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Transgender Actor Asserts Existence of ‘Biologically Female Penis’

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posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 04:08 PM
a reply to: riiver

I disagree. It affects men too. How do you think a father feels when one of these trans men gets into an MMA match with his daughter and break her skull?

This actually happened.
edit on 21 2 19 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 05:22 PM

originally posted by: projectvxn
a reply to: riiver

I disagree. It affects men too. How do you think a father feels when one of these trans men gets into an MMA match with his daughter and break her skull?

This actually happened.

I probably should have said, "If you're a man, it MIGHT not matter." You're right, it does affect men, though I'd argue it's in a less direct way than it affects women; I'd say the woman was a lot more directly affected by having her skull cracked than her father was, for example. (And that wasn't meant to be snarky.) My point was--and please remember whose comment I was replying to--was that maybe he, as a guy, really doesn't see how it affects anyone else. But as a woman, the effects are spelled out in flashing neon.
edit on 21-2-2019 by riiver because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 06:47 PM
a reply to: WilsonWilson

Why are you ignoring posts and articles, some written by behavior scientists, who believe that transgenderism is a mental illness? FYI, those "scientifically trained people" you talk about, also work at the World Health Organization (WHO) and they once viewed transgender as a mental illness for decades, before caving to pressure from LGBT groups, who insisted this wasn't true. Before, it was accepted that transgender people were feeling "distress and dysfunction" because of elements of their condition, but now they say that it's caused by "social rejection and external factors." Many people, including many scientists, disagree with this assessment and believe a transgender's "perception of reality," should still be classified as a mental disease. The stigma that surrounds mental illness and the unacceptance of biological facts, which are now considered "myths" by the LGBT community, is preventing people from receiving proper treatment. Like another poster stated, even though transgenderism is becoming more and more embraced by society and the media, transgenders are still killing themselves.

“We found distress and dysfunction were very powerfully predicted by the experiences of social rejection or violence that people had,” he said. “But they were not actually predicted by gender incongruence itself.” This finding contradicts the basic classification of a mental illness, which is that “distress or dysfunction are essential elements of the condition,” the paper said. ct=on&utm_term=.e9b882082ca6

Anyone who believes that scientific facts and data are "dangerous myths" should also get their heads examined. Even the WHO states that "gender" is a "social construction," that is not based on scientific fact, but rather how a person experiences their perceived reality. A "social construct" is based on an "idea," NOT science. You don't have to be a scientist to concur that a biological male who believes himself a woman, is suffering from mental illness due to their state of mind and their perceived reality...NOT because of "social rejection and external factors."

Gender, typically described in terms of masculinity and femininity, is a social construction that varies across different cultures and over time.

A social construct or construction concerns the meaning, notion, or connotation placed on an object or event by a society, and adopted by the inhabitants of that society with respect to how they view or deal with the object or event.[5] In that respect, a social construct as an idea that would be widely accepted as natural by the society.

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 07:00 PM
a reply to: riiver

I probably should have said, "If you're a man, it MIGHT not matter." You're right, it does affect men, though I'd argue it's in a less direct way than it affects women; I'd say the woman was a lot more directly affected by having her skull cracked than her father was, for example.

I guess I should have been a bit more clear. I'm with you on this entirely.

I view transgender activism as a form of incel-like misogyny and this problem needs to be addressed. The ONLY person I've ever seen really dig into this is Boadicea. She can articulate these issue better than I ever could. Her understanding of the problem is spot on.

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 07:15 PM

edit on 21-2-2019 by maxey because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 08:28 PM
a reply to: 3n19m470

Problem, bro?

Why don't you ask Fox News that?
Breitbart is a known right-wing fake news site. Fox News wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole.

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 08:47 PM
a reply to: shawmanfromny

They are idiots or trolls or something. Has to be a joke

That is the only cogent thought I can muster at this time...

My goodness. Those who accuse of us silencing/ignoring science while denying obvious facts really are a cut below the rest. It is an ultimate form of irony, almost as funny as their constant whining about "whataboutism" while simultaneously engaging in it breathlessly
edit on 2/21/2019 by JBurns because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2019 @ 08:50 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Thanks to you, one of the more informative threads I have seen on this subject.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 02:52 AM
It is claims like this that make people realize that there are mental problems in there...somewhere. I have never had any problem with gay individuals. That is their business, not mine. No one knows my sexual orientation for sure unless they know me. It isn't something I, or most people advertise.

Maybe if gay, lesbian, etc. lived their lives with their mantra "its none of your business" it would remain your business. The only time it becomes something other than your business is when you choose to discuss your sexual orientation and when you choose to discuss open the floor to other's opinions. That is what discussions involve.

