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Time for Unconditional Warfare

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posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 07:39 PM
There are many examples of terrorist groups that have been defeated by
governments in modern times, the Werewolves in post ww2 Germany, the French group opposed to De Gaulle's Algerian policy, and, in Jordan, Black September, to name a few.

As far as the KKK, I don't see many black churches being blown up or lynchings lately. "Contained" is the least you can say about what the FBI did to them.

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 10:39 PM
The KKK was sort of a terrorist cell but later turned into more of just a group invigorated in the plight to have social and racial unequality.

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by Macgregor6590
Actually I wasn't blaming all conservatives. Just the ones who are what i said. Also I'm not a liberal.

Forgive the misunderstanding. I always appreciate meeting people who approching things in an unbiased way with sollutions rather than partisanship on their minds.

I couldnt agree more thats why im a centrist. You should read some of my letters I have written.

Have you got these letters online anywhere? Link me up man.

Well Im glad to here you say that childrens opinions are useless and dont matter(including mine) because thats how the government feels about yours.

A misunderstanding my friend, I had no idea of your age. (By the by, I'm only 21 and I was quite politically conscious throughout highschool). I grouped you in with those with childish levels of maturity because I was under the impression that you were trying to address the issue from a politically biased angle. Unfortunately, the immature people who have made our political system a partisan mudpit actually DO matter as well- I just said they weren't accomplishing anything. I'm glad to be set straight and know that you are not part of that problem.

You dont believe children can come up with answers to todays questions?

Adults have sure as hell failed so I wouldn't mind if they gave our generation a shot. Unfortunately by the time I get into congress I'll probably be an old fart like everyone running the place now. Hopefully we'll age well.

posted on Mar, 1 2005 @ 11:29 PM
Children are the adults of tomorrow. You should not belittle their interests and ideals. For what they Learn in these forums might change their lives forever.


posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by PtballDan
The KKK was sort of a terrorist cell but later turned into more of just a group invigorated in the plight to have social and racial unequality.

It still is,its goal is to produce terror right?
Yes so it is a terrorist group.

Look it up you will see it still under the FBI list.

Also the whole acts surrounding equal rights and the FBI, PD, equal right supporters and many inocent people managed to stop them or atleast contain thier actions.

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 04:32 PM
Overall whether you disagree with my comments or not, it is America that must take up the reigns of justice, and not wait for the UN. AMERICA by ITSELF and its FEW allies must choose between assimilation into a world full of Liberal bs or isolate themselves with the few remaining countries that have a brain atop their heads. America the lone and the free- we can do it by ourselves.

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by PtballDan
Overall whether you disagree with my comments or not, it is America that must take up the reigns of justice, and not wait for the UN.

Why should america do so?
Because they are the strongest?
Because they are the one's who feel they must?
If the US put pressure and worked on its case to the UN then It might just get the UN to act, secondly the UN is not there to stop all wars.
They are there to stop a world war happening, end of story.
Name to me ANY world war that has happened after 0904 hours on September 2,1945 and I will bow to your judgement.

AMERICA by ITSELF and its FEW allies must choose between assimilation into a world full of Liberal bs or isolate themselves with the few remaining countries that have a brain atop their heads.

Firstly this "liberal" BS as you so colourfuly call it is infact BS.
There are more than 2 political parties in the political spectrum.
Furthermore this BS as you call it would I take it mean; diplomacy, peace, nuclear and conventional weapons disarmament, reduction in military size, international aid and humanitarian support to any and all people that so need it.
I myself am not liberal in anysense, the only connection I have with the "liberal" political party is that I am on the same side of the political spectrum.
Might it be too personal to ask what party you are in or believe in?
I myself have seen many countries show more "brains atop thier heads" than ethier the US or Albania, Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, El Salvador, Estonia, Georgia, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, South Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, United Kingdom, Ukraine, and the Kingdom of Tonga. All of the above are part of the co-alition currently in iraq.
Now in my opinion 27 countries is a large co-altion, not the "few allies" that you described.

America the lone and the free- we can do it by ourselves.

The military and economical facts show diffrent, europe alone has the firepower and manpower to stop the US if they ever did try to "do it themselves".
Tell me if the US can "go it alone" then why is it stretched for troops?
Why is it hireing contractors or mercenaries as more commonly known in iraq?

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 05:05 PM
I'm never reading 6 pages of a thread like this again.


Good on you, keeping fighting the ignorance; however, one is well aware that this "troll" will not waver from this highly misguided stance, and may well be one of the few adolescents on this site wholly infatutated and indoctrinated by patriotism they have been reared by at mothers knee.

He also forget that America cannot bear Nuclear Arms..


posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 05:12 PM
Who saved Europes butt in WW2???? If the US economy collapsed so would the worlds- Japan is basically tied into the US economy. The Chinese currency is tied directly to the dollar. US is the World Power now, whether you want to accept it or not. The UN is nothing. Did you ever hear of the League of Nations after WW1? Yea they were just like the UN and did they prevent a world war? NO!

