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Democrats Investigate Trumps Family - Looking For a Crime - This is NOT LEGAL in the USA!.

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posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 06:09 PM

originally posted by: More1ThanAny1

originally posted by: chr0naut
Muellers efforts have resulted in multiple convictions.

There it is folks. This is the exact result they expected to be returned by their methods. The result of political manipulation and media programming.

None of the convictions are related to election interference, however, because the unrelated white collar crimes they did find were discovered while "investigating election interference" people such as yourself can just regurgitate exactly what you just did and still remain irrelevant on the inside (where nobody cares) but factual on the surface (the only thing the dumb and lazy public care about).

Misuse of campaign funds, payments to foreign nationals to influence the election (Cambridge Analytica, foreign hackers, Internet troll farms, Wikileaks and foreign intelligence groups), "under the table" money for lobbyist groups, attempts to defraud the US government and it agencies. All of these relate directly to attempts to influence the outcome of the 2016 elections. Then there were indictments & convictions related to fraud and lying to the investigators, as well.

Remember all those?

originally posted by: chr0naut
Muellers investigation has uncovered millions more in tax fraud alone, than it has cost. His investigation, while not complete has been an unmitigated success.

How can you say that with a straight face?

Yes, the Mueller investigation is costly. But the millions seized from Manafort have it on track to break even - USA Today

That is like saying a homicide investigation which should be finding a murderer (but hasn't yet) is an unmitigated success because they found some friends and family of the main suspect lied on their taxes.

Unmitigated success is a hilariously false statement.

37 indictments. More money recovered than it has cost. Yeah, a real failure.

originally posted by: chr0naut
During Muellers investigation, there have been several allegations raised against Trump himself on a number of grounds. These allegations warrant further investigation and considering the judicial and fiscal success of Mueller's efforts to date, are also likely to have similar value to the American people.

Oh I see what you did there... fiscal success. That is how you will cop out from replying to my last statement. As if we care about fiscal success and not actual success.

They set out to bag the bad guys. They have. They are still going. = success.

To top it all off, they have paid for themselves.

Allegations are not equivalent to evidence. Investigations should only be started if there is evidence of a crime.

They don't convict people on hearsay. There have been multiple convictions, on real evidenced crimes.

There is evidence of Trump trying to obstruct the course of justice. Some on public record.

Investigations gather evidence. Jurisprudence evaluates and convicts based upon that evidence. You cannot be convicted without evidence but you can be investigated. All it takes is a reasonable suspicion that a crime has been committed.

posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 06:12 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Define cognizable.
I will wait.......

Define wilfully.
Again i will wait......

Your speculation is suspect at best.
Good luck with that.

Again nice try.
Bad orange man is smarter than you.

posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 06:16 PM
Democrats need this. They have staked their entire 2020 campaign on finding Trump guilty of SOMETHING!

They're ready to throw Grand Inquisitor Mueller under the bus because, despite being an excellent witch-hunter, Trump passed the heretical tests to prove his innocence, when his guilt was what needed to be determined.

I expect the shrill bleating of the left to grow even more shrill and frantic as the days and weeks and months continue.

posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 06:18 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

They got prcess crimes and indicted Ruskies that will never appear in yhe usa.


posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 06:19 PM
They’re done, this is nothing more than yet another nail in the coffin for the dems.

How secure do they need that coffin lid?

posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 06:22 PM

originally posted by: shooterbrody
a reply to: chr0naut

Define cognizable.
I will wait.......

Define wilfully.
Again i will wait......

Your speculation is suspect at best.
Good luck with that.

Again nice try.
Bad orange man is smarter than you.

Get a dictionary and do it yourself, if you are capable.

Are you suggesting that Trump is "like - a smart person"?

posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

No the laws you sited depend on those terms, and do not work the way you posted.
Agan not surprising.

posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 06:27 PM

originally posted by: WeRpeons
a reply to: carewemust

Trump made his children part of his business, election campaign, and his administration. So why wouldn't they be investigated if there's documentation and/or witnesses that tie them to illegal campaign dealings or improper government confirmations? You Trumpster's whine about everything, but if Trump is so clean and honest, why should you even worry about it?? The truth will always comes out in the end!

