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My Stepson's Best Friend OD'd Today--Build The Damn Wall NOW!

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posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT

KNOW WHAT?...Drugs are as good as 'legal' already...and kids are still dropping like flies. Right any city or town...regardless of whether you're rich or's as easy for a drug addict to get their it is for you to run down to the 7/11 to buy a six pack. Ask any cop.

Yes and making legislation will actually make it harder for those wanting to experiment with drugs as youngsters which in turn could lead to those youngster becoming addicts.

Having it controlled instead of free for all make it better for the youth and harder for the youth and casual users without dependency to get.

There are still issues any-which way but decriminalization and creating legislation is the way to go.

using your own words when you say just ask a cop.

Yes, ask any police officer with many, over a decade of experience with narcotics and they will all say the best path to take by any government is decriminalization.

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 11:02 AM
So you want me to pay for a wall because your stepson is a drug addict?

No thanks.

Personal responsibility.

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: Drucifer

yea, not sure how many fully get it and understand...
It appears to be all done by design..not accident.
Parents been duped and conned and do not even know what is up and been programmed the extent plausible denial is clear...

Soon everyone is going to be unfit to own a weapon is going to be the mantra, because everyone is or has been on medication that makes them unfit.

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: Theyy

Think each state should designate a town with a wall around it, that people can check in and check out of and do drugs in a controlled safe place, where there is like a limit, same as at a bar, like 2-3 doses per day...under the care of a physician of course administering.

Colorado think that read it was maybe going to legalize mushrooms, that would be a great start for anyone wanting to kick a habit.

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 01:13 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: IAMTAT

originally posted by: iplay1up2
a reply to: IAMTAT

I am sorry for your loss. My Niece, has been a heroine addict for 10 years. I know what it is like. The thing is, yes the drugs come from Mexico, however they come through the ports of entry, 90% of the time.

Thank you. I'm sorry you're dealing with this too.
Most heroin and opioids come in through the US/Mexico border.

Yes, usually smuggled over the legal entry/exit points - at least 90% estimated and a lot of that is by Americans for Americans. The wall wouldn't make any significant difference.

How does anyone quantify what/how much actually comes into the country unobserved/un-intercepted from the vast unprotected areas of the immense border?

Logic dictates that it's a huge amount.

Logic dictates nothing like based on previous catches. Logic dictates you want it to for some weird reason to back up your need to believe Trump is correct.

Why don't you just stop trying to be a propaganda machine and read facts rather than skewed versions of them?

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 01:35 PM

originally posted by: dojozen
a reply to: Theyy

Think each state should designate a town with a wall around it, that people can check in and check out of and do drugs in a controlled safe place, where there is like a limit, same as at a bar, like 2-3 doses per day...under the care of a physician of course administering.

Colorado think that read it was maybe going to legalize mushrooms, that would be a great start for anyone wanting to kick a habit.

The problem with addicts is that they have an addiction and if you honestly think that drugalcoholwhatever vice would stay confined within those walls in those safe towns then you are being naive.

If people lack the will power to make the correct choices, not doing drugs, and own their life then they should be treated as mentally or physically unfit in life until they can or do make that choice.

Discipline Equals Freedom

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 01:50 PM

originally posted by: jedi_hamster

you have no idea how much drug addicts can lie. what they're able to do to their loved ones.

Actually I do.

And I know that they can pull out of it, and lead a normal life again, but it takes constant awareness on their part.

you can try to give someone your strength, or you can help them find their own strength they've lost. the latter is a better, long term solution.

No argument there

My own opinion is that this country/world is broken, on so many levels, but the one that truly counts is the family. Families are fragmented beyond anything recognizable these days, but we all have bling right? The breakdown of our society rests with our current MO, we only need to see that it doesn't work, and seems to be getting worse.

If we don't slow down, as a whole, and really start to look within, and be honest with ourselves, our lifestyles will continue to suffer. The drug epidemic (including Alcohol) is just something people are using to escape the miserable world they live in, so change the world, and maybe people won't seek to escape reality. Idealistic I know, but it's the only way to stop this madness.

