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TicTac UFO Pilot Cmdr. David Fravor New Interview on JRE

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posted on Oct, 11 2019 @ 10:03 AM

originally posted by: Slyder12

originally posted by: Slyder12
No specific secret, just that instead of covering up or saying it was nothing that the Navy officially came out and said these three videos we have seen are of real genuine uap's and that they are a small fraction of the incursions of uap's in their training areas.

I don't think the significance of this can be downplayed (not saying anyone here is doing that) but the Navy in their official statement is basically telling the world they do not have air superiority in their own airspace dealing with unknown objects flying around 150 miles west of Disneyland on the west coast and 5min flight time from the capital on the east coast...they are telling the world they can do nothing about this. Pretty big deal.

I think this whole story has made it easier for flight crews to bring their experiences forward the Navy's new Uap reporting process proves this and more information may come out regarding other incidents.
a reply to: Rob808

posted on Oct, 11 2019 @ 10:05 AM

originally posted by: Slyder12

originally posted by: Slyder12

originally posted by: Slyder12
No specific secret, just that instead of covering up or saying it was nothing that the Navy officially came out and said these three videos we have seen are of real genuine uap's and that they are a small fraction of the incursions of uap's in their training areas.

I don't think the significance of this can be downplayed (not saying anyone here is doing that) but the Navy in their official statement is basically telling the world they do not have air superiority in their own airspace dealing with unknown objects flying around 150 miles west of Disneyland on the west coast and 5min flight time from the capital on the east coast...they are telling the world they can do nothing about this. Pretty big deal.

I think this whole story has made it easier for flight crews to bring their experiences forward the Navy's new Uap reporting process proves this and more information may come out regarding other incidents.
a reply to: Rob808

posted on Oct, 11 2019 @ 03:00 PM

originally posted by: Maverick7
So if these are craft and ET wants to hide should we assume ET is "bad" at stealth?
If these are ET craft, then they're deploying atmospheric ships to play 'hide and seek' and taunt our forces?
What about things like 'sonic boom' which does not seem to be present.

As we have seen before, ET does not always want to hide.

Also as we have seen since the 40's, ET pilots are drunk or they are dare devils, at least they fly like that at times.

And also as we have seen since the 40's,UFO's fly off at incredible speeds and never create sonic booms.

Why? Because they are special.
edit on 11-10-2019 by spiritualarchitect because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2019 @ 05:08 PM

originally posted by: Paddyofurniture
Listened to about half.

Fravor is adamant about no “men in black or higher authority “ retrieving data or trying to suppress information to his knowledge. Some other personalities in the Nimitz incident universe say there were ranking officers in suits that came onboard the next day by HELO .

I find this part interesting. We have at least two different people claiming there were officers and plain clothes men on the ship gathering the evidence. So who told him they were NOT on the ship getting evidence?

posted on Oct, 11 2019 @ 05:34 PM

originally posted by: toysforadults
Jeremy Corbell doesn't bother me.

Corbell does not bother me either, except for the beard. I hate beards.

I would be fine with Corbell producing a new TV show or book on the subject, as long as it is not rehash.

The idea of someone making money off of the UFO subject does not bother me either, except for the skeptics. Because those skeptics who are complaining about the UFO people making money are usually the ones being paid by government subsidiaries to talk out against the UFO subject.

posted on Oct, 11 2019 @ 05:39 PM

originally posted by: ConfusedBrit
At a time when old rubbish is constantly being dug up again by ufology, an embarrassing moment occurred when Corbell and Fravor resurrected the old Mexican Air Force junk IR footage from 2004, citing it as a genuine UFO, despite being debunked as obvious oil platform flares -

Sorry, but I am not with you on this one. I have seen the oil platform fires debunked several times by planes recreating the flight.

posted on Oct, 11 2019 @ 06:08 PM

originally posted by: sean
It had 3 tier stages like a wedding cake

You mean like the one seen here at the 29 second mark?

posted on Oct, 11 2019 @ 06:15 PM
*WARNING – Alien Penis Ahead*

I never noticed this before, because I could not tell what I was looking at. But after studying the film, I am wondering if Ivan waited to the last few seconds to show us something.

Right before the end of Ivan’s first video we get a 2 second glimpse of something.

Pause the video at 45 seconds for a closer look.

Is that an alien penis?

Does a Grey have a pubic bush?

Maybe I have seen too much porno but it looks to me like a naked Grey on his back. Are we looking at two inner thighs spread back, with a dark, triangle bush between them and a penis?

Not only does the penis move but it also looks like the Grey raises his left foot, as we see something coming up on the right side of the frame which could be the bottom of his foot and toes.

Before you tell me I am whacked ~ pause the video at 45 seconds and take a look at it.

posted on Oct, 11 2019 @ 07:21 PM

originally posted by: spiritualarchitect

originally posted by: sean
It had 3 tier stages like a wedding cake

You mean like the one seen here at the 29 second mark?

