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The American Civil War of 2005 as predicted by John Titor

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posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 05:26 PM

My point is this: How could anyone expect the prisoners to do such a thing? Similarly, how can you expect Americans to revolt and give their lives up when human nature shows that ALL people will tolerate a horrible situation so long as there is a chance that THEY THEMSELVES will survive?

And you know what. I wouldn't expect the prisoners to do such a thing. They are being controlled by fear and mass psychology. This is how they are herded into death camps. This is why they are sheep. Yet, here lives are at stake. So, I can understand why they wouldn't react. I wonder if I would react, if I knew that by reacting, I could putting mine or a loved one life in jeoparody.

But, Small Peeps, apathy is not about weighting what is at stake. Apathy and ignorance is a choice we make. When we are apathetic about the good of our own society, is then when organizations like NWO, S&B capitalise on the opportunity. It is due to the apathy of people that civil rights have been stripped away. Here, not much was at stake. Yet, people in US still allowed it to happen. In, fact, not only allowed it to happen, but encouraged it.

So again, what is at stake here? What is at stake is an imagined and fabricated threat. So the people encourage it. However, with all due respect to Americans, isn't that stupid?

To then have Americans supporting - even cheering wars for an imagined and fabricated event. Just, what the NWO wants, isn't that stupid?

There are are quite a few people here who think America has the right to rule the world? Are these just innocent misguided children?

Again, ask yourself, if because of these people 3-4 billion people will die, wouldn't you have any animosity towards these people? We can't just displace everything onto psychology and absolve them of their own thoughts and actions. If people let themselves be controlled and making the NWO stronger. Then they are accountable as are those pulling the strings.

No one can be controlled. I tell you, absolutely no one can be controlled. We, let ourselves be controlled. At least in your example, there are real stakes. The real possibility of death and pain. Yet, in this case, it's more about pride, arrogance. It's purely selfish.

You know like in that thread earlier on today. Where some US soliders were were shooting a dog for fun. How do we psychologically explain this? Yes, we can, they have power and are abusing it. A human psychological diffeiciency. Yet that's just a label for what is otherwise a disgusting and evil act and these soliders are very accoutable for their actions.

You see, no one is a born a criminal. We all born as the same children of god, and then somewhere along the way, some become criminals. Why? Was it society? Was it their own choices? Are they accountable or not? We are all accountable for our actions and only us and that is the biggest truth we can learn.

So when I see someone on this forum calling for an invasion of Iran. I don't say, it's because this person has been brainwashed by the media. I say this person is an idiot(to myself) because he is. Because he does not understand exactly what he is wishing for and nor does he understand why he wants thousands of people to die.

You said this is not about votes. But it is, everyone who rallies behind this government and it's policies, is voting for it.

Psychology is simply a system of labels. It does not really explain "why" for that you need to understand the the nature of the soul, for which there is no terminology in psychology(which itself is an amalgamation of contradictory interpretations of behavior and cognitive functions)

[edit on 20-3-2005 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by Simulacra
Lets be fair here. How can our post be opinions when yours can be fact?. I would venture to say that any prediction about the future state of America would simply be an opinion, not a fact.

Yes, any predictions about future America are opinion. I however am not making any predicitons on future America.

And the truth is, the majority of Americans "suck" they are worthless humans and because of what they are doing to their country, there will be a civil war.

And that's your major problem right there IC.
You are saying that based on hearsay not reality. You have never been here so there is no way you can make and accurate statement regarding Americans. Trust me the internet isn't the most accurate place to get info regarding the people and state of America.

posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 06:00 PM
As you requested. We will continue this discussion in public:

I have understood the story of the Gita, but Arjuna was on his chariot by that point. He wasn't sitting home drafting plans for war, he was already engaged and ready to fight. We are not at that point yet. If war happens in America, yes, I will take my rifle and join the side of truth, but until that time, I will champion for peace. You seem to have a bit too much of the crusader in you, if you'll forgive my saying so.

The crusader is my Indigo warrior. However, like you, I also don't want "war" and will only resort to war after every other eventuality is exhausted. Now in the Gita, Krishna was not telling Arjuna this, because he was looking out for how people would see him. That was indeed one part of it. However, he was mainly emphasising his "Kshatriya Dharma" his duty of a warrior and his duty to uphold truth.

