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Kit Green, the Alien Autopsy and the Men Who Stared at Notes

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posted on Aug, 24 2019 @ 06:49 PM

originally posted by: ConfusedBrit

...But why did the Pentagon take someone of his stature for a ride? During the 80s and 90s, Green received a dozen mailbox or doorstep deliveries of alleged alien autopsies, some with documentation and one including an alien tissue sample!

...And my only conclusion – it’s my hypothesis, this is not a proof – my hypothesis is the hoax was developed at the top by the people who subsequently in the classified biological programs went on to patent the technologies six, seven, eight, ten years later. Now, my work has shown this theme consistently.

... [This was] a high-level non-government hoax utilizing means to drive financial connectivities on programs that are related.

As for the 80s Pentagon hoax briefing, Green calls it a very classic intelligence operation:

In the active measures program in the agency [CIA] at one time, there were large numbers of people involved in this. There were hundreds. Okay? The idea of convincing some individual person of something that is incorrect is absolutely not unusual.

Camouflage, Concealment, and Deception are major features of such expensive programs. However, Green's explanation of why the Pentagon hoaxed him is still fuzzy despite his reasoning that there was no follow-up and that he has not since seen any evidence that could support it (beyond earthly ops).

I've been of the stance for years now that Kit and Hal never appearing to suffer much problem for their self-alleged attempts to shake loose the greatest of all possible secrets is remarkable. It's telling even.

It would seem suggestive of only two, maybe three, feasible probabilities. Kit's theorizing why he would have his head effed with by others in his own government fall a little flat and scream weasel move to make some kind of excuse for the mess he's in because of the leaked Santilli emails.

However, I could conceivably see that Kit's alien secrets hunt within the national security complex could've been handled that way to keep him and his BFFs on wild goose chases and empty promises while watching what he does with any info.

Then again...would they keep giving these guys security clearances if they were truly seeking secrets outside their pay grade? I'm not buying Kit's story on this.
edit on 24-8-2019 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2019 @ 06:58 PM

originally posted by: The GUT

Then again...would they keep giving these guys security clearances if they were truly seeking secrets outside their pay grade? I'm not buying Kit's story on this.

Good points, GUT.

Some sums are not adding up particularly tidily.

And as for buying Kit's story, let me put it this way: If given the choice of whether to buy a used car from either Kit, or his good chum and SERPO partner in grime, Doty ... I'd probably scarper elsewhere and buy a bicycle instead.

edit on 24-8-2019 by ConfusedBrit because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2019 @ 07:13 PM

originally posted by: The GUT

I've been of the stance for years now that Kit and Hal never appearing to suffer much problem for their self-alleged attempts to shake loose the greatest of all possible secrets is remarkable. It's telling even.

Then again...would they keep giving these guys security clearances if they were truly seeking secrets outside their pay grade? I'm not buying Kit's story on this.

Green : "I don't know who besides the two of you know that Hal, myself, and Rick are working an issue together on Serpo (with the two of you...who are mysteriously missing from the addressee line.) No one else...ever in the entire period has ever sent a note like this linking specifically the three of us, and just the three of us. Not even Sarfatti knows, or Dan, or Collins, or WJ. Until now, maybe." (p. 12)

Geee I wonder 🧐

posted on Aug, 25 2019 @ 10:24 AM
Green comes off sympathetic here which is probably how he hoped he would appear.

Dolan at times seems like a young boy being told that aspects of the Santa Clause story are demonstrably not true (reindeer cannot fly) but that dad's limited access to evidence or expertise does not allow him to state definitively whether or not elves make the toys.

posted on Aug, 25 2019 @ 01:52 PM

originally posted by: coursecatalog
Green comes off sympathetic here which is probably how he hoped he would appear.

Dolan at times seems like a young boy being told that aspects of the Santa Clause story are demonstrably not true (reindeer cannot fly) but that dad's limited access to evidence or expertise does not allow him to state definitively whether or not elves make the toys.

LOL. I couldn't have put it better myself.

I wanna know about the Tooth Fairy. Tell us all about it, Doc - I'll put 50 cents under your pillow if you do.

posted on Aug, 26 2019 @ 03:03 AM
Kit green is one of those who has the gift of talking too much and saying nothing. Did i miss anything in dolans interview?I have the impression that green tries to pass off as someone victimized in all this,someone who tried to do good but instead got suckered

posted on Aug, 26 2019 @ 06:27 AM
I’ll give some credit for Dolan eventually letting the ‘cat’ out of the bag here. But it’s a bit frustrating the way he steers the conversation and dances around what I would consider the most obvious question to ask.

