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My Stepson's Best Friend OD'd Today--Build The Damn Wall NOW!

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posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 07:05 AM
a reply to: TheScale

big pharma relies on opium and as long as they have our govt in their back pocket nothing is going to change.

Big Pharma, black budgets for CIA, Swiss bank retirement accounts for politicians, Halliburton No Bid contracts the list goes on an on

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT

Not nice when hard drugs cross anyone's path but there is zero evidence to support the notion that a wall will help. All the actual studies (rather than theory / conjecture) show a wall would make no positive impact with respect to drug smuggling - except to small scale users transporting their own over the border. And, as i am sure you are painfully aware, the small scale users are not the problem.

And that is pretty much all i want to say on this issue as i don't wish to antagonise an OP who is obviously still rather raw.

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 08:05 AM

originally posted by: InhaleExhale
so anyone that sells anything that can harm another requires the punishment of death?

What about dealers selling drugs to users that are using for social purposes and are not creating any misery?

They get a pass because no misery is involved?

learn to read. i was talking about stuff like heroin and meth.

originally posted by: InhaleExhale
Is alcohol a safer substance than heroin in your opinion?

of course it is.

first of all, you won't get addicted that fast.
second, withdrawal symptoms are much weaker.

now, i'm not saying that when you're a heavy drinker, getting out of it is easy - it is not. i was drinking a lot back in the day, not "too much too much", but too much, so i know something about it.

and then i stopped.

it hits you mostly psychologically, but that's nothing compared to what heroin addicts go through as far as i know from my ex and some research. after just one dose, your withdrawal may feel like you've got razor blades flowing in your vains.

there's a reason alcohol is legal and heroin is not. you can safely drink alcohol for, as you've said, "social purposes", as long as you're responsible and not drinking too much. with heroin and other drugs i meant when talking about death penalty, there's no safety line. you'll take it once, you're screwed.

people comparing alcohol to heroin have no f..king idea what they're talking about.
edit on 22/1/2019 by jedi_hamster because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 08:32 AM
a reply to: jedi_hamster

learn to read. i was talking about stuff like heroin and meth.

Yes and my point/question still stands

Or are you under the impression that all heroin and meth use causes misery?

first of all, you won't get addicted that fast.

There is no time period for addiction and how long one takes to be addicted.

Its how a user is using is what determines addiction.

You may have dependency in mind.

second, withdrawal symptoms are much weaker.

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms are just as dangerous as heroin withdrawal after the body becomes dependent to the substance.

t hits you psychologically, but that's nothing compared to what heroine addicts go through as far as i know from my ex and some research.

Sorry but I doubt you did any research other than hear opinions and not factual information about addictions and dependency and the substances that are considered dependent drugs.

But it shard to know what you are talking about

heavy drinking, heavy drug use

alcohol addiction, drug addiction

or alcohol dependency/drug dependency.

there's a reason alcohol is legal and heroin is not. you can safely drink alcohol for, as you've said, "social purposes", as long as you're responsible and not drinking too much. with heroin and other drugs i meant when talking about death penalty, there's no safety line. you'll take it once, you're screwed.

Actually there is, heroin dependency takes a while just like any other substance.

addiction can happen after the first use or first doing of anything, be it sex, food, drugs or alcohol.

people comparing alcohol to heroin have no f..king idea what they're talking about.


Just 1st hand knowledge compared to your 2nd hand.

here's a reason alcohol is legal and heroin is not.

Yes there is

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 09:51 AM

originally posted by: InhaleExhale
Yes and my point/question still stands

Or are you under the impression that all heroin and meth use causes misery?

are you under the impression that heroin and meth should be legalized?

originally posted by: InhaleExhale
There is no time period for addiction and how long one takes to be addicted.

Its how a user is using is what determines addiction.

You may have dependency in mind.

some drugs are too strong to not get addicted to, or, as you would prefer, get dependent on. the way i see it, you may avoid developing an addiction, despite getting dependent, while being administered morphine in a hospital, but when you're taking heroin on your own, out of your own will, you're doing it because you WANT TO. that's as obvious route to addiction as it gets.

originally posted by: InhaleExhale
Alcohol withdrawal symptoms are just as dangerous as heroin withdrawal after the body becomes dependent to the substance.

the thing is, for that level of dependency on alcohol, one would have to drink a f..king lot, for hell knows how long. it's possible, sure, and some people get there. still, you can drink "a couple" of beers and 250-500ml of vodka a day for 2 months and stop in a single day, and all you'll get will be a headache. trying the same thing with heroin would be much, much worse.

