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Chinese City Pays $1,500 To Snitch On Christians

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posted on Apr, 20 2019 @ 09:59 PM
a reply to: NthOther

Both religions are having their practitioners rounded up and put in concentration camps in China. I thought you knew?

posted on Apr, 21 2019 @ 12:22 AM

originally posted by: blueman12
a reply to: Raggedyman

Well, the story of a virgin birthed man of God going around doing miracles existed in other figures before Jesus' time.

Yes I heard that but I asked what and where in particular
I havnt seen it so please show me

posted on Apr, 21 2019 @ 02:10 AM
a reply to: Raggedyman

Horus from Egypt for one. I don't know if anyone copies Jesus' story exactly, including realistic setting. You'll find tons of stuff online when it comes to that world of theology, mythology, and religious history. It's all a bit much for me as I'm not really interested in religion anymore.

Wish I could help, but I'm really not educated on this subject. I've heard Jesus' story related to paganism or astrology, like in the conspiracy movie zeitgeist. Iv'e heard it in other stuff before too.

Idk.. good luck mate..

posted on Apr, 21 2019 @ 02:22 AM

originally posted by: blueman12
a reply to: Raggedyman

Horus from Egypt for one. I don't know if anyone copies Jesus' story exactly, including realistic setting. You'll find tons of stuff online when it comes to that world of theology, mythology, and religious history. It's all a bit much for me as I'm not really interested in religion anymore.

Wish I could help, but I'm really not educated on this subject. I've heard Jesus' story related to paganism or astrology, like in the conspiracy movie zeitgeist. Iv'e heard it in other stuff before too.

Idk.. good luck mate..

Really, really
How do you think, what makes you think, do you think
Care to explain the Horus story is related, like Woodie you are brainwashed by zeitgeist and don’t know what you are talking about

Good luck? Really, you pretend you know something and run away when called out about it, really, good luck
Why even throw in when you clearly don’t have a clue

Just joking woodie🤗

posted on Apr, 21 2019 @ 04:33 AM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
a reply to: Jay-morris

LOL okay, except this thread is about CHINA, not anyone else.
So don't condemn any evil anywhere unless you condemn all of it everywhere? The whole planet? That would be a daunting project.
Lets start with Communist China first and go from there.

Also what the communists in China are doing to people, especially Christians and other religions, is MUCH worse than anything over here.

Lol you ate the one who brought up America , and how the wealthy chinese send their children to America because it's so damn great.

And you ended your post saying, and I quote

They have deceived themselves thinking they won't have to face a judgement, or a reckoning for their ways.

So first you brought in your own country, and then basically said China will pay for what they have done.

I see this all the time from patriots! Quick to condemn another country for its evils, while ignoring or turning a blind eye to the horrors their own government has done.

So, if you want to condemn a government and country, do not do it by stating how yours is great!

posted on Apr, 21 2019 @ 09:16 AM
a reply to: Raggedyman

Not runing away, i just don't care enough to research it. It really doesn't matter to me because jesus' story is just another story about a man who preformed miracles in ancient times.

Brainwashed by zeitgeist? I just mentioned it... Anyway the thread is about china and not a christianity debate..

edit on 21-4-2019 by blueman12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2019 @ 10:11 AM

originally posted by: blueman12
a reply to: Raggedyman

Well, the story of a virgin birthed man of God going around doing miracles existed in other figures before Jesus' time.

I asked for an answer to this statement, it seems you just parroted someone else’s lie

Why make an inane comment when you havnt a clue if it’s true, why not admit you were wrong

posted on Apr, 21 2019 @ 10:49 PM
... sounds like the Chinese would persecute ANY RELIGION not just Christianity. Islam included, probably scientology or any form of religion qualifies. This is very scary stuff, but I fail to see how this targets Christianity and nobody else.

a reply to: NthOther

posted on Apr, 21 2019 @ 11:38 PM
I thought the bible said it's awesome for followers of Jesus to be tormented or killed because of their faith.

Free golden tickets result and all that.

Should Christians not rejoice at being persecuted in China in the name of their God, because they are racking up frequent flier points for every minute they are?

Or would be, because I think God in the NT only cared about Jews.
Because you know Jesus was a Jew, preaching to other Jews, about a new way to Jew, and that Jews are God's chosen people.
(You can be an absolute saint, but if you're not a Jew, you're not getting into your almighty's kingdom when the time comes.)