Let's face it, if this was a liberal president you would be salivating at the mouth to get justice, and rightly so. Ignoring Trump's corrupt business practices, current indictments and guilty pleas surrounding his campaign and the Russian Investigation, doesn't mean his family is off limits.

You are either incredibly stupid or incredibly dishonest.

So it's fine to just start investigations to hopefully find crimes huh? So you would be perfectly fine if someone opened an investigation on you, tried to smear you in the press repeatedly because they hate you, not because their is proof you ever did anything wrong. BS!

I am not ok about this being done to anyone. If you really are you are a pathetic individual.

posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 06:27 PM

originally posted by: WeRpeons
a reply to: carewemust

Trump made his children part of his business, election campaign, and his administration. So why wouldn't they be investigated if there's documentation and/or witnesses that tie them to illegal campaign dealings or improper government confirmations? You Trumpster's whine about everything, but if Trump is so clean and honest, why should you even worry about it?? The truth will always comes out in the end!

Let's face it, if this was a liberal president you would be salivating at the mouth to get justice, and rightly so. Ignoring Trump's corrupt business practices, current indictments and guilty pleas surrounding his campaign and the Russian Investigation, doesn't mean his family is off limits.

You are either incredibly stupid or incredibly dishonest.

So it's fine to just start investigations to hopefully find crimes huh? So you would be perfectly fine if someone opened an investigation on you, tried to smear you in the press repeatedly because they hate you, not because their is proof you ever did anything wrong. BS!

I am not ok about this being done to anyone. If you really are you are a pathetic individual.

posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 06:39 PM
Typical socialist traitors at work.

I think it is time for them to leave this country, it doesn't belong to them and they aren't wanted here.

Whether they do it on their own accord or by "popular demand" or however does not matter one iota to me.

They've ruined enough. It will already take at least 20-30 years to sort out this mess, and God knows how long to put protections in place (like balanced budget, privatizing all government, etc) to prevent these atrocious and blatant acts of tyranny, these crimes against humanity itself, from ever disgracing this formerly great nation or its formerly sterling legal system again.

Whatever vote or say in the matter I have says this: "Get out, you aren't welcome here any longer" And let the rest fall into place. The end result 100% justifies and fully excuses the means. Again, in my opinion.

Hope to see someone, actually a lot of someones, run them out of town so to speak.
edit on 3/4/2019 by JBurns because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 06:42 PM
I had a business many years ago and a bad customer sued me in court without any legitimate cause, and I counter sued for "Malicious prosecution" and won the suit without any effort or much expense.. Had to pay a lawyer though. Collecting fees and court costs takes more BS though.

That is what the dems are doing to Trump plain and simple. Malicious prosecution.

posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 07:09 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

More than 2 years on, the deranged cult still can’t get over how Trump beat the most “qualified” and the most “experienced” candidate they could muster up....pretty much tried to rig the entire thing AND they still lost.
The Dems are not a very sharp bunch, as most people that are not Dems know.
You clowns are settings yourselves up for losing again in 2020 and beyond, if you don’t fix your dumpster fire.

posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 07:22 PM

originally posted by: RazorV66
a reply to: chr0naut

More than 2 years on, the deranged cult still can’t get over how Trump beat the most “qualified” and the most “experienced” candidate they could muster up....pretty much tried to rig the entire thing AND they still lost.
The Dems are not a very sharp bunch, as most people that are not Dems know.
You clowns are settings yourselves up for losing again in 2020 and beyond, if you don’t fix your dumpster fire.

I am not associated with the Democratic Party.

posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 07:47 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: RazorV66
a reply to: chr0naut

More than 2 years on, the deranged cult still can’t get over how Trump beat the most “qualified” and the most “experienced” candidate they could muster up....pretty much tried to rig the entire thing AND they still lost.
The Dems are not a very sharp bunch, as most people that are not Dems know.
You clowns are settings yourselves up for losing again in 2020 and beyond, if you don’t fix your dumpster fire.

I am not associated with the Democratic Party.

I am not saying that you personally work for the Dems.
I am saying that the party you support is going to implode if they don’t fix the issues that they have that caused Trump to win the election.
I have voted Democrat in the past and I possibly would again in the future....IF they would trot out a viable candidate that puts America first, like Trump is trying to do.
Right now all you guys have is the “Trump is bad” platform, which doesn’t cut it.

posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 07:50 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Yes, and they all lead back to the Podesta group. Michael Cohen is linked now through Lanny Davis who is also linked back to Podesta.