originally posted by: InhaleExhale
Actually there is

originally posted by: InhaleExhale
Yes there is

you may want to stop taking whatever you're taking before posting here.

as for experience, i was drinking enough to know that you can be hardly sober for months and not get dependent on alcohol. it gets familiar and after not drinking heavily for years, you still have to be careful because "that path is open already", but it's really hard to get into serious physical dependency.

not with heroin. i'll repeat it again, my ex was a heroin addict, so i know a few things about it. i'm far from being stupid enough to take it myself, but i was taking tramadol (spine problems, migraine), in normal - so not big - doses, and dependency sure as hell was kicking in. if small doses of - relatively - weak opioid, can screw you up easily, it's easy to imagine what heroin can do.

your "1st hand knowledge", coupled with your opinions, makes you sound like a recreational drug user. i knew people like that. none really knew what they were doing, they only lied to themselves that they're in control. needless to say, they were all extremely biased on the matter, and so are you.

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: jedi_hamster

are you under the impression that heroin and meth should be legalized?

If you read my posts I said decriminalization is the way to go and is what anyone with many years of narcotics experience, meaning Police would suggest for governments to do to clean up what considered dirty.

Will you answer my question?

some drugs are too strong to not get addicted to, or, as you would prefer, get dependent on.

I would prefer?


look up what addiction is and what dependency is concerning substance abuse before replying anymore.


the way i see it, you may avoid developing an addiction, despite getting dependent, while being administered morphine in a hospital, but when you're taking heroin on your own, out of your own will, you're doing it because you WANT TO. that's as obvious route to addiction as it gets.


before posting more understand what addiction is and what dependency is.

the thing is, for that level of dependency on alcohol, one would have to drink a f..king lot, for hell knows how long.

Please stop showing you don't know what the words mean.

your "1st hand knowledge", coupled with your opinions, makes you sound like a recreational drug user.

No months of addictive behavior is what made me develop my dependency on something I wont mention because we don't talk about personal use here.

Not my opinions but facts from medical experts you can ask yourself and look into yourself with a few hours of reading.

i knew people like that. none really knew what they were doing, they only lied to themselves that they're in control. needless to say, they were all extremely biased on the matter, and so are you.

I have been clean for over 15 years now.

Addiction and dependency

learn what they mean concerning substance and activity abuse.

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: Magnivea

In the 20 years I dealt with pot regularly I NEVER saw anything laced.

Word! Me neither and I've been doing it even longer

Oh hinting that it's not known if cannabinoids help pain management... Again, after several months of Marinol™ treatment (thanks for nothing, big pharma!) I've switched to CBD oil for MS and other autoimmune disease pain relief, migraine management, sleep, and appetite problems.

Exactly, plus we make in our bodies "endocannabinoids" just like 'we make endorphins'

In fact our bodies are capable of AFAWK are capable of sythesizing over 200 variations of 'cannabinols' In our bodies

In fact it's pretty Obvious that these 'endo-cannabinoids' are essential compounds about which we are only just scraping the surface.

I attribute my complete recoveries from a neurological condition down to cannabis.

Hey friend, look up 'emdocannabinoids' on wiki and let your mind feast. It will help you understand why 'compounds' like Marinol are sh#t and what you should be able to achieve with the 'right' oils IS amazing ... e.g. IMO its THE 'natural Cure' for depression and many other 'mood based disorders' (as is getting enough magnesium, but that's another story!)

if you'd ike to pick my brains, esp about "pain management" (esp neuropathic PAIN) Magnivea, feel free to shoot me a pm, I might be a bit slow to answer it but I shall try my best to do so asap

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: InhaleExhale

you've been clean for 15 years, yet the damage seems permanent, because you still cannot comprehend the simple fact that all i'm saying is you can get addicted to, as well as dependent on, heroin, much, much faster than in case of alcohol - which is what this was all about in the first place. this isn't about "how does it compare when you hit rock bottom using both substances", no matter how much you're trying to twist it that way. it's about "which substance will make you hit the rock bottom way sooner", and that's not alcohol.