I personally believe that any person, gay, etc. has a mental problem of some type. They aren't different physically so they difference must be mentally. If is on the same lines as identity disorders (eg. "I'm Hitler"). We usually address these issues by treating the mind...not the body. You don't take a person who thinks they are Hitler and treat them by dressing them up as Hitler. You treat their mind so they realize they are NOT Hitler.

That is my deal with it. But if you don't bring me into a discussion about sexual orientation (a discussion I don't want to be involved in) then you don't need to deal with it.

So...keep your business to yourself and you won't have to deal with opposing opinions of others.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 02:52 AM
If you claim to be transgender but still have a penis you aren't transgender you are a transvestite. Dressing up in womens clothes doth not a transgender make. I have no problem with an actual transitioned male to female using my bathroom...but I do object strongly to transvestites using female toilets and every single tranny I've known has never even wanted to do that, and I've known a LOT.

Other than that, I'm far far more concerned that this whole trans thing has become a bit of a fashion statement for kids & teens and the answer to all their teenage problems & angst. The encouragement that is coming from authority figures such as teachers to transition or convince children that their problems are down to gender is ridiculous. The insistent need to label and box people is getting seriously out of hand and THAT is far more dangerous

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 05:09 AM

there is no such thing in HUMAN biology as trans gender.
transgender in being one can change their biological sex/gender.

Look there is the basic inescapable fact.

If you were BORN with XX chromosome your a BIOLOGICAL FEMALE
If you were BORN with XY chromosome your a BIOLOGICAL MALE

If you have any other combination or exterior combination of gender features its called a GENETIC ABNORMALITY (or syndrome if you want to soften it) . AKA an abnormality to what is normal.

you can take hormones, get plastic surgery, cut off and/or modify (btw seen it on a medical show and as a purely medical thing its fascinating) your organs, grow your hair, wear clothing, and live like the opposite sex you were born with.

If you take say tula (look it up its another fascinating story) and jenner in one room, put chaz bono in another room .
you take a blood sample from each and send it to a lab with instructions to determine what the BIOLOGICAL gender is with no other information given guess what the unbias scientific results will be.

tula and jenner will show XY chromosomes and classified as BIOLOGICAL GENDER MALE
chaz bono will show XX chromosomes and classified as BIOLOGICAL GENDER FEMALE.


It doesnt matter how you feel, identify, how you live, act, dress, or modify your body... THIS CANNOT CHANGE.

Until anyone can PROVIDE PROOF of someone changing from XX to XY (or vice versa) you have NOT CHANGED YOUR GENDER

Im sorry but if you want to live in what is (yes cold description but the truth) permanent cosplay than all the power to you.

but if you want us to tell you a lie is the truth just because you want it... that we cannot do.
it doesnt make us hateful, phobic, or sexist but admitting scientific fact.

Life is not fast food. You cant have it your way and choose to either accept the the cards your dealt or you dont.


posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 05:14 AM
a reply to: scrounger

Why do some people always feel the need to teach kindergarten biology as if they have just learned it? We already know about the chromosomes. Transgender people already know that. They know their biological sexes! What do you think "transgender" means?

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 05:16 AM
What about acceptance as a third sex? Hijras!

Since the late 20th century, some hijra activists and non-government organizations (NGOs) have lobbied for official recognition of the hijra as a kind of "third sex" or "third gender", as neither man nor woman.[13] Hijras have successfully gained this recognition in Bangladesh and are eligible for priority in education.[14] In India, the Supreme Court in April 2014 recognized hijras, transgenders, eunuchs, and intersex people as a 'third gender' in law.[1][15][16] Nepal, Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh have all legally accepted the existence of a third gender, with India and Nepal including an option for them on passports and certan offical documents."


In 2004, the Chiang Mai Technology School allocated a separate restroom for kathoeys, with an intertwined male and female symbol on the door. The fifteen kathoey students are required to wear male clothing at school but are allowed to sport feminine hairdos. The restroom features four stalls, but no urinals.[28]
Following the 2006 Thai coup d'état, kathoeys are hoping for a new third sex to be added to passports and other official documents in a proposed new constitution.[29] In 2007, legislative efforts have begun to allow kathoeys to change their legal sex if they have undergone genital reassignment surgery; this latter restriction was controversially discussed in the community.[18]

Just added first part of the quote due to peoples facination with the use of toilets. How about we live and let live, if terminology of sexual identity is so important then let there be a third sex. I understand some trans people want to be accepted as their assigned sex. But a cultural acceptance of intersex could be impowering and help with legislature and deminish bigotry.