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by ZeroDeep
I'm never reading 6 pages of a thread like this again.

Yes, it does get tireing...


Good on you, keeping fighting the ignorance; however, one is well aware that this "troll" will not waver from this highly misguided stance, and may well be one of the few adolescents on this site wholly infatutated and indoctrinated by patriotism they have been reared by at mothers knee.

Thank you, it feels good to know an experienced and a member I respect says that.

Yes, I am here trying to stop him from swaying other members who are not in the know and are easily swayed.

He also forget that America cannot bear Nuclear Arms..

Thanks for pointing that our deep

Originally posted by PtballDan
Who saved Europes butt in WW2????

Russians, Canada , America and the United kingdom and the Commenwealth countries ie; Australia, New Zealand, etc
I can explain more if you so wish....

If the US economy collapsed so would the worlds- Japan is basically tied into the US economy. The Chinese currency is tied directly to the dollar.

Same with if the Currency in europe fell so would the US.
Remember its a double edged sword.

US is the World Power now, whether you want to accept it or not.

So what?
Does this entitle them to be gods?
If so please state in the US constitution where it says, "The US has the right to take what and who they please and behave like gods."

The UN is nothing. Did you ever hear of the League of Nations after WW1? Yea they were just like the UN and did they prevent a world war? NO!

Actually the UN and the League of Nations have about as much in common as the EU and NATO.
The League of Nations was a an idea where people would work together BUT this didnt work thanks to human nature, but the UN instead is there to stop WW3.
The UN is a great orginisation, it has had its problems and acheivements.
Like any orginisation or state.
Further more the UN has been sucessful in its duty as stopping a WW3.

[edit on 26/02/2005 by devilwasp]

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 05:37 PM
Russia, England and all of the other countries HELPED get Europe out of Nazi hands but who really did most of the work? and who did the final surge, and the inital assault to take Europe back? America Did.

The UN ignores to many problems, also if the United States doesnt back something it never has as much "Punch."

And you know what? I see the US give tons of money away to countries that are in need, i see US military helicopters lifting food to needy nations, i see the US save many countries from tyranny and defeat. WE SHOULD NEVER DO THAT STUFF BECAUSE NO ONE EVER HELPS US AND NO ONE EVER WILL IF WE EVER BECOME ANY LOWER THAN WE ARE!

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 05:59 PM


Before we go ANYWHERE, get this "england" mentality out of your head.
There is no "english marine core or army" its called the UK, please adress it as this if you wish to maintain your reliabilty.

Originally posted by PtballDan
Russia, England and all of the other countries HELPED get Europe out of Nazi hands but who really did most of the work?

Yeah, who had the most troops on D-Day?
Who had the largest bombings in history?
The RAF.

and who did the final surge, and the inital assault to take Europe back? America Did.

Russia since they got into berlin first and if it wasnt for them we wouldnt have managed to get into paris never mind berlin.

The UN ignores to many problems, also if the United States doesnt back something it never has as much "Punch."

Note who has the strongest military?
America, so who would it logically be to go to get the strongest military punch?

And you know what? I see the US give tons of money away to countries that are in need,

Yes well done the US gives money, so does the UN, UK, France, Repuplic of China, South Korea, shall I continue?

i see US military helicopters lifting food to needy nations, i see the US save many countries from tyranny and defeat.

You want helicopters?

That ladies and gents is a Comando Sea King flying over bosnia.

Sea King Mk4

The Mk4 is the commando version of the Sea King helicopter



Really, so the UK support after 9/11 didnt happen?
The UK support in the iraq war...BTW we make up almost 1/4th of the force there thank you very much...didnt happen?
The UK support in korea didnt happen?
I leave this to you...also might I add ladies and gents this is how you annoy someone.
Adopt the oposite emotion that they are feeling...

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 06:34 PM
America gives the MOST out of any other countries by FAR. ALso once again ill say that AMERICA was the one who Finally "pulled" Europe out of their Struggle with the Nazi's. America did the pushes across Europe. The Russians did hold the Nazi's and made 2 fronts but it was the US who actually crushed the Nazi's.

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by PtballDan
America gives the MOST out of any other countries by FAR. ALso once again ill say that AMERICA was the one who Finally "pulled" Europe out of their Struggle with the Nazi's.

Yeah, thats cause your the biggest....what are you trying to make a case for or are you just trying to post pro US stuff?
Not really, as I have said it was the russians who done the most of the work.

America did the pushes across Europe.

So, 6th para didnt secure pegasus bridge?
So, cprl hunter didnt storm a building by himself while being shot at by the machine gun IN the building?

The Russians did hold the Nazi's and made 2 fronts but it was the US who actually crushed the Nazi's.