also, i'm perfectly aware of the difference, you're just trying to nitpick instead of providing answers. f..k, anyone saying heroin should be legalized is either insane or just dumb as a brick. this isn't weed or alcohol, where you can smoke a joint or get hammered and get up the next morning and forget about it. withdrawal symptoms are much worse from the get go, person can get addicted right away, and dependence kicks in much sooner as well. some drugs are just f..king DANGEROUS, and one has to be a goddamn idiot to claim otherwise. friend of a friend almost threw himself under the bus, literally, because crows were "attacking" him - flashback, many months after that hallucinogen CIA loves so much, use. so what, lets legalize it? i knew a few people. some ended up ruining their own lives and lives of their loved ones, some ended up in jail, some ended up dead. you're perfectly aware that the only right way to use such drugs is to not use them at all, or you wouldn't be clean since years, yet you want to legalize them? for what, to give others the chance to fall into the sh.thole you just crawled back from 15 years ago?

we're done here.
edit on 22/1/2019 by jedi_hamster because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

Claiming that 90% of illegal drugs come through the Mexican border is absurd, and absurdly uninformed. Stop regurgitating inaccurate BS and actually do a tiny modicum of thinking and research on your own. Good freaking grief. When did the population of this country become conpletely incapable of critical thought and research?
You know what causes most supposed heroin overdoses? Fentanyl? Do you know where the vast majority of fentanyl in this country comes from? China. CHINA. Not Mexico. So unless they are extending the wall to surround China, its not going to help with the opioid problem.

posted on Jan, 23 2019 @ 06:01 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT

Im sorry to hear about the OD ,a nd your son , have you tried ibogaine apparently it has a 70% success rate in curing addiction for heroin!

Anyway , if the illegal drugs flooding the US bothers you then speak to the CIA they are pretty much responsible for most for the drugs coming into the US

posted on Jan, 23 2019 @ 06:03 AM
a reply to: jedi_hamster

according William S Burroughs in his book "Junkie" it takes the average heroin user , injecting for 21 days to get a physical dependency on the drug

however your mind can become dependent from the first hit !

posted on Jan, 23 2019 @ 12:08 PM
I live on an island, and there's a # ton of drugs, what a stupid illogical argument.

posted on Jan, 23 2019 @ 02:41 PM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: jedi_hamster

according William S Burroughs in his book "Junkie" it takes the average heroin user , injecting for 21 days to get a physical dependency on the drug

however your mind can become dependent from the first hit !

exactly. while you can get hammered with beers and drinks days after days for 2 months straight, and you'll just get a headache. you'll get a slight addiction, sure, but nothing a strong will can't handle.

yet some claim both are as dangerous. i'm not saying alcohol is safe, it is not. i'm rarely drinking, probably twice a year, and it's wine at most, can't stand vodka anymore. but heroin, well, that sh.t is on another level.
edit on 23/1/2019 by jedi_hamster because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2019 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: jedi_hamster

Wrong on the alcohol it can kill in the withdrawal with seizures etc and try getting someone to kick booze
it is not easy , a fun thing i noticed just before the shops close here 10 pm UK there appears on tv everyone drinking go to a shop/off license and everyone is rushing in to buy booze all at the same time every night off the week 9.30--10 pm is crazy time

posted on Jan, 23 2019 @ 10:15 PM

originally posted by: stonerwilliam
a reply to: jedi_hamster

Wrong on the alcohol it can kill in the withdrawal with seizures etc and try getting someone to kick booze
it is not easy , a fun thing i noticed just before the shops close here 10 pm UK there appears on tv everyone drinking go to a shop/off license and everyone is rushing in to buy booze all at the same time every night off the week 9.30--10 pm is crazy time

another one... read my previous posts. it's not about worst case scenario, it's about how fast you can get to that worst case scenario. sure, you can kill yourself with alcohol in one day, you can also do it much easier with heroin, but this isn't about what's possible when some suicidal moron gets to booze.

it's about regular, moderate use.

you can drink moderately (getting drunk, but still being relatively fine) day after day for 2 months and you'll get a headache as a result. try the same with heroin and you'd be seriously screwed.

alcohol is definitely dangerous, i know something about it, but it's nowhere in the same ballpark drugs like heroin are.

posted on Jan, 25 2019 @ 05:02 AM
a reply to: Pandaram

wow.....really, I hope you never have to deal with the things so many families have and or lose someone close to you..

a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.

posted on Jan, 25 2019 @ 05:09 AM

originally posted by: torok67
a reply to: Pandaram

wow.....really, I hope you never have to deal with the things so many families have and or lose someone close to you..

a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.

Oh please, that's lame as can be

When i was 11 one of the best friends i have known in my entire life died, she was killed by some guy in drugs that lusted for her and she rejected him, The last thing it went on my mind was "If only there was a wall!!!!!"

