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Its Starting to Happen in Australia

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posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 07:52 AM
Okay, long time lurker first time poster.
Compelled to join in this debate as I live in Melbourne, so this issue is in my hood.
Anyhoo, points:
-Blair Cottrel is a massive douchenozzle, and the pro-nazi element was documented during the rally.
-The asian man I assume was representing the Vietnamese community, as some Vietnamese shop owners have been targets of the African gangs.
-The gangs do exist, and are a threat. Apex, M2S (Menace 2 Society) and BDK (Blood Drill Killers) to name a few.
-Blair Cottrel is a massive douchenozzle.
-The politician who flew down for the rally is Fraser Anning, whos maiden speech in parliament referenced a 'final solution' to muslim immigration.
-Blair Cottrel is a massive douchenozzle. And I don't care that I've probably spelled his name wrong.

Also, hi.

posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 08:01 AM
Lol at this new account.

If there are records of it let's see them

posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 08:03 AM
a reply to: Ninja4H

Nicely summed up, but I must ask. Do you have an opinion on Blair Cottrel?

posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 08:05 AM

originally posted by: continuousThunder

originally posted by: Wardaddy454

Doom asking the most important question.

Mine would have to be: Where is your proof, besides this anecdotal girlfriend which may or may not exist.

it's never not going to be hilarious how many of you are positively LEAPING on whether or not my girlfriend exists instead of anything else i said.... broadcasting insecurities much?

Having to address the existence of your girlfriend specifically is insecurity itself.
So you don't have anything, besides what this girlfriend says. Right.
edit on 8-1-2019 by Wardaddy454 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 08:06 AM
a reply to: Ninja4H

I would still like to see evidence of this guy as a nazi. Is it possible he could be a bad person with bad ideas and not be a nazi?

And if he is a nazi, you still seem to be suggesting there is a real problem with migrant gangs (the scale of which I assume is debatele) so it seems reasonable that at least some of the people worried about this or at the rally were legitimate conrcened citizens, not 100% nazis as people on this thread have claimed.

It seems to me that discussion of migrant violence is often drowned out by just screaming nazi, and that has many dangers we should be concerned about.

posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 08:07 AM

originally posted by: Ninja4H
Okay, long time lurker first time poster.
Compelled to join in this debate as I live in Melbourne, so this issue is in my hood.
Anyhoo, points:
-Blair Cottrel is a massive douchenozzle, and the pro-nazi element was documented during the rally.
-The asian man I assume was representing the Vietnamese community, as some Vietnamese shop owners have been targets of the African gangs.
-The gangs do exist, and are a threat. Apex, M2S (Menace 2 Society) and BDK (Blood Drill Killers) to name a few.
-Blair Cottrel is a massive douchenozzle.
-The politician who flew down for the rally is Fraser Anning, whos maiden speech in parliament referenced a 'final solution' to muslim immigration.
-Blair Cottrel is a massive douchenozzle. And I don't care that I've probably spelled his name wrong.

Also, hi.

Hi interesting formatting for a new user. Show us the documented pro-nazi elements. Everything else you said either supports his position(the existence of gangs) or is a bald assertion (Blair is a douchnozzle) an insult really.

You know who loved rhetoric, repeating the same lies over and over?


posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 08:09 AM

originally posted by: Ninja4H
Okay, long time lurker first time poster.
Compelled to join in this debate as I live in Melbourne, so this issue is in my hood.
Anyhoo, points:
-Blair Cottrel is a massive douchenozzle, and the pro-nazi element was documented during the rally.
-The asian man I assume was representing the Vietnamese community, as some Vietnamese shop owners have been targets of the African gangs.
-The gangs do exist, and are a threat. Apex, M2S (Menace 2 Society) and BDK (Blood Drill Killers) to name a few.
-Blair Cottrel is a massive douchenozzle.
-The politician who flew down for the rally is Fraser Anning, whos maiden speech in parliament referenced a 'final solution' to muslim immigration.
-Blair Cottrel is a massive douchenozzle. And I don't care that I've probably spelled his name wrong.

