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Beyond Bigelow & BAASS, After AATIP and on To the Stars...

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posted on Nov, 15 2019 @ 02:55 PM
a reply to: mirageman

Greenwald did the same thing. He wouldn’t even get his own questions out and let her ramble on interminably.
She should change her name to rambling rose.

Unfortunately people are too polite and don't press for answers in this field amd Jimmy just let her ramble and never pursued the point.

Probably they want to not challenge these folks since they have a small guess base.

posted on Nov, 15 2019 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: mirageman

Mate great post and I was laughing out loud whilst reading it - people don't press for answers in any field these days ..but who are they all working for?

posted on Nov, 15 2019 @ 08:41 PM
Ancient Aliens tonight had an episode which included the incident about the march on area 51.

The kid who started it was visited by the FBI and turned into a punk and begged folks not to go and said it was just a joke and he’s very sorry. He started an alternative concert called Alien stock that nobody gave a damn about.

Apparently two over-enthusiastic young guys from the Netherlands did their own invasion, got caught, jailed, and sentenced to a year in jail!

Then the government threatened on Twitter to bomb the marchers if they dared to try to invade area 51.

Apparently, folks got the message the government wasn’t playing around.

So, the march turned into a 100-man fiasco.

People have to understand, you want some disclosure deal with a FAKE disclosure group like TTSA.

Interestingly, we hear little from TTSA about area 51.

This also makes me think, perhaps the creation of TTSA is a sop to the disclosure movement, sort of to pacify it.

This incident about the march on area 51 from this AA episode tells us one thing for sure. The government isn’t playing around about any REAL disclosure.

posted on Nov, 16 2019 @ 01:21 AM
a reply to: zazzafrazz

...thing is...... when you circle back on the Mellon is a Master of the Universe/Justice is technology gatekeeper becomes very hard to believe because it is so obvious.

No one in their right mind would try to obfuscate the source of a secret technology using Aliens as a cover story when you have LM/MIC dudes sat right in the middle of your disinfo opp.....right? RIGHT?

It's pretty much the same for the Navy Patent...surely you dont pitch Chinese intel a slow underarm when they are used to receiving fastballs?

In a bid to resolve I keep thinking back to previous discussions on ATS where one of the questions was along the lines of :

How would they ever release a secret technology that has likely been used as special privilege "NWO" Mini Van - when doing so also reveals several decades of none utilisation in matters that have almost certainly cost lives?

The answer is: No one knows because it has never really happened before....

Many strange- ostensibly nonsensical movements would need to occur to facilitate acceptance and given some of the shapes credible organisations and people have been pulling of late - it's certainly still an option.

posted on Nov, 16 2019 @ 03:37 AM
New Chris Mark interview is up.

posted on Nov, 16 2019 @ 05:37 AM
a reply to: karl 12

Its an interesting interview... Worth a listen

posted on Nov, 16 2019 @ 07:17 AM

originally posted by: karl 12
a reply to: mirageman

Mate great post and I was laughing out loud whilst reading it - people don't press for answers in any field these days ..but who are they all working for?

Like Willtell said. The paranormal radio and podcast industry has so much airtime to fill. With a limited amount of guests. It's also very incestuous. If you embarrass and expose liars like Linda then the whole thing starts to collapse. Jobs are at risk and economic collapse would follow!!!

I don't think it's a case of literally having some alphabet soup agency recruiting people such as Lady Linda with a job title like "BS Dissmenation Officer". It's more subtle than that and a tried and tested formula. The Bill Moore scenario. You get approached by "information warfare agents" (I think Linda would call them "a scientist") and offered a story maybe even documents or photos. But you don't know what's real and what isn't. What you choose to provide in your entertainment products is up to you. Let's face it her career as a serious journalist ended way back in the days when Michael Jackson was still a black man. So she hasn't really had much else to work with since 1980.

In fairness Jimmy Church, right, Jimmy man...right...He is the man...Anyway he's almost as bad the way he promoted Shillcox and the Blue Chicken Cult for so long. Most of these people are in it for the money and the modicum of fame.

Because none of them have solved a thing have they?

posted on Nov, 16 2019 @ 07:59 AM
a reply to: karl 12

Yep the guy in the interview Chris Marx is claiming that his time on the ranch as a security guard was actually really an attempt to use him (and colleagues in the same role) as a lab rat. They had to agree to medical tests including MRI scans or they didn't get the job.

