today and expect a major false flag
12:24:18 AM Delta = 00:17 Q17 Why Does Obama Trail POTUS?
12:24:01 AM Delta = 00:46 Q46 Obama and Uranium One
12:23:15 AM Delta = 00:14
Q14 What must be completed to engage MI over other (3) letter agencies?
12:23:01 AM Delta = 00:13 Q13 Think about timing of POTUS travel to China/SK
12:22:48 AM Delta = 00:08
Q8 Huma Abedin's Dilema - HRC, Muslim Brotherhood, or child?
12:22:40 AM Delta = 00:40 Q40 4,10,20 A,b,c,d,e......
12:22:00 AM Delta = 08:50 Q50 How did NK and Iran Get Uranium
12:13:10 AM Delta = 01:02 Q102 Captain Green Stringer
12:12:08 AM Delta = 00:22 Q22 Why was NG recently activated in select cities within US?
12:11:46 AM Delta = 02:01 Q201 Rizvi Traverse Management = Clown front
12:09:45 AM Delta = 02:38 Q238 Sidley Austin LLP
12:07:07 AM Delta = 00:45
Q45 What did HRC instruct Huma to do re: Classified markings?
12:06:22 AM Delta = 00:31 Q31 World Stalemate
12:05:51 AM Delta = 00:26 Q26 The Only Way is Military
12:05:25 AM Delta = 00:47
Q47 Paint the picture. Be vigilant today and expect a major false flag
12:04:38 AM Delta = 01:12
Q112 Why the Chans. Stay alert in main US cities (DC), sporting events, and other conservative gatherings. More false flags imminent
12:03:26 AM Delta = 00:14
Q14 What must be completed to engage MI over other (3) letter agencies?
12:03:12 AM Delta = 01:47 Q147 NYT/CIA Direct Attack. You are witnessing history
12:01:25 AM Delta = 00:10 Q10 Clinton Foundation Investigation
12:01:15 AM Delta = 00:23 Q23 MI has same SAPs as NSA, CIA as designated post 9-11
12:00:52 AM
edit on 22-1-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2020 @ 08:45 AM
DECODE ID 23RSH200122003D

Q posts linked by Timestamps of 50 POTUS tweets since midnight - part 1 of 2:
(Read from bottom up. Also bear in mind Delta decode just posted)