And for the record I can see now why you were so passionate in your posts.

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 04:58 PM

originally posted by: jedi_hamster

originally posted by: Drucifer
It seems hypocritical for right wingers to call for a wall to stop drugs while at the same time saying gun legislation is anti-2nd amendment and that guns do not kill people, people kill people. Heroin, on its own, does not kill people. People have to use it in order for it to be lethal....

guns are used for protection. what does heroin protect you from again?

seriously, cut this political crap from this thread.

Ok...OP cites Pelosi stalling and her BS...but *I* need to cut the politics crap.

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 08:19 PM

originally posted by: jedi_hamster

you have no idea how much drug addicts can lie. what they're able to do to their loved ones. OP's stepson doesn't need protection from drugs - which is nearly impossible to do anyway. he needs protection from HIMSELF.

That is exactly what he needs protection from. And what anti drug laws are there for. Keeping the weapon out of his hand.

It's just like arguing that suicidal persons should be kept away from handguns.

... and both arguments are true in their own way.

I saw a TV show once where a woman went to her son's drug dealer, paid his outstanding debt, and then told the dealer not to sell anymore to her son. Then they had a fight and she ended up killing him.

I felt pretty good about what I was seeing. Even if selling to the general public were acceptable (not saying whether it is or not), selling to someone whose loved ones have asked you not to just seems wrong.

Well, just about everyone with an addict in their family would like the dealers to stop selling to them.

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 10:13 PM

originally posted by: bloodymarvelous
That is exactly what he needs protection from. And what anti drug laws are there for. Keeping the weapon out of his hand.

It's just like arguing that suicidal persons should be kept away from handguns.

... and both arguments are true in their own way.


you can kill yourself with a f..king pencil, John Wick style. same with drugs, an addict will always find a way. you just can't stop someone from getting the thing they want, if they want it badly enough, got it? it's wishfull thinking and pure BS.

the only way for such person to be truly safe, is to be able to resist temptation despite having a drug/gun/whatever, within arm's reach. and if you don't believe in such person enough to think it's possible, how is such person supposed to believe in themself? you can't help someone like that.

give them strength (and believe in them), lock them up against their will, or watch them die. those are the only options. everything else won't be enough, because an addict will go to Mexico on foot and bend over to local dealer if he has to.

originally posted by: bloodymarvelous
Well, just about everyone with an addict in their family would like the dealers to stop selling to them.

i would rather think they would want them dead, and rightfully so. death penalty should be the only penalty for selling drugs.
edit on 21/1/2019 by jedi_hamster because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2019 @ 10:20 PM

originally posted by: Realtruth
And for the record I can see now why you were so passionate in your posts.

i'm just a douchebag as usual

as for this world, it is f..ked up, true. the thing is, people accept it as it is, and what's worse, they perpetuate this state of affairs.

and they will resist any change for the better. for this world to be reborn, most of the society needs to die. i'm not saying that suddenly - although that's probably what will happen - but you can't change the rules on the fly with the old guard opposing the change, and i'm not talking just about the governments, but about people in general, used to the way things are right now.

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 12:25 AM

originally posted by: Djarums
Our opinions on walls aside (and everyone has the right to their view on that) doesn't anyone think it's in really poor taste to say things like "RIP junkies" or "junkies" get what they deserve etc to a fellow member who just lost someone close to them?

Politics have turned some of our members into vulgar people. It's sad to see.

I have had friends that died because of drugs, some of the were killed some died with overdose

i have my own problems, i sped up on a highway at 60 miles an hour on a very rainy day on my dirt bike and fell, i did not die but got hurt a lot, it took a while to recover. I'm still dealing with my own issues, but you know what i find very funny?

I get called lots of things, no one thinks i'm good person, my friends were ass*oles and people treat them badly, ever since i can remember. But once they died, everyone talks the good things about them, so nice and how young he died and he was so smart and he was just mischievous but he was a good kid after all! No one helped him but he was a victim, if he only had a chance!

