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Sick of the LGBT agenda

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posted on Nov, 7 2019 @ 01:21 PM

originally posted by: dfnj2015
a reply to: Macenroe82

It's funny how the people who are the most outspoken against homosexuality turn out to be one in the end!

RE: "forced fed to us?"

I rest my case.

Wow man, you've really been treading a fine line in this and other threads lately, literally abusing and insulting people and generally being obscene..

This place will be quite boring and quiet for a long while after you've been banned.

I'm sure your comrades will try to pick up the slack in your absence..

edit on 7-11-2019 by Ironclad1964 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2019 @ 03:10 PM
a reply to: tayton

Possible a confederate flag. Or a pirate flag. Maybe girls parading around in star and stipe bikinis. Or something equally meaningless you can be disgusted by

posted on Nov, 7 2019 @ 03:22 PM
People that went thru bullying might simply feel special, some might do it just to trigger haters and troll them. I'm both of those types

posted on Nov, 7 2019 @ 05:12 PM
How about the simple truth? Gay soldiers have always served in the army and always will. Maybe it is time we acknowledge that.

posted on Nov, 7 2019 @ 06:11 PM

originally posted by: Ironclad1964

originally posted by: dfnj2015
a reply to: Macenroe82

It's funny how the people who are the most outspoken against homosexuality turn out to be one in the end!

RE: "forced fed to us?"

I rest my case.

Wow man, you've really been treading a fine line in this and other threads lately, literally abusing and insulting people and generally being obscene..

This place will be quite boring and quiet for a long while after you've been banned.

I'm sure your comrades will try to pick up the slack in your absence..

And yet this thread is filled with nothing but insults toward the lgbt community. Funny how you missed all that. You know how it goes though, when your completely full of sh$t its kinda hard to pinpoint where the stench is coming from...

posted on Nov, 7 2019 @ 07:09 PM
a reply to: Jg513

How is not wanting this stuff forced on children insulting? You advocate for drag queens exposing themselves to kids? Seriously?

I'm insulted.

posted on Nov, 7 2019 @ 08:03 PM
Man, I hate when these threads come up... they simultaneously bring out the best and worst of ATS.

As a guy who happens to sleep with both women and men, I can definitively say I'm not a 'member' of the LGBTQLMNOP+ community. It's b*tchy, it's hateful, it's vain, and it's pushy. WHY someone decided to even put LGB together in the first place is hilarious. The gays hate lesbians, the lesbians hate everyone else, and the bisexuals just want to have fun and DGAF about the plumbing, moreso the human behind it. Then came T. Okay. Almost everyone (almost) that I know in the 'community' thinks the T is setting everything back, because they're pushing for special rights and going past 'chemistry' to socio-biological dysfunction*.

I can't even comment on the rest of the alphabet soup, because I honestly don't know what half of it means. I just tend to enjoy having relationships with whomever I please. I like and love people, man or woman, who make me feel more complete and as a partner in this often terrible world.

Being gay, bi, whatever, is both a state of biological function and mental structure. It's not a choice, I'll go ahead and admit that right away, and the single most annoying and ignorant conceit in the world is that it is chosen. It isn't. If you would prefer me to refer you to studies dating back to the 70's, then re-constructed in the 90's and again recently (all with the same outcomes), I can do so. This is crap I learned studying neuroscience at a Top 10 university in the US. It was not in any way politicized - just pure, pure science (measuring clitoral engorgement, penile circumference, pupil dilation, etc. when presented with certain stimuli. e.g. Things people can't fake or 'think' into existence.) Some people's bodies just react on a subconscious level to certain stimuli. Who gives a sh*t? Government stops at my front door, and it sure as hell stops at my bedroom door. If you have an issue that that's a reality, I mean, get over it? I'm not affecting you. Think all gays or whatever are pedophiles? That's an entirely different issue, and it's just... I don't know a kinder word than 'bigotry'. Maybe' ignorance' is better.

