posted on Feb, 26 2019 @ 01:36 PM
ATS is what people post.
As long as what you post stays within our Terms and Conditions it stays on ATS.
We are not in the business of asking our membership what "side" of the political spectrum they are on. That's not a fair way to have a community.
You can believe anything you want as long as you express that belief within our T&C.
Are there more members from one "side" than another "side"? Maybe. The official opinion of TheAboveNetwork is that we don't care. All participants
from all walks of life are welcome provided they follow the above mentioned T&C. If someone isn't following them? There are lots of ways to report
that, not including whiny threads about people not being nice (not talking about this thread FYI but some of you know what I mean).
Mod bias? Nope. Moderator action is done be consensus. There are enough former staffers still active on the site that can vouch for that if you're
not interested in my personal take on it. It's also well known that a mod can't ding a post in a thread he/she is participating in so please...
Additionally as I've mentioned several dozen times before, EVERY mod action is logged so if you disagree with something, speak up via the complaint
form or email etc. We check the email. It goes to my phone. So do all the adorable death threats we get. It breaks up the kittens of instagram
Wikipedia? Really? Hey I like Wikipedia on a personal level because there's always something to read when I'm bored, but frankly why the hell do we
have a Wikipedia entry? Ah... ATS history... every time we would ban a topic of conversation here back in the day, like illicit drugs, pornography,
or any time there was a tiff about something or other suddenly there would be "ATS Sucks" forums opening up and we'd have creatively edited wiki
entries about how terrible we are. Oddly some of those very people end up closing their ATS sucks forums and coming back. Including some
participating on this thread. Hi honey! So in a nutshell, TheAboveNetwork doesn't really give a crap about what some disgruntled former
members/returned members/redisgruntled members have to say about us on wikipedia. My fortune cookie from last night's dinner is more important to me.
I would love it if there would be more non political threads, but we are what our membership posts. If you want more non-political threads, someone's
gotta create them. Please do. I'd love to read it. Seriously.
But as it stands, this is where things are.
I've run quite a few Q&A type threads with our members over the years explaining how things work around here. I don't mind it at all. I'm pretty
much the longest tenured active staffer here so it's my pleasure to answer questions. I'm not going anywhere either, unlike our precious wiki
commentators so by all means, if there's something bothering you just reach out.