How come once you died then you are all that but while alive no one gives a cr*p about you? Living on the streets eating a tuna can a day, showering twice a week, sleeping under park benches, getting beaten up for stupid reasons,then they ask why we are violent

And we died then oh pooor kid and all the stuff, this is dumb

No wall stops mistreatment at home of having to roam the streets like a zombie looking for somthing to eat and getting beaten up at home for stupid reasons no one else gets beaten up
It is as bad that someone uses some kid tragedy to push stpid political stuff but it is also stpid that once the person dies or has serious issues then suddenly we must have respect and don't talk bad about the dead only about the living ones

How does that even work?

I would care more about the guy suffering through it than the people around the, because as far as i know most times those people are the ones that cuased the problem in the first place

I wasn't born beaten up as far as i can remember, or living on the street, somehow i was pushed to it, so it would be the most ridiculous thing that if i died a few days from now then all peope will reach to my mom to say they are so sorry and how wonderful i was when a few days before they would ignore me and talk behind my back, and no one gave a d*mn about me and wanted to send me away very far. Pure hipocrisy all that stuff about how not to talk bad about the dead or respect the pain in the parents, it depends on what happened and what the parents may have done, because you know most times they are the reason of all the f*kup

So anyway, they called them junkies, so what, we should call them good kids because they have drug issues and are hopeless, somehow the OP has a world where everyone is in hard drugs and dying, but the wahhhhh!!

They are junkies and probably like some old friends were or are also bad persons, violent and could not care less about anyone else, i know a lot of people like that, no one likes them but as said before once they died "let's not talk bad about the dead". Such nonsense

To me, i would feel angry and botherred much about why my stupiod situation is being used for politic agenda stuff

Like why the hell would someone talk about my stuff and use it for their own gain, while i've been here all along with the daily crap and no one cared enough to help me for real, but now they see me go down and they help themselves out of the stupid situation i am on

How about the other way around but no

That's what is disrespectful, not calling me a junkie, i don't do hard drugs but i do alcohol a lot, almost every other day and i know it's bad but i have tons of stupid crap always in my mind and it kills me bad very bad, and i can't help it, no one cares around but if they can use it to get attention to their stupid ideas of course they will lmao!

This entire thing is stpid and i'm sorry

Yes yes i am wrong always and there is always a way to tell me off, no problem, i know


i guess i wanted to say before letting all my dumb stuff out was that who cares about how they are called after the fact, it matters nothing to them only to the people alive who most times are the ones causing the problem in the first place

I care moer about why it happened and how, and not about the after thought or following dumb rules about dead people.

There will be more to ignore and insult and avoid, and even more after that to use after a tragedy

edit on 22-1-2019 by BoneSay because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-1-2019 by BoneSay because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-1-2019 by BoneSay because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 12:38 AM

originally posted by: olaru12
Don't you think it's time for the junkies to take personal responsibility for their own lives?

Always looking for a scapegoat to place the blame on rather than their own scumbag oh poor me, lifestyle.

I think you are only trying to cause personal pain towards someone you recognize as being a political foe. Kinda typical too, for a soulless Hollywood Leftist to flip their views at the drop of a hat when it serves their purpose. A purpose which is usually sickening. Like snidely and subtly calling Tats stepchild and the friend "scumbags" right after the friend died...all because this person disagrees with you politically.

You really just came in here, made hateful, hurtful statements which go against your ideology and go against common sense, all in a desperate, pathetic bid to try to get back at Trump by hurting one of his supporters?

This isn't the first post of yours that appears to have this motive.

And his (IAMTAT) response to you now that ai think of it, was nothing short of heroic in the level of patience he showed to your childish display. He even complimented you. His character is just towering over your own. You are like a rat, no, a snake, compared to IAMTATs vast expanse of moral integrity, like you're just an oxygen molecule, he could breathe you in and absorb you without even taking notice of the act. That's how puny and miniscule you are in comparison.