The insinuation being that Skinwalker Ranch is/was actually somewhere where esoteric weapons were being tested. As we've mentioned much earlier in this and the previous threads. Some of which links back to the 38 DIRD papers commissioned by BAASS as part of AAWSAP.

We know BAASS was also using the ranch as a "living laboratory" (see page 1 of the thread)....

But there's another link to the whole BAASS-Skinwalker-TTSA story.

Who was the guy in charge of operations at BAASS just before they were awarded the AAWSAP contract?

This guy :

Douglas Kurth

Program Manager
Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies

Dec 2007 – Jun 2013 5 years 7 months

Las Vegas, Nevada

• Program Lead – novel and emerging space technologies targeting operational employment in 2040
• Directed and managed a team of 40 scientists, engineers, analysts, and researchers
• Business Development – initiated, developed, and directed critical collaborative contracts
• Tasked with international marketing of Bigelow Aerospace private space station
• Technical expert in advanced aerospace concepts and aerodynamics

Coincidentally he was also somewhere in November 2004 as well.....

At the same time FASTEAGLE flight was wrapping up its scheduled training, the CO of Marine Hornet squadron VMFA-232, Lieutenant Colonel “Cheeks” Kurth, was completing a post-maintenance check flight not too far away. He was the first fast-mover contacted by Princeton. The communication was strange and intriguing. He was asked to investigate an unidentified airborne contact.

Fightersweep 2015

Anyone seeing the connections here?

It's the people the media don't speak to or seek to interview who seem to be the ones who could answer the real questions.

edit on 16/11/2019 by mirageman because: ...

posted on Nov, 16 2019 @ 08:51 AM

originally posted by: Jukiodone
a reply to: zazzafrazz

...thing is...... when you circle back on the Mellon is a Master of the Universe/Justice is technology gatekeeper becomes very hard to believe because it is so obvious.

No one in their right mind would try to obfuscate the source of a secret technology using Aliens as a cover story when you have LM/MIC dudes sat right in the middle of your disinfo opp.....right? RIGHT?

It's pretty much the same for the Navy Patent...surely you dont pitch Chinese intel a slow underarm when they are used to receiving fastballs?

In a bid to resolve I keep thinking back to previous discussions on ATS where one of the questions was along the lines of :

How would they ever release a secret technology that has likely been used as special privilege "NWO" Mini Van - when doing so also reveals several decades of none utilisation in matters that have almost certainly cost lives?

The answer is: No one knows because it has never really happened before....

Many strange- ostensibly nonsensical movements would need to occur to facilitate acceptance and given some of the shapes credible organisations and people have been pulling of late - it's certainly still an option.

posted on Nov, 16 2019 @ 08:55 AM

originally posted by: mirageman
a reply to: karl 12

Yep the guy in the interview Chris Marx is claiming that his time on the ranch as a security guard was actually really an attempt to use him (and colleagues in the same role) as a lab rat. They had to agree to medical tests including MRI scans or they didn't get the job.

The insinuation being that Skinwalker Ranch is/was actually somewhere where esoteric weapons were being tested. As we've mentioned much earlier in this and the previous threads. Some of which links back to the 38 DIRD papers commissioned by BAASS as part of AAWSAP.

We know BAASS was also using the ranch as a "living laboratory" (see page 1 of the thread)....

But there's another link to the whole BAASS-Skinwalker-TTSA story.

Who was the guy in charge of operations at BAASS just before they were awarded the AAWSAP contract?

This guy :

Douglas Kurth

Program Manager
Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies

Dec 2007 – Jun 2013 5 years 7 months

Las Vegas, Nevada

• Program Lead – novel and emerging space technologies targeting operational employment in 2040
• Directed and managed a team of 40 scientists, engineers, analysts, and researchers
• Business Development – initiated, developed, and directed critical collaborative contracts
• Tasked with international marketing of Bigelow Aerospace private space station
• Technical expert in advanced aerospace concepts and aerodynamics

Coincidentally he was also somewhere in November 2004 as well.....

At the same time FASTEAGLE flight was wrapping up its scheduled training, the CO of Marine Hornet squadron VMFA-232, Lieutenant Colonel “Cheeks” Kurth, was completing a post-maintenance check flight not too far away. He was the first fast-mover contacted by Princeton. The communication was strange and intriguing. He was asked to investigate an unidentified airborne contact.

Fightersweep 2015

Anyone seeing the connections here?

