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A Mathematical Analysis of the Star of Bethlehem

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posted on Mar, 11 2019 @ 09:29 PM
When my pet wolverine #s in my cave I rub his face into his stupid behavior so that he learn ! How are religious nutters diffrent ! Religion has caused more mayhem than satan and death himself ! I give zero slack to stupidity ! Though you are trying to be pragmatic types like you who try to ref between reason and science and caveman belief systems are worse than both the sides fighting ! No one is building bombs because of Horus’s story . The news is just bursting with tales of Aseopists or Homerists that are bombing , raping boys and mutilating women ! Grow a pair ! Get off the veggie burgers ! I don’t care their are people of faith just be silent and quiet about it ! I get it you religious types are all waiting for god to return and punish all who disagree ! So why can’t I punish it is what religion teaches through opposition to nature and reason ! Would you suggest not fighting stupidity in our universities ? Or under your logic the thesis and anti thesis don’t need a dialectic , because god or the non belief of god is good enough !!! Your move Sisyphus or keep on aggrandizing your Jesus story !

posted on Mar, 11 2019 @ 09:37 PM
When my pet wolverine #s in my cave I rub his face into his stupid behavior so that he learn ! How are religious nutters diffrent ! Religion has caused more mayhem than satan and death himself ! I give zero slack to stupidity ! Though you are trying to be pragmatic types like you who try to ref between reason and science and caveman belief systems are worse than both the sides fighting ! No one is building bombs because of Horus’s story . The news is just bursting with tales of Aseopists or Homerists that are bombing , raping boys and mutilating women ! Grow a pair ! Get off the veggie burgers ! I don’t care their are people of faith just be silent and quiet about it ! I get it you religious types are all waiting for god to return and punish all who disagree ! So why can’t I punish it is what religion teaches through opposition to nature and reason ! Would you suggest not fighting stupidity in our universities ? Or under your logic the thesis and anti thesis don’t need a dialectic , because god or the non belief of god is good enough !!! Your move Sisyphus or keep on aggrandizing

posted on Mar, 11 2019 @ 09:39 PM
righto chap

posted on Mar, 11 2019 @ 09:51 PM
I’m lmao ! Good one ! Love your name ! Speed of light traveler !

posted on Mar, 11 2019 @ 10:16 PM

originally posted by: SulfurMercurySalt
When my pet wolverine #s in my cave I rub his face into his stupid behavior so that he learn ! How are religious nutters diffrent ! Religion has caused more mayhem than satan and death himself ! I give zero slack to stupidity ! Though you are trying to be pragmatic types like you who try to ref between reason and science and caveman belief systems are worse than both the sides fighting ! No one is building bombs because of Horus’s story . The news is just bursting with tales of Aseopists or Homerists that are bombing , raping boys and mutilating women ! Grow a pair ! Get off the veggie burgers ! I don’t care their are people of faith just be silent and quiet about it ! I get it you religious types are all waiting for god to return and punish all who disagree ! So why can’t I punish it is what religion teaches through opposition to nature and reason ! Would you suggest not fighting stupidity in our universities ? Or under your logic the thesis and anti thesis don’t need a dialectic , because god or the non belief of god is good enough !!! Your move Sisyphus or keep on aggrandizing your Jesus story !

This is a very interesting thread to partake in if you are going to be all lardy dar about people's faith, religion and the bible
Anyway, religion hasn't been as bad as atheistic communism, different to non atheistic communism of course. What a billionish dead?

posted on Mar, 11 2019 @ 11:58 PM
What ? Are you smoking myrrh ? The Bolsheviks ( Jews) toppled the Othodox Christians and issued in communism ! The Jews , Chritians and Muslims have killed more people on earth than every communist country combined or ever will and will keep on going until one of there gods returns to earth and kills all who evers enemy ! Russia and China would be held back in the school of Mayhem taught by the faith driven monsters of the world ! I was Eastern Orthodox for 30 years ! Try again ! My fruit is at the top my friend ! No low hangers for you lol ! Give credit where credit is due ! Beethoven had critics as well see if you can name one ? You can’t !

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 12:11 AM
Forgot to add magic to the equations.

It's like being on those Star Wars and Star Trek fanboy forums where you see people argue about sci-fi movie science using real world science.

