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My Stepson's Best Friend OD'd Today--Build The Damn Wall NOW!

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posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 09:52 PM

originally posted by: jedi_hamster

originally posted by: IAMTAT

originally posted by: Pandaram
These are bunch of junkies.. they will die soon. Like how American killed off by invaders germs? So building a wall someone country is stupid.. use the cash to buy more stash.

They're also someone's children!

Get help.

they're also junkies.

if a person got addicted before becoming an adult, i would blame the parents.
if after that, it's his own fault and you know that.

don't get me wrong, i'm all for building that damn wall, but do you really think it'll solve this particular problem?

it will NOT. where's demand, there's supply, and addicted person will do everything to get the next dose. if you think doing anything else than fighting with your stepson's addiction can solve his problem, you're terribly wrong. you could as well just nuke Mexico, it wouldn't change a damn thing. either he'll stop taking drugs, or he's as good as dead.

you may think i'm harsh, but you're in need of a serious reality check.

Since this is the "Rant" forum, the OP is venting, in a state of chaos, and hardships I wouldn't wish on anyone. Only people that have been through this ring-of-fire understand how taxing it is, on all levels for everyone involved.

When people are in an emotional situation, and have little outlets to vent, or people to talk with they come here to unload, but when someone starts to reprimand, or diminish the person it shows a lack of empathy.

People understand the implications of drug addictions, they don't need to be reminded by mean-spirited people on ATS.

You may think I'm harsh, but you're also in need of a humanity check.
edit on 20-1-2019 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 10:14 PM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: MrBuddy

Addiction is the result of childhood trauma.
Look up Dr Gabor Mate and addiction on youtube.... it may educate you on all addictions.

That's why it hits parents so hard when an addiction claims their child.

And I thank you for the information.

originally posted by: Magnivea
a reply to: stonerwilliam

Appreciated. What you say is also true in most cases. The only reason my cousin was able to stay sober was uprooting and leaving the area, totally starting over. Sadly there's no real happy ending there though as she was diagnosed with a large malignant tumor almost directly in the center of her brain in October 2017. She only made it to the second week of January 2018, 2 weeks shy of her 34th birthday, but at least got to experience life as a normal person without that weight for a few years first. At least she passed with a sense of pride instead of high in a Dunkin donuts bathroom.

I believe that. If she made a full social change, she might have had a good chance.

That's why I have the feelings I do on the topic. The memories of drug free happiness are still there. The "wasted potential" thoughts are ever present in the back of your mind no matter how hard you try to forget. Will power, humility and the resolve to say "this is it" is ultimately all that's needed.

A lot of addicts say "this is it", then go a few weeks without taking anything. Then take it again, then say "this is it" again.... etc....

The words start to lose their meaning after a while.

Addiction hits everyone differently. The majority of people who take hard drugs never become addicted at all. Just casual users who like to party sometimes. Other people become instant slaves on their first try.

Trouble is, you never know which one you are (the casual user, or the addict) until its too late.

posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 10:38 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT


posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 10:57 PM

originally posted by: olaru12
Don't you think it's time for the junkies to take personal responsibility for their own lives?

Always looking for a scapegoat to place the blame on rather than their own scumbag oh poor me, lifestyle.

ahh right, and how would you 'feel' if he were a Legal drug user/alcoholic, would you feel the same?

I guess you also don't believe that people can suffer the 'disease' of addiction, like a bipolar person has 'bipolar disease' Or a diabetic had diabetes? They give speed to kids with (an imaginary condition called) ADHD! And most parents clap their hands with glee now they finally have Mr Robot under control ...

Addiction IS a 'dis-ease' that can and has been successfully treated in a similar way to diabetics, give them enough of the 'medication' they need/want and it's ALL good ... and many seem to "decide to stop" after a few years

You DO Know that Senator Joe McCarthy, who OPOSSED DRUGS BIGLY was a HEROIN ADDICT who got it FROM "a special Government supplier";

McCarthy had also become addicted to heroin. Harry J. Anslinger, head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, became aware of McCarthy's addiction in the 1950s, and demanded he stop using the drug.

McCarthy refused. In Anslinger's memoir, The Murderers, McCarthy is anonymously quoted as saying: I wouldn't try to do anything about it, Commissioner ... It will be the worse for you ... and if it winds up in a public scandal and that should hurt this country, I wouldn't care [. . .] The choice is yours.

Anslinger decided to give McCarthy access to heroin in secret from a pharmacy in Washington, DC.