Transgender History (Brief).

Intersex acceptance and reverence goes back in history a long way amongst many people. From Native Americans, South American, Chinese, European, Indian and many more of our founding cultures.

Why should we become less accepting today? Live and let live, love and accept all, what harm are others doing to your minuscule existance. Why are many so lacking in acceptance and insecure ?

P.S: I would say spiritualism branching from the Torah (BIBLE & QURAN) have a lot to do with modern day bigotry. Sorry I only used Wiikipedia to narrate my point but off to work soon so only had so much time.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 05:22 AM
a reply to: riiver

None of it is affecting you though so what's the problem exactly?

To everyone with an issue. What exactly is the problem besides you don't approve and you don't like it blah blah?

Affects you all not at all so why care so much?

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 05:51 AM

originally posted by: AProudLefty
a reply to: scrounger

Why do some people always feel the need to teach kindergarten biology as if they have just learned it? We already know about the chromosomes. Transgender people already know that. They know their biological sexes! What do you think "transgender" means?

well since people want to keep willfully ignoring that the transgender movement by its very stated mission is to have people accept they can change their biological given sex for a bunch of reasons the facts of basic biology 101 have to be repeated.

in short they know basic biology , they know they cannot change their sex, but they WONT ACCEPT IT.
they want everyone else to make a lie the truth.

hence the deflect or ignoring the from the basic question I always ask.

show me one person that changed their BIOLOGICAL SEX from male to female or vice versa

because if you cant then they are (no matter what they did to their body) living a biological lie.


edit on 22-2-2019 by scrounger because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 06:25 AM
a reply to: shawmanfromny

these type of statements about biology belong among those with statements on race in biology

they are both completely ignorant of the actual biology of life!

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 06:53 AM
a reply to: scrounger

Name one person who claimed that they can change their biological sexes.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 07:19 AM

originally posted by: TinySickTears
a reply to: riiver

None of it is affecting you though so what's the problem exactly?

To everyone with an issue. What exactly is the problem besides you don't approve and you don't like it blah blah?

Affects you all not at all so why care so much?

When you have people who are biologically one sex claiming they are another gender and thus eligible to come into your single sex spaces - biological men in changing spaces for biological women because they say their gender is female (and vice versa). It *does* affect us.

When your daughter grows up and enters a sport and one of her biologically male classmates decides he's female gendered and thus deserves to compete as a girl alongside her and all your daughter's hard work and effort comes to nothing because she's not biologically male and he is despite his protestations he's a female in his head, it will affect you indirectly through your daughter's disappointment.

When your daughter decides on her own the only way to compete with that is to start juicing, and all the inevitable consequences of steroid and growth hormone use come about because she wants to win that badly, it will affect you indirectly because you love her and her life is a mess now.

But you're right. It's easy to claim it means nothing until it does and your life is messed up, but by then it's too late to make much effort because then you have your own problems and they're personal.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 07:57 AM
So let me get this straight: Gender is a social construct. Trans people adhere to the gender stereotypes rather than break them down. They get breasts, so they're fetishizing women's body parts. Not all women have large or even normal breasts but that's what they fixate on, along with dresses, heels and all the trappings. WHY? If it's a social construct, why don't they live their lives as a non-gender-conforming male or female, rather than feed into and uphold the gender stereotypes they're trying to dismantle?

The reason is, as Boadicea says, AUTOGYNOPHELIA. As an actual woman who had surgery at age 9 to correct a birth defect that was a threat to my life, my breasts didn't develop evenly or normally, yet I, as an actual woman, cannot correct that without paying because it's COSMETIC on an actual woman. That pisses me off, as well as makes me so mad on behalf of women who have had mastectomies. These trannies just want the plus-sides of their chosen gender and none of the negatives that come with it.

posted on Feb, 22 2019 @ 08:49 AM

originally posted by: TinySickTears
a reply to: riiver

None of it is affecting you though so what's the problem exactly?

To everyone with an issue. What exactly is the problem besides you don't approve and you don't like it blah blah?

Affects you all not at all so why care so much?

Short answer - Objection: asked and answered.

Long answer - As has been repeatedly stated in one form or another in other threads like this (and people like you continue to ignore it)...

The problem I (and others) have is trans-activists are engaging in acts of tyranny (at gunpoint - which is what is behind every single law on the books) to not only force others to agree with their delusions as fact, but far more importantly, they are engaging in acts of tyranny and abuse - and even assault (getting them on prescription hormone drugs) - against small children in captive environments (schools).

Seriously, as has been said many times, if it was just a matter of trans people wanting to be left alone, 99.99% of us here happily oblige.

But it isn't.

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