What bothers the ever-loving sh*t out of me is when everyone has to be corralled into a cattle-call to 'demonstrate' for one thing or another. Shut up. You don't. Was life hell for people who were gay/bi/whatever back in the day? HELL yes. Did bodies pile up because we as a society decided that AIDS research wasn't important because it was largely confined to one group? Yep. Did the gays get the crap beat out of them? Yep.

Should we get over it, thank those who came before us for the progress that we have, and now be thankful that we have equal rights? Yep.

Should we push for 'more' equal rights, or special rights? Hell to the no.

I try as hard as I can to be intellectually honest in all aspects of my life. I really honestly believe that the moment I admitted "Awe damn, I guess I could be in a relationship with a guy" was a seminal *snicker* moment that caused me to re-evaluate a lot of positions I'd held just for the sake of holding them. I now look at each issue on its own merits. I don't pre-judge. I'm honestly a better person for it, and free-er thinker for it. But when I see that friggin' alphabet soup following one position en masse just because that's what's been deigned as the 'position', I throw up a little in my mouth.

Pete Buttigieg flat-out lied about his friendship with Pence (I know Mayor Pete, and have met Pence more than a few times, and he's decent as hell). I won't support someone who lies about something so trivial just to score points with the Alphabet Soup community. That's horse-pucky. There are a heck of a lot more of ME than there are of those weirdos who dye their hair purple and run around in leather. They should not set an agenda.

That being said: If they make rainbow-colored flowers for Veteran's Day, let 'em. There are SO MANY in the older generation that not only had to hide everything of who they were or who they loved, but lost so much because of it. It's incredibly sad, and to hear their stories is moving. Nobody would 'choose' that in a million years. If we can help them feel some semblance of recognition or respect for their collective sacrifice, I'm all for it. Does it need to be the default color? No. Should it be an *option*? I honestly can't think of why not, other than flat-out hatred.

*Blah blah requisite apologies to people who are Trans, but c'mon. I can't even begin to cite the number of studies that show that people who 'transition' later regret it, or feel forced into it. It's awful. Maybe my position will evolve at some point as they figure out wtf is going on, but for now, I can't whole-heartedly support it.
edit on 7-11-2019 by CooBoo because: Typos

posted on Nov, 7 2019 @ 08:41 PM
a reply to: CooBoo

Thank you for the comment, you make many logical points.

Especially about the trans regret.
I linked to an article in one of my previous posts, about a trans who started a group for others like themselves who had the op. done and greatly regretted doing so not so long after.

posted on Nov, 7 2019 @ 09:05 PM

originally posted by: Macenroe82
a reply to: CooBoo

Thank you for the comment, you make many logical points.

Especially about the trans regret.
I linked to an article in one of my previous posts, about a trans who started a group for others like themselves who had the op. done and greatly regretted doing so not so long after.

Thank you for your thoughtful reply.

Was that the British/UK study based on the teacher's testimony? I felt for her. The pressure to "JUST ACCEPT IT AAAGGHHH!" by over-reaching government is real, and it's aggravating to the rest of the letters who are just trying to live their lives.

This isn't a 'fad' or whatever, but for these kids, they've been taught that it is. Not by their parents, not by their peers (well, partly in that particular article), but by their government conferring unto them special rights. That does nobody any good.

edit on 7-11-2019 by CooBoo because: To give thanks where it is due

posted on Nov, 7 2019 @ 10:16 PM

originally posted by: Liquesence
a reply to: Macenroe82

Why does it bother you so much?

What is their "agenda?"

He just explained why it bothers him, did you not read the post?

posted on Nov, 7 2019 @ 10:27 PM
a reply to: CooBoo

First post I've seen from someone that is Bi that isn't harping alphabet soup rights or getting angry when people talk bad about it. I have friends who have friends that are part of it and my straight friends blindly promote the alphabet soup group because I guarantee you they feel obligated to or their friends will hate them.

much respect for your honesty and point of view
edit on 7-11-2019 by jidnum because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2019 @ 11:07 PM

originally posted by: Bluntone22

originally posted by: dfnj2015
a reply to: Macenroe82

It's funny how the people who are the most outspoken against homosexuality turn out to be one in the end!