Hard to believe it is 2019 and that most people of faith have no idea what the books they base their life around actually say because few have ever read them and like most religions, only know what some other persons interpretation says about it one day a week.

Think China has the right idea.Religion has no place in a modern world other than to stop people from going crazy over their inevitable deaths and possible non-existence.
Sadly it's the execution of it they're failing at.

Ah if only people kept their beliefs to themselves and actually read their teaching themselves.
Religion might be tolerable then.

Oh well, when in Rome do as the Romans do. Don't be surprised the Romans get pissy when you do not.

98% of humans are still apes, sadly that does not seem like it is ever going to change.
edit on 21-4-2019 by AtomicKangaroo because: typos

posted on Apr, 22 2019 @ 01:01 AM

Center of attention on a pedestal much? Claiming that Christians are either by far & wide, or the ooooonly persecuted group shows just what a proverbial spoiled brat Christians are globally.

You think Christians in China have it "bad?" The Uighurs have it way, WAY worse than you whine about Christians having it. And if you haven't heard about the Falun Gong being unwilling organ donors yet, face it -- being a Christian in China ain't too shabby a life.

My Chinese stepmother likes to point out that for all the anti-religious hardlines from the government, they do have a raging hard-on for Jews, though. It's no one specific thing in general, the Chinese see Jews as massively successful in all things, and want to emulate 'em. Even she says it's a borderline fruitcakey infatuation.

posted on Apr, 22 2019 @ 01:03 AM
a reply to: AtomicKangaroo

SHHH! Don't burst their delusional bubble!

posted on Apr, 22 2019 @ 04:38 AM

originally posted by: AtomicKangaroo
I thought the bible said it's awesome for followers of Jesus to be tormented or killed because of their faith.

Free golden tickets result and all that.

Should Christians not rejoice at being persecuted in China in the name of their God, because they are racking up frequent flier points for every minute they are?

Or would be, because I think God in the NT only cared about Jews.
Because you know Jesus was a Jew, preaching to other Jews, about a new way to Jew, and that Jews are God's chosen people.
(You can be an absolute saint, but if you're not a Jew, you're not getting into your almighty's kingdom when the time comes.)

Hard to believe it is 2019 and that most people of faith have no idea what the books they base their life around actually say because few have ever read them and like most religions, only know what some other persons interpretation says about it one day a week.

Think China has the right idea.Religion has no place in a modern world other than to stop people from going crazy over their inevitable deaths and possible non-existence.
Sadly it's the execution of it they're failing at.

Ah if only people kept their beliefs to themselves and actually read their teaching themselves.
Religion might be tolerable then.

Oh well, when in Rome do as the Romans do. Don't be surprised the Romans get pissy when you do not.

98% of humans are still apes, sadly that does not seem like it is ever going to change.

Religon is not going anywhere unfortunately
People will always cherry pick when it comes to their faith. If they do not like a certain colour, then they will interpret the bible to suit their beliefs (hatred) If they do not like homosexuals, they will interpret the bible to suit their beliefs (hatred)

And it goes on and on!

I mean, you actually have people in America that think God blesses America! lol Absolutly rediculas to think in this day and age, so many people believe someone that is not obviously true!

posted on Apr, 22 2019 @ 09:09 PM
a reply to: NthOther
Oh yes they are. It is persecution by omission.

posted on Apr, 22 2019 @ 11:24 PM

originally posted by: gortex

Based on the actions of a Communist state which has long seen religion as a threat ?
I don't think so.

What makes you think Christianity is under threat in the West ?

The sanctity of innocent human lives is not seen as such because of "progressivism." Attacks by jihadists have been changed into "attacks by religious people" since the Obama administration decided to make it a policy.

Christian symbols are being attacked left and right, but not Muslim symbols. We have Jihadists like Linda Sarsaur, and Ilhan Omar as "prominent lef-wing liberal leaders", whom despite the fact that they want to make female genital mutilation and Sharia law legal in the U.S. they keep making anti-semitic and anti-Christian comments, and those who dare point this out are labeled as "racists..."

posted on Apr, 22 2019 @ 11:40 PM

originally posted by: odzeandennz

good. religion is a thorn we're afraid to get rid because people think a mysterious man (white according to every illustration) capable of creating the universe is also bothered by what humans do.

