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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -23-

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posted on Jan, 21 2020 @ 07:14 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan

Peach Bowl. Trump up big early.

1 bowl game per day? Or are you scoring the game as if it lasts for the entire trial?

We are midway thru 1st quarter.

posted on Jan, 21 2020 @ 07:19 PM
I’m thinking the Dems do not want Hunter Biden anywhere near a bible and under oath. That guy is 50/50 on ratting out Pops if his butt gets into a fire.

posted on Jan, 21 2020 @ 07:19 PM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan

Peach Bowl. Trump up big early.

1 bowl game per day? Or are you scoring the game as if it lasts for the entire trial?

We are midway thru 1st quarter.

Ok. Cool. It's a blowout already.

posted on Jan, 21 2020 @ 07:20 PM
Chris Wallace is a shill.

posted on Jan, 21 2020 @ 07:21 PM
a reply to: carewemust

It’s liable to shift into a defensive game for the first half. We shall see.

posted on Jan, 21 2020 @ 07:22 PM
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

How will the Senate allow Democrats to call their Witnesses, but block President Trump from calling his? I can't see Democrats giving up on Witnesses just because Hunter Biden will be summoned to testify.

posted on Jan, 21 2020 @ 07:24 PM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
Chris Wallace is a shill.

Fox News has Chris Wallace and Juan Williams on at the same time. Disgusting.

What happened to Judge Napolitano? You think they would have him on a during an impeachment proceeding, so he could bash president Trump.

posted on Jan, 21 2020 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: queenofswords

Qos, Qclock positions of the [F] posts:

Q14 is at 23 mins
Q2327 is at 0 mins
Q3634 is at 58 mins
Q3781 is at 55 mins

On the Qclock the 25 min and 55 min positions are the 2 edges of the MIRROR.

posted on Jan, 21 2020 @ 07:28 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

How will the Senate allow Democrats to call their Witnesses, but block President Trump from calling his? I can't see Democrats giving up on Witnesses just because Hunter Biden will be summoned to testify.

Witnesses are a decoy. The Dems claim they need dozens with no intent on calling them. They want McConnell to deny them so they can claim unfair.

Eminence front.

posted on Jan, 21 2020 @ 07:32 PM

originally posted by: liveandlearn
Anyone else having a problem seeing an entire post unless it is starred? I am coming across this a lot the last few days.

Yes, hold control and scroll either up or down with the mouse and they will all show Then you can control/scroll back to 100% and they will stay.

posted on Jan, 21 2020 @ 07:35 PM

originally posted by: queenofswords
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

I'm not even sure why we are here (impeachment)!

Yep, can't wait till it's over.

Millie gives a great quick recap.

'OSS' Counter Operation Initiated To Stop Coup

Her Part 2 vid is even better. About the launch and how THEY are truly in the dark now due to Trump's Space Force? Continuity of Gov't (COG) & Space Force's Secret Mission (What you may not have known).

posted on Jan, 21 2020 @ 07:36 PM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
I’m thinking the Dems do not want Hunter Biden anywhere near a bible and under oath. That guy is 50/50 on ratting out Pops if his butt gets into a fire.

It may be tougher for him to buy crack in the slammer.

posted on Jan, 21 2020 @ 07:44 PM

originally posted by: butcherguy

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
I’m thinking the Dems do not want Hunter Biden anywhere near a bible and under oath. That guy is 50/50 on ratting out Pops if his butt gets into a fire.

It may be tougher for him to buy crack in the slammer.

NOT the only crack he'll need to be worried about in prison.

posted on Jan, 21 2020 @ 07:49 PM
a reply to: liveandlearn

I can’t get pics to load much at all. A few posts blank, too.

posted on Jan, 21 2020 @ 07:56 PM
Nancy Pelosi is out of the country, too.

She and a few other representatives, mostly Dems, including Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, are off on a trip to Poland then on to Israel and then no telling where else. Can you say taxpayer-funded vacay disguised as a government trip?

I think we should demand to see her liquor expense.

posted on Jan, 21 2020 @ 07:59 PM

originally posted by: queenofswords
Nancy Pelosi is out of the country, too.

She and a few other representatives, mostly Dems, including Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, are off on a trip to Poland then on to Israel and then no telling where else. Can you say taxpayer-funded vacay disguised as a government trip?

I think we should demand to see her liquor expense.

Inspect those freaks for coronavirus before they return.

posted on Jan, 21 2020 @ 08:01 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

BTW, where's Hunter?

I heard he wasn't even in the Biden family photo during Christmas. Is he in rehab or just in hiding?

posted on Jan, 21 2020 @ 08:06 PM

originally posted by: queenofswords
a reply to: IAMTAT

BTW, where's Hunter?

I heard he wasn't even in the Biden family photo during Christmas. Is he in rehab or just in hiding?

He’s with Dennis Celery preparing his financials for that paternity suit.

posted on Jan, 21 2020 @ 08:13 PM
Naveed is a Newsweek editor!! 👇👇👇
NY Times article

His profile says "former double agent."

Journalist vs journalist.

Greenwald talking about the charges:

posted on Jan, 21 2020 @ 08:14 PM

originally posted by: Trillium

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Why do all of these terrible flu like viruses always come out of China?

Well, I can answer that perhaps.

The random chance scenarios grow greatly when so many millions of people live within a few sq miles. What is even more fantastic to me is how resilient the Chinese are to not have collapsed whole cities into a plague. They could have a die off like one of the Daphnia Pulex cultures , common name water flea that I have used for Bio Assays having a sudden die off. Human immune systems are capable of surviving the virus. Sometimes we can have something come along like the Bubonic Plague that does some major damage. Yet, China hasn't killed millions with the plague and hopefully we see the trend continue.

It ends up being a symbiotic relationship that certain viruses have with humans. The virus that needs humans has to keep us alive to be able to reproduce over time. We build immunity if we surviv. A win-win in the long run for both humans and virus. What doesn't kill us does make us stronger biologically is what they taught at College back then.
Chinese researcher escorted from infectious disease lab amid RCMP investigation ... "We can assure Canadians that there is absolutely no risk to the Canadian public and that the work of the NML ...


Still the concept of random chance apply. I too worry about whacko's either looking to get rich and accidentally creating a plague or a deliberate terrorist type evil. That last one is still on the table, check that.

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