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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -§19§-

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posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: dashen

Wow that pic gives one a real feel for a time travel glitch. Then he goes back trying to explain the ufo he saw! Thats some great Photoshop work on that one.

I am with some of you as far as thinking there is something a little more other worldly going on lately. Something you just kind of feel in your gut, cant really explain it, but you know something has changed. Back when I used to play the Sims games I had to wonder if I was someones Sim on more then one occasion no doubt.

Ive been having weird Matrix glitches myself. I posted about one of them on here maybe 5 years ago now. Had a mole on the front center of my neck all my life. Realized looking in the mirror one day it was gone. Asked my wife about it, she never remembered it being there. When it reappeared I showed her and she didn't even remember the conversation of it missing, and that was just a few days prior. Thats just one little oddity. Im guessing a lot of you could name a few happening to you yourselves yes?

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: dashen
I just noticed you added this video. Am I crazy or did POTUS say "They took over the 'Airports' " between the :33-:36 mark?

ETA: Lol nevermind I just realized this was the 7/4 speech, my bad

edit on 8/16/19 by onehuman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 11:27 AM

originally posted by: Sabrechucker
Why is everyone so focused on event's that are Earth based?. We've covered the corruption. We should focus on how weak we have become, and our vulnerability. As it stands, this planet is quite conquerable

8 Chan is down..Q can't drop..Maxwell is having a burger untouched.... wake me up when it's real, see ya

Sab I have another take on things at the moment - as always. I usually do just to annoy you

There are more details, in which more are coming to light, but yes most of this was exposed here more or less last year. So on big topics not much new, but details are exposed each day. The JE thing was exposed here via Q drops more then a year ago and I talked about it with a few then. He "dies" and those non-Q folks IMMEDIATELY said "hey cranky, that isn't right, what the hell is really going on"?

A clear trigger was hit. This would NOT have happened without Q - the collective was too afraid to expose JE.

Now, the thread has had some great stuff the last week or two (great energy too btw), and for some it is redundant, but it keeps the pressure on. Historically the fight ends when fatigue sets in, in this case we are pushing past those built in limitations for the first time ever!!!

Which leads me to the more esoteric point. The posted details are repetitive yes, but looking up from the monitor and scanning he Q Digital Army Collective and one can see/feel something remarkable - something unfathomable to me 2 years ago.

Think of it this way. The levy on the river is about to break. Two folks see this and rally the town to sandbag it. The beginning is grueling, slow and seems like it will never happen, but then suddenly the entire town is there, and the wall is up as if there was never an issue. We're still sandbagging but we've got lots and lots of folks behind us filing into help.

Each might wish to use their own heart to tune into that which is happening above - or in the background if you wish. Using the 40k foot view can be really fun.

If you wish - anyone can do it. Take a moment to see if you can feel the Q Digital Army November 1, 2017 (that still exists so just use your intention how you like to find it). Keep it simple, use your imagination and think of the Q Army as family.

Then change scenes, pov or stations, and tune into what you see it as today - using the heart of course for best effect.

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 11:29 AM

originally posted by: 2knew2know
Q post 3418 said to Watch New York and California...and ends with...

News unlocks

What city was Epstein arrested in?
Watch CA.

Then yesterday, on August 15th, 2019,, New York Post article stated "Jeffrey Epstein’s former gal pal Ghislaine Maxwell isn’t holed up in her British manor or summering on the Massachusetts coast. The Post found the socialite hiding in plain sight in the least likely place imaginable — a fast-food joint in Los Angeles."

[url=http://][/url ]

Source, and "Jeffrey Epstein’s gal pal Ghislaine Maxwell spotted at In-N-Out Burger in first photos since his death" By Sara Nathan and Mara Siegler August 15, 2019 | 4:06pm


posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I's = Eye's. Occult symbolism or eye of hurricane (Storm, many storms) to come?

The Eye is calm before the back half of the storm hits worse is often worse.

You may have mentioned this before...

POTUS quote: "You'll find out."

Some Anons have postulated in a theory that "climate change" metaphors are really code. So Trump invoking "The storm" imagery set the MSM Mockingbirds on high alert, because he was speaking directly to them. At that point, he wasn't just a hapless billionaire who managed to stumble into the White House, but an existential threat who SAW them.

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 11:39 AM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe
a reply to: onehuman

Also, in this pic, take a look at the gap between her left arm and the umbrella, and then take a hard look at everything else surrounding her. Whatever is in that gap, DOES NOT fit into the rest of the pic. Could just be a weird trick I guess, but I am having trouble reconciling what it is that is behind her, if this is not shopped.

I've been having a look at these 2 photos as well.
Have to admit i'm not seeing anything that suggests obvious photo shopping but;

1st Pic = Glasses On (earlier). 2nd Pic = Glasses Off (later)

1. No Book in 1st pic, open and half covering phone in 2nd pic (not natural reading position on top of a phone)
2. 2 phones in 2nd pic, only 1 in 1st pic
3. 3 people in first pic are there in 2nd pic (Left of shot as we look)
4. 2 people in first pic gone, replaced by guy in 2nd pic (Right of shot as we look)
5. Food seems untouched between both pics (little hard to see in 1st pic due to NYP logo). Another "prop" imo.
6. 2 Coffee cups both pics
7. Age difference. GM looks quite a bit older than 57 in 1st pic, a lot younger than 57 in 2nd pic
8. Angle of photos different between pics, but does seem consistent
9. Blue bag (?) moved out of way from 1st to 2nd pic (so clearer view of book)
10. Book open at nearly first page (2nd pic), but review went up to amazon same day. Read whole book in less than a day? No just a "prop" imo

Anything i'm missing?

