posted on Feb, 8 2019 @ 04:30 AM
a reply to:
It's in the name... and I do have a thread of my own... I use it for recording and validating purposes. I will not put the link but will give its
description "DreamerOracle's Dreams Of A Worthy Mention" I don't post for notoriety... Sorry for putting the descriptor OP.
As far as I can tell it takes 32+ years to travel here in the numbers required for the logistical task ahead.
Further on the provisos on passage... Age: can't undergo 30+ years of travel if you'd die before getting there(unless you wanted to die in space that
is). Soul: A no brainer really, would you offer help to a malevolent being e.g Greedy, Warmongering, Ego Driven etc. etc. etc... And also there are
some souls that are not indigenous to Earth i.e expeditionary casualties.