Also, hi.

So we've established that you don't like him. Still waiting for proof of Nazi presence.

posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 08:09 AM

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Bloodworth
When someone is called a nazi its means the liberals are at a loss for words.

Its like .....that's racist...
Your a nazi.....

Its when your defense and position has completely failed and you have no more of a argument

Or in this case because the guy is violent, racist, homophobic sexist who likes Hitler.

Seems like an entire religion and culture is mainly violent, homophobic and sexist.

Dont let them strategically place themselves across the globe.

Anf they must be fans of Hitler if they tried to extinguish all Christians from Iraq when Obama pulled out.

What ever you got to do, dont let them come to a neighborhood near you.

It will bring down your way of life

posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: Ninja4H
Hi ninja,
Yep the gangs do exist and the police need to do more but there’s gangs all around Australia of different ethnicity that rival the Sudanese.
I agree that Blair Cottrel is a wanker... it’s a pity the media give this bloke a platform and more credence than he deserves.
I think it’s the Victorian police, law makers and magistrates who should be under the spotlight. In NSW the state police have cracked down on outlaw bikie gangs (operation raptor) with good results depending on which side you’re on.
The problem is you take one group with some power away and you cause a vacuum and then another steps in to fill the void eventually.
The police have had little success in apprehending the perps and they’re often under the age of 18 so there’s not much the judges can or will do if they end up in court. It’s pointless blaming the Sudanese community who by and large are a peaceful productive lot.
Catch a few of the nasty ones and change the laws so we can make an example out of them, just like they did with the anti biker laws...

posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: Bloodworth
Is that you Blair? Welcome to ATS

posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 08:18 AM
Currently on my ps4, so linking images is a no go. Or too hard. One of the two. But there is footage of a few dingbats throwing nazi salutes. Doesnt make the whole rally a Nazi rally, though.
I personally don't believe anyones a nazi. My grandfather helped wiping the mongrels out, and i'm damn proud of that.
The fact is, Blair has proven his character on numerous occasions (The Hitler photo is an example), so the debate about the gangs now being spearheaded by him (thanks to the media, both right and left) doesn't help those affected by these crimes.
You also have to realize how crazy PC left Melbourne has become, so to even mention these gangs exist gets you smeared as a racist.
Difficult times.

posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: mazzroth

The idiot in that youtube, Blair Cottrell, has advocated that a portrait of Adolph Hitler be hung in every school classroom and yes he is an ex-convict. He also leads a racist org.

edit on 8-1-2019 by Extorris because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 10:05 AM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

originally posted by: soundguy
Are the wanna be nazis having a sad because they are being called out for what they are? a reply to: mazzroth

The only reason this made the news is because one of our politicians was there at the protest and has been called out for it.

You mean They(The Media) called Fraser Anning out for it using different figures it started off as $3000 Then went to 10,000, its obvious The Mainstream Media have a agenda here.
Look at the poll and tell Me there is no problem with African Gangs when a majority of Australia can see it.

I Seen the interview where The Presenter was trying to bait Fraser and got snappy when She got the wrong answers.
His a Independent Senator doesn't that mean He can do what ever He likes and doesn't have to tow a party line?

I didn't see the media start any polls on Senator Sarah Hanson-Young when She took Her sick Daughter to swim with dolphins with tax payer money.

posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 10:12 AM

originally posted by: Extorris
a reply to: mazzroth

The idiot in that youtube, Blair Cottrell, has advocated that a portrait of Adolph Hitler be hung in every school classroom and yes he is an ex-convict. He also leads a racist org.

It seems like even if not a nazi, this guy is at the least a scum bag.

Again, my interest is less on the person, and more on the message.

It seems like there is a migrant gang problem. Now you may say its not the bad, and seeing as how I am admittedly uniformed on austarlian crime, you could be right.