12:29:59 AM
Q1229 Intel Treasure Taken by Blackwater in Saudi Arabia
Q2959 Obama Gave Order to Start Spy Campaign (Domestic and Foreign)
Q59 POTUS Welcome in Saudi Arabia
12:29:38 AM
Q1229 Intel Treasure Taken by Blackwater in Saudi Arabia
Q2938 Treason-Sedition-Corruption at Highest Levels of Government (WW)
Q38 Calm Before Storm: carriers in Pacific... prevent harm from Russia/China/NK?
12:29:16 AM
Q1229 Intel Treasure Taken by Blackwater in Saudi Arabia
Q2916 We are far beyond statistical analysis at this stage.
12:27:22 AM
Q2722 A Traitor's Justice P-A-I-N
12:27:09 AM
Q2709 Surveillance Instructions to Pull All Views + Scan Narrow & Wide
12:26:14 AM
Q1226 As the World Turns. Marker. This platform is more than simply pushing TRUTH
Q2614 Q&A is Stress Test of 8chan Infrastructure Performance
12:25:48 AM
Q1225 POTUS Tweets "Wendy" & "Maggie" (Marker)
Q2548 Flynn is Safe and Assisting In Other Investigations (Q Proof)
12:25:28 AM
Q1225 POTUS Tweets "Wendy" & "Maggie" (Marker)
Q2528 Power Belongs to the People
12:25:05 AM
Q1225 POTUS Tweets "Wendy" & "Maggie" (Marker)
Q2505 Leaked Story re Prosecutor Huber Meeting Clinton Foundation Whistleblower
Q5 Follow the Money, it's Key
12:24:18 AM
Q1224 Maggie Haberman Another Pet. Think Wendy. Coordinated - the "Awakening."
Q2418 Don't Listen to Fake News Rigged Polls That Want to Suppress Your Vote
12:24:01 AM
Q1224 Maggie Haberman Another Pet. Think Wendy. Coordinated - the "Awakening."
Q2401 Information Warfare: WaPo/Amazon/CIA Attacking Q
12:23:15 AM
Q1223 Private Emails/Comms
Q2315 Symbolism will be their downfall.
12:23:01 AM
Q1223 Private Emails/Comms
Q1 HRC Extradition
12:22:48 AM
Q1220 Clinton Health Access Initiative - conflict of interest
Q2248 2 Allies Caught up in Fisagate Are V Concerned about Declas & Release
12:22:40 AM
Q1220 Clinton Health Access Initiative - conflict of interest
Q2240 Keep Calm and QAnon (Marker)
12:22:00 AM
Q1220 Clinton Health Access Initiative - conflict of interest
Q2200 D's Trying to Negotiate Pullback of FISA Declassification
12:13:10 AM
Q1213 Obama/Maggie "Wendy" Nixon #2
Q1310 Apple Store in HK... Pallets of tech
Q10 Clinton Foundation Investigation
12:12:08 AM
Q1212 Obama/Maggie "Wendy" Nixon
Q1208 Sunshine Coogan Death. Over target. Wendy. HUSSEIN. Mack. AS
12:11:46 AM
Q1211 Agnes Nixon Soap Opera Creator Dies
Q1146 Iran next. Trust plan! April [SHOWERS]
Q46 Obama and U1
12:09:45 AM
Q1209 Sunshine Coogan Death. Door will open later. Choice to know will be yours. END.
Q45 What did HRC instruct Huma to do re: Classified markings?
12:07:07 AM
Q1207 Maggie "Wendy" Nixon
Q707 Shanghai Pudong Intl Airport E Terminal
Q7 Hillary/Obama Emailgate
12:06:22 AM
Q1206 Obama with His "Pet" Wendy (Marker)
Q622 Time to play Dopey - Rothschild's Black Forest
Q22 Can NG work w/ marines? What former President used military to save republic? what occurred? Biggest drop ever on Pol. Study and prepare. Masses panic? No war. No civil unrest. Clean and swift.
12:05:51 AM
Q1205 Allison Mack Connected to Spirit Cooker Marina Abramovic
Q551 D's can't survive. BEGINNING OF END> DWS FAILED to FLEE.
12:05:25 AM
Q1205 Allison Mack Connected to Spirit Cooker Marina Abramovic
Q525 Airport Outages & Flight Re-routes. Public awakening. Goodbye @Jack.
Q25 Pelosi and John M Big picture stuff. Proof 11.3
12:04:38 AM
Q1204 Allison Mack Singing Like Canary
Q438 Obama Gave NASA Tech to SpaceX & NK
Q38 Calm Before Storm: carriers in Pacific... prevent harm from Russia/China/NK?
12:03:26 AM
Q1203 Allison Mack Naming Big Names. AS. Ok today?
Q326 FFs. POTUS 100% insulated. Expect fireworks. JUSTICE
Q26 Only Way is Military
12:03:12 AM
Q1203 Allison Mack Naming Big Names. AS. Ok today?
Q312 USSS Protects Obama and Clintons
Q12 MI biggest inside drop. Antifa plays right into plan?
12:01:25 AM
Q1201 Trump Card Coming
Q125 SK aerial Photo
Q25 Pelosi and John M Big picture. Proof 11.3
12:01:15 AM
Q1201 Trump Card Coming
Q115 Obama Flushed Out
Q15 More Good Than Bad.
12:00:52 AM
Q1200 DNC Falls for Seth Rich Bait = Legal Evidence Admission
Q52 Barack Obama Net Worth

posted on Jan, 22 2020 @ 08:49 AM
Pat Cipollone shuts down Jerry Nadler: “the only one who should be embarrassed, Mr. Nadler, is you”— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) January 22, 2020

posted on Jan, 22 2020 @ 08:52 AM
The other day, I saw a kid wearing a hat that was designed to look like a Spider-Man mask.