The email 'hack'. Russians. Look up who Manafort, Flynn and Cohen have all worked for in the past or are related too. Russians.

Long time looking at this

The end game will not be nice for these guys. At all.

posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 07:54 PM

originally posted by: RazorV66

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: RazorV66
a reply to: chr0naut

More than 2 years on, the deranged cult still can’t get over how Trump beat the most “qualified” and the most “experienced” candidate they could muster up....pretty much tried to rig the entire thing AND they still lost.
The Dems are not a very sharp bunch, as most people that are not Dems know.
You clowns are settings yourselves up for losing again in 2020 and beyond, if you don’t fix your dumpster fire.

I am not associated with the Democratic Party.

I am not saying that you personally work for the Dems.
I am saying that the party you support is going to implode if they don’t fix the issues that they have that caused Trump to win the election.
I have voted Democrat in the past and I possibly would again in the future....IF they would trot out a viable candidate that puts America first, like Trump is trying to do.
Right now all you guys have is the “Trump is bad” platform, which doesn’t cut it.

I don't support the Democratic Party, either.

They actually don't exist in my country.

posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 07:59 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
Trump warned House Democrats that "things" will get released if they do this.

Watch out !! 😎

Why not release things now..sounds kinda shady not to.

posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 08:09 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: RazorV66

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: RazorV66
a reply to: chr0naut

More than 2 years on, the deranged cult still can’t get over how Trump beat the most “qualified” and the most “experienced” candidate they could muster up....pretty much tried to rig the entire thing AND they still lost.
The Dems are not a very sharp bunch, as most people that are not Dems know.
You clowns are settings yourselves up for losing again in 2020 and beyond, if you don’t fix your dumpster fire.

I am not associated with the Democratic Party.

I am not saying that you personally work for the Dems.
I am saying that the party you support is going to implode if they don’t fix the issues that they have that caused Trump to win the election.
I have voted Democrat in the past and I possibly would again in the future....IF they would trot out a viable candidate that puts America first, like Trump is trying to do.
Right now all you guys have is the “Trump is bad” platform, which doesn’t cut it.

I don't support the Democratic Party, either.

They actually don't exist in my country.

Lol for the rabid anti-Trumper that you are, I thought for sure you were here in the USA with Trump living in your head 24/7.
That makes it even sadder that you are not a US citizen.

posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 08:15 PM

originally posted by: RazorV66

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: RazorV66

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: RazorV66
a reply to: chr0naut

More than 2 years on, the deranged cult still can’t get over how Trump beat the most “qualified” and the most “experienced” candidate they could muster up....pretty much tried to rig the entire thing AND they still lost.
The Dems are not a very sharp bunch, as most people that are not Dems know.
You clowns are settings yourselves up for losing again in 2020 and beyond, if you don’t fix your dumpster fire.

I am not associated with the Democratic Party.

I am not saying that you personally work for the Dems.
I am saying that the party you support is going to implode if they don’t fix the issues that they have that caused Trump to win the election.
I have voted Democrat in the past and I possibly would again in the future....IF they would trot out a viable candidate that puts America first, like Trump is trying to do.
Right now all you guys have is the “Trump is bad” platform, which doesn’t cut it.

I don't support the Democratic Party, either.

They actually don't exist in my country.

Lol for the rabid anti-Trumper that you are, I thought for sure you were here in the USA with Trump living in your head 24/7.
That makes it even sadder that you are not a US citizen.

I'm not entirely anti-Trump.

He withdrew troops from overseas, where they should not have been in the first place.

and Trump isn't living in my head. He lives in your country.

My country of residence and my country of citizenship are both rated in the 10 happiest countries in the world (UN World Happiness Report 2018). The US is further down (18th on the list), so, I'm, you know, happy I'm not a US citizen.

edit on 4/3/2019 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2019 @ 08:28 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: carewemust

If Trump has not obstructed justice, then he has nothing to fear.

Exactly. If he's innocent, all the conservatives should be grateful Dems are putting so much time and energy into this. It keeps them from other progressive projects. And the fruits of their labor would be, Ta-Da! Trump's innocence.

If he's not innocent, then we should all be thankful our dirty govt is still clean enough to pursue it.

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