But we see how labeling this guy a nazi, even if true, is then quickly applied to everyone who was at the rally who is worried about migrant crime, thereby quashing any discussion.

How would this be different than me saying Farrakhan is an anti semite, Obama and other politicians went to events with him, therefore we should not listen to anything discussed at those events or people like Obama because they must be anti semits?

Its a bad faith way to argue in my opinion (not syaing you are doing it, but thats what I have seen from others on this thread)

posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 10:28 AM

originally posted by: amraks

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

originally posted by: soundguy
Are the wanna be nazis having a sad because they are being called out for what they are? a reply to: mazzroth

The only reason this made the news is because one of our politicians was there at the protest and has been called out for it.

Look at the poll and tell Me there is no problem with African Gangs when a majority of Australia can see it.

I live in the Eastern suburbs of Melbourne and can tell you it's rare to even see a African person, let alone ever witness any criminal behaviour by them. Although, my Dad until recently did own a hotel in Footscray and has some crazy stories about the issues he had with Sudanese refugees.

But Guess what? The western suburbs have always been a total s# hole... long before the Sudanese refugees ever started rocking up.

posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: continuousThunder

Get ragey at the racists. Completely ignores the criminals they're protesting against.

Funny how we're so racist we're calling for anyone not white Australian to be booted out and prevented from entering the country.

Oh wait nobody is calling for those in our nation who are Indians, Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Americans, British, South African, Chinese, Italian, Greek, Vietnamese, Japanese, Lebanese, Germans, French, Gay, Straight, Trans, Furries, etc .etc. and more to get the boot...

Wonder why? Because it's not about race for the majority. (Every group has it's minority of idiots.)
It's about decent human behavior.
It's about our way of life and preserving it.

We're multicultural and most people, most Australians regardless of race, gender, belief, lifestyle, the vast majority are okay with it being so. Most go about their day and mind their own business. The majority of Aussies get along.

As always it's a few squeaky wheels on all sides that are getting the attention. Left, Right, Liberal, Labor, Greens, whatever. There are always those who put their brain in neutral, and let their feels do the thinking.
The so called Nazi's and Snowflakes are honestly as bad as each other. ProTip.
The vast rational adult majority hate you all equally, see you as all idiots, and you through your self righteous arrogance don't see it.

See the issue is not about race. Islam is not a race. It like all religions is an ideology. And having an opposing view to that ideology is not racism.
If people commit crimes then they should be called out on those crimes. You do their victims and society as a whole a disservice when you focus on the criminals skin colour instead of their crime.

Every one in this country is basically free. We have it pretty damn good. Does your girlfriend enjoy walking around dressed as she chooses?

Many of us are defending her rights to live as she chooses. We're against the ideology that would strip her of her rights and freedoms and make her a slave.

Does she enjoy walking the streets at night not being robbed and raped?
Well again many of us are wanting to ensure our people both men and women, people like you and your girlfriend can walk freely and safely down the street.

Yet you would defend those very same people. And we're the ones who are ignorant?

But yep, we're just racists. Including the Asians, Middle Easterners, Jews, Gays, Lesbians, Europeans, Africans, South Americans, essentially everyone as well as the Caucasians, because we won't tolerate crime.

Our nation has laws, we all must obey them equally. Nobody should be excused from their behaviors because of their skin color, gender, or religious affiliation.

Most people here in Australia welcome foreigners with open arms. We only ask you do your best to fit in. An entire nation should not have to adapt to a small group of people who choose to come here.

When in Rome do as the Romans do. Or as we say here "Fit in or # off!"

Be a Muslim, practice your faith. Don't eat bacon. Just don't force me to live the same way and we'll get along fine.
If I don't agree with you, don't get violent on me.
Plenty of Muslims fit in and don't defraud the government. They don't expect us to legalise and adopt Sharia law, not all are extremists. And nobody has a problem with them.

