Hello Night, Everyone! I've clicked the last 3 videos posted here and they all say video unavailable. Back to running YT on another Tab. Tool and some
Perfect Circle to start the Day. Can't go wrong with them! Here's a Couple Cool lookin Guitars I thought You's might like to see. Ya might have seen
them already, I dunno... I wonder if They sound as good as they look?!
Hello everyone one..just thought i would stop in and say hey..been working on another craft..will post when i am done...i love doing these things and
they are so easy to do..working on a butterfly now...all done with little beads i cant think of the real name for the 5 d painting..well i hope all of
you have a great sunday...take care...
My Nony (maternal Grandmother) passed away when I was 19 years old. She loved every soul in every living creature graced by her presence. I lost a
piece of myself when she departed. She used to talk about death a lot but only because she was excited to return to heaven - she would promise me that
once she died she would send me the most beautiful rainbow to let me know she was okay on the other side, and she always fulfilled her promises. I
think she would like this place and think she wants me to tell you all this story and send you a rainbow to brighten your day. This isn’t THE
rainbow but one that is beautiful enough for the beautiful posters on this thread. May your spirits be guided by her presence and joy as I am.
Thank you for the kind welcome
LOL on the coffee!! I been drinkin more pepsi than coffee anymore. Is easier to crack open a can, than put on a pot of coffee I guess. Gettin lazier
in My older age... Oh, I have an entry in for the writing contest, if Ya wanna check it out.
Is Here.
Tasters Choice actually has a decent instant coffee if you don't feel like making a pot. I have regular coffee and many times I will have flavored
coffee by adding a vanilla or hazelnut creamer, or even a raspberry chocolate hot cocoa
That's cool Raine. The Story will be there...
Flavored Coffee's are good too. But I used to drink STRONG Folgers!
Was so Strong I'd Vibrate after a Cup!! LOL!!! (Not really, but You get the drift!!)