Brought back some pleasant old memories of sitting on the steps at school during break, eagerly reading the latest issue of that comic book.

I guess that churned upstairs a bit, because today I thought about how politics have become positively cartoon - ish. (But not comical.)

As Cranky points out, the jokes write themselves anymore. And I think part of the reason is that the political sphere has become practically absurd.

Look at Pelosi ... Nadler ... Schiff -- these people are caricatures! I mean, Pelosi flaunting jewelry with bullets on it ... wut? What's next, will Pelosi come flying out of the Capitol Building on some kind of contraption worthy of the Green Goblin?

Epstein ... real life super villain. So many nasty exploits and questionable connections that he could have starred in a Bond movie.

A crew of full time politicians who are either corrupt in the style of Gotham City or stubborn boneheads like J. Jonah Jameson.

And, the unlikely hero of the drama, Donald J. Trump; presenting a Bruce Wayne-type image: the wealthy do-gooder who dislikes the entrenched criminal networks and acts like a bull in a china shop when in their establishments.

A fitting end to all this will be if he really pulls a wild tech rabbit out of his hat, along the lines of what he hinted at in Davos. Something representing such a basic change that it collapses the established networks of collusion and corruption.

In this comic book we've been reading ... will the good guys win?


posted on Jan, 22 2020 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2
Maybe outing themselves was part of their "Deal"
There is an air/amount of "uncomfortableness" every time I watch them or any candidates running for POTUS .... Almost as if they are the ones that have been tasked to show the "People" what they have been up to in a slow motion train wreck way.


edit on 1222020 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2020 @ 08:56 AM
Not even sure what to think
Schumer losing it

posted on Jan, 22 2020 @ 09:01 AM

originally posted by: Martin75
Not even sure what to think
Schumer losing it

Shoe me the door!

edit on 22-1-2020 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2020 @ 09:21 AM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

Well that Parnas thing deescalated quickly.

I bet the phone will reveal that Parnas has been taking orders from Crowdstrike or someone of that ilk. Or that he hasn't even been to half the places he claims to have gone.

Schiff is one of those clueless cartoon villains who can't seem to do anything right, but is really persistent

edit on 22-1-2020 by AndyFromMichigan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2020 @ 09:25 AM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
Naveed is a Newsweek editor!! 👇👇👇

Looks like one of the CIA's agents got nabbed.
edit on Wed Jan 22 2020 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2020 @ 09:43 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

After getting beaten badly at Stalingrad, the Nazis "expanded" their racial worldview out of a sheer need for more manpower.

The Muslim SS division wasn't worth a hill of beans in terms of combat effectiveness. It shared that characteristic with many of the "ethnic legions" of the SS.

But because there had been conflict between Islam and Christianity in the Balkans since the days of the Ottoman Empire, the Muslims recruited by the SS were willing enough to hunt Tito's Partisans, who were overwhelmingly Serbs. It was practical, in a very brutal way.

Worth noting the Germans played fast and loose with the term "division" in those days. These "ethnic divisions" were more like regimental-strength in terms of what they could put in the field.


Be that as it may, it's been well-established that Hitler thought Christianity was a religion for wimps, and Islam was much better suited to the warrior ethos. Many of the top dogs of the Third Reich were actually neo-pagans, however, and worshipped old Teutonic gods like Odin.

posted on Jan, 22 2020 @ 09:50 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: queenofswords
a reply to: carewemust

and jaw-dropping recordings of Adam Schiff/Eric Ciaramella/ICIG Atkinson conspiring to frame President Trump

Wouldn't it be hilarious if they click on a video to play Schiff conspiring with Ciaramella or Atkinson, but "accidentally" played the one of Schiff with Ed Buck and the young black boy? "Oh, wait...wrong do you turn this darn thing off..."