The heroin was paid for by the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, right up to McCarthy's death. Anslinger never publicly named McCarthy, and he threatened a journalist who uncovered the story with prison.[144]

However, McCarthy's identity was known to Anslinger's agents, and journalist Maxine Cheshire confirmed his identity with Will Oursler, co-author of The Murderers, in 1978

Several countries including Canada and Switzerland (which was the 1st iirc), Holland, the UK, Australia etc have Tried this BUT the ignorant bleeding hearts who KNOW SFA about such topics, having Never "walked the walk" still Have what they believe are "valid opinions",k NOT "knowledge from Experince" BUT their opinions

Sadly, it's the backlash from ignorant MIS-informed people like yourself (voters) who spout this kind of rubbish which make the "lawmakers" bow down to your naive hysteria

Plus, keeping "drugs" illegal allows for greater profits from the illicit drug trade, which has been used to finance much of the "black projects" the cabal were so deeply into

go ask a the US soldiers who guard/ed fields of OPIUM POPPIES in Afghanistan "who told you to Do this?'

Who do YOU think?

A dr CAN successfully medicate an 'addict' with opiates and The Worst effects of the drugs are constipation and addiction! That's IT!

IF 100% pure heroin were available like Vodka a country like Australia could make it for a few $100 a kilo or India could do it for a tenth that, why can't a person who likes heroin be able to buy it like a person who likes alcohol can and leave it to them to 'regulate it'? Why not? PROFITS! That's why not, You can't charge the prices they DO "if the drugs are legal"

althoguh some BigPharma charge as much as they can get, THEY are the ones who provided the "antipsychotic" SSRI's which EVERY school shooter has/was taking ... y'know there was NEVER a "Columbine" until after Prozac hit the market?

You need to learn some history i.e. about the Opium Wars of the 1840's

BTW there IS ONLY ONE 'other' WAY to treat such addictions. 100% abstinence. And IME the only people who succeed in eventually getting and staying "clean" are those who have spent a good few years going to 12 Step fellowships, esp Narcotics Anonymous

Coz the drugs are only a symptom of another problem ... and that 'problem' is "how you think" about "what will fix the mindf#ck"

Mindf#ck he din't cause himself .... think about it ... I KNOW I sure have!
edit on 20-1-2019 by JohnnyJetson because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-1-2019 by JohnnyJetson because: drugs

edit on 20-1-2019 by JohnnyJetson because: still drugs

posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 11:06 PM
a reply to: JohnnyJetson

I think you will find that member replied in such a fashion because of the numerous debates on this site about, poor people homelessness, food stamps government handouts etc.

The general go to for conservatives especially is to shame people that haven't taken what they consider personal responsibility in their lives, which includes people that work 2 or 3 jobs and cannot make ends meet, the shaming is in pointing out these people should have educated themselves better and found better paying work . That's one of many examples , so yes it comes off as a harsh comment but is in fact a rebuttal to the view that people that don't have personal responsibility should suffer as they deserve it.
edit on 20-1-2019 by hopenotfeariswhatweneed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 11:17 PM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: JohnnyJetson

I think you will find that member replied in such a fashion because of the numerous debates on this site about, poor people homelessness, food stamps government handouts etc.

The general go to for conservatives especially is to shame people that haven't taken what they consider personal responsibility in their lives, which includes people that work 2 or 3 jobs and cannot make ends meet, the shaming is in pointing out these people should have educated themselves better and found better paying work . That's one of many examples , so yes it comes off as a harsh comment but is in fact a rebuttal to the view that people that don't have personal responsibility should suffer as they deserve it.

ahh, ok, thanks for the heads up mate

p.s. they must be Pro's, coz you and I know how well "shaming" works!
edit on 20-1-2019 by JohnnyJetson because: Drugs, MORE DRUGS!

posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 11:26 PM
a reply to: CornishCeltGuy

I lie, I smoked opium in Laos quite a lot, but I've never mainlined.

bro, opium is The Champagne of opiates, it's better than heroin ... it's just very smelly (as you;d know, nice smell but) and hard to transport

many years ago a friend gave me 150gms of top quality opium of which I ate about a gram a day ... nobody told me it was addictive ... I discovered that when I began withdrawing a few months later when it ran out

But they were nowhere near as bad a heroin withdrawals ... never mind tramadol or an SSRI withdrawal!

posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 11:32 PM

posted on Jan, 20 2019 @ 11:39 PM
a reply to: ThirdEyeofHorus

Since the 70'S there have been studies that have shown it to be harmful to DNA, and to degrade short term memory.

