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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -§19§-

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posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 01:38 AM
reply to: CanadianMason

Yes you have!,.. Sometimes I get frustrated with lack of full awakening.

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 01:51 AM
Regarding those Ghislaine Maxwell sightings I am once more reminded of a Blacklist episode. I think it was season 3 The Troll Farmer.

Agent Keen is on the run and Reddington brings in a team that fabricates multiple reports of Keen sightings on social media to distract from her true location.
edit on 16-8-2019 by MindBodySpiritComplex because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 01:53 AM
I would like to investigate something but I live too far away to do it. I don't think the internet is going to help much.

Yes, I have tried but either my DDG skills are insufficient or the info has been buried.

Epstein's NY mansion was somehow given to him. It is my belief that these people do not often sell their expensive dwellings on the open market (other than for show) but rather they stay within the elite circles.

What is the history of the building and can we get down to who actually owned it in various time periods?

What events or crimes through history involved the address?

Any ideas and I was thinking of NY libraries and such like.

Same with the island, who really owned it first and so on.


posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 02:02 AM
a reply to: pheonix358

Epstein = Keymaster
Maxwell = Gatekeeper

Who you gonna call?

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 02:11 AM
a reply to: MindBodySpiritComplex

Epstein = KeyStone

Stein in German is stone.

House of Cards - KeyStone removed - Collapse.

I've had a few too many.

Good night.

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 02:14 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Whaaaaa...? You've got to be kidding me! Looks like we have another confirmation of the Greenland Disclosure Pattern. So far everything seems to be pointing to some big event/reveal in the December 2020 - June 2021 timeframe. If puzzled by this statement read the threads linked in my signature!

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 02:25 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

With the pilots being celebrated as heroes in Russia this could have been staged to distract from the latest string of bad news:

Siberian wildfires
Siberian munition depot explosion
Archangelsk failed missile test with radiation release
Moscow protests

Maybe it is even distracting from another event that we haven't heard about yet?

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 02:56 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

This is also the missing link that allows me to point out another weird synchronicity. I had meant to do it some days ago but finally decided against it as I thought it would look too contrived. Now I kinda wish I did so I could be all smug and write told ya!. Luckily I already have my Greenland threads for that.

Ship Crest of HMS Thule (British Submarine)

Epstein temple

Flag of Uruguay

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 03:10 AM
a reply to: pheonix358

I actually did a post on that...don't know if I can find it but from what I remember...the mansion was built by a wealthy couple who died on the Titanic, later donated to a Catholic church and used as a hospital, then it was a private school before Wexner bought it

ETA I found this one...
edit on 16-8-2019 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 03:20 AM

Other Languages & Cultures
Gisila(Ancient Germanic) Gisela(Dutch) Gisela(German) Gizella(Hungarian) Gisella(Italian) Gisela(Portuguese)Gisela(Spanish)

Some snippets from that extra deep rabbit hole FL:

FL-300412 Is Rigel-2 safe for humans? Countering the risk of Giselian encephalitis virus. Defense Report.

Long-term presence of Giselian beacons - Understanding the connected distribution of Giselian beacons in Sol-3

"Nature is not deterministic, not because the initial state was a low entropy one. Consider the Paintsville UFO incident. The model explains how two Sol-3 crafts chasing a Giselian probe, in STO-2710, jump to Sol-3 STO-2002. Once the Giselian object jumps to STO-2002, it maneouvers to hide and avoid detection, landing on the train tracks. Local time is 20020114. Some seven minutes later, the two chasing Sol-3 crafts appear in the area, slow down, and start combing the nearby river searching for the Giselian craft. The second Sol-3 craft detects the presence of the Giselian object, hovering over the train tracks, and attempts a proximity operation, causing the Giselian object to speed up at low altitude along the tracks moving towards an incoming coal train from the opposite direction. The first Sol-3 craft quickly positions itself over the train to neutralize it and avoid a frontal collision with the Giselian object, which finally impacts against the coal train. Both Sol-3 crafts jump back to STO-2710."

