I am sick and tired of being called a communist or socialist. My problem with people on the right is they are always trying to label people. People
on the right are always determined to define what it means to be on the left. I'm sure people could possibly perceive the left as being the same way
with the right. But I don't think people on the left have the "my way or the highway" mentality as strong as the people on the right do.
Recently I was in a thread and someone posted the following:
"The right believes in small government, and big freedom. "
"the left believes in big gov and restriction of rights"
This is a rather derogatory and negative way of looking at the left. So given than I am a liberal Democrat and much further to the left the many of
the Trump cultists posting on ATS everyday here is my way of characterization left versus right. I tried to do this a little more fairly but it is
impossible for me not to be a little derogatory of the right.
The right believes in anarchy, laissez faire capitalism, exploitation of workers, gouging consumers, freedom from consumer protections laws, and
paying politicians to pass laws preventing competition in order to have monopolies and cartels.
The left believes government has a role in regulating businesses and ensuring free-markets, protecting consumers, protecting workers rights with
public policies, and tempering the excesses and inequalities created by laissez faire capitalism.
It's kind of mind boggling to me the way the right thinks. It's always all or nothing. I see government has a role in curbing the abuses of power
by having so much wealth concentrated into so few hands. However, if you say anything at all, even the most mildest regulation, the response is like
a nuclear bomb of absolutes like calling someone a "communist". If you propose one small law at all for regulating business you are supposedly
eliminating private ownership of companies in some people's eyes. It's either absolute freedom or communism. There is no in between.
I think government has a role in promoting the commonwealth and general welfare. I think the words of FDR best characterize what in means to be
liberal Democrat.
"An old English judge once said: 'Necessitous men are not free men.' Liberty requires opportunity to make a living - a living decent according to the
standard of the time, a living which gives man not only enough to live by, but something to live for.
For too many of us the political equality we once had won was meaningless in the face of economic inequality. A small group had concentrated into
their own hands an almost complete control over other people's property, other people's money, other people's labor - other people's lives. For too
many of us life was no longer free; liberty no longer real; men could no longer follow the pursuit of happiness.
Against economic tyranny such as this, the American citizen could appeal only to the organized power of government."
Speech before the 1936 Democratic National Convention
I don't think Republicans and people on the right get to define what it means to be on the left. I think what it means to be on the left is mostly
the responsibility of people who ARE on the left.
I do not have much hope things are going to change with people on the right. People are the right are not going to evolve into having the ability to
make compromises.
Until the dollar collapses to nothing in value the majority of people really do not care much about politics. And if they did I'm not sure the way
the system is rigged anyone could really do anything about it. The real owners of this country are never going to allow any real change from our
scarcity economy no matter how much gains come in productivity from automation. Scarcity and controlling access is the source of the billionaires
edit on 14-10-2019 by dfnj2015 because: (no reason given)