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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- -Q-

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posted on May, 6 2019 @ 08:41 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
a reply to: SouthernGift

The main point I seek to make as often as possible is to stop thinking like they want us to think. Stop using their terms, their words, their diagnosis of ourselves and our reality entirely. Entirely, as those terms are really just reality creation spells.

But if we accept WE are all those things, then a doctor, the state or other can... ugh... This speaks to your point. Grab a kid, tell him he is "x" and then get him to define himself as "y" then add some treatment and the spell is cast.

Breaking the spell, the terms that confine us are the terms they created to help us confine ourselves.

All fair points, and all agreed with. I use the phrase “the best I can articulate” quite often- and what you just stated speaks to why. Because I feel that, too.

This particular “manifestation” I’m speaking of.... you’re right, I shouldn’t refer to it as

Let’s call it a Gift

I appreciate discussions like this. They change the world. Maybe we can bring them off the internet and into the physical soon enough.

Cheers Cranky, your humans as currency revelation was a chilling realization of truth for
Me, back when I was a lurker. I agree with more of what you speak than I probably let on.
edit on 6-5-2019 by SouthernGift because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2019 @ 08:53 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

There were 30,000 ICE arrests in just the last 10 days. More assistance is sorely needed. I hope the new program starts soon!

posted on May, 6 2019 @ 08:55 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

Worth noting...

The agency said the new program was made at the request of the National Sheriffs’ Association and the Major County Sheriffs of America.

So weird I was just looking at them today on unrelated note because it came upon on my 'NSA' search.

The National Sheriffs' Association (NSA) is a U.S. trade association. Its stated purpose is to raise the level of professionalism among U.S. sheriffs, their deputies and others in the fields of criminal justice and public safety.


posted on May, 6 2019 @ 08:57 PM
Somehow, I think this article today plays into what Q has said about Rod Rosenstein.

The importance of him being confirmed by the Senate 94-to-6, seems to be very relevant right now.

posted on May, 6 2019 @ 09:32 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
Somehow, I think this article today plays into what Q has said about Rod Rosenstein.

The importance of him being confirmed by the Senate 94-to-6, seems to be very relevant right now.

Understand what you just read here: Harris demanded to know from Barr if Rosenstein had been cleared by the DOJ ethics department to be both a witness in Mueller-report-related cases and the overseer of those cases.

Witness. What did RR witness? Uh, lemme think... Uh... Oh yes, the whole "wear a wire thing..."

I reads she's missed a lot of Senate Votes. Curious...

PANIC, severe PANIC.

posted on May, 6 2019 @ 09:43 PM
Team Trump just needs to stay cool. Don’t give the Dems any low hanging fruit. Keep the law and constitution on your side.

- they failed to discredit Trump
- they succeeded in discrediting MSM
- Barr has told them he’s coming
- they will now try to discredit Barr to hurt and/or discredit any investigation he approves

Panic is the best way to describe them. They are crooked enough when they are IN control. They are downright dangerous when they’ve lost control.

Some of these Dems are on the verge of jumping up and screaming YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!

posted on May, 6 2019 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Thank-you for trying to explain, but I still don't comprehend the gravity of it. Mueller wasn't investigating the alleged "Wear a Wire" and the "Get Trump, using the 25th Amendment" crimes.

Thanks again for trying, C.O.M.!

posted on May, 6 2019 @ 09:56 PM
Is there a leading theory on who (and for what) the targets are in the 14 investigations spawned by the Mueller Report?

posted on May, 6 2019 @ 10:05 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

None of them have any standing anyway.

posted on May, 6 2019 @ 10:15 PM
Russia and China are in Venezuela..We send the Lincoln and strike group 12 to the ME. Seems like a logical chess move to me.

posted on May, 6 2019 @ 10:17 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: crankyoldman

None of them have any standing anyway.

A VERY salient point.

The only reason for all of this is no leaking. They just don't know who's a target and who via the FISA hops rule might be ensnared.

posted on May, 6 2019 @ 10:24 PM
This guy ‏@CarrollQuigley1 is one of the top people with info pertaining to the propaganda war.