64 Years of Excavations in Gīsel (Gīlan-Iran)
Final Memory of Findings
Biological Specimens and Artifacts Recovery
"That Gisel is somehow a hot spot for out of Earth visitors is out of dispute. The frequency of sightings and the open hostility shown by the beings operating those objects have now a record spanning more than 50 years. Whatever they lost in Gisel seems to be extremely valuable for those violent visitors"

Gisel site is both amazing and frustrating. Amazing for the many artifacts and the five complete almost intact bodies recovered there; and frustrating because the site is located in a currently unfriendly country which makes operations hard  

Some of the bodies found in the Gisel site deserve special mention for the pattern of disposal, as well as for the association with strange technological objects, in particular with the so called Cassini Diskus.  

Kerma and the Tomb 308 findings: what did Giselians learn from humans?

More examples here. Note how important seems to be re Giselians - they seem to be named after Gisel in Gilan province, Iran.

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 03:30 AM
a reply to: Sabrechucker

yea...and I have no patience lol. and I know I haven't added anything new to the conversation. Everything's already been discussed ad nauseam. I just got tired of watching the sky every day for that flash that never happened. & you know...where attention goes, energy flows... I decided to flow my energy over here for a while because things aren't moving fast enough for me. I'm trying to blast through the veil with my laser vision.I just hope I don't fry my brain

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 03:51 AM
a reply to: Observationalist

I also noticed in Godfather III, Joey Saza said

"If someone were to say such a thing, they would not be a friend. They would be a dog".

Perhaps Q was trying to shed some light on the dog references.

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 03:55 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Also, the article states it was brought down by seagulls. I recall a Q post about seagulls in reference to a Trump poster. And the plane landed in a cornfield, a common them here.

It hit me weird the wording that it landed with engines off and landing gear up. Could this have been a dead reference? The engine is off and their legs are up?

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 04:05 AM

originally posted by: queenofswords

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: queenofswords

A couple of days ago when it came out that Ghislaine was hanging out with a 43-yr. old millionaire in Massachusetts, there was a link to an article about the guy, Borgerson, and how he got started.

That's right, so did she just fly to California for a Burger without anyone noticing? Also if she was just in Mass why go to Cali?

The dog mentioned in the article about Borgenson was named Helios. I wonder if that has a significance. Otherwise, why name the dog in a news article. Just odd.

Q has said many times that "news unlocks":

"news unlocks meaning"
"news unlocks map"
"news unlocks message"
"news unlocks the map"
"news (in all forms) unlocks the map"
"news unlocks past"
"news unlocks"

This makes me think of all the movies where the crazy conspiracy guy has a room or board plastered with news articles and strings linking the connections between them.

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 04:11 AM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
Trump's Green New Deal: President reportedly considering buying Greenland

This land is your land, this land is ... Greenland?

It's better than AOC's Green New Deal.

Following World War II, the USA developed a geopolitical interest in Greenland, and in 1946 the USA offered to buy Greenland from Denmark for $100,000,000 but Denmark refused to sell.

Maybe something to do with that massive 19 mile wide impact crater under the ice.?

ETA: Historical - Project Iceworm

Project Iceworm/Camp Century/Greenland is mentioned ~29min into the video.

Hmmm. Remember how the bounty said to have been placed on Epstein was for $100,000,000? And in Godfather III, Corleone donated $100,000,000 to the Catholic Church.

Interesting connections.

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 04:40 AM

originally posted by: MindBodySpiritComplex

Other Languages & Cultures
Gisila(Ancient Germanic) Gisela(Dutch) Gisela(German) Gizella(Hungarian) Gisella(Italian) Gisela(Portuguese)Gisela(Spanish)

Some snippets from that extra deep rabbit hole FL:

FL-300412 Is Rigel-2 safe for humans? Countering the risk of Giselian encephalitis virus. Defense Report.

Long-term presence of Giselian beacons - Understanding the connected distribution of Giselian beacons in Sol-3

"Nature is not deterministic, not because the initial state was a low entropy one. Consider the Paintsville UFO incident. The model explains how two Sol-3 crafts chasing a Giselian probe, in STO-2710, jump to Sol-3 STO-2002. Once the Giselian object jumps to STO-2002, it maneouvers to hide and avoid detection, landing on the train tracks. Local time is 20020114. Some seven minutes later, the two chasing Sol-3 crafts appear in the area, slow down, and start combing the nearby river searching for the Giselian craft. The second Sol-3 craft detects the presence of the Giselian object, hovering over the train tracks, and attempts a proximity operation, causing the Giselian object to speed up at low altitude along the tracks moving towards an incoming coal train from the opposite direction. The first Sol-3 craft quickly positions itself over the train to neutralize it and avoid a frontal collision with the Giselian object, which finally impacts against the coal train. Both Sol-3 crafts jump back to STO-2710."

