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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -8teen-

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posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 04:58 PM

originally posted by: dashen
a reply to: Strate8

Jews also have more nobel peace prizes by population by far, patent holders, college graduates, go fig.

The Manhattan Project was a Who's Who of brilliant Nobel-winning Jews who helped us win WWII.

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 04:59 PM
a reply to: dashen

This is where we could talk about cultural values ...

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 05:00 PM
a reply to: Strate8

Just a heads up.. apparently those who can't see beyond skin color are still sleepy.. do the the men DJT is shown with represent more than melatonin count ? Covered threads back... Look at their membership s to other themely things... You'll be fine..... We are rooting for ya !
Eta.. peace

edit on 7162019 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

Eta ...Throwing this link out there in case of synchronicities NASA Apollo 11 Timeline detailed

edit on 7162019 by MetalThunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 05:14 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

When I said eliminating programming, I didn't mean eliminating rules. 'Programming' is more akin to indoctrination or brainwashing. We've been programmed to fear and distrust and hate which in turn causes us to depend on an authority figure for protection.

"Rules" won't necessarily be eliminated, what will be eliminated are centralized, controlling legislative systems that siphon off our power through dictating our lives. The patriarchal hierarchy With draconian laws will be eliminated as people come together to create new, balanced ways of life

This won't happen until we are ready and people won't be ready until they decide that freedom is more important than material wealth and false security...even life. Freedom has to be seen as something so valuable that it's worth dying for

edit on 16-7-2019 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 05:18 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

And yet, everyone in the world coming together would necessitate one centralized set of rules for all of us to follow with an enforcing authority of some sort.


posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 05:25 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT

originally posted by: nowayreally
Hey All
I couldn’t follow this thread since late afternoon yesterday so this may have been discussed but could someone please explain why Trump (of rep. For him) tweeted such negative comments about congresswomen going back to their country?

POTUS, himself, just spelled out his strategy:

Donald J. Trump✔

The Dems were trying to distance themselves
from the four “progressives,” but now they are
forced to embrace them. That means they are
endorsing Socialism, hate of Israel and the USA!
Not good for the Democrats!

5:26 PM - Jul 15, 2019

Coming here to be a social justice warrior is not working and Somalia needs her solving problems since she has such grandiose ideas. People who bother to listen to all DJT said know it wasn't racist at all. It was, a go fix your own country then come back concept. Since you hate the US anyway and seem hellbent on our destruction, you have no business being here if so much bad goes on in your homeland. Fix that and show people how to do it. POTUS is an excellent tactician and the Progs fell for it hook line and sinker.

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 05:25 PM
Scientists Just Teleported an Object Into Space for the First Time

Scientists have successfully teleported an object from Earth to space for the first time, paving the way for more ambitious and futuristic breakthroughs.

A team of researchers in China sent a photon from the ground to an orbiting satellite more than 300 miles above through a process known as quantum entanglement, according to MIT Technology Review. It’s the farthest distance tested so far in teleportation experiments, the researchers said.

Beam me up Scotty. Looks like we may have an option for the Four Horsewomen of the Apocaleft. 😎

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 05:26 PM

originally posted by: Creep Thumper

originally posted by: Strate8
a reply to: Creep Thumper

I'm anti-zionist dirtbags. If the people that are duel citizenship are subverting our government to the benefit of their masters are considered real Jews - then yes you can call me anti-semitic.

Love how people who cry foul on calling someone out for racist comments can just as easily call someone anti-semitic.

I want you to give me the exact racist quote you are speaking of.

And nowhere did I cry foul. I said if people are dissatisfied with life in the US they are free to leave.

But Trump said they should fix where they came from...

So 3 of 4 of them should not leave the U.S. as they need to fix where they came from.

One side of their mouth they say leave if you don't like it. The other they say people should fix the countries they live in instead of coming here.

Both combined = you don't have a seat at this table so shut up.

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Wrong. When you reclaim your sovereignty then you become your own authority. People will most likely converge with other 'like-minded ' people within their same frequency range and then decide on what types of systems they want to adhere to, if any system at all. *We* will get to decide and*we*will get to choose. Not based on color or religion, nationality, age, sex, race or any other false construct but based purely on your resonance
edit on 16-7-2019 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 05:30 PM
Kim Dot Com:

Democrats lied about Russia. Mueller lied about Russia. The destruction of Hillary Clinton wasn’t a Russian job. It was a DNC insider who witnessed Clinton’s corruption first hand against Bernie Sanders. He decided to expose Clinton and her corruption. His name was Seth Rich.

Tweet Tweet

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 05:31 PM
a reply to: pavil

First truthful tweet I've seen from Kim Dot Com in a long time

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

(IMO) Gene Roddenberry knew the future. Humankind is merely fulfilling its destiny. (IMO)

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 05:33 PM
Interesting the Skinist trigger the tweet created. OVER TARGET if this kind of reaction occurs - "yes he is" "no he isn't" "he isn't helping his cause" "yes he is."

Notice - Divide and Conquer over nothing of substance. Folks really need to refrain from using Racist as a term.

There are five accepted but even that is up in the air:

1) American Indian or Alaska Native.
2) Asian.
3) Black.
4) Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.
5) White.

Distinguish between genetic Race - requires legit genetic testing, Skin Color, Religious Affiliation, Cultural Expression and Nationality. Using them interchangeably to suit an argument is like saying a scorpion is cat. Divide and Conquer at the most silly level.

Now. The Q...