Why aren't we throwing out Jews? Because despite being Kosher they're not trying to ban everyone else from eating shellfish or celebrating Christmas.

Do you really want a 10th century society in 2019? Archaic backwards religious belief and extremism has no place in a modern Western culture based on democracy, or as close as you can get to it.

But it's all hypocrisy and irony, and many of us see it.

Old White man pensioner defrauds centrelink by not declaring $2000 cash he hid under the mattress and gets caught, you people jump on it, say they are criminals and deserve what they got and the MSM joins in, because white male.

Muslim man defrauds centrelink. Claims a wife and 4 more wives and 30 kids as dependents. Leeches off our society, doesn't work, contributes nothing looks on those whose taxes make him wealthy with nothing but contempt.
Get's caught or called out on it and you not only defend them, you label anyone who does not agree a racist or a Nazi.

What you people are doing is the real racism here, equally as bad as those Nazis you hate so much. But folks like you only see the flaws in others. You don't see you're reflections of each other lol.

You'd as soon throw Aussies under a bus as the Nazis would throw a Muslim under one.

Same for the Sudanese. Is it racism when it is fact? Are the police racist when they say "the suspects are a gang of white male youths". Would the media be racist if they wrote articles titled "WHITE CRIME GANGS OUT OF CONTROL"
In your mind probably not.

But god help the police and everyone else if they say "(insert nationality/race/religion/gender/whatever triggers you here.)

It's not racist when indeed it has been shown there is a crime increase with a certain portion of the population.

Seriously what do you think is honestly more important. Focusing on people skins colour and rights. Or focusing on the crimes they are committing and their victims rights?

Be honest. If a gang of young males robed and assaulted you, and they happened to be Sudanese. How would you refer to them?
Would you be all forgiving and such?
"Oh they had a bad child hood in a war zone so it's okay they ignore our laws and stab people occasionally. As an Australian I was asking for it really."

Can imagine you describing the attackers to the police.

"well they were sentient life forms, of no presumed gender, colour, religion, nationality, height, weight or age."

HAHA We know that would be unlikely, as unlikely as you forgiving a religious nutter for raping your girlfriend because she showed some ankle any more than you'd forgive a gang of white males for violating you.

And that is the rub isn't it.

It's not about race, religion, lifestyle, political leanings, gender, sexuality, opinions. It's about people who live in this country being law abiding citizens and decent human beings.

It's just most decent Aussies regardless of profile just have a low tolerance for bullshot.

Here's some advice.
Gay people can be bigoted.
Black people can be racist.
Antifa can be fascist.
Peta has killed animals.
Women can be pedophiles.
Muslims can be intolerant.

Shared label does not maketh the person. Their actions do

But you keep kettling to the pot there. Play your card, keep deluding yourself that everyone but you is an A-Hole, that you're right and everyone else is wrong.

Or maybe realise you cannot see the world when your head is so far up your arse.

Thankfully the VAST majority of humans are decent people. Thankfully idiot liberals, moronic 'nazis', and scumbags are the minority.

Maybe instead of lecturing the Nazis on racism and the rest of us on seeing things for how they are, maybe you could go have a chat to your scummy little criminal friends about stopping the crime and extreme ideology and encourage them to fit in better.

Maybe you can invite one of the 'youth gangs of no colour' to your house for a counseling session?

Don't ask for equality when you don't truly want it, when you mean special treatment.
And don't pick on Nazis. Like Islam, it's just a way of life they're not killing people. You need to be more tolerant.

edit on 8-1-2019 by AtomicKangaroo because: typos and such

posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 11:26 AM

originally posted by: Grambler

originally posted by: Extorris
a reply to: mazzroth

The idiot in that youtube, Blair Cottrell, has advocated that a portrait of Adolph Hitler be hung in every school classroom and yes he is an ex-convict. He also leads a racist org.

It seems like even if not a nazi, this guy is at the least a scum bag.

