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Texas dad fights to save 7 year old son from female hormone therapy and chemical castration .

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posted on Oct, 27 2019 @ 12:14 AM

originally posted by: Fallingdown

Texas needs to save. this BOY.

The only way to do that is by the only option available against the left wing. Armed conflict.

posted on Oct, 27 2019 @ 01:34 AM

originally posted by: EternalSolace

originally posted by: Fallingdown

Texas needs to save. this BOY.

The only way to do that is by the only option available against the left wing. Armed conflict.

You really are desperate to see armed armed conflict against your perceived enemies aren't you, your own countrymen no less.

posted on Oct, 28 2019 @ 03:41 AM
There should be automatic protection in place for the child until 18. You can't put a kid in front of a firing squad and have a federal court battle over IF you should pull the trigger or not. Use courts as a weapon. Transgender and gay right's is one thing, but this act is at a whole knew level that is just hideous. What are we living in the dark ages? No we aren't, Cavemen had more morals than that.

posted on Oct, 28 2019 @ 07:37 AM
This whole LGBTQA+ crap is really infuriating these days. People with too much time on their hands seeking attention. I really don't care how the hell you identify, get over yourselves.

Now we are starting to mentally and physically torture our children to somehow normalise these fantasies.

Not sure what the answer is and i'm not a violent person but i could punch this woman in the face all day and not get tired.

posted on Oct, 28 2019 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: Kalamitous
this thread has been nothing but a circle jerk of outrage and condemnation about something obviously none of you has any experience with or really knows a damn thing about

Sorry... these are small children we are talking about. There is nothing you need to know beyond that.

Anyone who would condone allowing a child in the early formative years of their life to be exposed to 'trans' propaganda is a flaming lunatic that needs to be rendered unable to bear children, and never allowed to adopt or be alone with small children.

And yes - if the shoe fits...

posted on Oct, 28 2019 @ 10:29 PM
I was told to watch this :

edit on 28-10-2019 by ZeroFurrbone because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2019 @ 11:03 PM

originally posted by: EternalSolace

originally posted by: Fallingdown

Texas needs to save. this BOY.

The only way to do that is by the only option available against the left wing. Armed conflict.

I'm not concerned with whether this person ends up being a boy or a surgically determined girl.

It troubles me how young they are.

That's way too young to make a choice you can't ever turn back on. The kid is too young to have a credit card. Too young to pollute their lungs with cigarettes. To young for consensual sex.

But old enough to opt in to irreversible elective surgery?

posted on Oct, 29 2019 @ 10:41 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl
Anyone who would condone allowing a child in the early formative years of their life to be exposed to 'trans' propaganda is a flaming lunatic that needs to be rendered unable to bear children, and never allowed to adopt or be alone with small children.

I hope to hell you never have a gender dysphoric child or grandchild of your own. Oh wait, maybe I do? Getting punched in the gut having to deal with this in your own family with people you love is about the only way some of you armchair quarterbacks armed with nothing more than uninformed opinions will ever have the experience to see beyond your own misconceptions, prejudices and paradigms.

This has nothing to do with liberal politics or agendas. For those truly gender dysphoric it is a medical condition that spans all ethnicities, cultures, regions and ideologies and has throughout history. Just as many trans kids come from conservative and religious families as those that don’t with those parents that are from conservative and fundamentalist backgrounds usually being the ones most horrified by this whole thing who are often faced with a dilemma between reevaluating some of their positions and beliefs and loving their child unconditionally. I’ve seen these parents panic and struggle to get informed and be supportive and tragically, I’ve seen others reject their children or otherwise cause them emotional and sometimes physical harm and many so called liberals are equally appalled and resistant although they may be more open-minded and willing put their child’s needs first.

This video absolutely won’t embed but it is really worth watching. It’s the story of a 6 year old transgender girl and how and why her god fearing, conservative and religious Trump loving Texan Republican mother came to accept her.

And yes - if the shoe fits...

Am I a raging leftist liberal rabid trans activist or support their “agenda”? No, hell no. I think their behaviors and politics are detrimental and pretty reprehensible in some cases even though I think there are a few inequalities that need sorted out.

Do I think that all kids that say they’re trans really are or that this can be handled in a blanket black and white matter? Certainly not and I think nuance and some refinement needs to be done in this area and each case is individual and unique but just because some aren’t or will grow out of it, it doesn’t mean we can ignore the needs and well being of those that truly are and won’t that are suffering and can be helped. I acknowledge there may be some problems here until we learn to better discern the wheat from the chaff but have confidence things will improve.