RE: "forced fed to us?"

I rest my case.

Using your logic trump must be your dream president.

But seriously that's a bull # talking point for people that can't win an argument.


Wait for the liberal heads collectively exploding.

posted on Nov, 8 2019 @ 01:19 AM

originally posted by: CooBoo
I can't even begin to cite the number of studies that show that people who 'transition' later regret it....

Maybe you should begin? While I'm waiting, I'll actually post a few references rather than just mentioning them because I hate how pervasive these myths of regret are. Is transitioning wrong for some people? Sure but the small numbers of trans people that do have regrets has been blown way out or proportion by anti-LGBT factions.

Keep in mind that 90% or more of "transgender" people do not even have genital sex reassignment and there may only be somewhere in the neighborhood of 50,000 or less worldwide that ever have and it is only those that these studies reference.

Psychosocial outcome and quality of sexual life after sex reassignment surgery: An Italian multicentric study

Results: In both samples we found high levels of satisfaction in all the areas explored (including sexual life after surgery), and levels of psychological and social well-being comparable to those of the general population. Conclusion: Our results support previous studies suggesting that SRS not only alleviates gender dysphoria but also improves quality of life and psychosocial functioning in transsexual persons.

Effects of sex reassignment surgery on quality of life and mental health in transsexuals

The SRS used in the treatment of transsexuality releases the conflict and makes the transformation on official gender and is associated with improvements in quality of life, self esteem, family support, sexual life satisfaction and interpersonal reliationships and reduction in worries about gender discrimination and gender victimization.

Satisfaction With Male-to-Female Gender Reassignment Surgery

The very high rates of subjective satisfaction and the surgical outcomes indicate that gender reassignment surgery is beneficial. These findings must be interpreted with caution, however, because fewer than half of the questionnaires were returned.

Surgical Satisfaction, Quality of Life, and Their Association After Gender-Affirming Surgery: A Follow-up Study

The satisfaction with feminizing surgeries was 96% to 100%, except for a single person receiving vocal cord surgery who was not satisfied.

Study of quality of life for transsexuals after hormonal and surgical reassignment

The results show that gender reassignment surgery improves the QoL for transsexuals in several different important areas: most are satisfied of their sexual reassignment (28/30), their social (21/30) and sexual QoL (25/30) are improved.

I could post more but I've made my point.

Keep in mind the vast majority of transgender people are not transsexuals who just want to quietly go about their regular lives as everyday men and women and usually aren't the ones pushing any sort of "agenda".

Obviously, making this distinction would have me considered a blasphemer or a transphobe by the LGBTxyzs because it goes against their approved narrative and I think the radical trans activists are probably the worst of the bunch but like the extremist elements of any group, it doesn't necessarily mean they're representative of the whole.

posted on Nov, 8 2019 @ 01:58 AM

originally posted by: dfnj2015
a reply to: Macenroe82

It's funny how the people who are the most outspoken against homosexuality turn out to be one in the end!

RE: "forced fed to us?"

I rest my case.

Really ?
Imagine that ?

( RE: ..." in the end!..."... ).