Or Both begin playing split screen! On a related note, Democrats "Great Mormon Hope" let them down big time today.

Romney Sided 100% With McConnell:

Romney represents Utah. He could hate Trump with the fiery passion of a supernova, but if he votes against Trump now his re-election odds will be a fraction of a percent, and he knows it.

posted on Jan, 22 2020 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

DECODE ID 23RSH200122003D

Q posts linked by Timestamps of 50 POTUS tweets since midnight - part 2 of 2:
(Read from bottom up. Also bear in mind Delta decode just posted)

04:34:38 AM
Q434 God is LOVE
Q3438 Q Baby - WWG1WGA!!!
Q38 Calm Before the Storm
04:32:48 AM
Q3248 Focus On: McCain/Brennan/Clapper Leaking POTUS Daily Briefing to Media
Q48 What is Q Clearance
01:48:31 AM
Q148 NYT/CIA Direct Attack on Q
Q31 World Stalemate
01:41:16 AM
Q141 Crumbs dropped will soon paint full picture. Picture will open eyes of the world
Q16 Get the popcorn, Friday & Saturday will deliver on the MAGA promise
01:28:27 AM
Q128 Graphic is necessary and vital. Time stamp(s) and order [is] critical
Q2827 Maggie Haberman (NYT) and Senator Collins Reading Q Drops?
Q27 Not All Can Be Disclosed
01:11:24 AM
Q111 Harvard Uni Muslim Association and Obama
Q1124 @Snowden. Testify then drop. Fireworks. POTUS’ weekly address. END
Q24 Draining the Swamp
01:11:22 AM
Q111 Harvard Uni Muslim Association and Obama
Q22 What former President used military to save republic? What occurred?
01:10:15 AM
Q110 MSM. CIA counter-ops. Will all fall down.
Q1015 Omnibus Bill. The gift that keeps on giving.
Q15 More Good People Than Bad
01:09:49 AM
Q109 St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle
Q949 Trust the Plan, Full Control
Q49 Sen Grassley and Uranium One
12:36:20 AM
Q1236 POTUS "Witch Hunt" = Ref to Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration of US Govt
Q3620 PGP Has Non-disclosed Vulnerabilities / Backdoor (Access Granted)
Q20 WH MI generals mtg. No phones. Renovations
12:36:08 AM
Q1236 POTUS "Witch Hunt" = Ref to Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration of US Govt
Q8 Huma's Dilema - HRC, Muslim Brotherhood, or child?
12:35:18 AM
Q1235 Don’t forget Huma. AWAN. VJ. ……… FBI. America for sale.
Q3518 How Did Loretta Fuddy Die from Low Impact Crash and V Calm Exit?
12:35:08 AM
Q1235 Don’t forget Huma. AWAN. VJ. ……… FBI. America for sale.
Q3508 Background on British Socialite Ghislaine Maxwell & Jeffrey Epstein
Q8 Huma's Dilema - HRC, Muslim Brotherhood, or child?
12:34:32 AM
Q1234 America will be Unified Again! 11-11-18
Q3432 POTUS and Q Draining The Worldwide Swamp. GOD WINS
Q32 Tide is Turning. Initial wave will be fast and meaningful
12:34:20 AM
Q1234 America will be Unified Again! 11-11-18
Q3420 POTUS Retweets Account with Video on Secret Pedo/Human Sacrifice Rings
Q20 POTUS & MI generals WH Meeting
12:34:11 AM
Q1234 America will be Unified Again! 11-11-18
Q3411 Achilles Heel of Old Guard is Public Support - Without It They Are Finished
Q11 Key: Military Intelligence v FBI CIA NSA
12:34:01 AM
Q1234 America will be Unified Again! 11-11-18
Q3401 Who Visited Epstein Island on July 19, 2013?
Q1 HRC Extradition
12:33:40 AM
Q1233 Dems will Lose Black Vote on Haiti Revelations
Q3340 Waterfall of Q Proofs Coming Post DECLAS
Q40 4,10,20 A,b,c,d,e......
12:33:30 AM
Q1233 Dems will Lose Black Vote on Haiti Revelations
Q3330 Will Newly Discovered Evidence Free General Flynn?
12:30:42 AM
Q1230 Anons Doing Good Job with Comms/Markers
Q3042 12x Links to "This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected"
Q42 We serve at pleasure of President. DJT