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 12:50 AM

originally posted by: 3n19m470

originally posted by: olaru12
Don't you think it's time for the junkies to take personal responsibility for their own lives?

Always looking for a scapegoat to place the blame on rather than their own scumbag oh poor me, lifestyle.

I think you are only trying to cause personal pain towards someone you recognize as being a political foe. Kinda typical too, for a soulless Hollywood Leftist to flip their views at the drop of a hat when it serves their purpose. A purpose which is usually sickening. Like snidely and subtly calling Tats stepchild and the friend "scumbags" right after the friend died...all because this person disagrees with you politically.

You really just came in here, made hateful, hurtful statements which go against your ideology and go against common sense, all in a desperate, pathetic bid to try to get back at Trump by hurting one of his supporters?

This isn't the first post of yours that appears to have this motive.

And his (IAMTAT) response to you now that ai think of it, was nothing short of heroic in the level of patience he showed to your childish display. He even complimented you. His character is just towering over your own. You are like a rat, no, a snake, compared to IAMTATs vast expanse of moral integrity, like you're just an oxygen molecule, he could breathe you in and absorb you without even taking notice of the act. That's how puny and miniscule you are in comparison.

He tried to use the death of some guy to push his politica agenda, is that a right thing to do with some guy's death?

I don't understand you, everything politics related s*cks bad when used these days, from whatever side it is used

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 01:41 AM
a reply to: jedi_hamster

death penalty should be the only penalty for selling drugs.

So... you're not interested in (or capable of?) discussing actual solutions...are you?

Most every addict has sold drugs at one time or another.

Also what's a drug? Do I get to kill the guy who sold weed to my sister? The guy who works at the weed store down the road? Can I kill him? Not that I want to, I like weed. I just wanna know, if he pisses me off in the future, can I pull out a gun and be like (in slow motion) "YOOU SOOLLD MMYY SIIISTERRR DRUUUUUGS!!!! *POW!* ... *POW!* ... *POW!* ... *POW!* ?

You know some people are freaking ADAMANT that cannabis is just as bad as meth or heroin or xanax or ecstasy. So they are gonna be like "No fair! You guys all get to execute your drug dealers... but My sister "only" smoke pot so for some reason you guys are telling me that's somehow 'different'. Like, what in the actual EFF, you guys?! My sister is GETTING HIGH. We JUST agreed that "getting high is bad and is worth killing over" and now you're backing out???

One of my girlfriends once put on 75 lbs and became what the doctor called "borderline diabetic" because she loved Starbucks coffees but the coffee taste is so strong she needed 15 to 18 pumps of vanilla (normally they do 6 pumps for a Venti/Large). Which apparently vanilla syrup and probably a lot of syrups, contains a fair amount of sugar in some form or another. Do we kill the bastards getting rich off her misery and others misery?

Also, Diet Coke is another ladykiller.. Its ingredients are MORE addictive than NORMAL Coke! And make you MORE FAT! Bastards are getting filthy rich from these addictions... And its ALL LEGAL TOO!!

"Oh but that doesnt count because those drugs don't make people feel really #ing good. For some reason that really pisses me off when people feel really #ing good."

How about cigarettes? I'm trying hard to quit. I switched to Natural American Spirits, from Marlboro Red 100s, and even though they are shorter than the 100s, I found it much easier to lower my smoking.

This is because Marlboro uses like 500 chemicals or some sh#, some of them are specifically added to increase addiction and that's why you get addicted to your certain brand, even though they are all supposed to just be "tobacco" and you're supposedly addicted to just "tobacco"...but you'll notice you're not quite satisfied if you stick to Marbs for a while then try to switch, (I forced myself to get a different pack almost every time, switching between at least 5 different brands).

...And Natural American Spirit says on the package- Tobacco Ingredients: Tobacco, Water. Thats it. Now imagine if Marlboro or other brands put an ingredients would take up the whole package!