It's the people the media don't speak to or seek to interview who seem to be the ones who could answer the real questions.

Excellent research MM!!
edit on 16-11-2019 by celltypespecific because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2019 @ 11:43 AM
One thing for sure, the average ufologist for the exception of the big-name folks don’t make much money. And even they aren’t making the long cash.

There are wannabees who may write a couple of books and you have to think hundreds or thousands of dollars in royalties, never millions. The only exception is probably Whitley Strieber, though he was a very successful writer before he got what he claims is abducted.

Strieber is the guy who ufo lore says in a NY city bookstore some aliens were browsing around and came upon his famous abduction book and started laughing and mocking it. Lovely story.

Point is, the government might be for whatever reason propping up ufology, of course on their own terms; the area 51 march illustrates.

The new thing is hooking up ufology with advanced technology, TTSA’s forte, and these scientific guys all of a sudden getting interested. That’s the new paradigm.

What we have to understand, and I’ve always tried to emphasis in the thread, is that anyone from the government messing around here should be watched closely and never trusted...They’ve been trained to manipulate, prevaricate, lie, deceive, and their only allegiance is to the US government.

At this point, what all this means to me, and what most of the evidence indicates is that the government has usurped the ufology story for one main reason: to prop itself up. It's trying to steal the ufo glamour.

edit on 16-11-2019 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2019 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: Jukiodone

..thing is...... when you circle back on the Mellon is a Master of the Universe/Justice is technology gatekeeper becomes very hard to believe because it is so obvious.

Never claimed he was a MotU, though he probably has sketelor toy doll in his private collection. I am asking:
Why is a multi multi billionaire who had a lifetime of 'appointed' secretive extremely high positions in defense/government somehow now at the helm of 'public' disclosure?
Fact, he worked with the other MotU billionaire senator Rockefella.
Fact, he has his name on the wall of one of the most prestigious tech research institutes for hire facilities in the country.

One Matel MotU toy doll would be kinda weird, but two of them? There's math in that.
I don't know about NWO it's never been my thing, but you have at least two of the old "NWO Banker' lead cast involved in UFO ' threat disclosure' and there aren't that many of them to start with...something that makes you go hmmm surely?
Too obvious you say? Well they have recently proven they aren't very good when operating out in the open.
Justice I didn't mention.

No one in their right mind would try to obfuscate the source of a secret technology using Aliens as a cover story when you have LM/MIC dudes sat right in the middle of your disinfo opp.....right? RIGHT?

You would think no one right! Yet look at how many people are falling all over every thing they say?
Mate as per my verbose posts

If it's anything it ISN'T alien tech. The alien threat thing is weird and I think they thought we are as stupid as they are. But it's an unprovable threat and that makes a good boogieman right?
I don't know what the slag like material is, but seeings the army wants to pay attention and take it in-house, I started to pay attention also when I heard it went through the Bankers research university a few years earlier. Why does the army get it and not the public Carnegie-Melon institute, surely they could give him a solid mates rate discount too? I don't think it's part of the 'threat disclosure 'thing. My only thought, which very likely could be wrong is:

If providence of where the material came from can be proved that it's from the 40s NM 'crash sites' then I'm assuming it's part of the old dirty experiment days where Nazi scientists where working at Whitesands. None of the 'ufo crash sites' that circle perfectly whitesands in 47 are because of UFOs but were because of army and Paperclip scientific testing on rocketry, cloaking and anti grav.
I can understand why they want that piece back in house if it is an artifact from that era.
That era was just a year after losing men and women to Nazi's in a slaughter house war, yes it was more favourable to go along with 'flying saucers' than it would have been to say we are blowing up bits and probably more military personnel under the lead of Nazi scientists completing Nazi science that you The American People all told us you were against in December 46.
So no aliens k? But they were a better story than saying Nazi's will win us the space race back in the day and they double as a damn fine unprovable fear factor.

It's pretty much the same for the Navy Patent...surely you dont pitch Chinese intel a slow underarm when they are used to receiving fastballs?

The Navy patents are paint a Monet by Numbers colouring book for your Chinese exchange student.

Many strange- ostensibly nonsensical movements would need to occur to facilitate acceptance and given some of the shapes credible organizations and people have been pulling of late - it's certainly still an option.