As I said, if Arjuna did not fight? Who was going to. Someone had to, right? Krishna told Arjuna, that if he was not going to fight, then he would. Yet, he took on a vow that he would not participate in this war, except as a weaponless charioteer. Why was he going to break his vow to fight?

Because nothing is higher than the truth. Yet, even you recognise this. So this is not the point of contention. The contention is that war should be the last resort. I completely agree. In fact, I will go further and say, war should only be for self defence.

Yet, there is a war you can fight and that is a spiritual war, where your weapons are your truth and your wisdom. This war is ongoing right now. It's already started. Are you on the side of truth for this war?

As Jesus said when chastizing Peter, "Those who live by the sword will die by the sword." I choose to be peaceful until the moment where all other means are exhausted. I have read the RA material and it seems like the earth is getting grumpy and we're all going to die anyway so if this is my last incarnation, I want to be sure that I do not kill anyone in this go-round unless I have exhausted all avenues of peace. Death doesn't frighten me. Innocent blood on my hands does.

No, in my material. I did not get war or death. I got "sword" and it was called truth. Then I got "shield" and it was called wisdom. I am the last person you will see who will pick up a sword with intents to shed blood. I respect god's creation. Just like you use a picture of bruce lee on your altar for meditation, who symbolises for many martial arts. Yet, you know that here martial arts does not mean violence, it means something much more life affirming and positive. In the same way the sword and shield is like a spiritual armor.

Yet, Krishna did tell Arjuna to shed blood. And he was the incarnation of god himself. Is that because he was a god of war and death? Or was it because he knew the soul was eternal and that the highest good for society then, was this war for truth.

posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 08:44 PM
[To all: Indigo_Child is quoting from a U2U conversation we had...]

No, in my material. I did not get war or death. I got "sword" and it was called truth. Then I got "shield" and it was called wisdom. I am the last person you will see who will pick up a sword with intents to shed blood. I respect god's creation.

IC, when you say "My material" are you saying that you have channelled RA? I am speaking of the RA material that came through Carla Rueckert in 1981. There isn't any mention of instructions to pick up a sword in it, so far as I can see. I only know what I have read.

Yes, I have read the Gita and I love that poem, having quoted it several times here on ATS. Nevertheless, I would not ever place myself into Arjuna's shoes. Who am I to do so? In fact, Arjuna was the commander of his army and I am just one of the schmoes in his modern day parallel army. When the modern-day Arjuna stands up to begin this battle, I may fight, but I will not presume to step ahead of his command. I would also like to think that I'll be trying to convince him not to fight. I still do not understand the point of Krishna, who essentially says that peace is not something to strive for. My God (Jesus) was peaceful in the extreme and this philosophy boils out as being superior, in my opinion. We can also assume that Christ had read the Gita and yet I don't see where he paraphrases any part of Krishna's argument that war can be the right thing to do, at times. I reject that belief, consequently.

In the spirit world, there are those who thrive off of human suffering and pain. This I believe quite strongly. If you have a spirit guide that is advising you to pick up a sword, I would ask you to seriously question that spirit. As was the case with the nephilim of the Book of Enoch, any being that is advanced can deliver to you all kinds of miraculous technology while still harboring evil plans and schemes. It is the desperation of the channeller for their own desires (be they action, knowledge, etc) that causes them to fall for that line. I reject any spirit who advises me to pick up a sword or who advises me to encourage others to do so.

To clarify, I believe we are headed toward a culmination of purposes here on planet Earth, and as we both know, The Creator wants the full experience of human drama and so he has purposed to have evil people down here stirring up war and trouble while the planet winds up for a cataclysmic shift. Nevertheless, I will not abandon a pacifist mentality until there is no other choice. In any case, it is dangerous to fling words across the ocean at America while believing that such is God's work. Many have been misled by evil spirits and until you correctly decipher what you are receiving, I would ask you to temper your words with kindness.

[edit on 21-3-2005 by smallpeeps]

posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 11:06 PM
Wow, Indigo_Child, you have way too much anger towards something you know absolutely nothing about. Actually you have way too much anger towards one single thing, and that isn't right. I want you to understand that only God is fit punish/judge. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone," and, "Judge not lest ye be judged," pretty much make my point quite clear. Please set your stone back on the ground and walk away, do it for yourself and JC, he sacrificed for you, ya know?