No, the russians did take most of the nazi's, we thats right the allied forces since it was allied forces, I dont remember it being a US invasion unless the RMC,RN,RAF,BA and REME are now under the comand of the US high command......

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 06:49 PM
It's easy to tell that you are Pro-British but im afraid you can accept the fact that Britain did crap. They got crushed by the Germans all across France in 1941 and they had to do a massive retreat back to Britain. The British had to huddle in tunnels while the Superior German forces bombed them day and night. They finally recieved a break when the Germans opened up a new front on Russia. All the British had to do was hold on- and that is pretty easy to do when there is not landing force on your beaches. The British held on, the Russians stopped em, and America kicked their butt.

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by PtballDan
It's easy to tell that you are Pro-British but im afraid you can accept the fact that Britain did crap. They got crushed by the Germans all across France in 1941 and they had to do a massive retreat back to Britain. The British had to huddle in tunnels while the Superior German forces bombed them day and night. They finally recieved a break when the Germans opened up a new front on Russia. All the British had to do was hold on- and that is pretty easy to do when there is not landing force on your beaches. The British held on, the Russians stopped em, and America kicked their butt. the whole RAF bombing campaign was a hoax?
The whole comando raids, winning the war in north africa and basically winning airsuperiority against the leading airforce in world was....?

I'll let you thnk about this for a while, look up pegasus bridge and look who done the op....simple enough.

I'm done here , case closed you've changed the subject long enough.
Go troll somewhere else.
Also one thing....see when the russians counter attacked and got to berlin, was it then that they stopped them or when they raised the red flag at the reichstag?

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by Trent
Hmm... I'm not entirely sold on the Israeli model of fighting terror because the violence has continued despite their tactics. Maybe looking at the British model for fighting terror would be a better idea because the IRA hardly ever blow up anything anymore.

Mossad never had free range due to political pressure from the U.S. I think they just have an uncanny ability to surgically remove the bad guys with minimal collateral damage.

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by PtballDan
It's easy to tell that you are Pro-British but im afraid you can accept the fact that Britain did crap.

Oh dear. PtballDan, go back to school and learn history. You are proud of your country - that's one thing. But don't aimlessly throw around insults to others who aren't from the US simply because "your country is better than theirs". It reveals your mentality and age. How old are you?

For the record, is it bad to be pro british but good to be pro american?

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 08:22 PM
ptballdan dude you really need to chill out and get a history lesson before you go off ranting about how the u.s. won ww2 with the final push. ww2 wouldnt have been won by the allies without ALL of the allies cooperation. we needed england as much as they needed us. we needed the canadians and they needed us. it works both ways. we would never have been able to bring our bombing campaign to bear on germany without the british isles. you could argue that we could have done it from taking africa and then italy but highly unlikely. and so you know the british are doing a damn good job in iraq. as for total warfare that would work if we were fighting uniformed combatants but we arent. you cant win over a ppl bombing the # out of everyone suspected of being associated with an insurgent. this is brought to you by a proud member of the united states army.

posted on Mar, 3 2005 @ 05:36 AM

Originally posted by PtballDan
Who saved Europes butt in WW2????

Russia and America. The eastern front was a necessity. If Russia hadn't opened it we would have had to muster additional troops and open it ourselves by fighting our way all the way around the mediterranean from Northern Africa, and if that had happened the war might have lasted till 1946 or 47 and we likely would have lost the war. German advancements in submarine and jet aircraft technology would have decreased the effectiveness of American anti-submarine warfare by 90%. With our sea lane cut and the Germans gaining an edge in the sky, we would have been toast if that war had gone on till 1947. We never could have done it without the Russians.

If the US economy collapsed so would the worlds- Japan is basically tied into the US economy. The Chinese currency is tied directly to the dollar. US is the World Power now, whether you want to accept it or not.

The NIC put out something called "project 2020" not long ago, and I believe you'll be able to find it in ATSNN. Give it a read. The world economy is rapidly becoming more diverse. China and India will be the major producers and Africa and South America can become significant markets. The EU has gained ground against America, but both of those organizations will find themselves somewhat marginalized by the East.
We've got a good thing going here, but we're not super-human. Everyone has weaknesses, everyone has limits. America has two paths before it. We can tone ourselves down and engage in peaceful competition as we did for over a century before the world wars, or we can keep on our current path and go down in a blaze of glory.

The UN is nothing. Did you ever hear of the League of Nations after WW1? Yea they were just like the UN and did they prevent a world war? NO!

The UN is whatever the sum of its members make it. It was nothing against Saddam because it didn't want to be, just at its predecessor failed to stop WWII by laying idle and attempting to appease Germany. If united by a popular cause, for example hatred of America and its aggressive nationalist policies, the UN could make itself effective, just as the allied powers who initially formed it did during WWII against Germany.

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