For those who need catching up, the Santilli film was featured on Fox television in 1995 and became an international sensation. Within a short period of time, the consensus of most UFO researchers was that it was a hoax. But in early 2001, a group of distinguished scientists associated with NIDS were discussing the Santilli film among themselves, quietly, not for outside discussion. Now, it’s interesting that even this late (2001) there was a genuine discussion among these individuals about the possible reality of the film.

Richard Dolan - Update on Kit Green interview

Yeh it's interestng. I dare say Richard Dolan hasn’t read this post. But what wasn’t cleared up is the the real purpose of the memo. Which Dolan stops short of asking.

Why were educated people as Davis, Kelleher, Puthoff and Green telling Bob Bigelow the Alien Autopsy video that had been debunked years earlier was real?

The film/video is real, the alien cadaver is real, and the cadaver seen in the film/video is the same as the photos Kit saw at the Pentagon during briefings in 1987/88...

Eric Davis - Original memo to Bigelow

It had long been debunked.

So were they all trying to hoodwink Bob Bigelow into providing more funds to NIDS? Or are they all a bunch of credulous believers that this was the real deal, ignoring all the evidence it was a hoax? The evidence presented in the memo is almost entirely Green's testimony. But in conclusion Big Eric Davis' interpretation and what he tells Bigelow in his conclusion isn't exactly what Green said.

"The video is real...”the body was not human"..."..the body looked pretty fake.."

Kit Green - original memo to Bigelow

I note Kit subtly distances himself from that final draft sent to Bigelow.

I can say that while I never actually saw that specific email, I saw the one that Eric [Davis] was describing as being the one he was modifying.

Kit Green - Dolan Interview

To echo what IMSAM and CC have said. Kit Green is claiming that he’s long been told there’s a Lapland. He’s seen photos and been sent documents about it. But whenever he was promised a ticket to go see himself it never materialised. He’s never actually seen a lap dance for himself.

As for Dolan he never asks the most important question.

What was the real intention of the original memo if it’s genuine?

I think the problem here is that Dolan is financially dependent on some form of alien mythology being true. So the truth as he wants you to see it is the only thing pursued here...

posted on Aug, 26 2019 @ 03:15 PM

think the problem here is that Dolan is financially dependent on some form of alien mythology being true. So the truth as he wants you to see it is the only thing pursued here...

Am late to the party. But its all way off!

edit on 26-8-2019 by Baablacksheep because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2019 @ 06:44 PM
Maybe if you stay up late enough you can join the Richard Dolan party.....

But it's already Wednesday this side of the world.....

posted on Aug, 27 2019 @ 09:25 PM
a reply to: mirageman

Dolan must be delighted by Green's assertion that the pics he was shown at the Pentagon in 1987/88 were extremely similar, if not identical to the alien head (not the body) seen in the 1995 Santilli hoax.

And Santilli is delighted with the extra fuel to champion his "reconstruction" claim. It doesn't matter that Green now believes the 1987/88 document was a hoax, because it's simply Green's opinion without overt evidence to back it up.

So, in summary, although Green seems to have virtually left the ETH building, he's left us with the unlikely/microscopic/gigantic (delete according to taste) possibility that the 80s pics were of a genuine alien autopsy and potentially from the same original film that Santilli allegedly saw and bought - that became so damaged that he had to perform a "reconstruction" from memory.

In essence, we're back to Square One again... ***HEADBUTTS WALL*** Thanks, Kit.

posted on Aug, 28 2019 @ 07:13 AM
a reply to: ConfusedBrit

or the images he was shown were images of progeria sufferers or people that had been exposed to radiation / mutations or something along those lines.

There are many things within the agencies archives from many years ago that could easily be picked out and given to someone to "see" - what they "see" depends what they are told they are seeing and why they are being shown. Kit was chasing the "aliens" for years and came "close" many times allegedly; in terms of being accepted into groups that deal with matters that could be construed as "alien". One has to ask the question; why?

Even now I would theorize, that some of the people that have been chasing the secret keepers for answers, whilst publicly no longer appear to be - more than likely still; ponder and wonder and attempt to trade up.

"Trading-Up" is essentially what 95% of Ufology is of "information" and "secrets" - when at the end of the chain is probably some disinformation or theory cooked up by the very people that keep important secrets.

edit on p15734192400 by pigsy2400 because: (no reason given)

edit on p17740192400 by pigsy2400 because: (no reason given)

edit on p20713192400 by pigsy2400 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2019 @ 07:53 AM
a reply to: mirageman

You don't see the very "Rich Doty Factor" at play here, with Kit Green being the new Bennewitz? He's getting the same treatment: fantastic "insider" stories and "data" dumped at his door.

