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Taco Bell Offers White Customer $20 Gift Card After Beating By Black Employees

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posted on Mar, 6 2019 @ 04:47 PM
a reply to: Blaine91555

I only stated that Taco Bell only hired them probably either knowing or not knowing they had a criminal record. And i am not suggesting that everyone working at Taco Ball are violent thugs.

posted on Mar, 6 2019 @ 04:48 PM
a reply to: Blaine91555

Thugs covering for thugs covering for thugs covering for thugs.

Either taco bell turned the group into police and the police had a good laugh or taco bell never turned them in. If they did not contact the police and report the crime then they are criminals themselves. There is no valid reason the people are not in jail or the victim was not contacted by police if there was a video.

posted on Mar, 6 2019 @ 04:48 PM
a reply to: Blaine91555

I’m kind of wondering if they tried to trick him with the $20 gift card.

If he accepted a monetary sum then signed a paper without reading it closely.

He might’ve been signing a settlement release .

I’ve heard that airlines do something similar after airplane crashes .

Lawyers will approach the relatives while they’re still grieving. Then they will lowball them with the settlement number.

We’ve got a saying for tactics like that around here .

“ never sign nothing by neon light “
edit on 6-3-2019 by Fallingdown because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2019 @ 04:57 PM
a reply to: UncleTomahawk

Philadelphia Police say they are investigating not only this incident, but a second fight between a delivery person and Taco Bell employees at the same location, about the same time, just days later on March 3.

You think this case would be high priority in that city? The story is still ongoing and the police are doing their jobs.

People don't go to jail for a street fight until after they are tried and sentenced and even then it's likely probation.

He should sue the thugs don't you think? He'll have the names if he does not have them now.

What do you suppose would happen if Taco Bell gave him the names and he went to their houses and killed them?

I don't know about you, but at this point I don't even know why they followed him out the door. For all we know right now he hit one of them and ran. That story gives very little information and it's all one sided.

posted on Mar, 6 2019 @ 05:01 PM
Philadelphia The city of brotherly love. They beat the sh!t out of you and give twenty bucks. I’m glad I live in free Tennessee.

posted on Mar, 6 2019 @ 05:02 PM
The guy contacted police and they told him he could not press charges unless he knew the names. Taco bell would not give him the names. It went on for a week and the police and taco bell could not charge the perps but taco bell had enough evidence to fire the perps.

In most cases the police would have been called and they would have arrested the perps either that nite or when the managers found out what happened.

posted on Mar, 6 2019 @ 05:07 PM
a reply to: Fallingdown

I'd imagine they give that gift certificate to most anyone who complains about anything at all. I suspect they had an angry person on the phone and followed policy to try and calm it down with a gift, even though they had no idea who he was or if it was a scam at that time.

I'd imagine the police had the names quickly. What's in that article is one sided and very incomplete.

If people are expecting the police and courts in a city that size to act immediately, that's irrational. Still people think if it does not happen right now, this second something is wrong when it's not. I feel for the police having to deal with something as minor as a fight in the streets in a public way. They probably have to decide do we spend our time on a backlog of murder cases or drop what we are doing to placate the victim of fist fight in the street. As I mentioned, we don't really know how this started.

posted on Mar, 6 2019 @ 05:08 PM

originally posted by: Blaine91555
a reply to: UncleTomahawk

Philadelphia Police say they are investigating not only this incident, but a second fight between a delivery person and Taco Bell employees at the same location, about the same time, just days later on March 3.

You think this case would be high priority in that city? The story is still ongoing and the police are doing their jobs.

People don't go to jail for a street fight until after they are tried and sentenced and even then it's likely probation.

He should sue the thugs don't you think? He'll have the names if he does not have them now.

What do you suppose would happen if Taco Bell gave him the names and he went to their houses and killed them?

I don't know about you, but at this point I don't even know why they followed him out the door. For all we know right now he hit one of them and ran. That story gives very little information and it's all one sided.

A week later is not the same time at all and if taco bell would have reported it in the first place then maybe the second person would not have been abused. That is why police usually get on top of these events quickly. You know to prevent crime.

If taco bell were not comfortable with giving rambo the names of the perps then they should have just called the police right then when he was present or on the phone.

If rambo hit one of them and ran then he would have been quickly arrested because such would be on film.

