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Time for Unconditional Warfare

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posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by 00PS
you want the US to be like the Israeli army and shoot children? Or how about when they ran over my classmate with a bulldozer because she wouldn't get out of the way when they wanted to raze a palestinian doctors home.

- Um lets see the Palestinians only bomb Israel every week- I wonder WHY the Israelies would do such a thing!? Lets just avoid the Israeli/Palestinian conflict bc both sides blow each other up incessantly. As to you classmate- accidents happen, and as to the Palestinian doctors home- i dont fully understand what you are trying to say.

Before the war Saddam was known for supporting gender equality and now After the war women will be forced to live under Sharia law. Do you know what that is??

- Yea and do you know how many innocent people he killed? and how his sons went to the high schools and picked out girls to with taht weekend?????

Some people are fighting for the country they lost ptbulldan. until we robbed them.

Robbed them of what! Tyranny and a Dictatorship? thats like saying we 'Robbed" the Germans from Hitler!

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 07:25 PM
Sry about the whole quote in quote thing- i didnt mean to make ya dizzy lol !

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 07:25 PM
And your point to the above is

Too many quotes

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 07:31 PM
Yeah, it wasn't an accident. Her name was Carrie. She stood in front of a doctors home so the Israeli's couldn't take a bulldozer and raze the home. No doctor home, neighborhood have no place to take dying children. So she stood there, they ran over her. She is dead. Israeli army. They also have shot other Americans, boys in their teens who protest the occupation, but the problem was they were inside the house, stuck their head outside the door to look, BOOM, fifty calibur round in the head.

These are peaceful Americans and they are dead because they were associated with the palestinians. Your warmongering attitude is like them. Do you support them? Do you want America to be like them too?

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by PtballDan
What war boils down to is the elimination of the enemy without withholding anything, and i think that its about time the United States does that.

If they were in your country a lot of people here would agree with you but they're not in your country.
You're in theirs.

You are the invading army so you deserve everything that happens to you.
The US can make it stop just by pulling out.

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 07:34 PM
I smell a dirty troll somewhere... hmmm... yes ,let America go and bomb the hell outta the women and the friggin kids, how dare they live in that country (sarcasm)

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by paranoia
I smell a dirty troll somewhere... hmmm... yes ,let America go and bomb the hell outta the women and the friggin kids, how dare they live in that country (history)

edited by 00ps

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 07:41 PM
Beware of becoming what you are fighting.

I know it sounds easy to say from a distance, and that because the WW2 guys were fighting Nazis that were gassing millions of people to death it is difficult to make judgements now about carpet bombing German civilians. If it was my ass on the line I might think differently.

But I do believe that the big objective is to bring hearts and minds around to the idea that they have rights that they are entitiled to, and we are not just there to fight for oil, but a different and better system of self government. (cynics insert lol here)

America should stand for a higher ideal, even as it's enemies insist Lyndie England is a bigger monster than Saddam.

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 07:52 PM
Just a thought: in WWII, most of the Joes didn't have a clue about the genocide. Until after they breached the camps. The high commanders knew, but the Joes didn't.

Maybe we shouldn't assume we really know the 'real' reasons for this war, either.

By the way, 'unconditional' in WWII wasn't. There were rules of engagement, chains of command, and the Geneva Convention.

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 07:53 PM
Yes and we, i believe, are trying to help the Iraqi's get their freedom. But the only thing that is hindering their progress are the terrorists, and i believe we must do everything to stop them.

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 07:55 PM
As to OOPs comment on his gal friend in the Middle East being run over by Israeli's- do you want me to pull up how many times the Palestinians have bombed the Israeli's????? They almost NEVER fire first and you will see that every time it is the PALESTINIANS AND TERRORISTs that ruin the peace process. Just a couple of days ago this happened ONCE AGAIN. Also earlier i stated that we should avoid the Israeli/Palestinian conflit becuase both sides have their flaws.