Not sure of the validity or date of that film. However, with great oddity it is eerily similar. If you pause it at exactly .29-.30 seconds in, it shows 3 tiers a dip in top layer in the middle kind of concave shaped that slopes down in the center to a dome shape and a antenna feature in the center. The answer is yes, it looks identical and the color was a tarnished silver. I observed something like it flying close to the surface of the moon in 1987 through a 8 inch refraction telescope.
edit on 11-10-2019 by sean because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 04:55 AM

originally posted by: spiritualarchitect

"Fravor is adamant about no “men in black or higher authority “ retrieving data or trying to suppress information to his knowledge. Some other personalities in the Nimitz incident universe say there were ranking officers in suits that came onboard the next day by HELO . "

I find this part interesting. We have at least two different people claiming there were officers and plain clothes men on the ship gathering the evidence. So who told him they were NOT on the ship getting evidence?

Great point and great question - there's been quite a few reports of Naval log books going missing after UFO incidents so it wouldn't be the first time.


posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 12:22 PM

originally posted by: spiritualarchitect

originally posted by: Paddyofurniture
Listened to about half.

Fravor is adamant about no “men in black or higher authority “ retrieving data or trying to suppress information to his knowledge. Some other personalities in the Nimitz incident universe say there were ranking officers in suits that came onboard the next day by HELO .

I find this part interesting. We have at least two different people claiming there were officers and plain clothes men on the ship gathering the evidence. So who told him they were NOT on the ship getting evidence?

No one told him that. He made a point of it. He said he was about 20th in the command structure of the group and he would've known if something like that happened. No one talked to him or to anyone from the Black Aces.

posted on Oct, 12 2019 @ 04:57 PM
The Redhawks squadron out of Portland, Oregon Oct 25th 2017 was called out to investigate a blip on radar with no transponder. I think they flew all around Shasta California area and up through Oregon and parts of Washington to try and find it. I remember around that time I was in the Willamette National forest fishing at a lake in the middle of nowhere mid state and heard a super sonic boom. I am not sure if it was related, but it was around that time. Story about it Here[editby ]edit on 12-10-2019 by sean because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2019 @ 01:46 PM

originally posted by: Sublant
He said he was about 20th in the command structure of the group and he would've known if something like that happened.

So it is the eyewitnesses words against his Fravors' Ego. “Well I should have been told!”
I’ll believe the eyewitnesses, as what they are saying makes more sense. They WOULD confiscate the evidence and they would have reason to leave him out of the loop.

posted on Oct, 14 2019 @ 01:48 PM
the tic tac is probably a dragonfly or lady bug

figure it out guys it's just bugs

posted on Oct, 14 2019 @ 01:51 PM

originally posted by: sean
Not sure of the validity or date of that film. The answer is yes, it looks identical and the color was a tarnished silver.

That is interesting, because your sighting then brings some validity to that film.

posted on Oct, 14 2019 @ 01:53 PM

originally posted by: toysforadults
the tic tac is probably a dragonfly or lady bug

It went from 28,000 feet down to the surface of the ocean in 0.78 seconds, at a calculated speed of over 30 times the speed of sound.

This math comes from the information from the readouts. This was not guess work and not an exaggeration.

It proves the tic® tacs are not man-made and are not bugs! .

posted on Oct, 14 2019 @ 10:36 PM

originally posted by: toysforadults
the tic tac is probably a dragonfly or lady bug

figure it out guys it's just bugs

You must be trolling yeah?

I have never seen a lady bug or dragonfly move like the objects in those videos... and I have CERTAINLY never seen them get boxed by the targeting equipment on Navy Airplanes

posted on Oct, 14 2019 @ 10:50 PM

originally posted by: toysforadults
the tic tac is probably a dragonfly or lady bug

figure it out guys it's just bugs

So a Navy pilot was chasing a dragonfly or a ladybug in a circle? Huh.. who knew our pilots were both so sharp-eyed and stupid.

posted on Oct, 15 2019 @ 10:31 AM
Actually Marketwatch has posted a believable article using patent searches as to how this would be an experimental craft.

As some might recall there were several advanced patents which were put out and then bought up by a US government agency and hidden, two on antigravity.

Not saying these are more than sci-fi, but someone in the advanced research area in the gubmint took them seriously.

posted on Oct, 15 2019 @ 10:36 AM

originally posted by: spiritualarchitect

originally posted by: toysforadults
the tic tac is probably a dragonfly or lady bug

It went from 28,000 feet down to the surface of the ocean in 0.78 seconds, at a calculated speed of over 30 times the speed of sound.

This math comes from the information from the readouts. This was not guess work and not an exaggeration.

It proves the tic® tacs are not man-made and are not bugs! .

People here play fast and loose with the terms 'proof' and 'evidence' with what is not firsthand information.

If I have two identical craft and one of them is at point A and one at point B and I light up the one at point A and then turn off that light and turn on a light at point B the 'craft' seems to have traveled from point A to point B almost instantaneously.

The point is there is not just misidentification of 'objects' and blatant hoaxing there's also the fact that visually humans can be fooled.

So this is not 'proof' of anything. It's interesting, it's highly strange and that is all.

ISTM all of these goofy people who instantly say 'It's Aliens!' are going to be sorry when we find out the truth and they're going to look like dimwitted children who can't think for themselves.

There are NO aliens coming here. It's all wishful thinking and watching too much TV people. Don't fall for it.

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