Now, back to the point. Okay, as stated before in this forum, John Titor clearly stated it won't be about red vs. blue. Which means it won't be about "Politics" persay, but may be something related, but remember a revolt or coupe de taite(sp? i forgot how to spell it right now.) is a little different. A civil war would involve people vs. people. A revolt would involve civilians vs. the army or something along those lines. That just ISN'T going to happen, not within 3 years. I can say this as a fact because I understand that any war with it's own countrymen would take some time to evolve, and if it isn't about red vs. blue, the only real thing America is divided on, it will have to be something sports related, because otherwise, we are an extremely united people. It's funny how you can sit there and judge the US based on it's actions when Europe, INCLUDING England, have acted in a far more grotesque manner through out history. But there are reasons why it's the past, we don't hold someone else's actions against you, nor should you do that to us. I don't even know what to say to someone who thinks that an entire society is evil, and speaks of the immorality over here, when we are practically saints compared to Europe, except for crimes such as Murder, but there aren't many moral issues that US doesn't look far better in than Europe. Shall we talk about Sex for one? I doubt you know a single American, or have really gotten to know any Americans, and I'm sorry that you would jump to such a conclusion about 300,000,000 people, but hopefully you will over come that. Just remember, you have sinned, you are in no place to place judgement on anything, just love everyone... that is the message.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 03:54 AM

Nevertheless, I will not abandon a pacifist mentality until there is no other choice.

In an idealistic world this attitude would make sense. Unfortunately, this is not an idealistic world. In just a few years you will know just how bad it has got and this will be because of humans living today.

I have aways been against America since I've been on this forum. I am vehemently against the NWO. Perhaps, I should control this, because it's very evident I can't do anything about this. No one can. I just have to let hell run it's course.

However, no matter how much I bring myself to tolerating Americans, their false-pride and thrist for power, it does not mean I will ever respect them. "Stupid" is just an observation.

As Titor foreshadowed, and if he is indeed genuine, then people in 2036 will look back on this era with the same observations I am making now - "Stupid"

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 04:01 AM

Just remember, you have sinned, you are in no place to place judgement on anything, just love everyone

Who hasn't sinned? At least when we know we have sinned, we know we made mistakes, and when we correct our mistakes, we learn what we have done wrong. This actually makes a sinner qualified to speak on his mistakes and how to amend them.

However, your speak sounds only good on paper on in Church sermon. Love everyone? Do you Love Iraqis and Iranians? Be careful what you say.

[edit on 21-3-2005 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 04:33 AM
For those of you interested in the real possibility of civil war in US, see this thread:

The last 2 responses on this thread have made it more real than ever.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 05:09 AM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child

Just remember, you have sinned, you are in no place to place judgement on anything, just love everyone

Who hasn't sinned? At least when we know we have sinned, we know we made mistakes, and when we correct our mistakes, we learn what we have done wrong. This actually makes a sinner qualified to speak on his mistakes and how to amend them.

However, your speak sounds only good on paper on in Church sermon. Love everyone? Do you Love Iraqis and Iranians? Be careful what you say.

[edit on 21-3-2005 by Indigo_Child]

Why would I not love Iraqi's or Iranians? Especially Iraqi's? that doesn't even make sense. I can atleast see why you would say Iranians, but not Iraqi's. Do you not realize that Iraq is now a U.S. ally? And the point is that we have all sinned, so we have no place to point out judgment. Dude, you really need to come visit the U.S. and please get your hand off of John Titor's schlong and use some common sense, this is insane.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 08:46 AM
indigo, you're right , you should be careful what you say.

the last estimate shows 296 MILLION americans. can you enlighten us on just how many are stupid, and how many are lucky enough to be judged as intelligent in your estimation ?
would you share with us your criteria, and methods for this determination ?

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 09:00 AM
245 Million and change of those 296 have an IQ below that of the average college graduate. 222 million have an IQ at or below 98 which makes them fundamentally incapable of understanding the truth behind 'loaded', hollow, words like values, freedom, and Justice. That is to say, they don't understand the concept of paradigms, they can't see more than six inches in front of their nose, and they lack complex problem solving skills.