Think about that alleged autopsy what you want, but I believe this application of pretty much the same desinformation tactics only adds legitimacy to the Wilson leak.

Mirage Men all over again, innit?
edit on 28-8-2019 by PublicOpinion because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2019 @ 08:17 AM
a reply to: PublicOpinion

You can look at this from a variety of angles. Maybe Kit Green was duped. That indeed appears to be what he's saying. But some things don't quite add up. Everyone is fixated on the video of the alien.

I still question why in 2001 that memo was sent to Bigelow endorsing the Santilli video as real. When it had been debunked as a hoax.

If Kit Green really thinks that video looked like an autopsy on a progeria sufferer (which is something he claimed) then he needs a new pair of specs. I've already detailed that here in the thread.

posted on Aug, 28 2019 @ 08:42 AM
a reply to: mirageman

Everyone is fixated on the video of the alien.

More water on the duped Kit mills, if you ask me.

Distract from the bigger issues at hand, dismay the crowd of skeptics and destroy the credibility of that source eventually. Just another duped cray-cray bird ready for the asylum, ya know!

I still question why in 2001 that memo was sent to Bigelow endorsing the Santilli video as real. When it had been debunked as a hoax.

He probably got swayed by this "insider briefing" he had beforehand, which messed with his general objectivity. Kinda human when you burn for a certain topic and fall for some of all the deception they provide to build up this "bigger picture" in support of the autopsy-tale.
However. With the Bennewitz story in mind I'm more than willing to cut him some slack.

In case you read this - Thanks for coming clean, Green!

posted on Aug, 28 2019 @ 01:11 PM
Another view point by Dr. Michael S. Heiser. I'm not a christian but I like the works of Heiser. Especially his ufo sci-fi books.Toughts? matter how I embed vid...not showing...

Here is the link:

edit on 28-8-2019 by Cornissa because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2019 @ 02:38 PM

originally posted by: pigsy2400
a reply to: ConfusedBrit

or the images he was shown were images of progeria sufferers or people that had been exposed to radiation / mutations or something along those lines.

Most likely, and he has said so before in relation to the Santilli hoax. Since Green claims the hoaxed head and the Pentagon pics were more or less exact, it's a great shame he didn't repeat the progeria theory to Dolan on THIS occasion when everyone's looking. Or maybe it was one of the "off-the-record" remarks, conveniently shoved to one side because it perfectly suits Dolan and his followers to keep that small window of anomalousness (is that a word? It is now) open to stimulate his own UFOtainment business. Gossip-Man Grant Cameron and Linda Moulton Howe will probably be applauding for the same reasons.

The casual masses and Young Guns will simply leap on the 1987/88 pics as proof of aliens because they''ll start believing Santilli saw the same footage. Hence why the Alien Autopsy circus will never leave town, even after 24 years.

As PublicOpinion said, has Green been Bennewitzed by two former mentors? (BTW, has anybody tried to trace the identity of the initial USAF General and MD who died in 1997?)

Or maybe the History Channel could start a new reality TV show, "You've Been Bennewitzed!" - the first guest being Mr Delonge.

edit on 28-8-2019 by ConfusedBrit because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2019 @ 04:01 PM
The DOE land bit is interesting. That would put it in the Nevada test site - Lockheed has a UAS facility there called the AOF.

Heck of a travel itinerary.

posted on Aug, 28 2019 @ 05:57 PM
Actually the bennewitz story might be highly relevant today.If you read that story without the aliens part you get many interesting stuff pop up.

as to the topic at hand ,We got former nidsers,we got bigelow,we got metamaterials that render craft invisible not only to radar but also to the human eye. And on top of all this we got the useful idiot delonge who does the bidding of higher IC people while tooting precataclysmic civilizations. Bigelow from what i can tell is a self made millionaire.Why would he need investors in bigelow aerospace?Could they be from the IC world? Does he tie with what was seen at nimitz carrier?

Im pretty sure that we re knee deep in aviary droppings.And lets not forget nids never publicized the outcomes of the cattle mutilation research.Also pretty sure colonel penguin will appear somewhere down the road.Or maybe he knows what happened to those poor cows,maybe they tested his non lethal weapons on them.

As for green the more i look at it the more im convinced he is actually telling lies despite him trying to pass of as tricked and a victim.I will not be surprised if Dolan is the new moore in all this.