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by PtballDan
What war boils down to is the elimination of the enemy without withholding anything, and i think that its about time the United States does that. They need to show these people that you can go shoot at Americans and then hide behind some Arab woman because they know we wont shoot. People of American and the United States Military: It is now time to employ Full out warfare tactics, it is time we use what we used in ww2. A full out war, bombing everything taht we needed to bomb to achieve our goal. We should NOT hold back any longer. We will destroy EVERYONE associated with terrorists and once we CRUSH their backbone of support THEN they will collapse. I am sick and tired of hearing about how the terrorist just "blend" back into their society and they are EXTREMELY hard to catch. Someone must know about these terrorist and its about time we start killing the Associates. This is, I think, our course of action that we should take and we should engage this fully with the understanding that THIS tactic is the only one that will win and will win the war with terror faster. This sounds harsh and OH NO YOU WILL BE KILLING CIVILIANS! its about time we put down this load of BS and frickin go kill anyone associated with them: if their families help, a bomb will come from our plane to decimate their house, if their friend helps them or doesnt tell US troops about them then he will be destroyed. IT is time that America looks past the worlds bickerings on warfare and enters a new stage of fighting.

Yes. A real man's man. Let's kill the first born son of every family, you are bound to eliminate one or two future terrorist. Mark every door with red blood or be bombed should be the ultimatum to these people.

I am playing too many video games.

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 08:00 PM
lol i only stated that for the terrorism to be eliminated you must "rip it out at the root."

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by PtballDan
lol i only stated that for the terrorism to be eliminated you must "rip it out at the root."

In order to rip it out at the root, you'll have to rip the US military from the Middle East and stop giving billions in military aid to Israel every year.

That's what's giving many of these people motivation to attack the US.

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 08:10 PM
I think your sick. Massive killings is not the way to make the world safe, if you want to kill a terrorist, kill Bush, he had no reason to invade Iraq.
Hatred is over come with love, not bullets

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 08:21 PM
OH biggd Very nice comment, WOW i wonder if you are a Liberal???? lol um lets see oh YES IT IS AMERICAS FAULT, no not the terrorist- they are just poor peace loving little innocent people. Grow up and learn to play hardball in the world- if America acted like a Pansy the whole time i doubt we would get anywhere.

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by PtballDan
OH biggd Very nice comment, WOW i wonder if you are a Liberal???? lol um lets see oh YES IT IS AMERICAS FAULT, no not the terrorist- they are just poor peace loving little innocent people.

Are you saying it's not America's fault that American's are getting killed in Iraq?
Who's fault could it be?
Who deployed the troops over there and is keeping them over there?

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by PtballDan
OH biggd Very nice comment, WOW i wonder if you are a Liberal???? lol um lets see oh YES IT IS AMERICAS FAULT, no not the terrorist- they are just poor peace loving little innocent people. Grow up and learn to play hardball in the world- if America acted like a Pansy the whole time i doubt we would get anywhere.

Firstly if you want to know anything , WE the british screwed the whole thing up , yes your lovely allies did that.
But the old american gov added not some fuel try a whole petrol station worth.
Who gave USB the training ?
Who finianced him?

The terrorists are doing what they see as the best way to fight, would you be anydiffrent under the circumstances?

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 08:39 PM
Its the Terrorists fault you blind man. Do you not see that A.) the man with the ak-47 is a terrorist and b.) he just shot a us soldier with it

-couldnt get any more plain than that. What i feel is that your own liberal weakness is coming forth and you cant face the fact that BUSH is a GOOD President and that we are not over there for oil but we are over there to give these IRAQI PEOPLE FREEDOM!

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by PtballDan
Its the Terrorists fault you blind man. Do you not see that A.) the man with the ak-47 is a terrorist and b.) he just shot a us soldier with it

Firstly get out of your head that the US is fighting this single handedly.
Secondly How can it be the terrorists fault that we the british gov caused the creation of all the states in the middle east and caused chaos?
Can anyone say scape goat?

-couldnt get any more plain than that. What i feel is that your own liberal weakness is coming forth

Thirdly I am no liberal, there is no "weakness" in being liberal, or do you call being in one of the top special operation groups of the world "weak"?
Look up Paddy Ashdown...

and you cant face the fact that BUSH is a GOOD President and that we are not over there for oil but we are over there to give these IRAQI PEOPLE FREEDOM!

Fourthly, freedom cant be given.
Fithly , Mr bush or mr taliban supporter, is a bad pres.
How many people have died under his command?
Hundreds and not just american citizens.
Lastly I would kindly ask the almighty Mods **bows down before them** to lock this thread since this truly is a trolling thread...

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