LOL how sad ... can you find me ONE 'legitamate source' for that DNA comment? I highly doubt it, in FACT I know the opposite is true and some cannabinoids are know to be neuroprotective and;

2. Cannabinoids and Cancer 2.1

Cannabinoid and Endocannabinoid Mediated Effects Many laboratories have proposed that cannabinoids and endocannabinoids directly inhibit tumor growth in vitro and in animal tumor models through several different pathways.

The inhibition of tumor growth and progression of several types of cancers including glioma, glioblastoma, breast cancer, prostate cancer, thyroid cancer, colon carcinoma, leukemia, and lymphoid tumors have been demonstrated by natural and synthetic cannabinoids, endocannabinoids, endocannabinoid analogs, endocannabinoid transport inhibitors, and endocannabinoid degradation inhibitors.

So much OPINION, so little Knowledge OR research BEFORE opening the mouth and talking rubbish

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 01:48 AM
a reply to: ThirdEyeofHorus

More personal experience interjection. Above poster covered most of the asinine, incorrect and uneducated comments but one.

Please, show me some statistics on "laced" pot? I'd love to see them. Hell, common sense would dictate that putting a more expensive drug (depending on drug, area, supply, etc anywhere from $20-$100+ /gram) into one of the cheapest (again dependant upon a multitude of factors) drugs available at $2-$15/gram? It doesn't happen. There's literally no benefit. Your bag of weed is more likely to contain traces of piss to keep cheap brick/ditch weed's weight up than it is any other drug. In the 20 years I dealt with pot regularly I NEVER saw anything laced.

I'm beginning to get the distinct impression that you own Reefer Madness on Blu-ray.

Oh hinting that it's not known if cannabinoids help pain management... Again, after several months of Marinol™ treatment (thanks for nothing, big pharma!) I've switched to CBD oil for MS and other autoimmune disease pain relief, migraine management, sleep, and appetite problems. It also eased my doctor-prescribed Xanax dependency to a level that has made withdrawal bearable. Not to mention paxil withdrawal. Holy hell.

Same with my father for muscular dystrophy. Same as millions of others in multiple states. They're not trying to pull one over on everyone and try to legalize at least medically for funsies. Look into the studies and join us here in 2019.

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 09:40 AM
a reply to: TheHenchman

need the wall to keep all those drug addicts contained and the rest of the nut wingers....make sure the razor wire is on the right side....

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 09:49 AM
a reply to: ThirdEyeofHorus

that was maybe the paraquat laced samples they used, would trust any studies funded by the governments who banned cannabis in the first place...they strive with bad science to get laws passed to get more big pharma into everyone...

Pharma looks are everyone in one of two ways, either a client or a potential client...

How many pockets has big pharma lined?

Parents who lie to children about things, like Santa Clause and a child finds out, their parents are full of crap, it is no wonder they look for other paths that they may have been mislead about, as well

Government lies all the time, though parents are sacred in a child eyes and belief and value system is at the very core.

If you want to give your child a reason to drink and/or do drugs, lie to them about something and let them find out you are full of crap and see if they trust and believe anything else you tell them....tricks are for kids.

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: Magnivea

everyone should class action the government for so many years of repression against MJ users... the lives they have destroyed..

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT

They're also someone's children! Get help.


They need help not those pointing out the facts of the harsh reality that people choose for themselves.

This isn't an 2nd hand opinion like most but a 1st hand opinion.

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: blueman12

How about the heroin that came (and possibly still comes) from Afghanistan? During our involvement the heroin production boomed.

All the heroin, well anywhere up to 90% of the poppies plants used to manufacture heroin world wide comes from Afghanistan.

Yes, the Taliban in the late 90s started to stop farmers from producing.

The Taliban were willing to Give up Bin Laden they just wanted evidence from the US that Bin Laden was responsible for 9/11.

Heroin in Australia became too cut and impure when buying on the street, you would have to know a bulk supplier to get more pure gear and pay a premium price.

Ice became very popular among st Drug addicts in 2000-2001 until the Coalition went in to Afghanistan and within 6 months the heroin trade was back to normal here in Australia.

The wall is a simple bandaid that won't stop the bleeding.


only put pressure on so other cuts open up else where.

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 10:20 AM
a reply to: InhaleExhale

The Psychiatric Bible now, has everyone qualified for medication by big pharma, including the use of Electro Convulsive Therapy.... they would have a field day on ATS a honeypot gold mine of clients, if not already!

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 10:33 AM
100% of the reason why I wanted to try other drugs after I tried pot was because I felt I was lied to about pot and wanted to find out what else I had been lied to about. Then came ecstasy, prescription pills, coke and eventually, everything but meth and PCP.

Heroin never really hit me that hard, but I already learned my opiate lesson before I tried it and knew better than to try for a “better” experience.