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 12:25 AM
Most of Europe is atheist ! That’s all we hear about is European countries in the last 75 years attacking and killing in the name off atheisim ! It’s quite the opposite Europe is being invaded by Muslum hordes that are killing and raping their way right into heaven ! Have you had an adult adjusted Wechsler IQ test ? I’m willing to bet your verbal and non verbal comprehension would reflect your current belief system ! No big deal right ? god gave you free will to be ignorant so rejoice in knowing that history will record your type as “ Slow or Touched in the head “ It’s ok I would protect you from evil with my AR -15 . I ask you just don’t thank god for my courage ! Hermes Trismegistus is my sage ! I would not expect yourself to glean that from my apparent member name ! Intent is my Mother and books and plants are my teachers !! Mineral , Vegtable , Animal and soon machine ( trans humanism ) that will be the end of the big 3 religions and the beginning of their books being sold as myth right alongside of Beowolf ! Please please respond ! These debates may help others to find the narrow path that leads to true enlightenment !

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 12:28 AM
Right on ! Great response !

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 12:52 AM
Stay engaged ! It was was when I tried over and over to prove Hitchens wrong that I started to question my faith ! Dr Joseph Farrell who taught patristics at St Tikons in PA helped me the most ! He WAS a Christian with a doctrine in patristics from Oxford ! (That qualls him as a one of few experts on the formation of the original church and its bible ) Read his book “ Yahwah the Two Faced God “ Then find the only voice you need and that is one that rejects the holy books and their authors ! The mystery of God or the Spirit what ever you want to call it has # to do with religion and only gnosis ! My faith or religion as you will inevitably call it differs in the biggest area of all ! I’m not required to believe any of it and it and it stands in opposition only to the notion that God is better than man ! That which is above is like that which is below ! I’m your smartest friend you have ! I’m a humble narcissist lol good night !! Your ok for a fundy !

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 02:26 AM
a reply to: SulfurMercurySalt

Yeah they did it with guns and violence clever dick.
The Jews were kicked out in the pograms, I weep tears for your ignorance and arrogance, like a ship wrecked on rock and split amidships no hope for helping you and common sense are the sails, lost to the breeze

I am going to need a little more evidence than your word that the billion murdered by communist atheists is lower than those killed by Christianity or maybe even all religions

Eastern Orthodox, so what, means nothing to me, many despots claimed christianity. Never judge a man by his words mind you, the whinging and moaning indicate something

The TMNT had critics but that's irrelevant, so is Beethoven

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 02:41 AM

originally posted by: SulfurMercurySalt
Stay engaged ! It was was when I tried over and over to prove Hitchens wrong that I started to question my faith ! Dr Joseph Farrell who taught patristics at St Tikons in PA helped me the most ! He WAS a Christian with a doctrine in patristics from Oxford ! (That qualls him as a one of few experts on the formation of the original church and its bible ) Read his book “ Yahwah the Two Faced God “ Then find the only voice you need and that is one that rejects the holy books and their authors ! The mystery of God or the Spirit what ever you want to call it has # to do with religion and only gnosis ! My faith or religion as you will inevitably call it differs in the biggest area of all ! I’m not required to believe any of it and it and it stands in opposition only to the notion that God is better than man ! That which is above is like that which is below ! I’m your smartest friend you have ! I’m a humble narcissist lol good night !! Your ok for a fundy !

Stay engaged, what?
With you and your Farrell as if that's relative
Learn something because you have nothing relevant or interesting to offer

Just so bizzare that I should care about what someone you respect thinks, even your opinion is of no value when you act like AOC. Look in the mirror.

And finally why am I required to believe any of "it" as you seem to indicate?
My smartest friend, 😏 already my IQ is lowering as I waste my time with you, nere
edit on 12-3-2019 by Raggedyman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 02:52 AM

originally posted by: DpatC
According to the link below mathematical analysis of the concept of following the star of Bethlehalm clearly demonstrates that whoever wrote the account had no understanding whatsoever of astronomy.