But the power of those other huge tobacco companies is such that, even though they make no claim to be safer, American Spirits are required to put a notice on their packaging that says "Natural American Spirit cigarettes are not safer than other cigarettes."


I've never seen a pack of marlboros say that (except when they made the law that all "Light" cigarettes had to give a notice that they are not safer just because they are called "Light" but this applied to all brands when this happened).

How much of a genius does it take to figure out that tobacco and water is safer than tobacco, water, plus 500 chemicals most of which are deadly? I could see someone complaining if they were advertised as being good for you, or acceptable for kids, but they did no such thing.

Just because they have the word "Natural" in their name (and it's an accurate name!) and have the transparency to list their ingredients so they are punished in this way.

Anyway, not every drug dealer is "bad" in the same way you're thinking of. Are there a lot of drug dealers out there, like probably 25%, that deserve to he shot between the eyes? That's very possible from what I have seen. But again that number varies depending on what you consider to be a drug. What if an old lady cant afford her deductible to get her meds filled for her thyroid condition and I help her to get linked up with someone who can get her enough meds, and for an affordable price, to hold her over a few months while she gets this situation sorted out?

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 01:43 AM

originally posted by: BoneSay

originally posted by: 3n19m470

originally posted by: olaru12
Don't you think it's time for the junkies to take personal responsibility for their own lives?

Always looking for a scapegoat to place the blame on rather than their own scumbag oh poor me, lifestyle.

I think you are only trying to cause personal pain towards someone you recognize as being a political foe. Kinda typical too, for a soulless Hollywood Leftist to flip their views at the drop of a hat when it serves their purpose. A purpose which is usually sickening. Like snidely and subtly calling Tats stepchild and the friend "scumbags" right after the friend died...all because this person disagrees with you politically.

You really just came in here, made hateful, hurtful statements which go against your ideology and go against common sense, all in a desperate, pathetic bid to try to get back at Trump by hurting one of his supporters?

This isn't the first post of yours that appears to have this motive.

And his (IAMTAT) response to you now that ai think of it, was nothing short of heroic in the level of patience he showed to your childish display. He even complimented you. His character is just towering over your own. You are like a rat, no, a snake, compared to IAMTATs vast expanse of moral integrity, like you're just an oxygen molecule, he could breathe you in and absorb you without even taking notice of the act. That's how puny and miniscule you are in comparison.

He tried to use the death of some guy to push his politica agenda, is that a right thing to do with some guy's death?

I don't understand you, everything politics related s*cks bad when used these days, from whatever side it is used

Yes, it appears he was in an emotional state over the death of his sons friend and understandably wants to find a solution to prevent further death and misery. So yeah let's beat the hell out of him for that!

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 02:15 AM

originally posted by: 3n19m470

originally posted by: BoneSay

originally posted by: 3n19m470

originally posted by: olaru12
Don't you think it's time for the junkies to take personal responsibility for their own lives?

Always looking for a scapegoat to place the blame on rather than their own scumbag oh poor me, lifestyle.

I think you are only trying to cause personal pain towards someone you recognize as being a political foe. Kinda typical too, for a soulless Hollywood Leftist to flip their views at the drop of a hat when it serves their purpose. A purpose which is usually sickening. Like snidely and subtly calling Tats stepchild and the friend "scumbags" right after the friend died...all because this person disagrees with you politically.

You really just came in here, made hateful, hurtful statements which go against your ideology and go against common sense, all in a desperate, pathetic bid to try to get back at Trump by hurting one of his supporters?

This isn't the first post of yours that appears to have this motive.

And his (IAMTAT) response to you now that ai think of it, was nothing short of heroic in the level of patience he showed to your childish display. He even complimented you. His character is just towering over your own. You are like a rat, no, a snake, compared to IAMTATs vast expanse of moral integrity, like you're just an oxygen molecule, he could breathe you in and absorb you without even taking notice of the act. That's how puny and miniscule you are in comparison.

He tried to use the death of some guy to push his politica agenda, is that a right thing to do with some guy's death?