Some may question what my dog is in this horse race or why I even care so I’ll tell you: I have had close and loved trans family members going back to the late 60s and early 70s that I’ve supported and advocated for and it’s something I’ve spent decades studying and reading about. Some time after divorcing my husband in 1997, I was in a live-in five year relationship with someone with a young already socially transitioned transgender daughter that’s now an amazing married college graduate trying to adopt and start her own family and I know these kids are just like any other kid with the same hopes and dreams for a happy life except they just happen to be trans. I’ve been through training programs and done volunteer work with national organizations in a role counseling and supporting the parents and grandparents of trans youth and I’ve seen the gamut of those a little too overly enthusiastic to those that feel like throwing their children away and the tragedy when that happens.

Even most of the biggest detractors around here concede that some rare people genuinely are trans and although inaccurate and an oversimplification, that for some the born in the wrong body metaphor indeed fits. It is a real thing that really happens but I ask you with apologies to transgender people that find this argument divisive and offensive and will consider me a hater and a bigot, which demographic is likely to be the most genuine? (they call this the more trans than thou debate)

Is it the lifelong gender non-confirming child that has been resolutely and consistently verbalizing for years from the time they were able to express themselves that the gender of who they are and know themselves to be doesn’t match what they were born as and were expected to be that just wants to grow up and be seen and understood the way and as what they understand themselves to be that socially transition young, medically transition as teens or very young adults and go on to live the rest of their lives in the way that’s most genuine to them discretely fitting normally into society as regular men and women.


The outwardly normal appearing 45 year old former soldier that’s married and father to three kids that’s maybe secretly cross dressed as a fantasy or kink from the time they realized it was a turn on who one day decides their “hidden inner woman” needs to see the light of day and be in control so they hoc the farm and sell the cattle to finance their transition often leaving a wake of devastated lives and families behind them and because they seldom ever “pass” and most of them don’t even have sex reassignment surgery, want to change society to accept them as “transgender women” and become activists for their cause.

There’s so much outrage against transgender kids and caution is needed to prevent over diagnosis of this rare condition but when it comes right down to it, it’s the young ones that are truly the real deal so keep that in mind.

posted on Oct, 29 2019 @ 10:42 AM

originally posted by: ZeroFurrbone
I was told to watch this :

OMG! THIS VIDEO IS SPECTACULAR! Anyone that wants balance, understanding and perspective into this story and to see through the lies being told really needs to take the time to watch it.

By the 7 minute mark, I thought it was just going to be more of the same parroted BS but I was so mistaken.

The only thing I would have liked to have seen more of was the debunking of Walt Heyer and Dr. Michelle Critella of the SPLC designated hate group, The American College of Pediatricians that is simply a small religious fundamentalist collective claiming to be a legitimate medical organization that should not be confused with the American Academy of Pediatrics. It's pretty clear who are the ones that have a true agenda and I find it disgusting.

A million stars and thank yous for posting this. I thought it was great!

posted on Oct, 29 2019 @ 10:43 AM

originally posted by: bloodymarvelous
But old enough to opt in to irreversible elective surgery?

It is genuinely alarming how misinformed and ignorant people's outraged opinion can be about the lives and care for trans youth without knowing a damn thing about it other than their knee-jerk feels and absorbed bias confirming propaganda that fits their world view without having an ounce of experience or actual exposure ever having to do with the phenomenon.

This is so true…

But I guess I need to remember this and just not take this place so seriously?

posted on Oct, 29 2019 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: Kalamitous

No-one is arguing that there are genuine cases of gender dysphoria.

What we are against is this tiny fraction of mentally ill people having their condition exploited to further the political agenda of the liberal left at the expense of our children's welfare.

Say 1 in a million children have genuine gender dysphoria, does that justify the current social movement?

posted on Oct, 29 2019 @ 03:13 PM

originally posted by: Grenade
No-one is arguing that there are genuine cases of gender dysphoria.

Well, at least you've got one thing right.

What we are against is this tiny fraction of mentally ill people having their condition exploited to further the political agenda of the liberal left at the expense of our children's welfare.

Whoa there bucko! Who is we exactly anyway? I think you've gotten who is doing the most exploiting slightly backwards? Both parties have turned transgender and transsexual people and their issues into political football. Since the Republicans lost the marriage equality battle they've shifted their focus to annihilating trans people from society as part of their party platform and stated goals or at least that's how trans people and the LGBTx media as a whole sees it. Why the does every #ing thing devolve into left/right politics around here?

As far as children being used to further an agenda, this has always been done and goes back to the days of Jim Crow. Save the children campaigns have a long and sordid history and today's protect the children in the bathroom from the evil trans or protect the children from big pharma and money grubbing doctors is coming totally from the mindset of the conservative fundamentalist right and is fully a case of exploiting children's welfare to further an agenda and since there seems to be no escape from partisanship these days, the left have taken up the trans cause just to be oppositional. I find the whole thing of using mental health issues and especially those of children for political gain and positioning to be vile and disgusting.

Say 1 in a million children have genuine gender dysphoria, does that justify the current social movement?