People do not go to jail after they beat the crap out of someone....Yes they most often do and they can be held for up to 3 days before being charged.

posted on Mar, 6 2019 @ 05:09 PM
Comments on the youtube is pure disgusting.

yeah whites are dying out karma mofo;

posted on Mar, 6 2019 @ 05:10 PM
a reply to: UncleTomahawk

Is there an article somewhere with a statement from the police? I'd like to hear their version instead of just the victims version of the story.

Any video's of it starting inside? There must be some.

posted on Mar, 6 2019 @ 05:13 PM
a reply to: UncleTomahawk

You may have a point. I don't know having only one side. We need more information, but I suspect we won't know that while the investigation is ongoing.

posted on Mar, 6 2019 @ 05:16 PM

originally posted by: Blaine91555
a reply to: UncleTomahawk

Is there an article somewhere with a statement from the police? I'd like to hear their version instead of just the victims version of the story.

Any video's of it starting inside? There must be some.

As far as i can tell not yet. I imagine it will be around in the morning. I agree with you that there is still another side of the story we will get from police but they are going to have a serious time explaining why they let the group go run wild for a week or if they were too busy to even call taco bell when the guy reported the beat down to them instead of giving him the cold shoulder if they did.

Perhaps the police were not aware and had no chance to pursue the perps but then in that case taco bell has a lot of splaining to do and are criminally liable.

Many unanswered questions all pointing to either the police or taco bell dropping the ball since the guy was forced to post a video to get action.

posted on Mar, 6 2019 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: Blaine91555

Yeah I was just looking at lawyers tactics. Most of them are greasy bunch . ( if I offended a lawyer here I said most not all )

Taco Bell is liable if someone is beat up on their lot especially if security isn’t deemed adequate.

I guess in a case involving employees it will be a lot more as costly to them .

posted on Mar, 6 2019 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: r0xor

best one is fries, those take 3 minutes and we all know fresh fries are worth the wait because they get soggy quick or are over-fried into little stabby crunchies like Mcdonalds.

Depending on the size of the cut of the chip, the temperature of the oil, there is no way a chip/fry takes only 3 minutes unless its those matchstick sized mini straws. A good chip takes at least 6-7 minute at the right temp. They get soggy because they were cooked in cold oil. Then under a heat lamp/warmer they dry out.

A chicken tender will cook even quicker than a chip depending on its composition. Its the additives and extenders like breadcrumbs that'll cook them quicker than a chip.

Dont believe me - look it up

posted on Mar, 6 2019 @ 05:20 PM

He reported what happened days later to police after he says he wasn’t getting anywhere with Taco Bell corporate. They had offered him only a $20 gift card.

He shared cell phone video of the attack on Tuesday because he says he wasn’t getting anywhere with police either.

“Right now we’re in the fact gathering phase and we want to make sure we get all the facts and get them accurately," said Philadelphia Police Captain Sekou Kinebrew. “We’re still trying to untangle this and put all the puzzle pieces together.”

So he did not report it to the police until a few days later.

Like I said. Imagine if Taco Bell gave him the names and he went vigilante. Then Taco Bell really would be guilty of something wrong instead of their employees.

posted on Mar, 6 2019 @ 05:22 PM
a reply to: AtlasHawk

Do tell - your source of "intelligence gathering"?

posted on Mar, 6 2019 @ 05:24 PM

originally posted by: Blaine91555
a reply to: UncleTomahawk

Is there an article somewhere with a statement from the police? I'd like to hear their version instead of just the victims version of the story.

Any video's of it starting inside? There must be some.

Of course i am sure the Employees would just probably say they used slurs to start the fight? i would rather tend to believe the victims in this case at least.

I am more curious why aren't you believing on the side of the victims version?

edit on 6-3-2019 by AtlasHawk because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2019 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to: AtlasHawk

I'm not disbelieving it. I'm admitting I don't have enough information to judge either way. Others are assuming his story is the only one.

I'm also not trying to blame Taco Bell because evil corporation. Taco Bell did nothing to anyone. Taco Bell would have been stupid to give the guy it's employees names. No company would do that for obvious reasons.

The question of why did they follow him outside is not answered, nor is there a video in the articles showing what happened inside. I'd like to know before judging.

posted on Mar, 6 2019 @ 05:33 PM
You can get a lot of tacos for $20, just saying.

posted on Mar, 6 2019 @ 05:45 PM
I live 2 blocks north of Detroit. I have to go 10 miles north out of the city to get fast food. I won't buy it around here. I've had enough bad experiences so have my family and friends.

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