posted on Mar, 11 2019 @ 11:20 AM
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the 'Maji' or Mystics of ancient Babylon/Chaldea/ etc. seen an Astronomy alignment or conjunction of importance... they consulted the Astrologers who
determined that conjunction of Stars-Planets was a 'Sign' that the Mystical, Kaballist Jews predicted would tell the scholars that a Future King of
the Jews is now in the World...
((I think I recall that the constellation Leo is associated with the Tribe of Judah (Lion of Judah) and the 'Sign' was the double conjunction of
Saturn with the Star Regulus and maybe also Jupiter is in the mix...))that is the Astronomy side of the Star/Sign the Astrology interpretation is the
Star Regulus or whatever and the 'traveling star: Saturn aka the King sign in Astrology... the 9 month to 18 month travel time from first sighting the
Star to the Maji arrival was not all accomplished with the
Star shining in the night sky the whole time...the momentary conjunction
alerted the Maji to start their pilgrimage to see the future King of the Jews...see:
that is why the Maji went to Provincial Governor Herod, then to consult with the learned men, scholars. Astrologers in Herod's administration of Judea
& Jerusalem to seek affirmation from Jewish Mystics with knowledge of prophecy, Torah & other mystical scriptures & that's how they found out about
the small village of Bethlehem in Judea
I think the Maji seen the 'Star''Sign''Conjunction' in about May of ~4 BC then traveled to Herod and then to Bethlehem by September of 3 BC where the
Maji gifted Joseph & family the valuable items that would sustain their flight-to-safety from Herod for a time period of years
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