(( LoL : Just teasing ! ))

posted on Nov, 8 2019 @ 02:00 AM
I read a book about gay men in WW1 & WW2 ! Very interesting ! They sucked at all they could ! Lol Lol get it ?They suck things lol . I have a WIAS administered test score of 127 . Yet I still can’t understand the lbgt egregore. I’m clearly ignorant in the ways of progressives. Can you suggest a book that can bring light into my callow mind . I also bought some collectible WW2 French Gay battalion rifles ! They are like new ! Never fired and only dropped once ! Sorry for my bizarre ways of getting to a point ! I’m a cunning linguist lol get it ? That is a gambol way to get to a point ! How do I become gay so I can mantle my suffrage to that of the hector ways of the left ! Thanks for supporting the stream of misguided people who need a rainbow memorial so that no one and I mean no one forgets the gay battle boys . What about black paper flowers so we never forget that blacks died in WW1& WW2 ! What about the poor space aliens the Germans kidnapped and tortured until they taught them how to play soccer and build ufos . On top of all of this ! I’m very offended by this thread , because I had a relative die in the concentration camps ! My great uncle was a guard and he feel out of a watch tower on the night shift . I’m woke , triggered and catalyzed . Please don’t respond in anger , because my Obama insurance only cover 8 visits to my therapist and if your mean in your response I’ll crumple into a pile of metro sexual malaise and self importance. Well I’m off to feed my therapy wolverine . I’m glad we had this talk ! I feel much better ! I think . See you on Tik Tok . For real though I just got home from shooting pool , jamming AC/DC , putting premium gas in my Silverado 4x4 and eating raw meat . I even have a custom case for my toothpick and mustache wax that matches my kangaroo fur pool case. It’s leaps and bounds over cow skin ! Lol get it leaps and bounds ! Kangaroos have locomotion that is akin to hopping !

edit on 8-11-2019 by SulfurMercurySalt because: Missing words

edit on 8-11-2019 by SulfurMercurySalt because: Oops

edit on 8-11-2019 by SulfurMercurySalt because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-11-2019 by SulfurMercurySalt because: Spelling

posted on Nov, 8 2019 @ 02:20 PM
Amazing how angry some people can get so upset over something which literally doesn't affect them in any way whatsoever.

posted on Nov, 8 2019 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: fencesitter85

oh, I don't know...with some of the agendas being pushed by the very activist LGBQT+ community, it can and does affect some people in their lives and businesses.

That can anger people that it hasn't affected yet because there could be a time coming that it does affect them.

posted on Nov, 8 2019 @ 11:35 PM

originally posted by: CooBoo
Man, I hate when these threads come up... they simultaneously bring out the best and worst of ATS.

As a guy who happens to sleep with both women and men, I can definitively say I'm not a 'member' of the LGBTQLMNOP+ community. It's b*tchy, it's hateful, it's vain, and it's pushy. WHY someone decided to even put LGB together in the first place is hilarious. The gays hate lesbians, the lesbians hate everyone else, and the bisexuals just want to have fun and DGAF about the plumbing, moreso the human behind it. Then came T. Okay. Almost everyone (almost) that I know in the 'community' thinks the T is setting everything back, because they're pushing for special rights and going past 'chemistry' to socio-biological dysfunction*.

I can't even comment on the rest of the alphabet soup, because I honestly don't know what half of it means. I just tend to enjoy having relationships with whomever I please. I like and love people, man or woman, who make me feel more complete and as a partner in this often terrible world.

Being gay, bi, whatever, is both a state of biological function and mental structure. It's not a choice, I'll go ahead and admit that right away, and the single most annoying and ignorant conceit in the world is that it is chosen. It isn't. If you would prefer me to refer you to studies dating back to the 70's, then re-constructed in the 90's and again recently (all with the same outcomes), I can do so. This is crap I learned studying neuroscience at a Top 10 university in the US. It was not in any way politicized - just pure, pure science (measuring clitoral engorgement, penile circumference, pupil dilation, etc. when presented with certain stimuli. e.g. Things people can't fake or 'think' into existence.) Some people's bodies just react on a subconscious level to certain stimuli. Who gives a sh*t? Government stops at my front door, and it sure as hell stops at my bedroom door. If you have an issue that that's a reality, I mean, get over it? I'm not affecting you. Think all gays or whatever are pedophiles? That's an entirely different issue, and it's just... I don't know a kinder word than 'bigotry'. Maybe' ignorance' is better.