Again, my interest is less on the person, and more on the message.

It seems like there is a migrant gang problem. Now you may say its not the bad, and seeing as how I am admittedly uniformed on austarlian crime, you could be right.

But we see how labeling this guy a nazi, even if true, is then quickly applied to everyone who was at the rally who is worried about migrant crime, thereby quashing any discussion.

It's worth worrying about.

Immigrant Crime? Yes. Native Crime? Yes.
Crime is always worth examining and prosecuting.

Now, we can conflate ethnicity and immigration with crime, but that speaks to race, ethnicity and country of origin as causation. That distinction is what makes a racist or bigot different than someone concerned with public safety.

That is the nature of Xenophobic, Racist et al. propaganda. The inferred causation between race, immigration status and criminal activity.

Let's speak to that.

The Irish in the USA? Yes, they got off the boat and faced harsh reception from people who got of the boat before them.
Unable to find work or social acceptance they clustered in regions in the USA and some (a small minority) formed "Criminal gangs". Scorsese's movie "The Gangs of New York" was one mostly fictionalized telling of the phenomena.

The Italian immigrants? Do we even need to discuss their criminal past in the USA?

The Chinese formed local Triads.

Sinaloa Cartel, American Mafia, Jewish Mafia, Triad Society, Russian Mafia, Yakuza, Korean Mafia, Sicilian Mafia, Irish Mob, and Albanian Mafia etc. etc. all of them with much larger, well established and longer histories of brutal crime.

Do we conflate all immigrants with their criminal brethren? Shall we rage against Mexicans, Italians, Jews, Japanese, Irish, Albanians...Where does it stop?

How about we just crack down on crime regardless of whether it is a local native or recent immigrant and leave the skin head propaganda to the idiots.

edit on 8-1-2019 by Extorris because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 12:06 PM
it has to be a real blow to some people that you can't throw people together like It's a Small World at Disneyland. "We're all the same" is only true for basic physical needs, beyond that no, we're not at all the same. Every Western democracy is waking up to this sad fact and it is sad because it's based on genuine humanistic idealism. At least for most citizens that is their thinking but for those implementing these policies of unending, uncontrolled immigration I believe they knew how things would pan out long ago. The plan was the split the indigenous population over the issue (good job on that!) leaving the corporate dictatorship to happily go about in search of ever higher profit margins, higher rents and utility costs, greater national debts - good for banks and lower wages for all (except the higher ups they need to carry out their policies).

The thought it might ultimately destroy the native culture and possibly the countries themselves perhaps was never even considered. Even then would it really matter to those behind the scenes? Corporations have loyalty to no nation and are the source of the problems today.

posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: Extorris

Who is saying all immigrants are criminals? I find this is usually just a leftist talking point designed to smear anyone who wants to look at immigration policy

Sure we must just blanket say all crime is bad

We aren’t allowed to look at nuances like what causes inner city crime, or immigrant crime, or white collar crime

Nope it’s all crime

And you are a racist or xenophobic if you look at specifics

Meanwhile we have some countries where the law enforcement agrees with you

And thousands of girls were raped and police didn’t want to act because they feared they would like racist of xenophobic

edit on 8-1-2019 by Grambler because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 12:24 PM

originally posted by: Grambler
a reply to: Extorris

Who is saying all immigrants are criminals? I find this is usually just a leftist talking point designed to smear anyone who wants to look at immigration policy

Sure we must just blanket say all crime is bad

We aren’t allowed to look at nuances like what causes inner city crime, or immigrant crime, or white collar crime

Nope it’s all crime

And you are a racist or xenophobic if you look at specifics

Meanwhile we have some countries where the law enforcement agrees with you

And thousands of girls were raped and police didn’t want to act because they feared they would like racist of xenophobic

Which isn't even remotely what Extorris said.

In a recent thread you did you claimed you wanted more civil debate. Part of that is surely dealing with what people actually post, not a strawman version of it.

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