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Our Suns Binary and Spiritual Second Sun (Coverup)

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posted on Jan, 3 2020 @ 06:53 AM
a reply to: purplemer

Isn’t this attributed to the hypothetical planet 9?

Something which I might add a lot of people on here debunked with science 15 years ago and yet it’s now generally accepted to exist.

I remember people being called crazy for thinking Planet X was out there because their only evidence was ancient texts.

posted on Jan, 3 2020 @ 07:19 AM
a reply to: purplemer

You should have a look at Uranias Mirror unless your already familiar with it.

posted on Jan, 3 2020 @ 08:00 AM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: purplemer

Isn’t this attributed to the hypothetical planet 9?

Something which I might add a lot of people on here debunked with science 15 years ago and yet it’s now generally accepted to exist.

I think people on here rightfully debunked (with science) the idea of Nibiru, or some planet that comes sweeping through the inner solar system on a 3600-year orbit.

However, I don't remember anyone debunking Planet 9 -- i.e., the idea that there could be an earth-sized or larger planet orbiting somewhere in the far outer solar system. I mean, it was about 15 years ago that Eris was discovered, which is a Pluto-sized world in the outer solar system. Eris was poised to be named planet 10, and was being heralded as such for a little while, until it and Pluto were demoted (but that's a story for another thread).

The reason Nibiru -- or a planet like it that swoops through the inner solar system every 3600 years or so (a very short time in cosmic terms) -- can be debunked is the exact same reason why science thinks that planet 9 exists. Planet 9 was deduced by noticing perturbances in the orbits of outer solar system objects. That is, the presence of something like planet 9 makes a noticeable effect on the orbits of its neighbors.

Similarly, if a planet-sized object had an orbit that brought it through the inner solar system every 3600 years, such as the claim with the mythical Nibiru, the presence of that planet would have a noticeable effect on the orbits of Earth and the other known planets in the solar system. The inner solar system would not be as balanced as it is There is no such effect.

But a planet 9 that orbits way out there and stays way out there? That's fine. It's too far from Earth to have a noticeable direct effect on the planets of inner solar system.

edit on 1/3/2020 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2020 @ 08:06 AM
* Double Post
edit on 1/3/2020 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2020 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to: Soylent Green Is People

Actually planet 9 could very well periodically send asteroids into the inner solar system. Until it is discovered and orbits calculated we can’t be sure of its effects.

I can assure you there was plenty of folk on here dismissive of the idea. I’d have to look back but from what I remember a lot of the debate surrounded some NASA radio satellite results which they retracted. A lot of people on here thought NASA was hiding another large solar system object while the others bought the official line that it was an error with the data.

posted on Jan, 3 2020 @ 09:01 AM
Interesting thread purplemer, thank you.

I don't want to get into the hard science side of the debate as I don't really have a horse (or dog) in the race. Some of the ties to occult/mythological symbolism do interest me though.

Here's something I found in an old series of magazines I have, The Unexplained: Mysteries of Mind, Space, & Time. I make no claims as to the veracity of the information in the following quote, I'm including it here because it resonates with the topic of discussion. It's from an article called 'The image of perfection' by Kenneth Rayner Johnson; the article is largely about alchemy & has a boxed segment of text talking about a phrase/code mentioned in one of Fulcanelli's books. The phrase/code itself is inscribed on a stone cross in the French town of Hendaye.

By an extension of what Fulcanelli calls the phonetic cabala, a retired engineer and student of Fulcanelli's cryptographic writings, Paul Mevry, has arrived at a fascinating new interpretation. OCRUXAVES PESUNICA is an anagram of the Latin phrase Orcus ave pus e canis, meaning 'Orcus, hail, down from the Dog'. Orcus is the Roman Lord of the Underworld -- whom the ancient Egyptians knew as Osiris, the Lord of the Dead. Since the Egyptians associated Osiris with the Dog star, Sirius, could this then be some form of warning of destruction to come from the system of Sirius and its dark companion Sirius B?
And could the very location of the cross at Hendaye -- similar to end-day -- be a clue to the coming apocalypse?

(page 919)

As I said, I'm not saying I believe or vouch for any of the above quote, simply think it's relevant. For what it's worth, I had not heard of Orcus being equated with Osiris, but I can see where the association is drawn from.

Interestingly, there is also a dwarf planet called 90482 Orcus in our own solar system; some of the peculiarities mentioned in its wiki make me think of the Sol/Sirius dance mentioned in the OP:

Orcus is a plutino, a trans-Neptunian object that is locked in a 2:3 resonance with the ice giant Neptune, making two revolutions around the Sun to every three of Neptune's. This is much like Pluto, except that the phase of Orcus's orbit is opposite from Pluto's: Orcus is at aphelion when Pluto is at perihelion and vice versa. Moreover, the aphelion of Orcus's orbit points in nearly the opposite direction from Pluto's, although the eccentricities and inclinations are similar. Because of these similarities and contrasts, along with its large moon Vanth that recalls Pluto's large moon Charon, Orcus has been regarded as the anti-Pluto.

posted on Jan, 3 2020 @ 09:24 AM

originally posted by: purplemer
a reply to: Blarneystoner

This is the elephant in the room no one is speaking of. Everyone just blissfully ignoring this fact that destroys the entire premise.... *sigh Embracing ignorance..