The only thing the current UFO disclosure cabal leaders in Vegas and San Diego should be joint venture partners in ....playing the clowns they hire for the CIA Christmas Party.

edit on 16-11-2019 by zazzafrazz because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2019 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: mirageman

Anyone seeing the connections here?

Oh gee I don't see the connection here, be a dear a spell it out

You da man MM
edit on 16-11-2019 by zazzafrazz because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2019 @ 11:52 AM

originally posted by: mirageman
a reply to: karl 12

Yep the guy in the interview Chris Marx is claiming that his time on the ranch as a security guard was actually really an attempt to use him (and colleagues in the same role) as a lab rat. They had to agree to medical tests including MRI scans or they didn't get the job.

The insinuation being that Skinwalker Ranch is/was actually somewhere where esoteric weapons were being tested. As we've mentioned much earlier in this and the previous threads. Some of which links back to the 38 DIRD papers commissioned by BAASS as part of AAWSAP.

We know BAASS was also using the ranch as a "living laboratory" (see page 1 of the thread)....

But there's another link to the whole BAASS-Skinwalker-TTSA story.

Who was the guy in charge of operations at BAASS just before they were awarded the AAWSAP contract?

This guy :

Douglas Kurth

Program Manager
Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies

Dec 2007 – Jun 2013 5 years 7 months

Las Vegas, Nevada

• Program Lead – novel and emerging space technologies targeting operational employment in 2040
• Directed and managed a team of 40 scientists, engineers, analysts, and researchers
• Business Development – initiated, developed, and directed critical collaborative contracts
• Tasked with international marketing of Bigelow Aerospace private space station
• Technical expert in advanced aerospace concepts and aerodynamics

Coincidentally he was also somewhere in November 2004 as well.....

At the same time FASTEAGLE flight was wrapping up its scheduled training, the CO of Marine Hornet squadron VMFA-232, Lieutenant Colonel “Cheeks” Kurth, was completing a post-maintenance check flight not too far away. He was the first fast-mover contacted by Princeton. The communication was strange and intriguing. He was asked to investigate an unidentified airborne contact.

Fightersweep 2015

Anyone seeing the connections here?

It's the people the media don't speak to or seek to interview who seem to be the ones who could answer the real questions.

I think at the same time Kit Green was the board chairman. I might be wrong Green may have left.

What are you trying to connect? Bigelow with military intentions?

posted on Nov, 16 2019 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: Willtell

Coincidentally he was also somewhere in November 2004 as well.

Coinky Dinks abound.

posted on Nov, 16 2019 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: zazzafrazz

Kurth's name was redacted from the 13-page 2009 document about the Nimitz incident, released by Knapp on 18th May 2018, but Kurth wasn't shaking any Tic Tacs in it:

As he approached approximately 15nm from the AAV descending through approximately 15,000 feet he could see a water disturbance in the ocean surface. He recalled that the sea state was low [calm.] At approximately 5-10nm away from the AAV, the controller told him to "skip it" and return to his operating area. Since he was close, he elected to fly over the water disturbance to try and see what was causing it. The disturbance appeared to be 50-100 metres in diameter and close to round. It was the only area and type of white water activity that could be seen and reminded him of images of something rapidly submerging from the surface like a submarine or ship sinking.

It also looked like a possible area of shoal water where the swell was breaking over a barely submerged reef or island. He overflew the disturbance and turned back to the north-west. As he was flying away he could see the disturbance clearing and could no longer identify the place where it occurred. He did not see any object or vessel associated with the disturbance either above the surface, on the surface or below the surface.


posted on Nov, 16 2019 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: mirageman

Here is a tin foil hat idea. What if all those guys including Fravor and other "witnesses" are in the same cabal that is also behind the TTSA?

You know how they say that for a lie to be convincing it has to contain some element of truth. That is what we see in the case of TTSA imho. The real videos of unidentified objects or "phenomena" are used to spin a story about an alien threat with numerous "highly qualified" witnesses making fantastic claims.

And the goal of the exercise is to incentivize the government(s) to spend resources on it.

posted on Nov, 16 2019 @ 03:04 PM
Watching the interview...mediation and 'occult techniques'?

funny that

posted on Nov, 16 2019 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: zazzafrazz

What is your point? Can you spell it out?

What are we trying to say about this guy? Maybe we could be less cryptic and say what we mean.

Unless there's something going on I don't know about...

edit on 16-11-2019 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2019 @ 03:38 PM

can anyone transcribe that bit with the Dx? viral epidemiology, not etiology eh?

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