Same players,different story

posted on Aug, 28 2019 @ 06:24 PM
I'll continue with NIDS/Bigelow angle. I think it's important to "follow the money" not the promotion of alien autopsy hoaxes. The autopsy video is a distraction that first Howe and Cameron were promoting in 2018 and now Dolan is too. Albeit with a different slant.

Note all three are UFOtainers**

(** A UFOtainer is someone who talks a lot about UFOs and paranormal topics but has no real motive to solve anything. Have any of these guys ever 'solved' a single UFO case? No. They push the conspiracy angle all the time because they are financially dependent on doing so. None of them can be trusted to provide accurate information.)

Coincidentally Howe, Cameron and Dolan all belong to the same PR agency (link).

The Santilli video is a fake, always was a fake. But none of the above will ever declare that publicly for reasons outlined above.

Back to NIDS. By the early 2000s NIDS (National Institute for Discovery Science) financed by Bigelow was limping along.

Here's an edited down report when it was finally shut down. NIDS was just like Howe, Cameron and Dolan. It accomplished very little.

I recently sat down for lunch with a former staff member of the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS).......the real question is how a research organization could have such a poor track record of accomplishment over such an extended period of time.

...NIDS fell prey to a variety of internal problems: poor management, lack of direction, lack of creativity, lack of funding....and low morale fuelled by annual lay-offs. This was compounded by the elusive nature of the field of study. In one example, when my acquaintance, newly hired, asked for direction, the response given was to "spend a couple of hours a day surfing the web for items of interest." (!)...

... What NIDS has to offer is a case study in how not to run an anomalies research organization.

The End of the National Institute for Discovery Science

Similar aspersions have been cast against BAASS when Bigelow started laying people off after government funding ended there too. Layoffs HIt Bigelow Aerospace. We didn't know what was going on when that was first reported but we do now.

It would seem then that Kit Green (although not the instigator of the Alien Autopsy Memo to Bigelow) was part and party to a desperate attempt to keep the gravy train running and ensure that Bigelow kept funding an organisation that was failing to produce tangible results. It was all about money. The guys CC'd in that memo had become used to finding sources to easy money and funding for their hobbies over a long time. If it wasn't the taxpayer then they could find a gullible billionaire or two. And they did right up until recent times.

Dolan quoted Green too in his recent blog post.t

Green’s conclusion, albeit tentative, is that this was a “high-level non-government hoax utilizing means to drive financial connectivities on programs that are related.” That is the most definitive statement he made on this matter.

Why the pompous lexicon of verbosity in that answer? Obviously to create a duplicitous confusing answer that the layman would probably read and not compute - don't cha know!

Let's try to put that word salad of a statement into plain English...

"High Level non-government hoax" = Deceived by powerful people outside of politics.

"...utilizing means to drive financial connectivities" = Using a method to promote monetary links

"...on programs that are related" = to associated projects.

So Kit Green claims he was "deceived by powerful people, outside of politics, using a method to promote monetary links to associated projects"

Does it make sense now?

Cameron, Howe and Dolan all suck money from gullible believers and their livelihood depends on it. Before that a certain bunch of feathered friends did too. Although they had much better qualifications and were able to bleed the US taxpayer first. But then found a credulous billionaire.

Follow the money..........

edit on 28/8/2019 by mirageman because: ...

posted on Aug, 28 2019 @ 06:48 PM
I think the renewed interested in the AAF in 2001 could have something to do with the appearance of "Agent Kewper Stein" , who appeared 1998 for the first time and was in contact with Linda M. Howe.

He claimed that he saw pictures of the alien autopsy footage when he was in the cia headquarters.
According to the CIA files those aliens helped the Nazis .

It is the same guy , who gave the deathbed confession to Richard Dolan. Dolan conveniently didn´t ask any questions about the alien autopsy footage Nazi Ufos , which was not en vogue at that time.

Kewper Stein may have influenced others:

Tom de Longe:

“What I believe crashed at Roswell… I believe it was German… from Argentina. But it had hallmarks and technology based on alien technology. So, we put out a story saying, ‘It’s alien!’

Kewper Stein:

at did stand out in the classified documents I saw was about a UFO crash on a ranch in New Mexico in 1947. The document said that it was a German-built saucer that had alien hieroglyphics on the outside and inside. They found out it was German when they did reverse engineering on it. There was something in the craft that linked to being built by Nazi Germany in 1938, I think. But, there were also aliens on board......
Hitler actually sent out all the craft that they had to Argentina and Antarctica apparently to make sure when he started WWII none of them would be captured.
edit on 28-8-2019 by TheMadScientist2 because: (no reason given)

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