The analysis Takes into account that

∙ It is impossible to look up with sufficient accuracy to bring you within 100 km of the house (α = 1°), and far less 10 km (α = 0.1°);
∙ The speed at which one has to travel to follow the projection of the star on the earth exceeds the speed of sound;
∙ The star would remain above the house in Bethlehem for less than a second;
∙ The time frame during which star could appear above the house in Bethlehem is fractionally small. For Venus this period is 58 seconds every 485 days (±15m from the house);
∙ The chance that the star, the earth and Bethlehem could ever align correctly in space and time is infinitesimally small; and
∙ All of this had to coincide with the birth of Christ,

From the analysis it can be concluded that one can categorically state that the possibility of the Magi having located the birthplace of Christ by following a star is identically zero.

Doesn't the very definition of faith transcend the scientific impossible?

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 02:58 AM
Here is an actual scientific analysis of the star of Bethlehem...
And it’s importance and the fulfillment of prophecy...

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 04:23 AM
Communism according to the consensus has caused 100 million deaths and Starting from the crusades and 22 more religious wars to current there have been 200 million killed solely over religion . Now hang in there my neophyte , because the Old Testament accounts for 15-20 million more ! Then we have the Aztecs who killed 20 - 50 thousand a year ( for Huitzilopochtli ) through out the entire Aztec empire ! You must be freebasing frankincense to think communism killed a billion ! Your entitled to your own opinions , but not your own facts ! Hang in there raggedyman ( boring film) I too was angry once at evil foolish people like me ! I may be ran ashore and bashed on the rocks , but instead of praying for an abusive god to rescue me I rescued myself ! Religion teaches acceptance of misery ! I rely on no gods as they do nothing for man but make him weak . Your turn ! I’m free every day ! You spend much of your time wondering about your salvation and constantly checking your spiritual pulse like a scared rabbit running from the make believe devil ! It’s ok you have been brainwashed with fear through cult tactics ! There is little hope for you to break free , but some confused kid may read this thread and see the cosmic truth of my words and the tribal caveman responses you come up with ! Im serious ! Like Kunulp in Herman Hesse’s book you may serve as a light of how not to live ! Like Nietzsche idiot I run around with a touch during the day light , because god as you know him is dead ! Man you may need a preserver for when you go over the Golden Bough Lol That’s three giant literary refrences sewn together for you ! We are just pulling up to the pool ! I have yet to put a toe in this water ! I’ve debated bishops and bafoons ! They are all the same ! Filled with fear and hypocrisy ! god stays up late wondering if I’m real ! You gots to admit that is funny ! Nite my friend ! I really do like you ! Like a pothole that needs delineation so others don’t blow a tire on the road to find out ( Cat Stevens reference ) Now I’ve aged my self ! Well it’s off to my lab to distillate myself much how Salt works ! Get it lol Ancient Hermetic humor is the best hahahaha I’ll be waiting Sisyphus .....
edit on 12-3-2019 by SulfurMercurySalt because: Spelling

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 04:44 AM
your my kind of people ! I’m always under candlelight reading or arguing with friend or foe ! They d

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 04:57 AM
a reply to: SulfurMercurySalt

You may have to back that information up with a little more than your opinion.
Billion, my mistake silly me.should have been a hundred million, oops

Anyway, get back to me when I am not fighting a wall of text, simple paragraphs help

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 05:07 AM
Yeah exactly Jews who hated the Christians supported the Bolsheviks who took guns and fought Orthodox Christian Russians who had guns and when the Bols won they turned on the Jews ! All over religion ! Do you know you made my point in your statements ? Sorry for being harsh , but if you ask the community you have yet to make any sense ! Or wait a minute are you one of those super genius ( I’m only tested on all panels at 137 IQ ) that acts dumb to draw idiots like myself only to flip the script with a priori fiat opus the likes the world has never seen ! Yeah yeah that’s it that’s it !!!!!!! I’m in a bathtub ! Thats were most people discover things ! Just don’t bathe in Syracuse get it ? More ancient humor ! Lol

edit on 12-3-2019 by SulfurMercurySalt because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 05:10 AM
a reply to: SulfurMercurySalt

Just found this thread, feel free to continue there
This thread is about a star and not death tolls.
The thread linked is relevant and there are some good links, you know links, backed up data
Paragraphs as well

posted on Mar, 12 2019 @ 05:13 AM
I’m empirical in all things !! Just the facts Jack no opinions or assumptions as Occam said razor out all assumptions ! Are you evangelical ?

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