How do you relate one thing to the other? This is stupid, honestly

edit on 25-1-2019 by BoneSay because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2019 @ 03:30 AM
a reply to: BoneSay

cool post bro, and btw

I get called lots of things, no one thinks i'm good person, my friends were ass*oles and people treat them badly, ever since i can remember. But once they died, everyone talks the good things about them, so nice and how young he died and he was so smart and he was just mischievous but he was a good kid after all!

No one helped him but he was a victim, if he only had a chance!

How come once you died then you are all that but while alive no one gives a cr*p about you? Living on the streets eating a tuna can a day, showering twice a week, sleeping under park benches, getting beaten up for stupid reasons,then they ask why we are violent

Becoz "words are cheap" and when the person is dead, no matter what they say theey won't actually have to Do Anything about it

"by their actions you shall know them and they shall know themselves"

take care amigo . . .

from the other side of the world

posted on Jan, 28 2019 @ 04:42 AM

originally posted by: JohnnyJetson
a reply to: BoneSay

cool post bro, and btw

I get called lots of things, no one thinks i'm good person, my friends were ass*oles and people treat them badly, ever since i can remember. But once they died, everyone talks the good things about them, so nice and how young he died and he was so smart and he was just mischievous but he was a good kid after all!

No one helped him but he was a victim, if he only had a chance!

How come once you died then you are all that but while alive no one gives a cr*p about you? Living on the streets eating a tuna can a day, showering twice a week, sleeping under park benches, getting beaten up for stupid reasons,then they ask why we are violent

Becoz "words are cheap" and when the person is dead, no matter what they say theey won't actually have to Do Anything about it

"by their actions you shall know them and they shall know themselves"

take care amigo . . .

from the other side of the world


Girl here though, so amiga

That's a nice quote


posted on Jan, 28 2019 @ 08:03 AM
a reply to: jedi_hamster

you've been clean for 15 years, yet the damage seems permanent, because you still cannot comprehend the simple fact that all i'm saying is you can get addicted to, as well as dependent on, heroin, much, much faster than in case of alcohol - which is what this was all about in the first place.

and again

educate yourself

ones biology and chemistry play a big part in addition to amounts taken and how consistent use is.

The ignorance is astounding in the things you post.

also, i'm perfectly aware of the difference, you're just trying to nitpick instead of providing answers.

NO you repeatedly demonstrated in your posts that you don't.

Maybe now you do after doing some reading but why stop there.

f..k, anyone saying heroin should be legalized is either insane or just dumb as a brick.

who said it should be legalized?

you're just trying to nitpick instead of providing answers.


trying to be as precise as possible because words have meanings and lives have a value you cannot put a price on. There is too much ignorance about addiction and substance abuse .

I am not making idiotic claims about legalizing anything or using vulgar language to get my point across.

Try educating yourself on a few things, how to speak first then try looking in the things you claim have touched too close to home but show ignorance of what addiction and dependency are.

friend of a friend almost threw himself under the bus, literally, because crows were "attacking" him - flashback, many months after that hallucinogen CIA loves so much, use. so what, lets legalize it?

are you high or on something when posting this?


Who is talking about legalization?

you keep trying imply I think substances should be legal.

i knew a few people.

I know a lot of people.


are you OK?

you are getting very disjointed the more you post

some ended up ruining their own lives and lives of their loved ones, some ended up in jail, some ended up dead.


I know people that are were alive and are dead now as well

Not sure what your point is or how it relative at all to what being discussed

maybe take a breath and compose yourself and say what you want say with clarity.

These just sound like random thoughts you are wanting to share.

you're perfectly aware that the only right way to use such drugs is to not use them at all, or you wouldn't be clean since years, yet you want to legalize them?

yet I want legalize them?

Not sure who you think you are replying to but I never said that.

for what, to give others the chance to fall into the sh.thole you just crawled back from 15 years ago? we're done here.


your making up things and demonstrating ignorance over and over is enough.

Thank you

it's not about worst case scenario, it's about how fast you can get to that worst case scenario. sure, you can kill yourself with alcohol in one day, you can also do it much easier with heroin, but this isn't about what's possible when some suicidal moron gets to booze.

yes its about you demonstrating even more ignorance

please educate yourself.

you can drink moderately (getting drunk, but still being relatively fine) day after day for 2 months and you'll get a headache as a result. try the same with heroin and you'd be seriously screwed.

so everyone is the same in your opinion?

tolerance levels are the same for 50 kg unhealthy person compared to and 80kg athlete or 150kg obese person?

Please don't answer

I am just giving you things to think about

remember we are done.

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