𝚀𝚞𝚒𝚐𝚕𝚎𝚢'𝚜 𝙲𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚡 [📖]

Basically US/EU Globalists, CIA/State & MI6/FSO forced regime change in Ukraine. They planned on EU/NATO incorporation under HRC while the Russian military was still actively engaged.

They never thought she'd lose.

They really wanted WW3.


posted on May, 6 2019 @ 10:24 PM

originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
Is there a leading theory on who (and for what) the targets are in the 14 investigations spawned by the Mueller Report?

I think some are NOT good for Democrats. The Congressman who is "in talks" to get Congressional testimony from Robert Mueller, deflected very direct questions from Trump-hater Wolf Blister this evening.

Why haven't you scheduled Mueller's testimony yet? "
We're working on it."

You told me that when you were here almost 2 weeks ago, Congressman!
Is the White House or DOJ interfering?
"No..we're still making arrangements with Mr. Mueller"

This tells me that Bob Mueller isn't agreeing to answering any advance "screening" questions from Nadler. Soon, Nadler will just have to take his chances and let Bob Mueller testify, without having any inkling of what he might reveal.

posted on May, 6 2019 @ 10:38 PM
Left will blame Trump/Barr in not allowing Mueller to answer pre-testimony questions.

If any of the 14 are anti-Dem; ouch for them.

posted on May, 6 2019 @ 10:42 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Correct me if I a wrong but, the first half of this drop includes 14 names;

Use Logic and Critical Thinking to Understand Why the Wheels of Justice Move Slowly
9 Oct 2018 - 9:42:13 PM
Statement release 10.9.18 [p_AUTHORITY1]
General Statement:
We understand that there is extreme fatigue and frustration re: the wheels of justice [slow].
Exclude emotion and personal desire, instead use logic and critical thinking based on situational awareness [undo a lifetime of evil & corruption [infestation] in the span of less than 2 years w/ a corrupt DOJ & FBI in place?].
[Process & Planning – Law and Order]
[Military OP]
How can you make arrests [non military] prior to first fully cleaning out corrupt elements [at the top] of those departments [FBI][DOJ] that oversee ‘investigation & prosecution’ in the United States [they [themselves] are the very ones engaged in the illegal treasonous acts]?
James Comey, Director – FIRED
Andrew McCabe, Deputy Director - FIRED
Jim Rybicki, Chief of Staff and Senior Counselor – FIRED
James Baker, General Counsel – FIRED
Bill Priestap, Director of Counterintelligence (Strzok’s boss) – Cooperating witness [power removed]
Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence – FIRED
Lisa Page, Office of General Counsel – FIRED/FORCED
Mike Kortan, Assistant Director for Public Affairs – FIRED
Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to Comey – FIRED
David Laufman, Chief of the Justice Department’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section [NAT SEC - HRC email invest] - FIRED/FORCE
John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General – Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCED
Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General & Acting Attorney General - FIRED
Mary McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General – Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCED
Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General – Demoted 2x - cooperating witness [power removed] - TERMINATION IMMINENT

----The second half of this drop IMO is next to come. It's following in perfect order. Read slowly and base the process on current events

