posted on Sep, 28 2019 @ 02:37 AM
That spy must've been looked after financially and as the left were getting desperate they were putting pressure on him to come up with the goods in
order to justify his being on their payroll.
He panicked he might lose his cushy lifestyle and seeing as there was nothing on Trump he overreached and gave them the only crumbs he could produce.
The media didn't know this and seized on the information prematurely.
Narratives were being spouted from all the media mouthpieces.
Mob boss this, mob boss that. The faithful lemmings jumped on the bandwagon.
This was a huge tactical error from the left and exposes them to moderates who might be swayed by this latest blunder actually garnering sympathy for
an embattled president who always comes out unscathed and the left looking like rabid dogs hell bent on destruction.
It also fortifies his existing support base.
The fact that this circus act has a globalist cabal pulling the strings is becoming obvious for anyone with an ounce of common sense to see and sooner
or later the lines WILL be drawn in the sand.