Creative maths in action! There are an estimated 150,000 kids between 13 and 17 that "identify" as transgender. Even if only 10% of them are genuinely suffering with gender dysphoria and can benefit from proper medical care, that's still a lot of kids to let fall through the cracks. These are the kids I care about and will defend. These are the kids that ignorance, rabid trans activism, radical gender critical feminism and the politicalization of their medical condition hurts the most.

posted on Oct, 30 2019 @ 02:05 PM
Criticising creative math by using creative math.

I wasn't being literal, i was implying its a tiny fractional demographic within society.

We both agree exploiting the mental health of children to further a political agenda is disgusting, yet because we clearly are on opposite ends of that political spectrum we choose to blame the other.

Most of the noise however comes from the trans activists and imo its that side of the coin that poses the biggest threat to the welfare and development of children.

No-one on the right is advocating the mutilation of children!

posted on Oct, 30 2019 @ 03:49 PM

originally posted by: Grenade
Criticising creative math by using creative math.

Well, at least I came up with numbers that have some substance. Admittedly, the 10% I arbitrarily came up was pretty creative. I really think it is more than that.

New Estimates Show that 150,000 Youth Ages 13 to 17 Identify as Transgender in the US

How Many Transgender Children Are There?

Two percent of high school students identify as transgender, CDC report finds

The above study by the CDC found that more than one third of trans high school students have attempted suicide in the past 12 months. If that doesn’t concern or bother you just a little, then something is wrong with you.

I wasn't being literal, i was implying its a tiny fractional demographic within society.

Yeah, there’s so few of them we really shouldn’t be bothered, right? If that’s the case, why’s there so many goddamn people that are especially when it doesn’t affect them and why is it any business of anyone how someone chooses to parent their children?

We both agree exploiting the mental health of children to further a political agenda is disgusting, yet because we clearly are on opposite ends of that political spectrum we choose to blame the other.

How would you have any idea what my political beliefs are? The bigger question is why politics is even a factor when it comes to children’s health?

Most of the noise however comes from the trans activists and imo its that side of the coin that poses the biggest threat to the welfare and development of children.

I have no problems at all being critical of the radical trans activists but honestly, the biggest threat? Are they the reason more than a third of trans high school students have attempted suicide or do you think there might be other factors involved?

No-one on the right is advocating the mutilation of children!

Just had to throw in a few more emotionally charged hyperbolic weasel words didn’t you? Nice.

posted on Oct, 30 2019 @ 03:57 PM
a reply to: Kalamitous

Yeah, there’s so few of them we really shouldn’t be bothered, right? If that’s the case, why’s there so many goddamn people that are especially when it doesn’t affect them and why is it any business of anyone how someone chooses to parent their children?

So, for the sake of argument..we should just ignore child abuse? after all, it's apparently no ones business.

posted on Oct, 30 2019 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: vonclod
IF you have a child genuinely suffering with intense gender dysphoria/transsexualism, a legitimate and medically diagnosable phenomenon, doing nothing and failing to seek professional help because of political or religious ideologies is the definition of child abuse and neglect.

I get it. This is a highly emotionally charged and complex issue but the fact is that transgender children do exist and the majority of people have no idea and only an outside perspective what the needs of these children are especially when political or religious influences have filled their minds with misinformation and misconceptions.

Trust me because I've seen it, people who have these negative issues and attitudes have a complete change of heart when one of their kids ends up trans. They either struggle with trying to find help for their children or they reject them.

What would do?

posted on Oct, 30 2019 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: [post=24730661]Kalamitous[/post

IF you have a child genuinely suffering with intense gender dysphoria/transsexualism,

From a child of 3?

As I understand the story, the mom decided the child was really a girl at the age of 3, and then treated the child accordingly does that happen. It does not seem to me the child indicated anything of the sort at the age of 3.

I'm all for freedom and live and let live..but this particular case is beyond my ability to believe.

edit on 30-10-2019 by vonclod because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2019 @ 08:25 PM
a reply to: vonclod

This mother failed to guide her son to properly identify. Usually, the process goes organically and naturally. But, at some point, he got confused for some reason. Instead of gently but firmly helping him understand, she reinforced it. Shame on her.

posted on Oct, 30 2019 @ 08:28 PM
a reply to: Kalamitous
This is slightly off topic but close enough.

I have been very accepting of this stuff, but let me tell you what is going on in my family, really my brothers family.

My 17 year old nephew came out as gay, about a year biggie, does not change anything.

Then a month or so ago, my niece, about 3 years junior to my nephew has proclaimed that she too is gay. I just don't buy it, in her case, not for 1 minute!!..but no harm no foul I suppose.

I just think it has become "trendy" and what teen doesn't love a trend.

posted on Oct, 30 2019 @ 08:30 PM
a reply to: queenofswords

This mom, decided after the child of 3 played with a girls toy, that it was a girl trapped in a boys body..what a load of horsesh#t!

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