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Transgender Actor Asserts Existence of ‘Biologically Female Penis’

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posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 05:34 PM
a reply to: AProudLefty

However, Baker's sample of participants was only about 150 people which means a larger sample would be needed for conclusive results.

I followed the links from your article provided. There was a lot of babble but no data points to examine. Nothing really that definitive, even according to the ones that did the "study". Of course, they acknowledged that more $tudies need to be done, especially regarding hormones during puberty.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 05:37 PM
a reply to: queenofswords

I said it was one example. I picked one out of random to debunk the poster's claim that there's no evidence of what he called "brain gender".

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 05:41 PM
a reply to: AProudLefty

There's still no definitive evidence from what I am reading. There is a lot of babble and speculative interpretation, but no real data showing actual evidence. They're trying real hard though to convince people. More $tudie$ are needed, as they keep $aying.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 05:45 PM
a reply to: queenofswords

Perhaps this one is more to your liking?

And LOL at your implication that they are lying for more money. I guess many peer scientists are in on it.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 05:52 PM
a reply to: AProudLefty

Yes there is. One example here:

Actually, the totality is much more nuanced than you seem to believe. As I understand it, in the case of men who identify as females, there is a marked difference between the brains of transgender and non-transgender men; thus representing a range or spectrum in the male experience. It really does not transfer to "laydee brain." In addition, among the transgender men, there is a distinct difference between homosexuals and heterosexuals, with homosexuals being "less" male so to speak, and heterosexuals being even "more" male so to speak. Again, representing a range or spectrum within the male experience, but not transferring to "laydee brain." And, perhaps most important, the areas measured are more likely an indication of how an individuals inherent nature will reconcile with environmental factors; in this case, society's gender stereotypes, expectations and biases.

Your assertion alone shows that you have no clue what you are talking about.

Um... yeah... that's it.

As to the last one, thank you for clarifying. I've never heard of any transgender people being afraid to identify as transgender people or being called one. You'll have to give examples.

I haven't dug into all the studies for a while, so I might have it a little mixed up, and there might be more/better research these days... but I doubt it, because Trans Activists have pretty much shut down any/all research that doesn't fit their narrative and ideology.

I've never heard of any transgender people being afraid to identify as transgender people or being called one. You'll have to give examples.

You can find examples here -- Trans Activism: Hide Violence by Trans Women -- Arrest TERFs for Telling the Truth About Us -- and a whole lot more. Women especially are being persecuted by Trans Activists and often governments for distinguishing between women and trans women.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 05:58 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

At first you said there's no evidence, now you typed a long winded explanation contradicting your own claim.

And as to the link to your thread? I stopped reading after finding out that you used Dialy Mail as your source.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: AProudLefty

That's the same article, different "news" organization. You didn't present anything different.

And, yes, scientists and researchers actually may have $$$$ in mind when they say more $tudie$ are needed. It's not lying, it's just using leverage to extend a grant, acquire another one, or provide a reason to continue their project.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: AProudLefty

At first you said there's no evidence, now you typed a long winded explanation contradicting your own claim.

Oh dear... perhaps reading comprehension is a problem? Let me repeat myself:

...representing a range or spectrum within the male experience...

As evidenced by the transgender spectrum ranging from less male (for want of a better term) than a non-transgender man, to more male than a non-transgender man.

And, perhaps most important, the areas measured are more likely an indication of how an individual's inherent nature will reconcile with environmental factors; in this case, society's gender stereotypes, expectations and biases.

In other words, in accordance with the areas of the brain studied, it is not "brain gender," but it is a natural process of "nature vs nurture," with nature representing inherent qualities and nurture representing external factors, such as the norms, expectations and stereotypes imposed by society.

If the same individuals with the same inherent qualities that today lead them to identify as female were placed into an Amazonian society, in which female norms, expectations and stereotypes were of women as the dominant and aggressive gender, they would not be likely to identify as female, because it would be contrary to their inherent nature.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 06:23 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

My reading comprehension is just fine. You said there's no evidence. Then you just now said it's nature coupled with nurture. Of course there will always be external influence. So in other words, there is evidence that the brain structure reflects the gender they identify as.

such as the norms, expectations and stereotypes imposed by society.

That is called gender roles.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 06:35 PM
Those with mental disorders define their own reality.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 06:37 PM
a reply to: AProudLefty

That is called gender roles.

Exactly. Gender roles, not brain gender. Stereotypes, not inherent. Subjective, not objective. Belief, not science.

And these roles and stereotypes can be embraced or defied, accepted or rejected.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 07:19 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

I have previously read some of your posts, and just skimmed over some of the content highlighted. I respect your opinion and appreciate the time and effort you have put into your posts, formating and content.

