posted on Oct, 16 2019 @ 01:25 PM
originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: muzzleflash
OK, how about highly focused EM radiation in the giga and mega hertz range?
Not all EM radiation is the same in terms of danger, the wavelength of radio is on the low energy side of the spectrum.
Visible light is in the middle of the spectrum and is potentially many times more energetic than high frequency radio waves.
Yes a radio wave can interact with matter it passes through but it's minimal, a regular flashlight or ceiling light seems to pose more of a threat in
terms of em radiation (non thermal).
It seems to me, very clear, that we'd need a completely new concept/theory of electromagnetism/light in order to justify any cancer/molecular damage
model for radio waves specifically.
*IF* wifi radios pose any non thermal danger to our biological flesh - than centuries of science and thinking go all down the toilet and we need a
complete new scientific model of explanation.
The govt organizations were covering their rears by saying "it might pose danger", even tho we're talking .00000001% or something where a typical
x-ray machine would be a full 1%, way way more dangerous.
Radio is the lowest energy EM wave.