No not at all. There is evidence that systems can move increbly fast. If you think about each system has to move 4 lights in about 5000 years. I did the maths earlier. It is possible. Plus there is evidence.

Here is an exract from a paper on the speed these things can reach.

There has been a great observational study done recently by Hernandez et al. (see: They have looked at wide binary stars and found that when they are separated by 7000AU or more, so that their accelerations decrease below 2*10^-10 m/s^2, then their behaviour becomes non-Newtonian, in that their orbital speeds are so large that the centrifugal (inertial) forces separating them should be greater than the gravitational pull inwards from the mass that we can see, so they should zoom off to infinity. A similar behaviour is seen in galaxy rotation curves, which deviate from Newtonian behaviour below this same acceleration

Oh come on... 1 light year = 63241.1 AUs, Considerably greater than any known binary star system distance between the stars.

The difference is astronomical... this is ridiculous if you aren't willing to account for the huge discrepancy, your whole premise is shot to hell...

posted on Jan, 3 2020 @ 09:33 AM

originally posted by: fluff007
a reply to: Blarneystoner

Its not an elephant.

If the companion acted like a planet orbiting our sun, and the orbit periodicity was close to the precession periodicity, then standard calculations would put our binary counterpart somewhere between 848.5 AU and 1515 AU depending on its mass and eccentricity. For detailed calculations under this scenario, please download the PDF Document below.

While the solar system speed is difficult to measure (the question is always “compared to what?”), astrophysicist Reg Cahill of Australia has suggested that the solar system is moving in excess of 430km/s, relative to the cosmic microwave background (CMB), and this opens the possibility that our solar system might be orbiting anyone of a number of local stars, but more than likely one of the larger masses that lies not too far inclined to the plane of the solar system. Such a scenario might seem improbable given our current understanding of gravity and visible star distances, however there are compelling theories, such as MOND theory, and there is unusual evidentiary information, such as the data from Voyager 1 and 2 or the anomalous acceleration of the Pioneer 10 and 11 spacecraft that make this scenario attractive to investigation

You're right, it's not an elephant, it's more like a Blue Whale. Even if our solar system was travelling at ten times the speed we estimate it to be travelling, it would still only be less than 10% the speed of light.

The two stars in the binary system Alpha Centauri are about 18 Astronomical Units (AU) apart. It's a tight system but a good example to use....

1 light year = 63,241 AUs

Our Sun and Sirius are 8.6 light years apart. That's 543,873.46 AUs apart!!!

There is no way that Sirius and Sol are orbiting each other... impossible... end of story...

posted on Jan, 3 2020 @ 11:20 AM

originally posted by: purplemer
a reply to: Freeborn

Thank you for your reply. I am glad you like the thread. I do miss some of the old threads. Too much politics for me these days.

There is a lot more I could have put in this. I have been on a mission with this for over a year now. Sirius has been a key to allow me unlock things that where once closed. I have been a bit obsessed with it. Its how I work.

I think the purpose of keeping it hidden it to keep us spiritually under developed. If you dont truly know who you are where you came from you do not know how to act correctly. We in my opinion have been severed from our roots and it is up to us to try and reconnect this.

All the best in the coming year.

I have a question.
How do you know that you are spiritually under developed?

posted on Jan, 3 2020 @ 12:33 PM

originally posted by: Skorpiogurl

originally posted by: purplemer
a reply to: Freeborn

Thank you for your reply. I am glad you like the thread. I do miss some of the old threads. Too much politics for me these days.

There is a lot more I could have put in this. I have been on a mission with this for over a year now. Sirius has been a key to allow me unlock things that where once closed. I have been a bit obsessed with it. Its how I work.

I think the purpose of keeping it hidden it to keep us spiritually under developed. If you dont truly know who you are where you came from you do not know how to act correctly. We in my opinion have been severed from our roots and it is up to us to try and reconnect this.

All the best in the coming year.

I have a question.
How do you know that you are spiritually under developed?
Society as a whole, is at least representitive of prevailing spiritual sentiment of its members.

Personal assessment, questioning values...introspection, contemplation and nam a few.

posted on Jan, 3 2020 @ 12:44 PM

originally posted by: BlueJacket

originally posted by: Skorpiogurl

originally posted by: purplemer
a reply to: Freeborn

Thank you for your reply. I am glad you like the thread. I do miss some of the old threads. Too much politics for me these days.