I don't understand you, everything politics related s*cks bad when used these days, from whatever side it is used

Yes, it appears he was in an emotional state over the death of his sons friend and understandably wants to find a solution to prevent further death and misery. So yeah let's beat the hell out of him for that!


My friend doed, better make use of it for politifal agenda!

Lets not even tal about what he did or made him good or lose in life or how parents and socoety failed him, no, walllllll

Yes perfectly understandable

"I'm groot!"
edit on 22-1-2019 by BoneSay because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 02:27 AM
a reply to: BoneSay

You are so right though.

People do not value a life until it is gone. While the life is here, they behave as if it will Always be here, even though we all know it could go away at ANY SECOND for ANY ONE of us.

And when it does happen, THEN they start to care and talk about what should have and could have been done and they like to make such bold declarations, like "I will Never let this happen again. I will treat humans better from now on...and be different from now on." And that usually doesn't happen.

People dont even have the courage to behave differently. The strange looks and whispers they will get from others is enough to snap them back into line. That's how cowardly most people are inside.

Me, I don't care if people think I am crazy. I don't care if I embarrass the people who are with me. I don't care if I "cause a scene". I don't care if people consider me weird or creepy. Of course, I'm not perfect. I still get self conscious and I still feel it when people hate me for telling the truth. But I see that its slowly sinking in for some people, so I don't give up.

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 05:37 AM
a reply to: 3n19m470

killing them is a solution, and yes, that includes addicted people that were selling drugs. selling is selling, personal gain from someone else's mysery.

i know how weed works and i'm as far from calling it "safe" as i'm from calling cigarettes or alcohol "safe". still, all that isn't on the same level meth or heroin is. withdrawal symptoms are much weaker (it's much harder to quit smoking cigarettes than weed, i know something about that, i had my episodes with weed long time ago, i'm still smoking cigarettes, i had my episodes with alcohol and i know how stuff like diazepam and tramadol, used in prescribed doses, works as far as addiction goes), whereas when it comes to heroin for example, it's way, way worse (as stated earlier, my ex was a heroin addict).

but most of all, while you can kill yourself with cigarettes, alcohol or weed, it requires some strong will and you can't really do that by accident. you'll sooner start vomiting than die. same with diazepam, tramadol and other drugs. sure, it's possible, but not that easy.

with heroin, meth and alikes, it's much easier to kill yourself, and withdrawal symptoms are so strong it's more likely to happen.

so as far as the law goes, creating a list of the most dangerous drugs would be the way, then death sentence for selling anything that's on such list. also, regular citizens can't redefine the law as they see fit, so wether one thinks that weed or coffee are deadly, doesn't matter at all.

there are countries with such laws and i don't recall hearing about drug problems in any of them. fear of death is a powerful deterrent.

posted on Jan, 22 2019 @ 06:19 AM
a reply to: jedi_hamster

killing them is a solution, and yes, that includes addicted people that were selling drugs. selling is selling, personal gain from someone else's mysery.

so anyone that sells anything that can harm another requires the punishment of death?

What about dealers selling drugs to users that are using for social purposes and are not creating any misery?

They get a pass because no misery is involved?

i know how weed works and i'm as far from calling it "safe" as i'm from calling cigarettes or alcohol "safe".

Is alcohol a safer substance than heroin in your opinion?

still, all that isn't on the same level meth or heroin is.

Actually it is

nicotine is as addictive but when dependent not as dangerous to get off but alcohol withdrawals when dependent is just as dangerous as heroin.

so as far as the law goes, creating a list of the most dangerous drugs would be the way, then death sentence for selling anything that's on such list. also, regular citizens can't redefine the law as they see fit, so wether one thinks that weed or coffee are deadly, doesn't matter at all. there are countries with such laws and i don't recall hearing about drug problems in any of them. fear of death is a powerful deterrent.

These lists exist and have been created via scientific means meaning its provable.

Alcohol is just as dangerous as heroin and coc aine

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