Omar is polling at 8%, Cortez at 21%.

either 821 or 128 in this case Q#128

[C]oordinated effort to misdirect.
Guide to reading the crumbs necessary to cont[I]nue.
Attached gr[A]phic is correct.
Linked graphics are incorrect and false.


Learn to distinguish between
relevant/non-relevant news.
Disinformation is real.
Disinformation is necessary.

***Disinformation includes triggering tweets...

Who controls the narrative?
Why is this relevant?
What is a spell?
Who is asleep?

***The Spell must be broken and attacking it head on is possible...

I've seen this so many times. Folks who said "DJT is brilliant" went NUTS when Syria was in the target box, only to say "DJT is brilliant" again, only to go nuts when the C_A media said NK is going to test nukes rinse and repeat. Folks in the Q world really should have learned by now that all is not simple, all is not what it seems in the moment and most of this is a show of what was, not is.

I remind. DJT introduced the issues with the wall under folks arriving illegally. Then he introduced Illegals and Drugs. Then Illegals Gangs and Drugs. Then Illegals Gangs, Drugs and Human Trafficking. Then Illegals, Gangs, Drugs, Human Trafficking Of Women and Children. He did this over 1.5 span.

He did this while forcing the democrats (controllers) to defend all of the above.

In my book that is in fact a very detailed and beyond brilliant Plan.
edit on 16-7-2019 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-7-2019 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 05:34 PM

originally posted by: nowayreally
a reply to: imthegoat
I appreciate the response ITG. I didn’t say racist, although that’s clearly what MSM is going for, but the wording is precisely the issue. He could have called out Ilhan Omar specifically but he didn’t. I could understand that but it makes no sense to me why draw attention like that when ‘left’ alone the news cycle was damning for them. Is there a reason?

Reason appears to be to make the Dems doubling down again and again on the tru anti Semite, antiAmerican, anti Christianity Bigots. It seems now 4 female Congress thieves officially have decided to stick with it. They are as if at a poker table with looong odds of working and they know it but it kicks the can another week or so they have time to kill and plenty of others people's money to help them.

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 05:34 PM

originally posted by: pavil
Kim Dot Com:

Democrats lied about Russia. Mueller lied about Russia. The destruction of Hillary Clinton wasn’t a Russian job. It was a DNC insider who witnessed Clinton’s corruption first hand against Bernie Sanders. He decided to expose Clinton and her corruption. His name was Seth Rich.

Tweet Tweet

Back in part 2 (or 3?) of this thread I posted an article that the investigator (Wheeler?) was told the police were to stand down and not investigate his murder. That police chief was on the police association board, along with Lynne de Rothschild. My, my...
edit on 16-7-2019 by texasgirl because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 05:35 PM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
a reply to: pavil
First truthful tweet I've seen from Kim Dot Com in a long time

Kim Dot Com may be trying to rebuild his shattered reputation. I'm thankful that Q's mere existence shut KDC down in 2017.

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 05:36 PM

originally posted by: Strate8

originally posted by: Creep Thumper

originally posted by: Strate8
a reply to: Creep Thumper

I'm anti-zionist dirtbags. If the people that are duel citizenship are subverting our government to the benefit of their masters are considered real Jews - then yes you can call me anti-semitic.

Love how people who cry foul on calling someone out for racist comments can just as easily call someone anti-semitic.

I want you to give me the exact racist quote you are speaking of.

And nowhere did I cry foul. I said if people are dissatisfied with life in the US they are free to leave.

But Trump said they should fix where they came from...

So 3 of 4 of them should not leave the U.S. as they need to fix where they came from.

One side of their mouth they say leave if you don't like it. The other they say people should fix the countries they live in instead of coming here.

Both combined = you don't have a seat at this table so shut up.

Yes, I see now how you cherry-picked your way to your conclusions. People know damn well exactly what Trump meant. They CHOOSE to interpret his statements in an offensive way.

He did not single out any specific ethnic or racial group.

Nice try though. Be offended. I could care less.

The fact remains that, if you don't like it here, you can leave, citizen or not.

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 05:36 PM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
a reply to: ketsuko

Wrong. When you reclaim your sovereignty then you become your own authority. People will most likely converge with other 'like-minded ' people within their same frequency range and then decide on what types of systems they want to adhere to, if any system at all. *We* will get to decide and*we*will get to choose. Not based on color or religion, nationality, age, sex, race or any other false construct but based purely on your resonance

OK, you need to make up your mind.

Either we have complete personal sovereignty meaning we all have our own sets of rules = anarchy. My rules might not be yours.

Or we have one set of rules, the law, and we need an enforcing authority for those rules because not everyone will choose to follow them.

Or we have what we have now where people separate into their own cultures and systems of being which means we do end up with separate groups living their own ways with other like-minded people.

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 05:37 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

No apology needed - it allowed me to credit you!

posted on Jul, 16 2019 @ 05:38 PM
(this is the second part of my post, quirk would not let it show)

***Disinformation includes triggering tweets...

Who controls the narrative?
Why is this relevant?
What is a spell?
Who is asleep?

***The Spell must be broken and attacking it head on is possible...

How do you break the spells - here is one way...

I remind. DJT introduced the issues with the wall under folks arriving illegally. Then he introduced Illegals and Drugs. Then Illegals Gangs and Drugs. Then Illegals Gangs, Drugs and Human Trafficking. Then Illegals, Gangs, Drugs, Human Trafficking Of Women and Children. He did this over 1.5 span.

He did this while forcing the democrats (controllers) to defend all of the above.

In my book that is in fact a very detailed and beyond brilliant Plan.

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