What bothers the ever-loving sh*t out of me is when everyone has to be corralled into a cattle-call to 'demonstrate' for one thing or another. Shut up. You don't. Was life hell for people who were gay/bi/whatever back in the day? HELL yes. Did bodies pile up because we as a society decided that AIDS research wasn't important because it was largely confined to one group? Yep. Did the gays get the crap beat out of them? Yep.

Should we get over it, thank those who came before us for the progress that we have, and now be thankful that we have equal rights? Yep.

Should we push for 'more' equal rights, or special rights? Hell to the no.

I try as hard as I can to be intellectually honest in all aspects of my life. I really honestly believe that the moment I admitted "Awe damn, I guess I could be in a relationship with a guy" was a seminal *snicker* moment that caused me to re-evaluate a lot of positions I'd held just for the sake of holding them. I now look at each issue on its own merits. I don't pre-judge. I'm honestly a better person for it, and free-er thinker for it. But when I see that friggin' alphabet soup following one position en masse just because that's what's been deigned as the 'position', I throw up a little in my mouth.

Pete Buttigieg flat-out lied about his friendship with Pence (I know Mayor Pete, and have met Pence more than a few times, and he's decent as hell). I won't support someone who lies about something so trivial just to score points with the Alphabet Soup community. That's horse-pucky. There are a heck of a lot more of ME than there are of those weirdos who dye their hair purple and run around in leather. They should not set an agenda.

That being said: If they make rainbow-colored flowers for Veteran's Day, let 'em. There are SO MANY in the older generation that not only had to hide everything of who they were or who they loved, but lost so much because of it. It's incredibly sad, and to hear their stories is moving. Nobody would 'choose' that in a million years. If we can help them feel some semblance of recognition or respect for their collective sacrifice, I'm all for it. Does it need to be the default color? No. Should it be an *option*? I honestly can't think of why not, other than flat-out hatred.

*Blah blah requisite apologies to people who are Trans, but c'mon. I can't even begin to cite the number of studies that show that people who 'transition' later regret it, or feel forced into it. It's awful. Maybe my position will evolve at some point as they figure out wtf is going on, but for now, I can't whole-heartedly support it.

One of the best comments I've read in a long, long time. Thank you for your honesty, we need more intelligent and open-minded people like you.

posted on Nov, 9 2019 @ 05:30 PM
a reply to: Macenroe82

Like you OP I really could care less which sex a person gravitates towards. It's clear that the lunatic left have now begun using the gay community as a political weapon. The irony is of the gay people I know none of them support the politicized "gay agenda" proving it really is a creation of the lunatic left.

My issue is that these assholes are using children who are way to damn young to make decisions on their own sexual orientation. The case in Texas is unphuking believable. The lunatic left are going to allow that bat shlt crazy mom to giver her son puberty blockers. I feel so sorry for that kid.

Let the kid go through puberty. If at the end of it all he feels as though he truly identifies more as a girl than a boy then problem...nature chose. But don't attempt to thrwart natural selection. This is definitely part of the "gay agenda". The proverbial "they" want to create confusion in the minds of children as to their sexual orientation so "they" can have control now at an even earlier age.

Clearly it's worked on the bat shlt crazy mom as she is the one allowing this and the irony is she's a doctor. I'm guessing she's the one who finished in the bottom 3rd of her graduating class.

To recap for all the hyperventilating liberals seething over my post (and man does that bring me GREAT pleasure) I am not against homosexuality. I am, however, against the ongoing politicization of the gay community as a means by the bat shlt crazy lunatic left to exact more control over the populace. But people just keep being sheep!

posted on Nov, 9 2019 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: 1point92AU

I second that!

That spun out woman needs someone to give her little brain a rattle.
It would Probably will sound like a bean in a can too. Lol.
I wouldn’t be surprised if she was just doing this as a last bout of resentment towards the father.
Using the child as a weapon?
Sick twisted people these days.

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