There is a lot more I could have put in this. I have been on a mission with this for over a year now. Sirius has been a key to allow me unlock things that where once closed. I have been a bit obsessed with it. Its how I work.

I think the purpose of keeping it hidden it to keep us spiritually under developed. If you dont truly know who you are where you came from you do not know how to act correctly. We in my opinion have been severed from our roots and it is up to us to try and reconnect this.

All the best in the coming year.

I have a question.
How do you know that you are spiritually under developed?
Society as a whole, is at least representitive of prevailing spiritual sentiment of its members.

Personal assessment, questioning values...introspection, contemplation and nam a few.

Okay. I guess there are exceptions.

posted on Jan, 3 2020 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: purplemer

Excellent research ethic, you really did your homework. But do the Yugas explain exactly how a celestial body outside our solar system affects our "spirit density" which I gather is a means of measuring our enlightenment?

posted on Jan, 3 2020 @ 07:47 PM
a reply to: purplemer

An interesting thread. Not much to add, but yes. Don't know why it would surprise anybody as there is nothing in the whole of this universe, or life for that matter, that simply exists as a thing in itself or by itself around its own orbit to sort of say.

posted on Jan, 3 2020 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: purplemer

Very interseting information in your OP Purplemer…

Originally posted by Purplemer
In ancient cultures with no apparent connection have universally associated the blazing Sirius with either a wolf or a dog. In ancient China, the star was identified as a heavenly wolf. In ancient Chaldea (present day Iraq) the star was known as the "Dog Star that Leads". In Assyria and Akkadia, it was said to be the "Dog of the Sun”. Several indigenous tribes of North America referred to the star in canine terms: the Seri and Tohono O’odham tribes of the southwest describe the Sirius as a “dog that follows mountain sheep”, while the Cherokee paired Sirius with Antares as a dog-star guardian of the “Path of Souls”. The Skidi tribe of Nebraska knew it as the “Wolf Star”, while further north, the Alaskan Inuit of the Bering Strait called it “Moon Dog”.

Originally posted by Purplemer
Every year on the 1st January. Our sun and our earth line up with Sirius. This is the true reason for the first of January. Sirius is a better time keeper than the sun that needs to be adjusted with leap years. This tells you something quite remarkable about what is causing our solar movement.(soul/sol)

In relation to the Star Sirius being associated with a Wolf or a Dog…and the fact that our Earth lines up with Sirius at the start of January each year…

I find it curious that The First Full moon in January each year…just so happens to be named a “Wolf Moon”…seems like another connection to what you’re outlining in your OP…

January: Wolf Moon
The Full Moon in January is the Wolf Moon named after howling wolves, which may stem from the Anglo-Saxon lunar calendar. Other names: Moon After Yule, Old Moon, Ice Moon, and Snow Moon.


I have to say I’m not really buying into the whole “wolves howl a lot in January” lol explanation…for naming it the “Wolf Moon”

- JC

posted on Jan, 3 2020 @ 09:56 PM
a reply to: KKLOCO

Lol , you were a Jehovah witness for 20 years and you still want to tell people what to think constantly. You think you’d of given that up with your cult

posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 04:39 AM
a reply to: purplemer

Interesting thread...

I read somewhere that there is also the possibility that we could of been a binary solar system in the past but it can change b/c the two stars lose their gravitational contact and then move on to become single stars. This occurs when binary companions have a close encounter it can cause a gravitational disruption between the two and can catapult stars at a high velocities causing a runaway star.


posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: purplemer

I don't think it's being covered up. Obviously you and anyone else interested can go on the internet and find this infor which means there's not much of an effort being made to cover it up.

I think the reason it's not "taught" in school, if that's what you're getting at, is because it's useless crap from ancient people.

What practical use is there for me to know about the "dog star" or it's 26k year orbital cycle outside the scope of astronomy or an interest in history?

How does this impact my life in any way?

It doesn't. Yeah Sirius exists and it impacts our solar system gravitationally. So what? Who cares.

posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 09:32 AM
a reply to: Bearmonger

It has no impact on your life and so it’s irrelevant? Why did you even post in here then if you’re wasting your time?

I’m done with ATS all, it’s been fun but the forum has lost its spirit.

It’s no longer about constructive debate and discussion, just a mud pit of immature children who have no time for anyone else’s opinion.

I bid you all farewell.

posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 09:59 AM
a reply to: Grenade

I won't be far behind you, as much as I like a lot of members on here there are many disinfo members who work for the man and ATS.
I set my date to leave a few months ago.
I know the disinfo members, can't have them polluting my thinking anymore.

posted on Jan, 4 2020 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: ManyMasks

Any chance you naming and shaming these members you claim to KNOW are 'disinfo members'?

What purpose are these 'disinfo members' serving and whose agenda are they pushing?

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