My thoughts, total setup (and i don't think "random" meeting). 2 coffee cups, 2 phones. Whoever second phone/coffee belongs to was already there ready to do this. I think it was done to show the setup of the 2nd pic to send a message out. Like i said earlier though, we still can't be sure when this taken, may have been before Saturday or anytime since up to NYP article.

ETA: forgot to mention that the 3 people behind to left as we look don't seem the least bit concerned with what's going on. If this was taken on 14th or 15th i would think at least 1 of them would recognize her (and would not be going on about their business as they seem to between the 2 photos. And we know "sometime" passed between the 2 because the person left behind right as we look). But if it were taken on/before Sunday, probably not. Also leading me to think this was setup and taken just after Saturday at the latest, maybe before...

edit on 16 8 19 by Diaspar because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: onehuman

One of my pet theories is that there are gazillions of parallel universes and our consciousness occasionally or even constantly zips between very similar ones. Might explain the Mandela effect. One explanation could be that if we die in one universe our consciousness either merges with the one inhabiting our closest twin's body or that consciousness gets knocked into another almost identical universe to make room thus creating a chain reaction rippling through all parallel universes containing versions of us. Now you see mole, now you don't...

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 11:42 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: Diaspar

Re "My wife and I"... I think Ghislane is lesbian like Hillary and therefore "My wife and I" would make sense?

Who could be her wife? Ray Chandler?

Ghislane doesn't have any kids and never been married? Epstein wouldn't marry her? Was that just a cover story?

Yes, this would make sense
And RC likely i would think.

No kids, not married...that we know of!!! Who knows with these people...

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: Moravec

Cheers for the initial info on Epstein's NY mansion Moravec!

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: Diaspar
Would "Follow the Wives" still hold true in this situation do you think? If so, we really need to figure out who the wife is asap.

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: onehuman

onehuman, look at the bold part of the timestamp on the Q post... it's 17:08!

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 11:58 AM

More on the painting...

A note here on the "artist" as some might be wondering if the artist is just one of "them." Not necessarily. Artists by nature are open to influences - comes with the territory. So artists can be used as conduits for all manner of things such as symbolism placement. They can do so without any real knowledge of what is being done "through them".

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 12:16 PM
I need Eyes On on the blow up of a freeze-frame I took of the latest drone video.
Focus on what looks like a firepit within a few feet of the Epstein Temple...

Is that a SKULL I see?

First the general area picture:

Blow-up of "fire pit":

The "fire-pit" looks like it is covered in glass - so there is either a real skull underneath... or a painting of one?

ETA- Also look at this triangular "pond", which is in a straight line from temple, through the fire pit within a hundred yards. It has NO ripples, compared to sea - Is it a fake fibreglass pond? If so, what's under it?

edit on 16-8-2019 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-8-2019 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 12:17 PM

originally posted by: PioneerFigureSkating
a reply to: MindBodySpiritComplex

Just an FYI on the FL stuff. Supposedly a lot of what they write is fiction. The way I heard it is they primarily put stuff online just to put stuff there so other people within their group can test their decryption software. So while some of the stuff may be true, some of it is science fiction.

Can't say which is which though. And whenever you read something about beacons they're speaking of neutrino beacons. It's their belief that advanced space traveller types will have buried neutrino beacons deep underground here on Earth. Reason being is that neutrinos can pass straight through lead unimpeded. Burying them ensures they stay there for a long time. This way, if someone is out in the cosmos and has a neutrino detection device aimed at Earth they can read the info about Earth "at a glance."

Last I heard they hadn't actually ever found such a beacon, although they were searching for them. Maybe the article you're posting from is a work of fiction. Or maybe not. Hard to say.

I believe Passage 2 of the "Kryptos" sculpture at CIA may refer to such a beacon.

The other two passages and the Morse Code on the sculpture are also very interesting.

Passage 4 has yet to be decrypted.

I'm not a Wiki fan, but it doesn't do too bad with this subject -

Elonka Dunin's genesis page on the sculpture -

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 12:23 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
I need Eyes On on the blow up of a freeze-frame I took of the latest drone video.
Focus on what looks like a firepit within a few feet of the Epstein Temple...

Is that a SKULL I see?

The "fire-pit" looks like it is covered in glass - so there is either a real skull underneath... or a painting of one?

It look exactly like that to me!
Went back to Rusty's vid from the 12th and picked up this image:
(FBI Raid Little St. James USVI 8/12/19 4 - - - 1:51 mark)

Original size:

Zoomed in:

edit on 16 8 19 by Diaspar because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

When making a landing like that you dont want the gear actually can cause the plane to tip or flip depending on the size. I actually was watching a commentary on a crash given by the pilot as he was all camera'd up for an air show, and thats literally what he did when he had to ditch in a field.

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi


Wonder who and what that will be?

Will probably be one of the final wooden stakes in the Deep State's heart, if they even had a heart.

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: RickyD

Thanks for the extra info RickD!

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 12:31 PM

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posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: Diaspar

That's pretty damning evidence if a real skull!!!

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