64 Years of Excavations in Gīsel (Gīlan-Iran)
Final Memory of Findings
Biological Specimens and Artifacts Recovery
"That Gisel is somehow a hot spot for out of Earth visitors is out of dispute. The frequency of sightings and the open hostility shown by the beings operating those objects have now a record spanning more than 50 years. Whatever they lost in Gisel seems to be extremely valuable for those violent visitors"

Gisel site is both amazing and frustrating. Amazing for the many artifacts and the five complete almost intact bodies recovered there; and frustrating because the site is located in a currently unfriendly country which makes operations hard  

Some of the bodies found in the Gisel site deserve special mention for the pattern of disposal, as well as for the association with strange technological objects, in particular with the so called Cassini Diskus.  

Kerma and the Tomb 308 findings: what did Giselians learn from humans?

More examples here. Note how important seems to be re Giselians - they seem to be named after Gisel in Gilan province, Iran.

Could this be the reason for the hard push into Iran? Has oil and nuclear arms just been a cover to gain control of this area for easier excavation?

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 05:18 AM
Perhaps the Great Awakening is exactly that. Perhaps it's more than what we are all watching for. Q repeatedly states that this is a movie. It's all scripted to play out a certain way. We assume that this is solely in regards to the Deep State, the game they've been playing to dupe us. Perhaps it's more than that. Q states that a war is won before it is fought and that this battle unfolding now is the last chance for victory. With so much on the line would this battle have started if Q didn't already know it would be a victory? Perhaps EVERYTHING is apart of the show. The constant FF's, the HRC email scandal, the Epstein investigation, U1, NK, Iran, Russia collision, etc, etc. Perhaps even Q. What if it's all apart of the big movie. What if the Great Awakening is everyone getting fed up with all of the run-around and finally taking a giant step back to look at the Big picture. What if this is exactly a show. Everything is known already. The future proves the past because the future is already known. The BIG Question we all have to ask, perhaps, is not who is Q, but how is all this known? Not who is doing this, but how is it being done? Not what is the next scene in this movie, but what's running the projector? Perhaps the Disclosure everyone has been waiting for, the 80% that must remain dark, is not alien contact, but something very different and Earth shaking. Something that once it is known, there's no going back to the usual life. So, do we as a collective voice all proclaim the one big question? Do we dare know the truth of truths?

"and it's whispered that soon, if we all call the tune, the Piper will lead us to reason"... - Led Zeppelin

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 07:17 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Who knows? May have been Q, but according to the story the robbery happened years ago. It read as if for a long time he didn't think anything had actually been taken. Only that his place had been tossed. It was only once all this stuff started happening and he got nervous did he try to retrieve the tape for whatever reason and discovered it was missing.


I don't know if that's a hoax review or not, but I tend to think not because the reviews in her name go back YEARS. The second review of hers I linked was from 2016, I think, and I heard tale she has been writing them to that site since 2012.

Oh, and good morning, all! Hope for a big day of winning today!

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 07:22 AM
a reply to: SilentWindofDoom

These are all fantastic points, and they do raise some serious questions. Perhaps we really are living in a simulation of some kind, and there are "people" (for lack of a better term) out there who have the ability to look forward in our simulation, or even decide what happens in the future? I know it sounds nuts, but when you get this deep down the rabbit hole, nuts is usually what you get.

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 07:48 AM
a reply to: MindBodySpiritComplex

Just an FYI on the FL stuff. Supposedly a lot of what they write is fiction. The way I heard it is they primarily put stuff online just to put stuff there so other people within their group can test their decryption software. So while some of the stuff may be true, some of it is science fiction.

Can't say which is which though. And whenever you read something about beacons they're speaking of neutrino beacons. It's their belief that advanced space traveller types will have buried neutrino beacons deep underground here on Earth. Reason being is that neutrinos can pass straight through lead unimpeded. Burying them ensures they stay there for a long time. This way, if someone is out in the cosmos and has a neutrino detection device aimed at Earth they can read the info about Earth "at a glance."

Last I heard they hadn't actually ever found such a beacon, although they were searching for them. Maybe the article you're posting from is a work of fiction. Or maybe not. Hard to say.

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