It seems hypocritical for right wingers to call for a wall to stop drugs while at the same time saying gun legislation is anti-2nd amendment and that guns do not kill people, people kill people. Heroin, on its own, does not kill people. People have to use it in order for it to be lethal....

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 10:34 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT

I used to think exactly that same way too...Really.

Many people think in similar ways

its humanity.

Having a heroin addict come into in the family and being present for his struggles has shown me that this type of addiction is different than many (or all) others.

So its 2nd hand experience you are talking with, 1st hand as in seeing it but not 1st hand as in experiencing it?

Addiction is the same no matter what the substance or activity. addiction is psychological

The dependency happens after some prolonged use, using opiods in an addictive manner creates dependency quicker.

Once the body becomes dependent to the substance is when they must use depending on the stage of dependency or they can suffer death from withdrawal symptoms just like an alcoholic can.

Heroin addiction is [almost] always a death sentence.

Its always is.

many survive but they are not who they were before they started using and became dependent.

Many do die.

Sorry for you loss

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 10:41 AM

originally posted by: Realtruth

originally posted by: jedi_hamster

originally posted by: IAMTAT

originally posted by: Pandaram
These are bunch of junkies.. they will die soon. Like how American killed off by invaders germs? So building a wall someone country is stupid.. use the cash to buy more stash.

They're also someone's children!

Get help.

they're also junkies.

if a person got addicted before becoming an adult, i would blame the parents.
if after that, it's his own fault and you know that.

don't get me wrong, i'm all for building that damn wall, but do you really think it'll solve this particular problem?

it will NOT. where's demand, there's supply, and addicted person will do everything to get the next dose. if you think doing anything else than fighting with your stepson's addiction can solve his problem, you're terribly wrong. you could as well just nuke Mexico, it wouldn't change a damn thing. either he'll stop taking drugs, or he's as good as dead.

you may think i'm harsh, but you're in need of a serious reality check.

Since this is the "Rant" forum, the OP is venting, in a state of chaos, and hardships I wouldn't wish on anyone. Only people that have been through this ring-of-fire understand how taxing it is, on all levels for everyone involved.

When people are in an emotional situation, and have little outlets to vent, or people to talk with they come here to unload, but when someone starts to reprimand, or diminish the person it shows a lack of empathy.

People understand the implications of drug addictions, they don't need to be reminded by mean-spirited people on ATS.

You may think I'm harsh, but you're also in need of a humanity check.


my ex was a heroine addict, ok? and that's just the tip of the iceberg of things i've been through, so spare me a "humanity check".

truth is, ranting never helps. it gets nothing done.

you have no idea how much drug addicts can lie. what they're able to do to their loved ones. OP's stepson doesn't need protection from drugs - which is nearly impossible to do anyway. he needs protection from HIMSELF.

now, i'm all with the OP as far as the pain goes, but what triggers me is turning this whole problem on its head to make it political. and i'm not talking about the OP, i can understand the uncontrollable nature of the situation and feelings that come with it - been there, done that. i'm talking about other members here - i'm against treating drug addicts as less than human, as some here reportedly have done so (again, didn't read the whole thread). i've called him a junkie as a quote from other post, to which OP replied, to which in turn i've replied - but that was simply a reality check. as i've said, he's as much a child of his parents, as a drug addict.

what disgusts me (as a supporter of the wall btw) is the "yeah, lets build a wall" circlejerk running around in this thread. focusing on the drug addiction and the harsh reality that comes with it, may help the OP deal with the situation. patting on the back and focusing on the wall will not. it disgusts me even more than the lefties taking their jab at this matter. both sides should go to hell, this is a personal thread.

you can be overly nice, or you can be helpful. OP needs help. OP's stepson needs help. he's still alive, so now is not the time to mourn - it's a time to act on it until it's too late.

and btw, i'm more of an empath than you can possibly imagine - which is exactly why i'm not offering gentle words and free hugs in a situation like this. when you've been through enough, you realize those work only in selected few cases, where all that's needed is a morale bump - and even in those cases, pointing out facts to strenghten the will of the person in pain is a better choice.

you can try to give someone your strength, or you can help them find their own strength they've lost. the latter is a better, long term solution.

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 10:46 AM

originally posted by: Drucifer
It seems hypocritical for right wingers to call for a wall to stop drugs while at the same time saying gun legislation is anti-2nd amendment and that guns do not kill people, people kill people. Heroin, on its own, does not kill people. People have to use it in order for it to be lethal....

guns are used for protection. what does heroin protect you from again?

seriously, cut this political crap from this thread.
edit on 21/1/2019 by jedi_hamster because: (no reason given)

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