Rachel Brand, Associate Attorney General – No. 3 official behind Deputy AG Rosenstein - FIRED/FORCED
[Batter’s Box]
Michael Steinbach
John Glacalone
Randy Coleman
Trisha Anderson📁
Kevin Clinesmith
Tashina Gauhar
Sally Moyer
How do you ensure those prosecuted [non military] would receive an impartial judgement based on the RULE OF LAW?
Think Federal Judge rulings [obstruction] [POTUS’ granted CONSTITUTIONAL authority].
How do you ensure 'appeals' to the U.S. Supreme Court are evaluated impartially > based on the RULE OF LAW?
Think Justice K (5 to 4).
Military Law v Criminal Law
“Enemy Combatant”
How do you navigate around installed BLOCKADE?
[MUELLER] designed to take-in evidence needed to ‘expose’ DS [DOJ block re: Mueller ‘evidence’ ongoing investigation].
[MUELLER] designed to limit POTUS’ ability to maneuver.
[MUELLER] designed to ‘stall-for-time’ until MIDTERM ELECTIONS to TERMINATE all HOUSE / SENATE ongoing investigations.
[MUELLER] designed to ‘safeguard’ D_PARTY_BASE false narrative re: RUSSIA COLLUSION [POTUS CHEATED – EVIL – SKY FALLING] in effort to DIVIDE and MOBILIZE for future protests, riots, threats, violence, FF’s, etc.
[MUELLER] designed to provide FAKE NEWS w/ ammunition to sway public opinion, obstruct foreign + domestic agenda, fuel impeachment/removal, fuel anti-POTUS [DIVISION] [prevent UNITY], etc..
[MUELLER] designed to demonstrate to foreign players that OLD GUARD still pulls strings.
[MUELLER] designed to mobilize D_PARTY for MIDTERM VOTE WIN.
[MUELLER] designed to push D_PARTY backers to DONATE [GOFUNDME – D_PARTY].
[MUELLER] designed as PUBLIC OUTCRY EXCUSE should criminal charges be brought against them [‘we are being ‘politically’ attacked because MUELLER…].
How do you REMOVE installed BLOCKADE?
How do you navigate around installed corrupt [FBI][DOJ]?
Who must authorize firing of FBI/DOJ officials?
Why did McCabe try to take SESSIONS out?📁 What was the SESSIONS SENATE CONF VOTE?
No. 175
Logical thinking v clickbait.

This Drop has incredible value IMO...This is the key. READ IT CLOSELY!!!!

What if only 45 out of 3331 drops actually mattered? This would be one of them.
edit on 6-5-2019 by Sabrechucker because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-5-2019 by Sabrechucker because: edit

edit on 6-5-2019 by Sabrechucker because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2019 @ 10:50 PM
a reply to: Sabrechucker

Thank-you for bringing that list to our attention again! The size of it says there are at least 14 investigative paths being pursued. It may not be an investigation devoted to each person, but investigations tied to specific alleged crimes.

Greg Jarret (Fox News Attorney) said Hillary herself is eligible to be charged with 12 crimes tomorrow, without any further investigation.

posted on May, 6 2019 @ 10:52 PM
a reply to: Sabrechucker

Wow. 14 exactly. Key bad apples for sure. Coincidence or not; time will tell.

Every one of those 14 should be on the hot seat.

posted on May, 6 2019 @ 10:55 PM
a reply to: carewemust

The 14 targets you mentioned are right there in the drop, followed by NXIVM...The key

posted on May, 6 2019 @ 10:57 PM
a reply to: PilSungMtnMan

No coincidences...Future proves past.


posted on May, 6 2019 @ 11:16 PM
After 30 hours of catching up on archiving last 140 pages of this thread, I've just been playing around with some dates, in order to look for alternative Qclock methods....

1) Q's first post was Oct 28th 2017,
666 days later is Aug 25th 2019,
which resolves to 8+25+2+0+1+9 = 45.

Probably just a coincidinky...

2) I was wondering whether we could use the military hours and minutes on a clock, 23:59, to determine the length of the plan in months (hrs) and days (mins). If so then a Q post timestamp could be telling us to look forward (or back) x months, y days and then look at the nth post on that day represented by the seconds to find a link.

The beauty of this is that it would bypass the normal logic of dates because 59 in the mins would make you move forward up to 59 days = 2 months, on top of the months represented in the hours.

Anywho... first task was to check if 23 months 59 days represents a likely end date on the plan:

a) from 1st Q post on Oct 28th 2017,
adding 23 months and 59 days,
finishes on Nov 25th 2019, or 11/25/2019...

b) from Q1441 "Start the clock" on Jun 10th 2018,
adding 23 months and 59 days,
finishes on Jul 7th 2020, or 7/7/20

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