It sucks but it's true. I'm not for eugenics by the way, I'm for understanding and mititgation of the damage caused by stupid people through legislation designed to protect us all from their terrible influence, while at the same time, accepting the process of evolution and restraining ourselves from protecting people from themselves.

So that's my two cents. I'm gonna leave and shut the door behind me. Flame away.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne
245 Million and change of those 296 have an IQ below that of the average college graduate. 222 million have an IQ at or below 98 which makes them fundamentally incapable of understanding the truth behind 'loaded', hollow, words like values, freedom, and Justice. That is to say, they don't understand the concept of paradigms, they can't see more than six inches in front of their nose, and they lack complex problem solving skills.

It sucks but it's true. I'm not for eugenics by the way, I'm for understanding and mititgation of the damage caused by stupid people through legislation designed to protect us all from their terrible influence, while at the same time, accepting the process of evolution and restraining ourselves from protecting people from themselves.

So that's my two cents. I'm gonna leave and shut the door behind me. Flame away.

ok, any data on how that compares to other comparable populations for comparison purposes ?

anyway, my point is its arrogant and irresponsible to paint 297 million people with the same brush.......

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 11:24 AM

I can atleast see why you would say Iranians, but not Iraqi's. Do you not realize that Iraq is now a U.S. ally?

And that says it all. There is a topic in the religious conspiracy forums on how why Christians are called hypocrits. Read for insight

[edit on 21-3-2005 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 11:55 AM
Contrary to what most extremists believe, there's no major correlation between racial/ethnic background and inteligence. There are some trends, but they can largely be explained by traditionally poor diet and other environmental conditions. Asians average about 10 points higher than blacks/hispanics according to some numbers I've seen, and 6 points higher than caucasians - not coincidentally asians, particularly the Japanese, have the healthiest diet of any industrialized nation currently, and historically as well.

Iron is largely responsible for assisting in cellular growth, reproduction, and repair - and the amount of iron in a mother's diet has signifigant impact on the inteligence of her child (growth of brain cells). In countries where the diet is extremely iron-poor, the people have evolved more efficient (stingy) iron metabolic processes, that means that while they survive they don't thrive, and the 'cap' on their inteligence will be set lower, because they aren't likely to experience rampant growth of brain cells in the womb.

The iron link probably accounts for the wild variations in the extremes (for example most geniuses are identified from the caucasian/asian group), but again, those can largely be explained away (and fixed) with diet and environmental assesment (especially pre-natal practices/exposure to pollutants during pregnancy). Mercury exposure is proven to lower IQ when pregnant women are exposed to it, and it works on a sliding scale - the more mercury, the lower the IQ. There are literally thousands of other toxins that affect change in the health of the child (thanks to chemical companies that list gets longer every day), and we haven't spent nearly as much money identifying them as we should.

The bottom line is, we all have enormous potential, and anyone who tells you differently is trying to sell you their own brand of eugenics, or is just tragically misinformed. I believe the key to an effective, integrated society is identifying strengths and catering to them, rather than identifying weaknesses and stigmatizing against them. Weaknesses should be identified, yes, but there's no reason to label them inferior, when in fact, their processes are in many cases perfectly adapted to their particular living conditions. (people who live in their ancestral countries and eat traditional diets suffer from depression and other assorted mental disorders/chemical imbalances at MUCH lower rates than those living in 'alien' environments.)

There is also some worthwhile reading material on learning methods that seem to work best when applied differently to various ethnic/geographic groups, for example; one study I read seems to confirm that asians are principally auditory learners (might this have to do with languages that utilize a greater range of vocalizations, and with more subtlety? for example, Mandarin Chinese is incredibly subtle in some of the inflections, so an ancient Chinese child who didn't learn well vocally would have been denied the best chance at breeding due to poor social skills, and would be evolutionarily deselected over time) while more caucasians seem to gravitate towards visual learning. I don't know why the latter is true, I'm sure it's an evolved response to some sort of predictable environmental pressure from back in the day, perhaps a greater reliance on mimicry of adult behaviors in pre-language societies, I dunno.

Anyway, I hope I've answered your question, but I'm SO FAR off topic, I'm gonna stop while I'm ahead.
Hope that didn't just confuse people more, sorry if it did. Mea culpa.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child

I can atleast see why you would say Iranians, but not Iraqi's. Do you not realize that Iraq is now a U.S. ally?

