originally posted by: tanstaafl
Anyone who would condone allowing a child in the early formative years of their life to be exposed to 'trans' propaganda is a flaming lunatic that
needs to be rendered unable to bear children, and never allowed to adopt or be alone with small children.
I hope to hell you never have a gender dysphoric child or grandchild of your own. Oh wait, maybe I do? Getting punched in the gut having to deal with
this in your own family with people you love is about the only way some of you armchair quarterbacks armed with nothing more than uninformed opinions
will ever have the experience to see beyond your own misconceptions, prejudices and paradigms.
This has nothing to do with liberal politics or agendas. For those truly gender dysphoric it is a medical condition that spans all ethnicities,
cultures, regions and ideologies and has throughout history. Just as many trans kids come from conservative and religious families as those that
don’t with those parents that are from conservative and fundamentalist backgrounds usually being the ones most horrified by this whole thing who are
often faced with a dilemma between reevaluating some of their positions and beliefs and loving their child unconditionally. I’ve seen these parents
panic and struggle to get informed and be supportive and tragically, I’ve seen others reject their children or otherwise cause them emotional and
sometimes physical harm and many so called liberals are equally appalled and resistant although they may be more open-minded and willing put their
child’s needs first.
This video absolutely won’t embed but it is really worth watching. It’s the story of a 6 year old transgender girl and how and why her god
fearing, conservative and religious Trump loving Texan Republican mother came to accept her.
And yes - if the shoe fits...
Am I a raging leftist liberal rabid trans activist or support their “agenda”? No, hell no. I think their behaviors and politics are detrimental
and pretty reprehensible in some cases even though I think there are a few inequalities that need sorted out.
Do I think that all kids that say they’re trans really are or that this can be handled in a blanket black and white matter? Certainly not and I
think nuance and some refinement needs to be done in this area and each case is individual and unique but just because some aren’t or will grow out
of it, it doesn’t mean we can ignore the needs and well being of those that truly are and won’t that are suffering and can be helped. I
acknowledge there may be some problems here until we learn to better discern the wheat from the chaff but have confidence things will improve.
Some may question what my dog is in this horse race or why I even care so I’ll tell you: I
have had close and loved trans family members
going back to the late 60s and early 70s that I’ve supported and advocated for and it’s something I’ve spent decades studying and reading about.
Some time after divorcing my husband in 1997, I was in a live-in five year relationship with someone with a young already socially transitioned
transgender daughter that’s now an amazing married college graduate trying to adopt and start her own family and I know these kids are just like any
other kid with the same hopes and dreams for a happy life except they just happen to be trans. I’ve been through training programs and done
volunteer work with national organizations in a role counseling and supporting the parents and grandparents of trans youth and I’ve seen the gamut
of those a little too overly enthusiastic to those that feel like throwing their children away and the tragedy when that happens.
Even most of the biggest detractors around here concede that some rare people genuinely are trans and although inaccurate and an oversimplification,
that for some the
born in the wrong body metaphor indeed fits. It is a real thing that really happens but I ask you with apologies to
transgender people that find this argument divisive and offensive and will consider me a hater and a bigot, which demographic is likely to be the most
genuine? (they call this the more trans than thou debate)
Is it the lifelong gender non-confirming child that has been resolutely and consistently verbalizing for years from the time they were able to express
themselves that the gender of who they are and know themselves to be doesn’t match what they were born as and were expected to be that just wants to
grow up and be seen and understood the way and as what they understand themselves to be that socially transition young, medically transition as teens
or very young adults and go on to live the rest of their lives in the way that’s most genuine to them discretely fitting normally into society as
regular men and women.
The outwardly normal appearing 45 year old former soldier that’s married and father to three kids that’s maybe secretly cross dressed as a fantasy
or kink from the time they realized it was a turn on who one day decides their “hidden inner woman” needs to see the light of day and be in
control so they hoc the farm and sell the cattle to finance their transition often leaving a wake of devastated lives and families behind them and
because they seldom ever “pass” and most of them don’t even have sex reassignment surgery, want to change society to accept them as
“transgender women” and become activists for their cause.
There’s so much outrage against transgender kids and caution is needed to prevent over diagnosis of this rare condition but when it comes right down
to it, it’s the young ones that are truly the real deal so keep that in mind.