posted on Jan, 22 2020 @ 10:11 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: crankyoldman
I was shocked hearing Bernie Sanders say that when he has intercourse with his wife, she's fantasizing about being gang-raped. He's way beyond a hypocrite. For Hillary to think Bernie is Crazy, tells you something.

He is an ugly, creepy, nasty old man. I can't believe anyone would vote for him.

Ditto for Biden. Two peas in a pod.

They both make my skin crawl.

posted on Jan, 22 2020 @ 10:20 AM

originally posted by: AndyFromMichigan

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: queenofswords
a reply to: carewemust

and jaw-dropping recordings of Adam Schiff/Eric Ciaramella/ICIG Atkinson conspiring to frame President Trump

Wouldn't it be hilarious if they click on a video to play Schiff conspiring with Ciaramella or Atkinson, but "accidentally" played the one of Schiff with Ed Buck and the young black boy? "Oh, wait...wrong do you turn this darn thing off..."

Or Both begin playing split screen! On a related note, Democrats "Great Mormon Hope" let them down big time today.

Romney Sided 100% With McConnell:

Romney represents Utah. He could hate Trump with the fiery passion of a supernova, but if he votes against Trump now his re-election odds will be a fraction of a percent, and he knows it.

Romney doesn't want anything MORE to come out about Hunter Biden and Burisma...he is only worried about his Atlantic Council connections to Ukraine corruption.

posted on Jan, 22 2020 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

What's next, will Pelosi come flying out of the Capitol Building on some kind of contraption worthy of the Green Goblin?

Cavv, BROOM is not a swear word. 😁

posted on Jan, 22 2020 @ 10:28 AM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

Christianity is basically pagan itself. Over the centuries it drew on a variety of different faiths including that of Ancient Egypt.

Transsubstantiation? It's a vampire cult.

posted on Jan, 22 2020 @ 10:28 AM

originally posted by: IAMTAT

originally posted by: AndyFromMichigan

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: queenofswords
a reply to: carewemust

and jaw-dropping recordings of Adam Schiff/Eric Ciaramella/ICIG Atkinson conspiring to frame President Trump

Wouldn't it be hilarious if they click on a video to play Schiff conspiring with Ciaramella or Atkinson, but "accidentally" played the one of Schiff with Ed Buck and the young black boy? "Oh, wait...wrong do you turn this darn thing off..."

Or Both begin playing split screen! On a related note, Democrats "Great Mormon Hope" let them down big time today.

Romney Sided 100% With McConnell:

Romney represents Utah. He could hate Trump with the fiery passion of a supernova, but if he votes against Trump now his re-election odds will be a fraction of a percent, and he knows it.

Romney doesn't want anything MORE to come out about Hunter Biden and Burisma...he is only worried about his Atlantic Council connections to Ukraine corruption.

Hunter is becoming a larger and larger threat to Democrats. Where's Hunter?

The judge presiding over Hunter Biden's paternity case in Arkansas demanded he appear in court or risk being held in contempt after he failed to provide 5 years of financial documents before a deadline earlier this month.

edit on 1/22/2020 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2020 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Hunter needs to be VERY careful about disappearing...permanently.

posted on Jan, 22 2020 @ 10:37 AM

posted on Jan, 22 2020 @ 10:38 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT
He's looking more like a candidate for that. It would be easy to believe that pressures got to him.

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