And that says it all. There is a topic in the religious conspiracy forums on how why Christians are called hypocrits. Read for insight

[edit on 21-3-2005 by Indigo_Child]

What? That makes absolutely no sense. I was pointing out that you making Iraq an enemy was illogical as they are an ally. If you read my response I say I do love them, but only as individuals. Each Individual has something special to offer, however, I do not appreciate the country of Iran's current actions. But lets turn this topic back towards the one who hates just to hate, you. I really can't argue with someone who has never been to America, thus knows only what he reads from the liberal sites he chooses to read, or the sites pushing propaganda for whatever their reasons are. All I can do is say to you, COME TO AMERICA, VISIT, and visit for like a month. You will see that this "horror" that you say happens, NEVER OCCURS WITHOUT REASON. I should have said that better. I, living in/around one of the major metropolitan areas have NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER seen any kind of horrific police action/state or violation of one's rights unless it dealt with cops that were corrupt. Trust me, this city has a plethora of corrupt cops. But that is individual actions, they are not acting on behalf of the government. All I'm saying is that visit the US, hell visit New York, LA, or Chicago, and I promise you, you will not see a SINGLE infringement of one's rights by the government. And you probably will fall in love with the city, unless of course it's LA, no offense to anyone who loves LA, just not as easy to fall in love with as Chicago or NYC.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 03:54 PM
as far as this civil war thing goes, did titor ever explain the "sides" involved ? was it republican vs democrat ? rich vs poor ? east vs west ? rappers vs country ? If bush invades Iran, I can potentially see a split of pro-bush hawks and anti-bush protestors, but not enough to bear arms against each other. a coup de tat (I'm sure I misspelled that) or assassination is more likely in that scenario. How would the anti-bush fight the US military ? Car bombs and suicide bombers ?

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 04:30 PM
He gets real specific (sarcasm) and says the civil war is between country vs. city.....
and/or government vs. ?farmers?

For those who missed it -

I don't believe I ever said the war was between Democrats and Republicans. If I am incorrect, please point that out.

He never said that or anything like that.

And by 2036 -

There are no Republicans or Democrats to speak of.

So can we put the Repub vs. Dem thing to rest?

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by ThatsJustWeird
He gets real specific (sarcasm) and says the civil war is between country vs. city.....
and/or government vs. ?farmers?

For those who missed it -

I don't believe I ever said the war was between Democrats and Republicans. If I am incorrect, please point that out.

He never said that or anything like that.

And by 2036 -

There are no Republicans or Democrats to speak of.

So can we put the Repub vs. Dem thing to rest?

I just gave you a WATS for that post. Good job. I really haven't heard any problems between city and country or farmers vs. the gov't recently. Perhaps I am wrong. Either way, What are they gonna say when 2008 rolls around and there is no civil war in the U.S. However, there may be a World War, but no civil war.

posted on Mar, 23 2005 @ 02:01 PM
you posted.
"245 Million and change of those 296 have an IQ below that of the average college graduate. 222 million have an IQ at or below 98 which makes them fundamentally incapable of understanding the truth behind 'loaded', hollow, words like values, freedom, and Justice. That is to say, they don't understand the concept of paradigms, they can't see more than six inches in front of their nose, and they lack complex problem solving skills. "

its understandable a newborn would have a hard time with paradigms right ? 80% of the population is waaaay off. There is no way you can say 80% of the US population was tested in any way shape of form. A first I was impressed with this stat, then it occured to me it can't be right. You must have posted the wrong number.....

posted on Mar, 23 2005 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
you posted.
"245 Million and change of those 296 have an IQ below that of the average college graduate. 222 million have an IQ at or below 98 which makes them fundamentally incapable of understanding the truth behind 'loaded', hollow, words like values, freedom, and Justice. That is to say, they don't understand the concept of paradigms, they can't see more than six inches in front of their nose, and they lack complex problem solving skills. "

its understandable a newborn would have a hard time with paradigms right ? 80% of the population is waaaay off. There is no way you can say 80% of the US population was tested in any way shape of form. A first I was impressed with this stat, then it occured to me it can't be right. You must have posted the wrong number.....

80% of the population according to the Census, maybe? I could be wrong. You do have a point. It would be kind of hard to test 80% of the US population in a short time. We would need a lot of Psycologists.


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