Trans people suffer a lot more abuses physically and mentally. In comparsion to the cases recorded of abuses preformed by trans people. Statistically this is hard to verify as they are ashamed to report abuses. Many are driven into sex work, sub standard employment and consitantly abused due to societies lack of acceptance. Especialy in "third world" and fundamental countries. In Uganda, Nigeria west Africa, the Middle East etc. they are driven out as refugees and kiled by Islamic/ Christian fundamentalist daily, sometimes their bodies, raped and mutilated then put on show to the public. But western media does not report that.

Previously I posted that a third sex could be a happy medium so gender lines are not blurred and some level of acceptance could be achieved. Within any tribe/group their are going to be non conformist to societies legal and social framework. So a third sex will only work for those willing to fit into that box.

Statistically many more children are abused physically by members of theological congregations, also scarred mentally from indoctrination. Brainwashed too not formulate their own opinions until later in life. Living in the closet, "pretending to be someone they are not" ring a bell.. This causes much more longterm harm to the community and occurs at a higer frequency than children or women abused by trans people.

edit on 22-2-2019 by aliensanonymous because: Tax theological congregations and help those in need!

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 09:18 PM
a reply to: aliensanonymous

I won't minimize anyone's suffering... especially at someone else's hands. Neither will I minimize anyone's abuse of others. Nor will I pretend to quantify either, because I know that information is not available, because it has not been compiled.

However, there is absolutely no doubt that many transgender persons suffer abuse, but there is also absolutely no doubt that many transgender persons inflict abuse on anyone and everyone, including their fellow transgenders.

It's just reckless and unconscionable to pretend that we do not know exactly which transgender persons are most likely to abuse others (autogynephiles) and which transgender persons are most likely to suffer abuse from others (homosexuals).

So I have the utmost sympathy and empathy and concern for those being abused, not so much for those doing the abusing. If you really care about the nonviolent transgender community, then I strongly suggest you educate yourself about those within the community who are quite violent and abusive.
edit on 22-2-2019 by Boadicea because: qualify to quantify

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 09:29 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: projectvxn

Transitioning isn't "coddling" a mental illness. The prescribed and most effective treatment for it, according to ACTUAL psychologists and other scientists, is to transition.

Psychologists who are clearly one of THE most biased and brainwashed fools out there, are not people who should be involved in this lol.

Whatever textbooks they are told to consume becomes their God..a Religion of polluted minds.

Experimentation is all they are good for..and by golly they have a massive group to play with right now.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 10:22 PM

originally posted by: AProudLefty
a reply to: scrounger

Name one person who claimed that they can change their biological sexes.

Well...since they claim they are not changing the mental state of gender what exactly are they trying to do OTHER than change biology..

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 10:33 PM
Next month people will claim they are 4 if they choose so they can't be pedophiles

posted on Feb, 23 2019 @ 12:15 AM

originally posted by: AProudLefty
a reply to: riiver

A clitoris is analogous to a penis.

Wow, really? I've lived my entire life in a female body and never realized that./sarc

Yes, the clitoris is analogous to a penis. However, it is NOT a penis. It's a clitoris--that is, a biologically female body part. Just as a penis--any penis, anywhere, any time--is a BIOLOGICALLY male body part.

posted on Feb, 23 2019 @ 12:19 AM

Yes, the clitoris is analogous to a penis. However, it is NOT a penis. It's a clitoris--that is, a biologically female body part. Just as a penis--any penis, anywhere, any time--is a BIOLOGICALLY male body part

I thought Ketsuko is the only Captain Obvious here. Apparently there's two.

posted on Feb, 23 2019 @ 12:29 AM

originally posted by: AProudLefty
a reply to: Boadicea

Perhaps you did not understand the point of my question. Why teach basic biology to us when we already know all about sexes? We are not talking about biological sexes. We're talking about genders. As to this topic, notice that the person still say "penis", so therefore she knows the biological aspect?

And you'll have to clarify your question.

Perhaps you didn't read the original OP carefully enough. Because it appears that you might have missed the point of the post and the part that Boadicea, ketsuko, queenofswords and I (you know, the women, who don't have "biologically female penises") are are addressing. Namely, that

She argued that if trans women are biological women, by definition, a trans woman’s penis is “a biologically female penis.”

Do you see the word "biological" used there? How about biologically? This person is bringing biology into it by saying "biologically." And since they argue that trans women are BIOLOGICAL women, and claim that makes their penises BIOLOGICALLY female, then they obviously missed something in elementary school science. If they're talking about gender, they need to leave the "biologically" bit out.

Trans women are not biological women.

There is no such thing as a biologically female penis.

edit on 23-2-2019 by riiver because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2019 @ 12:38 AM
a reply to: riiver

Perhaps you didn't read the original OP carefully enough

Perhaps I did and bitched about the source which others bitched at me about it.

That's the very first thing I complained about on the first page and I got dragged into debating about it (I won't name names).

Give me a better and reliable source then we can have a serious discussion.
edit on 23-2-2019 by AProudLefty because: (no reason given)

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