What's new, of course a left-winger who is an atheist doesn't care of other's people right to choose what to believe are oppressed... It's the authoritarian voice in those who think they are better than everyone else...

originally posted by: odzeandennz
china has been doing great without religion and its violence and harm to society.
i would 100% report them if they were illegally assembling or brainwashing people.

just look at what religion is doing today to the most savage regions in the world... the most religious countries are most in turmoil and conflict

Oh yeah, China has been doing great, murdering girls that "were illegal to have since the one child, and now two child policy..." Millions of people, mostly girls, have been murdered in the worst manner such as drowning the babies, or female children in front of the mothers/family, or beating them to death in front of family...

Not to mention the persecution and even murders of religious people... but a left-wing atheist, and probably many others, are more than okay with this... Wonder where the empathy of such "left-wing atheists" has gone to?... They are supposed to be the "tolerant ones," or so it's being claimed by such "left-wing atheists..."

As for which are the countries with more turmoil, oppression, etc? Heck, ironic that such left-wing atheists ignore what to this day happens in countries like China, Cuba, Venezuela, etc, etc...

You should stop being such a hypocrite...

posted on Apr, 22 2019 @ 11:58 PM
a reply to: Jay-morris

So tell us, why were countries like Cuba, and to this day even, against homosexuals, transgenders as well?... After all, the communist regime outlawed religions, yet the worse persecution against homosexuals, lesbians, etc, occurred at the same time that authors, human right activists, etc, were also imprisoned, and beaten daily for daring go against the far left-wing narrative?...

But hey, "left-wing" news sites have been claiming that "Cuba has become progressive and more open to LGBT issues" when the fact is they have been trying to show themselves as such, but the truth is the opposite...

Cuba Wants You To Think It’s a Gay Paradise. It’s Not.

Once a prisoner in Cuba, a transgender Cuban woman vows to never return

edit on 22-4-2019 by ElectricUniverse because: correct comment.

posted on Apr, 23 2019 @ 12:20 AM
a reply to: AtomicKangaroo we go again, an atheist who wants to claim he/she knows better what Christianity is all about... Who knew this was coming?...

posted on Apr, 23 2019 @ 12:26 AM

originally posted by: Jay-morris
I mean, you actually have people in America that think God blesses America! lol Absolutly rediculas to think in this day and age, so many people believe someone that is not obviously true!

Oh yeah, and who is to forget the ridiculous "belief" by the left on "anthropogenic climate change" despite the fact that Earth began warming in the early 1600s, or over 160 years before the industrial revolution, and over 250 years before the height of the industrial revolution...

Or how about the "belief" by the left to this day that Hitler was a right-winger?... LOL Despite the fact that Hitler valued the life of animals more than humans, and was an environmental lunatic like many in the left are today. Or despite the fact that all policies implemented by Hitler were "socialist."

Or who is to forget the fact that the Big Bang, or "creatio ex nihilo" (creation out of nothing) has actually roots in Christian belief yet the atheists believe in it too...

Before you decide to mock the beliefs of others, you better make sure your own beliefs are not ludicrous...

edit on 23-4-2019 by ElectricUniverse because: add comment.

posted on Apr, 23 2019 @ 01:53 AM

originally posted by: ElectricUniverse
a reply to: AtomicKangaroo we go again, an atheist who wants to claim he/she knows better what Christianity is all about... Who knew this was coming?...

To correct you I am not an atheist.

But thanks for jumping to ignorant conclusions based on nothing.

Also I've read the OT and NT cover to cover myself. Which from having discussions with many Christians and from seeing the crap they spout is more than they've ever done.
edit on 23-4-2019 by AtomicKangaroo because: added a few words.

posted on Apr, 23 2019 @ 02:05 AM
a reply to: Jay-morris

Yep people need something in their lives, to be part of a team. To belong.
If you eradicated religion they'd be killing each other over football teams and left/right politics etc.

And yes people, well most any way, cherry pick, make reality what they want it to be not what it is.
Otherwise we wouldn't have Jews, Muslims and Christians and the hundreds of various sub-groups which exist because someone said "I don't like what you say the bible says, so I am going to make my own church that suits how I want # to be"

All worshipping the same one true god, while all being right.
It's funny in a sadly pathetic way.

No surprise the word 'hypocrite' has it's roots in religion.

Another 1000 years from now we could have IRL starship Enterprises and people will still be using imaginary friends to hate on and kill others as if it was biblical times.

Take away the tech and most people are still cavemen. Not really progressed much as a species in 2000 years.
edit on 23-4-2019 by AtomicKangaroo because: typo

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