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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -8teen-

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posted on Jul, 22 2019 @ 10:52 AM
Q3461 or Q3461

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 29b36e No.7132079 📁
Jul 22 2019 10:48:38 (EST)📁

edit on 22-7-2019 by EndtheMadnessNow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2019 @ 10:57 AM

posted on Jul, 22 2019 @ 11:14 AM
I can't seem to find it now, but earlier today I saw a report that says the Inspector General's report on Comey is expected to come out in September.

According to reports, it is expected to conclude that Comey lied when he assured Trump that Trump wasn't under investigation. Comey & company really wanted to surveil Trump, but they could not find any probable cause to get a FISA warrant on him, so they targeted his associates as a way of surveilling Trump indirectly.

posted on Jul, 22 2019 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Okay lads.

Operators operating in and around DC.

When do you use a stealth bomber?
LOL this is the best show ever
edit on 7 22 2019 by dashen because: PANIQ!!!!!!!!

posted on Jul, 22 2019 @ 11:20 AM

edit on 22-7-2019 by EndtheMadnessNow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2019 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
a reply to: carewemust

I think DynCorp was behind it going back to the Reagan era...

Funny, I was talking a little bit of history with someone today, and Dyncorp came up...

I was curious what she was up to, since she hit on all the same big notes that patriots do, but has been so Quiet recently at the height of The Storm. I think she's teaching in Malaysia or something like that. Lightyears ahead of her time.

Sweet girl, she's their worst nightmare. Worth watching to the end, she leaves General Meyers in a puddle of pee, literally saying "duh"? I dig her whole vibe, and I always like to study speaking styles. In this case she saves her best material for last, like how a comedian words a punch line; the punch comes last.

WoW, we need more like her for sure. I remember Rumsfeld getting grilled back on Sep 10, 2001 for the missing TRILLIONS.

"There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know."
- Donald Rumsfeld

known knowns, known unknowns, and unknown unknowns.

posted on Jul, 22 2019 @ 11:37 AM

originally posted by: AndyFromMichigan
I can't seem to find it now, but earlier today I saw a report that says the Inspector General's report on Comey is expected to come out in September.

According to reports, it is expected to conclude that Comey lied when he assured Trump that Trump wasn't under investigation. Comey & company really wanted to surveil Trump, but they could not find any probable cause to get a FISA warrant on him, so they targeted his associates as a way of surveilling Trump indirectly.

Found it: It was an article on Zero Hedge.

Link here.

posted on Jul, 22 2019 @ 11:39 AM
Chick-A-Boom . . Chick-A-Boom . . Chick-A-Boom BOOM BOOM
(Don't Ya Jes Love It)

So this is an operation not training? Consider the significance of that anons.

posted on Jul, 22 2019 @ 11:42 AM
Remember this little story way back

posted on Jul, 22 2019 @ 11:43 AM

The Man McMaster Couldn't Fire

Thirty-one-year-old Ezra Cohen-Watnick holds the intelligence portfolio on the National Security Council—but almost everything about him is a mystery.

There was one person, however, who McMaster couldn’t get rid of: Ezra Cohen-Watnick, the senior director for intelligence programs. McMaster tried to remove him in March, but President Trump, at the urging of Bannon and Jared Kushner, told McMaster that Cohen-Watnick was staying, as first reported by Politico.

Cohen-Watnick’s intense approach, this person said, “causes some people to respond negatively rather than saying a-ha, this is a good thing, now we can reprogram.” CIA representatives pushed back on Cohen-Watnick, and the atmosphere was “frustrated.”

Like most people in this kind of job, Cohen-Watnick is a workaholic, sometimes sleeping on his couch in case he has to respond to something or go somewhere in the middle of the night, the White House colleague who knows him well said. Asked what he does for fun, the colleague said Cohen-Watnick works out and reads military history and philosophy.

Stealth Bomber? He knows Q.?

posted on Jul, 22 2019 @ 12:03 PM

DJT tweet

Interesting tweet with C_A Q glasses. Is he saying funds have been fully cut off from Clowns in Iran?

Non standard caps RRRBFE

posted on Jul, 22 2019 @ 12:14 PM

DJT tweet


This raises a head shot question? Bob, who in the DOJ was given immunity and by whom - did anyone carry an Obama signed pardon, immunity deal with them?

posted on Jul, 22 2019 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: CoramDeo

Great catch CoramDeo... Looking like you may be right after this morning's Q posts 3460 to 3463:

B2 stealth bomber over the Mall... Army conducting secret op in Blackhawks around Washington D.C.

posted on Jul, 22 2019 @ 12:20 PM

edit on 22-7-2019 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2019 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: carewemust

I'm wondering if Be Ready is something to do with 218 because of the B and R caps... meanwhile:


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 29b36e No.7132094 📁
Jul 22 2019 10:49:22 (EST)

Anonymous ID: ac02e4 No.7131949 📁
Jul 22 2019 10:41:08 (EST)

What is this?



This is both a CONFIRMATION post and a

edit on 22-7-2019 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-7-2019 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-7-2019 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2019 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

From the article, the Army Op around DC has been going on since Oct.


posted on Jul, 22 2019 @ 12:37 PM
Yes please Ask the Q uestion

posted on Jul, 22 2019 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

cranky, full CAPS on that tweet are:

TRICIAZJRRBFTEI = 174 in simple gematria

Some Top 15 Equivalents are:

New World Order
Trust The Plan
Storm Is Coming

Also the Tweet time is 6:08... Q608:

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: fa6a1f No.158405 📁
Jan 25 2018 12:44:04 (EST)

Anonymous ID: d5ca84 No.158391 📁
Jan 25 2018 12:42:56 (EST)

they did the spying for us on us citizens at our direction as they always do

They ratted out their deep state masters?

+ more, a lot more.

edit on 22-7-2019 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2019 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

Visual Aid

posted on Jul, 22 2019 @ 02:00 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

Visual Aid

I like this one a lot FF.

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